The noble Polish family Gieduszycki. Die adlige polnische Familie Gieduszycki. - Werner Zurek - E-Book

The noble Polish family Gieduszycki. Die adlige polnische Familie Gieduszycki. E-Book

Werner Zurek

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This is a hodgepodge of a disorderly, systematically arranged collection of Polish nobility. On these pages you will learn everything about: descent, nobility, aristocratic literature, aristocratic name endings, aristocratic association, genealogy, bibliography, books, family research, research, genealogy, history, heraldry, heraldry, herbalism, information, literature, names, aristocratic files, nobility, personal history, Poland, Szlachta, coat of arms, coat of arms research, coat of arms literature, nobility, knights, Poland, herbarz. Conglomeration, translations into: English, German, French. Dies ist ein Sammelsurium einer ungeordneten, systematisch geordneten Sammlung des polnischen Adels. Auf diesen Seiten erfahren Sie alles über: Abstammung, Adel, Adelsliteratur, Adelsnamenendungen, Adelsverband, Genealogie, Bibliographie, Bücher, Familienforschung, Forschung, Genealogie, Geschichte, Heraldik, Heraldik, Kräuterkunde, Informationen , Literatur, Namen, Adelsakten, Adel, Personengeschichte, Polen, Szlachta, Wappen, Wappenforschung, Wappenliteratur, Adel, Ritter, Polen, Herbarz. Sammelsurium, Übersetzungen in: Englisch, Deutsch, Französisch. Il s'agit d'un méli-mélo d'une collection désordonnée et systématiquement organisée de la noblesse polonaise. Sur ces pages, vous apprendrez tout sur : l'ascendance, la noblesse, la littérature aristocratique, les terminaisons de noms aristocratiques, l'association aristocratique, la généalogie, la bibliographie, les livres, la recherche familiale, la recherche, la généalogie, l'histoire, l'héraldique, l'heraldique, l'herboristerie, l'information, la littérature, les noms, dossiers aristocratiques, noblesse, histoire personnelle, Pologne, Szlachta, armoiries, recherche d'armoiries, littérature d'armoiries, noblesse, chevaliers, Pologne, herbarz. Conglomération, traductions en : anglais, allemand, français.

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The noble Polish family Gieduszycki. Die adlige polnische Familie Gieduszycki.


The noble Polish family Gieduszycki.

Die adlige polnische Familie Gieduszycki.

The noble Polish family Gieduszycki , coat of arms Godziemba ( Godziąba , Godzięba , Godzięby , Godzyamba , Godzamba )

Gieduszycki , coat of arms Godziemba ( Godziąba , Godzięba , Godzięby , Godzyamba , Godzamba ) Are a branch of Paniewsk . Of the same origin with the Chodorowski , Danielowicz , Warvonnski and Wasuczynski . ( Dncz .)

Coat of Arms Description.

Godziemba ( Godziąba , Godzięba , Godzięby , Godzyamba , Godzamba ). In a red field a spruce tree with three green tops, under which on the trunk on each side a branch cut off, with five roots; Helmet decoration: a man in armor, his left hand resting on his side on the hilt of a saber, in his right hand holding the same spruce. About the origin it is said: When Sieciech , Voivode of Kraków, broke into Moravia with troops in 1094, he heard that the enemy was staying nearby. He wanted to surprise him. While advancing, the vanguard encountered an ambush and engaged in combat with the enemy. A knight Godziemba ( Godziąba , Godzięba , Godzięby , Godzyamba , Godzamba ) belonging to the vanguard lost his weapon and therefore rode to a nearby forest. There he was pursued by Mare, who had stood opposite him and seen that he was unarmed. Then Godziemba ( Godziąba , Godzięba , Godzięby , Godzyamba , Godzamba ) jumped off his horse, tore a young spruce out of the ground and attacked the Moravia with it. He cut two branches of spruce with his saber, but these were only easier to handle by Godziemba ( Godziąba , Godzięba , Godzięby , Godzyamba , Godzamba ), he cut him off his horse with it, disarmed him, took him prisoner and led him to the Hetman Sieciech to. To commemorate this act, he received this coat of arms from the king, which received his name. The homeland of the Godziemba family ( Godziąba , Godzięba , Godzięby , Godzyamba , Godzamba ) was probably in the Inowroclaw district , perhaps also in the Gostyn and Lomza districts , where Godzieby is located. This coat of arms is carried by: Aberwoj , Bartl, Bosakowski , Bouman , Butowcowicz , Butowicz , Buttmanowicz , Chodorowski , Cymdalski , Czekanowski , Czwalina , Czyz , Dabrowski, Dambski , Danielowicz , Falkowski , Gieduszycki , Gierowski , Glowinski , Govonbski , Godziąba ( Godziąba , Godziąba , Godzięby , Godzyamba , Godzamba ), Golaszewski , Gorzkowski , Ihnatowicz , Inszkiewicz , Jamiolkowski , Jocz , Jukowski , Kaplicza , Kobylecki , Korzenianski , Kowalewski , Kowalkowski , Kreptowicz , Kretowicz , Krylinski , Kucharski , Laskary , Lubranski , Lubczynski , Lubczynski Males Maliszewski , Mintowt , Nizynski , Oborski , Paniewski , Parkosz , Paszewski , Pawlowski, Pucek , Puniewski , Ravoncki , Rusinowicz , Rusinowski , Sacza , Sierawski , Skrzeczynski , Stawoszewski , Snopowski , Sosnkowski , Sosnowski , Starzynski , Stcminski , Sterpinski , Strekowski , Strzalkowski , Swiecicki , Swiecimski , Sztembarth , Wagleszynski , Warvonnski , Wardynski , Wasowski , Wasuczynski , Weglins ki , Wieniecki , Wilam , Wojarzinski , Wolski , Wozucinski , Wysocki , Zaleski , Zeromski , Zorawicki , Zurawski .

The noble Polish family Gieduszycki.

The noble Polish family Gieduszycki.

Copyright 2013 by Werner Zurek. Copyright for the image sources: (GNU Wikipedia )

Dzieduszycki - Polish count's coat of arms, a variation of the Sas coat of arms awarded in the Austrian partition.

Description of the Coat of Arms

Description created according to the classic principles of blazing :

Coat of arms from 1775: In a blue field a golden crescent with such stars at the ends and a silver arrow between the horns. The Count's crown above the shield. Jewel: a black eagle with a red tongue and golden armour. Labry : blue, gold lined.

Coat of arms of 1777: As above, but ornament: peacock tail pierced with an arrow to the left.

Earliest Records

On October 22, 1775, Tadeusz Dzieduszycki , nicknamed "high and well-born", was the first of the Dzieduszycki family . The basis for the award were: the title of an ancestor allegedly received from August II and Leopold I, the importance of the family in the crown and the fact that Tadeusz, as a crown regiment in Podolia , warned the Hungarian governor against the invasion of the Tatars in 1762. Tadeusz also served as CK, a real Privy Councilor, Cupbearer of the Great Crown, Lieutenant General of the Polish Army and Regimental General of the Lands of Podolia . He was also awarded a Knight of the Order of St. Stanislaus. On August 16, 1777, Tadeusz's brother, Dominik Dzieduszycki , Starost von Bachtyński , Colonel in the Polish Army, received the title of count and a coat of arms with another trinket. According to Górzyński , the genealogy of the alleged Count Jerzy's recipients is falsified.


A heraldic family:

Count of Dzieduszycki .


Sławomir Górzyński : Polish aristocracy in Galicia: a heraldic and genealogical study. Warsaw: DiG , 2009, pp. 135-138. ISBN 978-83-7181-597-3.

External links

Herb Dzieduszycki counts with a list of names in the electronic version of Tadeusz Gajl 's Polish Herbarium

Die adlige polnische Familie Gieduszycki, Wappen Godziemba (Godziąba, Godzięba, Godzięby, Godzyamba, Godzamba)

Gieduszycki, Wappen Godziemba (Godziąba, Godzięba, Godzięby, Godzyamba, Godzamba) Sind ein Zweig von Paniewsk. Gleichen Ursprungs mit den Chodorowski, Danielowicz, Warvonnski und Wasuczynski. (Dncz.)
