The noble Polish family Gwiazdowski. Die adlige polnische Familie Gwiazdowski. - Werner Zurek - E-Book

The noble Polish family Gwiazdowski. Die adlige polnische Familie Gwiazdowski. E-Book

Werner Zurek



This is a hodgepodge of a disorderly, systematically arranged collection of Polish nobility. On these pages you will learn everything about: descent, nobility, aristocratic literature, aristocratic name endings, aristocratic association, genealogy, bibliography, books, family research, research, genealogy, history, heraldry, heraldry, herbalism, information, literature, names, aristocratic files, nobility, personal history, Poland, Szlachta, coat of arms, coat of arms research, coat of arms literature, nobility, knights, Poland, herbarz. Conglomeration, translations into: English, German, French. Dies ist ein Sammelsurium einer ungeordneten, systematisch geordneten Sammlung des polnischen Adels. Auf diesen Seiten erfahren Sie alles über: Abstammung, Adel, Adelsliteratur, Adelsnamenendungen, Adelsverband, Genealogie, Bibliographie, Bücher, Familienforschung, Forschung, Genealogie, Geschichte, Heraldik, Heraldik, Kräuterkunde, Informationen , Literatur, Namen, Adelsakten, Adel, Personengeschichte, Polen, Szlachta, Wappen, Wappenforschung, Wappenliteratur, Adel, Ritter, Polen, Herbarz. Sammelsurium, Übersetzungen in: Englisch, Deutsch, Französisch. Il s'agit d'un méli-mélo d'une collection désordonnée et systématiquement organisée de la noblesse polonaise. Sur ces pages, vous apprendrez tout sur : l'ascendance, la noblesse, la littérature aristocratique, les terminaisons de noms aristocratiques, l'association aristocratique, la généalogie, la bibliographie, les livres, la recherche familiale, la recherche, la généalogie, l'histoire, l'héraldique, l'heraldique, l'herboristerie, l'information, la littérature, les noms, dossiers aristocratiques, noblesse, histoire personnelle, Pologne, Szlachta, armoiries, recherche d'armoiries, littérature d'armoiries, noblesse, chevaliers, Pologne, herbarz. Conglomération, traductions en : anglais, allemand, français.

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The noble Polish family Gwiazdowski. Die adlige polnische Familie Gwiazdowski.

TitelseiteTitelTitel - 1Tarnowski, Wappen Bogoria (Bd. 9 pp. 26-27)Mieliński des Wczele-Wappens (Bd. 6 S. 398-399)Titel - 2Tarnowski, Wappen Bogoria (Bd. 9 S. 26-27)Titel - 3Titel - 4Tarnowski, Wappen Bogoria (Bd. 9 p. 26-27)Titel - 5Titel - 6Tarnowski, Wappen Bogoria (Bd. 9 p. 26-27) - 1Impressum

The noble Polish family Gwiazdowski.

Die adlige polnische Familie Gwiazdowski.

Gwiazdowski, Bogoria (Bogorya, Bogoryja, Boguryja) –polskiherb szlachecki. Wzorowany jest na nim Grodziska Mazowieckiegooraz herb Opatówka

Bogoria I: In the red field two silver irons in a rod, the inlays of which face each other. In theornament above the crowned helmet is a peacock with its tail outstretched. Bogoria II: In the green field two silver beads made of arrows, joined together. Three ostrich feathers above the crownedhelmet .

Earliest Mentions:

Seal image from1326 , an entry from 1408, transferred to Lithuania by the Union of Horodel in1413 .

Coat of arms comrades


58 Namen: Balczewski, Bogdanowicz, Bogoria, Bogorya, Bohomolec, Bosiacki, Braczkowski, Bruczkowski, Buczkowski, Chechelski, Chechłowski, Cienkiewicz, Corski, Dworak, Bogaradowski, Górski, Gwiazdowski, Horbaczewski, Kampka, Kolanowski, Korzeniecki, Kurzeniecki, Kurzeniewski, Kurzeniewski, , Kurzeniewski, Kwasrzeniewski ,, Łowmiański, Maciejowicz, Mokrjewicz, Mokronoski, Mokronowski, Ochowski, Olszewski, Pakosiński, Phoski, Podleski, Podlewski, Podłęski, Pohoski, Porębski, Rakoza, Rakusa, Rakuza, Rostropowicz, Skolnicki, Skotkiewaski, Suzkowski, St. Staskowski, Świcz, Świcz Susz, Świczkiewski Świątkiewicz, Tarnowski, Trojanowicz, Tur, Wissigier, Wissygier, Wołłowicz, Wołłszowicz, Wołowicz, Wystynga, Zabacki, Zakrzewski, Zubacki

The noble Polish family Gwiazdowski.

Die adlige polnische Familie Gwiazdowski.

Gwiazdowski vom Wappen von Bogoria (Bd. 4 p. 337)

Gwiazdowski, coat of arms of Bogoria , in Greater Poland. Wacław Gwiazdowski, who left the Wczele coat of arms with Jadwiga Mielińska, left Wacław's sons, Aleksander and Piotr, canon of Poznań, he later was a scholastic from Gniezno, administrator of Płock, canon of Kraków 1617.


Mieliński of the Wczele Coat of Arms (Vol. 6 p. 398-399)

Mieliński of the Wczele Coat of Arms , in Greater Poland i.e. Mieleński. From this family, N. Richter Kaliski and N. Castellan of Lędzki founded churches in Greater Poland. dedication Defensionis Bellarm. Erazm Mieliński, Gnieźnieński, Poznański, Krakowski, the Canon of Kruszwicki, whose tombstone was erected in 1544 by his brothers in the Gniezno Cathedral, with the praise that he was Vir auctoritate et eruditione, linguarumque multarum scientia clarissimus. Those were his brothers. The first Alexander, who was at the court of Sigismund Augustus, showed himself so handsomely that the king sent him abroad as his envoy, especially in the interest of Livonia; The Abbey then took Trzemeszyńskie, Acta Synodi Petricov as a reward for his services. 1577. where with great effort he raised the collapsing walls of this monastery, he contributed the dwelling, he built the church organ, he contributed books to the library; and in his inheritance he built the tenement house in the form of a castle. King Stefan appointed him the first bishop of Livonia, for which he bore the expense and the work. Second, Mikołaj, the army of Kalisz, sent to various parliaments along with his brother Krzysztof, so zealous in the Catholic faith that they pledged not to sign the de pace dissidentium in religione confederation: this son Mikołaj, who completed his studies had Mainz, in his homeland, went to great works in 1607.

*) Augustyn Mielesius, whose husband is mentioned here, was once very popular and respected, was a lawyer or mayor of the city of Vilnius, which was the office of Cardinal Hozjusz Ulryk's father. - There was this Mielesius, and there signed Augustine Rotundus, the secretary of King Sigismund Augustus and so respected by him that he used him to write his will. - The books he wrote are the following: - Epistola Augustini Rotundi Mielesiis JUD Secr. M. Reg. no. report sick. et Rmus Georg. Radivilum Ep. Viln. qua cuidam Anonimo Haeresim eidem Rnus persuadenti respondit. - Anno MDLXXXl. - de dignitate Ordini Ecclesiastici in Regno Poloniae. - This noble husband lived in a great friendship with Cardinal Hozjusz and there are some original letters from him to the cardinal in the library of Helsberg and you know the perfection of the scribe. - Krasicki's footnote. [p. 399], when he was a member of the Seym he was Marshal in the Chamber of Deputies, although he was then Castellan von Kaminski and was appointed commissary by that Seym to appease the rebels. constituted, fol. 866. His son also Mikołaj in 1632. The third Krzysztof, Kalisz, a husband with great entertainment for both knightly and other matters, says Paproc. fol. 439. and 1588., fol. 471. His sons from Kotwiczowna were left in threes. Wojciech, first treated as a soldier, later became a clergyman, abbot was Trzemeszyński in 1593. When the air and schools collapsed in Poznań, he brought our professors to his inheritance, he then opened schools, supported poorer students and generously clothed them all. Stanislaw and Aleksander. Jakub Wschowski, country writer, from Sejm 1676. Commissioner for the borders of Silesia. constant fol. 51. Jan Mieliński 1674. N. Mieliński, via Bielski fol. 760. writes: that in 1578 he captured the gate that held Syczów in Silesia, and he did not let go of him earlier, until he agreed with him on the borders disputed between them. Jadwiga Wacław Gwiazdowski, wife. N., Mycielska had behind her.


Prądzeński des Wappens von Grzymała (Bd. 7 pp. 486-487)

Prądzeński, Wappen von Grzymała , in Großpolen. Maciej Prądzeński, Kastellan von Przemęcki, zeugte Sohn Jędrzej, diesen Hieronim, dessen zwei Söhne von Anna Gwiazdowska des Bogoria-Wappens: Hieronim und Aleksander. Zygmunt Prądziński; 1632. in Brzesko Kujawski. Jakub Prądzeński, Gnieźnieński, Poznański, Łęczycki, Domherr von Łowicz, der 1600 starb. Er schrieb einen Grabstein aus der Kathedrale von Posen, Starowol. in Monum. wo [S. 487] gib ihm dieses Lob; das war magnae indolis in Repub. publicis muneribus prudenter perfunctus.

Tarnowski, Wappen Bogoria (Bd. 9 pp. 26-27)

Tarnowski of the coat of arms of Bogoria , in Kalisz Voivodeship; a district with Gwiazdowskie. Jan Tarnowski [p. 27] the parish priest from Pyzdry, the second land clerk from Kaliski in 1518. entered on the list of the Broniszowski church.

Newspapers 19th Century Part 1

2115 (Posen Journal) 1782

Franc. Gwiazdowski, cashier in Kossów + suddenly August 28th. informs B. Potworowski (No. 197)

City and country Gniezno part 1

689 (No. 62) 1585

Stanisław Gwiazdowski, Sr. Andrzej, owed N. and family Małgorzata Wodecka, a citizen of Pobdziska, 140 zlotys. (f. 74v)

778 (#62) 1586

Andrzej Gwiazdowski an Jan Białęski, verpflichtet am 1/2 des 3. Teils von Gwiazdowo os. und Zaporki M. pus., im südlichen Teil von um eine Mitgift 600 PLN einzurahmen Annie B. c. Jana, ein Ż. zukünftiger Stanisław Gw. (f. 260v)

799 (No. 62) 1586

Bartłomiej Gwiazdowski and Jadwiga Roznowska ca. Nach ol. Maciej Piczek Roznowski, verheiratet, (f. 320)

902 (No. 62) 1587

Krzysztof Dobieszewski und Anna Koźmińska heiraten. myth I and Bartłomiej Gwiazdowski, Andrzej Gwiazdowski. ab II. Quittung. (f. 588)

954 (No. 71) 1611

Jakub Gwiazdowski schuldet seiner Tochter Katarzyna Gw. Myth. Andrzej Noskowski 200 Zloty. Schulden (f. 28) Jakub Gw. gründet einen Opp. Töchter von Małgorzata, Dorota, Jadwiga, Krystyna, geboren unter anderem von Ewa Grabińska Waclaw Gw.

1063 (No. 71) 1611

Jan Gwiazdowski, Sr. Pater Stanisł., Maciej und Wawrzyniec Rogowski, Familienmitglieder, obligatorisch ich selbst, Katarzyna R., W. Jan R., W. Zukunft, Rahmen 1,000 PLN. (f. 202v). Sie sind ihre Brüder (f. 204)

1146 (No. 71) 1612

Janusz Gwiazdowski, sister Jakub, schuldet Katarzyna Rosnowska, village Wojc. Jemiołowski 100 Zloty. (f. 354v)

1763 (No. 337) 1621

X. Piotr Gwiazdowski, Scholastiker aus Gnesen, ol. Wacław, Bruder der Familie und Erbschaft; ol. Alexander Gw. Familienbruder der Schauspieler, bishop. + -y (f. 473v) Florjan Koziorowski, Sohn von Sebastian K. and Wojciech, Swiętosław, Łukasz, Biesiekierscy, S. Pater Walentyna B. (f. 473v)

2604 (No. 39) 1560

Andrzej Gwiazdowski gives up the commitment. Andrzej Objezierski that Ludmila O-ej, his sister, a wife. future Jakub Gw. he ties 500 zloty for his son. Pos. and v. (f. 386)

2667 (#41) 1562

Andrzej Gwiazdowski Introduction. to a part of the fields nut. in Witakowice, Róża Witakowska, father Mikołaj W. Mucha, wife op. Grzegorz, obiv. and city. Obornickiego, buy from her. eve (f. 105v)

2884 (#43) 1564

Jakub Gwiazdowski, see Andrzej Gw., Barbara Chwałkowska, died after ol. Nicholas Chw. 20 heat owed. (f. 100v)

3325 (#49) 1569

Wojc. Gwiazdowski, receipt. Stanisław and Maciej Parussewski, ss. Father Marcin Parusev. from 100 PLN (f. 90v) zap. from her father in the gr. pyzdr.

3490 (#51) 1571

Jakub Gwiazdowski, brother of the family ol. Wojc. Gw., in them. St. and Stanisław, Jan and Bartłomiej Gw. his brothers Krzysztof Mielenski dismisses from the estate. village areas Modliszewo from 1569 (f. 153v)

3737 (#52) 1573

Jakub Gwiazdowski to his brother, Bartłomiej Gw. Debt 100 zlotys. (f. 112)

3778 (#52) 1573

Andrzej Gwiazdowski to his son Bartłomiej Gw. Debt 100 zlotys. (f. 209v)

4453 (#58) 1580

Andrzej Gwiazdowski receipt federal state. Jaskólecki and Anna Ordzińska Shell. (f. 324v)

4471 (#58) 1580

X. Piotr Gwiazdowski, canon of Poznań, retired debts of 300 PLN. Maciej Brzunczewski de Mienino (f. 371v)

4661 (#64) 1590

Bartłomiej Gwiazdowski, Erbe der Ländereien in Gwiazdów, Anna Noskowska, gesture. nach ol. Piotr Leśniewski, Gerichtsvollzieher von Zs. Kalis. zappen. Schulden 100 Zloty. (f. 4)

4925 (No. 64) 1591

Stanisław Gwiazdowski, Sr. Vater Andrzej Gw. zappen. Schulden von 300 PLN. Wojciech Karczewski, s. Vater Wojciech K. (f. 301v)

Stadt und Land Gniezno Teil 1

5051 (No. 64) 1592

Anna Noskowska, Witwe von Ol. Piotr Leśniewski Senior mit I and Stanisław Gwiazdowski, p. Pater Andrzej Gw. von II, Forts. mieten 1/2 Leśniewo, unterzeichnet von X. Adam L. ihrem Sohn in ihrem Namen und Maciej Strzałkowski in ihrem Namen des gleichen Gw. (f. 521)

5725 (No. 68) 1605

Bartłomiej Gwiazdowski to Ulysses Obodziński, see Father Adam O. aD. Debt 400 PLN. have. and 100 PLN. lead out in Pos. after Anna Gw. his daughter, his wife future (f. 214v). Friday before St. Pryska. circ. valid get it on 1/2 your money. (f. 215)

5748 (#68) 1605

Bartłomiej Gwiazdowski and Jadwiga Rożnowska marry. Receipt. Andrzej Rożnowski and Agnieszka Radzicka, married. from 80 PLN debt (f. 237)

5846 (#68) 1605

X. Piotr Gwiazdowski, administrator of Płock, canon of Kraków. Poznan, with I and Wojciech Chwałkowski, s. Father Mikołaj Chw. from II, continued s. against 400 PLN (f. 419)

6065 (#70) 1609

Bartłom. Gwiazdowski, owes Jan Jankowski, s. Father Marcin J., 400 zlotys. have. and 100 leads after Hedwig Gw. his daughter and his future wife (f. 198v)

6629 (#74) 1617

Piotr Gwiazdowski, see Father Stanisł., received from 53 PLN Lukasz Pigłowski (f. 10v)

6690 (#74) 1617

Wojc. Krajewski, in them. St. and f. Zofja Krzycka, with I and Piotr Gwiazdowski, see Father Stanisł. and Anna Goryńska married . from the 2nd control sv 700 PLN (f. 92v)

6693 (#74) 1617

Jan Gwiazdowski, see Father Stanisł. Gw., receipt Łukasz Pigłowski, see father Krzysztof P. from 83 zlotys. (f. 96v)

6801 (#74) 1617

Kasper Banastowski and Anna Gorzycka marry with I and Piotr Gwiazdowski and Anna Gorińska married. from II from accounts rent part Gulczewo Dominikowy p. Receipt. (f. 238) BB G-im, whole part. of this village, Kaspar from the Divine Department. for 1 year in 200 PLN replacement (f. 238v). Ciż BB z I and Krzysztof B., S. Wojc. B. with the second contract. Coffee zap. Debts in the amount of 500 PLN. his brother his uncle. and in this debt. him part. Kotowska in Gulczewo Dominikowy S. gn. (f. 239v)

6891a (No. 74) 1618

Piotr Gwiazdowski and Anna Goryńska got married, Kasper Banastowski and Anna Gorzycka acknowledged from 200 PLN. (f. 394v), for which the sum of mul. BB's, whole part Gulczewo Dominikowy attested by pledged (f. 394v)

6947 (#76) 1622

Alex. Gwiazdowski, SO Jak., Ret. P. 2,000 PLNp. N. Ludwik Wal and Katarzyna Gw. his family sister, married (f. 48)

6957 (#76) 1622

X. Piotr Gwiazdowski, schol. gn., administrator of Płock, canon kr., receipt X. Piotr Grochowicki archdjak. gn. from 200 PLN. buy for a house with a garden in the marketplace by testimony of ol. S Tom. Szklarza (f. 66v)

8072 (#80) 1640

Alex. Gwiazdowski, see above Jak., and ol. Małgorzata and Jadwiga GG bp. + ych, family brother and heir, receipt. Bafal Latalski, Count. from Łabiszyn, from the prov. annually from capital through ol. Jakub's father said that these sisters were a record. (f. 721v)

City and country Gniezno part 2

46 (No. 24) 1499

Piotr Gwiazdowski, pw Katarzyna, died after Jan Gw. the heir in the case of her position and the dowry for 1/2 of the goods that went to the father + her (!) Jan, in the section with no. and honor: Mikołaj, Maciej, Andrzej and Stanisław, brothers of the same Jan Gw.'s family; This Jan + in Tarnów (f. 17v)

185 (#24) 1500

Piotr Gwiazdowski; Angle. Gw. d. to Ol. Janie de Posczukowo (f. 96)

191 (#24) 1500

Strzeżek Łagiewnicki aka Latalski; Piotr Gwiazdowski and his son Mikołaj (f. 98v)

1049 (#259) 1514 ca

NN. Piotr and Jan heirs in Tarnów, uncles with a nepot family, children in Tarnów and Poszczaków (f. 45) and in the departments with them Maciej Gwiazdowski takes the village of Gwiazdowo and Jady empty, and cz-i Sokolnik (f. 45v)

1182 (No. 259) 1513 ca

Departments: Maciej Gwiazdowski, property in Gwiazdów from I and Piotr and Jan, heirs in Tarnów, uncle with a nepot, born in the second departments of the villages of Gwiazdowo, Poszczukowo and the village of Leer Jada and parts in Tarnów and Sokolniki (f. 190v)

1297 (No. 260) 1547 ca

Andrzej Gwiazdowski guarantees Jakub Wolanowski that he will liberate half of the village M. Zaporki, land in S. gn., to Jakub for 200 zlotys. Before. (f. 65)

2350 (#22) 1487

NN. Mother. Gwiazdowski and Wojc. Sokolnicki vouches for Marcin Budzisławski for Beata, f. Wojciech Sokoln. that his field. in the village of Sbyrzyno it fell after the ol. uncle family Andrzej Sbyrzyński will free him (f. 96)

City and country Gniezno part 2

2489 (#22) 1492

N. Jan Gwiazdowski, the actor, and Jan Gyemieliński, the guarantor, guarantee to release the whole role in the village of Wolanki, Mikołaj and Maciej, family, Sunday, de Bozaporowicze from before. for 25 heater (f. 204v)

2505 (#22) 1493

N. Stanisław Tharnowski, actor and Maciej Gwiazdowski, the guarantor, vouch for Piotr and: Dorota, Agnieszka and Małg. s. and cc. oil. Jan Tarnowski that these: Stanisław, Piotr, Dorota, Agn. and Margaret. Quote in Gr. Bone. with father. and with the matrix. to Ol. Margarete in Czyrwony Kościol village, please. by Bartłomiej Kankolewski (f. 222) Na ol. her mother fell pr. closer. to dd.: Czyrw. Church, White Lake and Krzon from which he will be satisfied. her fiemka, d. to Ol. Adam Baranowski (f. 222)

3162 (#25) 1502

N. Pawel Dambrowski zap. 2 heat. N. Janusz Gyemyelyński return pos. after Anna + sister of his family (f. 212) receipt from Piotr Gwiazdowski and Jan Gyemyelen. Paweł D. from pos. to ol. Annie, her family's sister (f. 212v)

3458 (#25) 1514

N. Mikołaj Gwiazdowski, heir in Gwiazdów, recognizes Sunday-born brothers Feliks, Hieronim Piotr, Jerzy, Łukasz and Maciej, heirs of Kowalskie, in Gimielno Mn. on. from 40 heat. take on debt. by Ol. her father + Wojciech Kowalski, heir in Giemielno Mn. (f. 458v)

3703 (#25) 1504

N. Maciej Gwiazdowski and Stanisław, brothers, heirs in Gwiazdów and Sokolniki write down 40 numbers for paying 100 PLN dowry for Agnieszka, his own niece, and daughter Ol. Katarzyna, sister of the same Maciej and Stanisław (f. 133)

3933 (No. 335a) 1507

N. Piotr Gwiazdowski in Comrade Mikołaj, his son, for 1/2 p. be in the village of Gwiazdowo S. gn. zap. 120 heat. ie 60 pos. and V. N. Barbara, C. Jan Rosczynski and f. the same Mik. (f. 6)

4143 (No. 335a) 1518

N. Piotr Gwiazdowski all 2 squares of the roll of pus. in Gwiazdów S. gn., for the 18th NN. Barbara, Małgorzata, Agnieszka, their family sisters, their nephews ed. (f. 45)

5309 (No. 335a) 1547

N. Jan Gwiazdowski, 16 years old, in comrade Jan Wągorzewski, uncle and Stan. Jabłonowski's uncle, the whole village. Potentially and in whole cz-i domains. the village of Kościelne Gurowo, os. and Skroda pus. on S. gn. Waclaw Gw. gives life to my father. (f. 354)

6045 (#29) 1530

N. Wacl. Gwiazdowski pw Stanisł. Zakrzewski, Feliks Sokolnicki and Katarzyna. Gwiazdowska, d. to Ol. Andrzej Gwiazd., Present With. Feliks Sokolnickiego (f. 93) for sums to Gwiazdów and Sokolniki S. Gn.

6750 (#32) 1541

N. Wacław Gwiazdowski gives the commitment. Katarzyna Kruchowska, died after ol. Piotr Mileński that the setting of ol. Dorota Potrzymowska, from the villages of Gwiazdowo, Sokolniki and a farm. He will bear Jady, and Jadwiga Krufowska, C. Katarzyna and f. his future he will frame 700 zlotys. Pos. and v. (f. 278v)

6816 (#32) 1541

N. Wacl. Gwiazdowski, receipt. Katarzyna Milińska, died after ol. Piotr Mil., heiress in Sulino, from 700 zlotys. entitled dowry and 200 guesses after Jadwiga, her daughter, and married deins (f. 346v)

6818 (#32) 1541

N. Wacl. Gwiazdowski sp. with Jan and Anna, their children, born from ol. Dorota Potrzymowska in spring. Catfish in the villages of Gwiazdowo, Sokolniki (f. 348v)

6922 (No. 34)) 1548