The noble Polish family Raes. Die adlige polnische Familie Raes. - Werner Zurek - E-Book

The noble Polish family Raes. Die adlige polnische Familie Raes. E-Book

Werner Zurek



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The noble Polish family Raes. Die adlige polnische Familie Raes.

The noble Polish family Raes.Impressum

The noble Polish family Raes.

Die adlige polnische Familie Raes.

Raes. Shield black - split red, the right high a silver - cross, of which the upper, right and left arm of each of three cross - sprouted, the lower arm is crossed with five shoots, left three silver right Schrägebalken ; Helmet decoration: a black and a gold eagle wing, both half-covered, the wings turned to the left. They come from the Duchy of Luxembourg and came to Poland in 1642. This coat of arms is also used by: Przedwojewski .

Brzostowski 's Półkozic coat of arms (vol. 2 p. 335)

Brzostowski 's Półkozic coat of arms . You are in Rawskie Voivodeship , you write in Brzostowiec , a district of Swidzińskie . N. had Jarzynianka , Chancellor of Mazovia behind him . Marcin Brzostowski von Rawski , his wife Katarzyna Mirska , guardian of Lithuania, of the son Jan Wojski Rawski , who remained Catholic, turned the Calvinist community into a Catholic church: and the daughter of Marianna, first under Raczyński , then under Henryk de Raes, the cupbearer of     Vitebski , was released. N. Brzostowski , the Carmelite Barefoot ruled her, died in 1721 

Jasieniecki coat of arms (vol. 4 pp. 454-455)

Coat of arms of Jasieniec . According to Paprock . about the coat of arms. fol . 677. and okay. Volume. 1. fol . 314. There should be an anchor on both sides, hooks with curved, over it like the letter Tau: it is implicit that this coat of arms is connected by two, of the families Dulicz and Chrynicki , and it is useful that the Jasienieccy in Podlasie Seal with such a coat of arms, on Okolski's five ostrich feathers in his helmet. But Ms. Kojałowicz . at MS. says that in the red field the Wojnowas from Jasieniec carry hooks made of various broken arrows, and over a middle arrow they put a crescent moon with a star, and on the helmet there should be three ostrich feathers, I do not know whether it should not be said that these are buckles, not arrows. Wojnowas Jasienieccy , about whom Father Kojałowicz says that they came from the Ruthenian princes. Of those after Heaven, Konstantyn Wojna Jasieniecki was the voivode of Luki, and his son Ivan, the voivode of Smolensk, (but he has not) Konstantyn , son of Ivan, a country writer from Vitebsk, he was the father of Samuel, Krzysztof, [S. 455] Alexandra and Daniel. Aleksander Wojski Witebski , sub-governors of Vilnius, Starost Bracławski . Jasieniecki War Rumiło 1632. Hrehory swordfish Mozyrski , founder of the Jasieniec Church. Mikołaj Horodniczy and the Nowogrodzki Town Clerk . Rafał Wojski Nowogrodzki . Hrehor , son of Alexander, the castellan of Nowogrodzki , his only daughter, lived first with Ogiński , the Lithuanian swordfish, then with Stanisław Poniatowski of the Ciołek coat of arms, the Grand Treasurer of Lithuania; died sterilis in Smolensk near Moscow. The second was for Tyzenhauz , the voivod of Mścisław . The second Mikołaj was castellan of Nowogrodzki , his descendants died out. Her brother Aleksander Horodniczy Nowogrodzki from Korsakowna , a judge from Nowogrodzka , fathered Jan the cupbearer of Nowogrodzki , in 1700 he was a member of the Lithuanian tribunal. 1710 and 1712 MP. He left pastor Henryk Bobrojski with Teofila de Raes , he died young. Johannes in the royal guard of the standard bearer, Antoni in the Soc . The young deceased Jesus Krystyna, Regina, married to the governor of Werbel , Marcjan Chreptowicz , and the virgin Wiktoria. Jan podsędek Miński , Samuel the treasurer of Rzeczycki . Konstantyn , Chamberlain Bracławski , had Ogińska , the voivode of Połock , the remaining widow of the Starost of Chalec Mozyrski . The war star Bracławski died in Olkiniki in 1700 . The daughter of his first marriage was Brzostowska , Kastellan Mścisławska , and the second was Pociejów , a Lithuanian mother. The judge N. Rzeczycki died in 1725. He and Gispringycka left offspring. Konstantyn Wojna , district judge, Rzeczycki , 1725 deputy of the Lithuanian court. N. Chamberlain of Rzeczycki . N. District Judge Mścisławski . Cyprian stood behind the castellan Obuchowiczowa von Nowogrodzka .                                                You write from Jasieniec in the Nowogrodzkie Voivodeship . N. Rzeczycki , the chamberlain to the chamberlain, stood behind Jan Silicz , the cupbearer of Kiev. N. Wojna stolnik Witebski , his wife Katarzyna Kendzieraawska 1666. Stefan, the castellan of Nowogrodzki 1678. Daniel from the Elders of Jezierzyński . Constitu . 1678., fol . 22. Rafał Jan stolnik Mścisławski 1674. Samuel Wojski Witebski in the same year. Franciszek Michał Wojna Jasieniecki , Treasurer of Mozyrski , writer of the city of Mścisławski 1700. Daniel Jezierzyński . Cons. 1678., fol . 22. Rafał Jan stolnik Mścisławski 1674. Samuel Wojski Witebski in the same year. Franciszek Michał Wojna Jasieniecki , Treasurer of Mozyrski , writer of the city of Mścisławski 1700. Daniel Jezierzyński . Cons. 1678., fol . 22. Rafał Jan stolnik Mścisławski 1674. Samuel Wojski Witebski in the same year. Franciszek Michał Wojna Jasieniecki , Treasurer of Mozyrski , writer of the city of Mścisławski 1700.                      

Coat of arms of Raes (vol. 8 pp. 83-84)

Coat of arms of Raes. In this coat of arms there should be a shield divided from top to bottom, to the right of it a long, striped cross in a black field, to the left eight stripes, four of which are scarlet, four silver , all diagonally from right to top, to the left below, two in the helmet Eagle wings side by side, not spread out, but turned to the right on both sides, one of them gray, the other golden. With this coat of arms he came to Poland during the reign of Władysław IV. King of Poland around 1642. Henryk Raes of the Principality of Luxembourg, where from a long time ago [p. 84] familia się gnieździła , moved here our writings of Bogusław -Prinz Radziwill , and with him he was in all revolutions under John Casimir of Sweden, Moscow, Hungary, Cossacks, Tatarskis, and even at the time Witebskis leave, he married Marianna Brzostowska from the coat of arms of Półkozic , the Lower State of Rawska , of Katarzyna Mirska , the guardian of the Lithuanian natives, she gave him three sons: Kazimierz cupbearer of Witebski , deputy of the Lithuanian court in 1722 Church and the Kejdań mission) these sons; Józef, a companion of King August's hussar banner in the Lithuanian army; Antoni, Horodniczy Trotsky and Tadeusz. Johann von Rzeczycki City Judge , Member of the Lithuanian Court in 1726, he left a daughter with Barbara Ejsmuntowna , the other's sister, who was married to the Lithuanian trainee Stanisław Wołowicz . Stanisław , Starost von Celski , Member of the Lithuanian Court 17241. Wife of Bykowska , coat of arms Łopot , sterilis , he was a lieutenant in Petyhorski in the Lithuanian army. Daughters of Henryk, Katarzyna after Stanisław Korsak von Li's coat of arms, cupbearer and magistrate of Nowogrodzki ; Teofila, 1st vote, for Jan Wojna chaperone of Nowogrodzki in the coat of arms of Klamry , 2do for Kazimierz Niesiołowski , castellan of Smolensk, Staroste of Cyrynski . Marianna after Jan Zernicki , coat of arms of Rogala , 2do after Baka . Teresa after Stanisław Kłokocki the hunter Dobrzyński of the Nałęcz coat of arms. Konstancja follows the Kosakowski guard Bracławski . Reina to Kostrowicki . Dominika, a nun from St. Benedict. Teresa after Stanisław Kłokocki the hunter Dobrzyński of the Nałęcz coat of arms. Konstancja follows the Kosakowski guard Bracławski . Reina to Kostrowicki . Dominika, a nun from St. Benedict. Teresa after Stanisław Kłokocki the hunter Dobrzyński of the Nałęcz coat of arms. Konstancja follows the Kosakowski guard Bracławski . Reina to Kostrowicki . Dominika, a nun from St. Benedict.                                 

Kazimierz Raes 1778. District judge of Trotsky. - Francis, Trotsky's retinue. - Krasicki . [S. 85]    

Lazarowicz des Kościesza coat of arms (vol. 6 p. 32)

Lazarowicz of the coat of arms of Kosciesza . Michał Lazarowicz was ennobled for bravery in the Sejm in 1662. Constit . fol . 40. N. Lazarowiczowna succeeded Jan Piszczański . Tomasz Lazarowicz , the treasurer of Mścisławski , the judge of the town of Rzeczycki , had Zofia de Raes, the daughter of Henryk, behind him and left two sons, Stanisław , who left Przecławska only one daughter, and Lieutenant Józef, who has children with Bielikowiczowska , and Katarzyna lived with the Przecławski daughters , and there are quite a few successors of them, second only to Antoni Rymsza oboźny Nowogrodzki .      

Zernicki 's Rogala coat of arms (vol. 10 p. 157)

Zernicki of the Rogala coat of arms in the provinces of Nowogrodzkie , Vitebskie and Minsk, they came from the country of Dobrzyń to the Lithuanian principality. Jan Zernicki , captain of the hussar flag during the Moscow war under Władysław IV .: Kasper, sons, Konstantyn a warrior and Michał in the Soc . Jesus. It was reassuring. at MS. Michał Ziernicki, bailiff, Dobrzyński , deputy of the Crown Court in 1718. Jan Podstoli Płocki had Marianna de Raes behind him, from whom Piotr, Podstoli Płocki , took Bajkowska , from whom he has a daughter. His sister lives with Dziewałtowski Gintowt in Wilkomierski , of whom he is a descendant: Raesowna 2 to voto also married Adam Baka , but sterile with him, and this Adam had Niepokojczycka's first relationship and her son in our order.        

ömer , actually Roman of the own coat of arms (vol. 11 p. 380-385)

Romans, actually Romans, coat of arms of two sticks. In order not to trace the origins of this family from the oldest and therefore uncertain time, we only mention that it existed in Germany in the 10th century. The coat of arms of the Roman occupies the Nuremberg coat of arms book in volume IS 165 - in the red field two silver rods folded in the shape of St. Andrew's cross. - In 1233 one of them went to Livonia as a feudal man with Albert, the Saxon prince, to help the German champion in the fight against the pagans - and then settled there as a sponsor of this family in our country - someone should be considered become. This descendant, Simeon Römer, had one wife Margarete von Pfeil, the other Sophie von Lambsdorff, moved to Courland and loaned Duke Gothard 24,000 for war purposes. marek , took possession of Jungfershoff near Rańsk by pledge , Simeon died in 1580. buried in Riga in the cathedral church, which is now called the cathedral church. -       

Stefan Römer, son of Simeon, married to Elizabeta von der Rapp, was entrusted with the administration of all princely estates around Dzwina as far as Kreitzburg according to a letter from the Serene King of Poland, Sigismund III . dated from Vilnius, 1601. On August 29, the day of the order that in his estates of Seczymujży on the arrival of His Majesty the bridges on the roads and crossings should be repaired, and others in the court ad mensam Regaliam praeparationae , well received the King, The Daugava River and his Lithuanian army, led by Hetman Chodkiewicz , as Duke of Courland, successfully carried his reinforcements across the bridge, and he was in that famous victory at Kircholm by Karol Chodkiewicz , Hetman of Lithuania, for which the prince was rewarded [S. 381] Loyalty to home was made by the Halswik estate, which is well known in Livonia . But when Livonia came to the Swedes over time, he left his estates, remained loyal to the King and the Republic of Poland and stayed with them forever. The Römer family living in Lithuania shows their permanent descendants from him. The aforementioned Stefan had two sons: Mateusz and Krzysztof. In order to preserve the virtuous stability of his father in the future, Matthäus got the testimonies from the Duke of Courland and the Courland nobility, which have been kept in German in the Roman archive to this day. The Römer family living in Lithuania also shows their permanent descendants from him. The aforementioned Stefan had two sons: Mateusz and Krzysztof. In order to preserve the virtuous constancy of his father in posterity, Matthäus received the testimonies from the Duke of Courland and the Courland nobility, which have been kept in German in the Roman archive to this day. The Römer family living in Lithuania also shows their permanent descendants from him. The aforementioned Stefan had two sons: Mateusz and Krzysztof. In order to preserve the virtuous constancy of his father in posterity, Matthäus received the testimonies from the Duke of Courland and the Courland nobility that had previously been kept in German in the Roman archive.             

Ciż Mateusz and Krzysztof Römer, sons of Stefan, sent their descendants Stefan to their relatives in Saxony in 1670 and asked for the genealogy and descent of their house, the 1670th of August and of the whole family, and in the same year on September 19th in Dresden by Prince Johann Georg II. kurfirszta , confirmed by the signature of his hand, which, as above, was originally kept in German in the House of Römer. 

The same Mateusz von Römer was used for various services in his homeland during his lifetime, he was patented in 1662 by Hetman Paweł Jan Sapieha . On September 25th he was promoted from lieutenant colonel to colonel in W. Ks' army . Lithuanian. The year 1665. August 28th with the privilege of King Ian Casimir, in the words of privilege, as a reward for kind and grateful services since the beginning of the war with the courage of health, the substances given to the king and the republic on various war occasions Appointed Chamberlain of Parnava . In 1673, on August 5th, he was promoted to major general with the privilege of King Michael. 1687. Jan III. In the 13th year of his reign, the King of Poland appointed him General of Artillery W. Ks . Lithuanian.