The noble Polish family Rak. Die adlige polnische Familie Rak. - Werner Zurek - E-Book

The noble Polish family Rak. Die adlige polnische Familie Rak. E-Book

Werner Zurek



This is a hodgepodge of a disordered, systematically arranged collection of the Polish nobility. On these pages you will find out everything about: descent, aristocracy, aristocratic literature, aristocratic name endings, aristocratic association, genealogy, bibliography, books, family research, research, genealogy, history, heraldry, heraldry, herb, herbarity, indigenous, information, literature, names, nobility files, Nobility, personal history, Poland, Schlachta, Szlachta, coat of arms, coat of arms research, coat of arms literature, nobility, coat of arms, knight, Poland, szlachta, herb, Herbarz. Sammelsurium, veltemere, systematice ordinaretur collectio super principes Poloniae, Gathering, veltimere, systemati cordinaretur collectio super principes Poloniae, Rassemblement, veltimere, ordinaretur systématique super collection Poloniae, Translations in: English, German, French. Das ist ein Sammelsurium einer ungeordneten, systematisch angelegten Sammlung des polnischen Adels. Auf diesen Seiten erfahren Sie alles über: Abstammung, Adel, Adelsliteratur, Adelsnamensendungen, Adelsverband, Ahnenforschung, Bibliographie, Bücher, Familienforschung, Forschungen, Genealogie, Geschichte, Heraldik, Heraldisch, herb, Herbarz, Indigenat, Informationen, Literatur, Namen, Nobilitierungsakten, Nobility, Personengeschichte, Polen, Schlachta, Szlachta, Wappen, Wappenforschung, Wappenliteratur, Adel, Wappen, Ritter, Polen, szlachta, herb, Herbarz. Sammelsurium, veltemere, systematice ordinaretur collectio super principes Poloniae, Gathering, veltimere, systemati cordinaretur collectio super principes Poloniae, Rassemblement, veltimere, ordinaretur systématique super collection Poloniae, Translations in: English, German, French. Il s'agit d'un méli-mélo d'une collection désordonnée et systématiquement organisée de la noblesse polonaise. Sur ces pages, vous trouverez tout sur: descendance, aristocratie, littérature aristocratique, terminaisons de noms aristocratiques, association aristocratique, généalogie, bibliographie, livres, recherche familiale, recherche, généalogie, histoire, héraldique, héraldique, herbe, herbalisme, indigène, information , littérature, noms, dossiers de noblesse Noblesse, histoire personnelle, Pologne, Schlachta, Szlachta, blason, recherche sur les armoiries, blason de la littérature, noblesse, blason, chevalier, Pologne, szlachta, herbe, Herbarz. Sammelsurium, veltemere, systematice ordinaretur collectio super principes Poloniae, Gathering, velti

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The noble Polish family Rak. Die adlige polnische Familie Rak.


The noble Polish family Rak.

 Die adlige polnische Familie Rak.

Rak (Borowa, Varna, Varnia)

• Description of the coat of arms:

In the silver box a red crab on a pole. In the jewel above the helmet is also the cancer itself.

• Earliest mentions:


• Herbowni:

Baraniec, Bądkowski, Bątkowski, Boszkowski, Brachowski, Burkat, Bużkiewicz, Cobajewicz, Ćwiro, Damiecki, Gnoinicki, Gnoiński, Gnojnicki, Godycki, Lekczycki, Leksicki, Lekkki, Pckzyi, Pckzyi, Łckzyi, Pckzyki, Łckzyi, Płkzyi, Pckzyki, Łckzyi, Płkzyi, Packzyki, Łckzyi, Płkzyki, Packzyi, Leksycki, Packzyki, Leksycki, Packzyki, Leksycki, Łackzyki , Turski, Zarzecki, Żołkietaowski

Borowski, Wappen Abdank (Vol. 2 pp. 246-247)

Borowski, coat of arms Abdank. Neither Paprocki nor Okolski wrote about it. In the Sandomierskie Voivodeship they took over the Skarbek family or later the Borów estate as a denomination of the Borowski family. The landlord Mikołaj in Borów, Gizów and Cichawa left three sons and four daughters from Domaradzka. Marianna lived with Jędrzej Chronowski, Anna with Trzebiński, Teresa lived for the first time with Zochowski, the second with Stojowski, Katarzyna first with Jędrzej Kałowski Richter Łęczycki, then with Lipnicki. Jakub is the son of Mikołaj, from Przerębska, he had two sons. Remigian, of whom Łącka had three sons, Władysław Nowogrodzki, Mikołaj and Wojciech, and Szymon: he is mentioned in the constitutions of 1676. he was Inowrocławski, [p.       247] his wife Teresa Linowska, orphaned widow of Maksymilian Borowski. Mikołaj, the brother of Jakub, son of Mikołaj the first, left two sons, i.e. Adam, of which the descendants Felicjan, Szymon and Michał and Stanisław lived, to whom Zofia Roszkowska gave birth to a son, Jan, for which Jadwiga Wojakowska lived, and her son Felicjan decided to become a clergyman. Jan, Mikołaj's third son, took Kępska, he had three sons with her, that is Maksymilian, he renewed his vows twice, once with Marianna Karsznicka, the second time with Teresa Linowska, after all Katarzyna Dąbski's daughter Kastellan Biecki, married more with him, descendants do not listen. Franciszek, to whom Krystyna Bogunka, who was a follower of Sanock, had two sons, Aleksander and Benjamin, six daughters, Teresa, primo voto after Tomasz Dunin, 2do after Konarzewski. Zofia for Dąbrowski, Jadwiga, first for Mszanecki, then for Oraczewski, Katarzyna for Konstanty Borowski. Aleksander of the Chamberlain von Sandomierski, von Helena Kuczkowska, Sędzianki von Sandomierska he had two daughters, five sons, two of whom, Filip and Kasper, lived in the Soc. They sacrificed Jesus. Benjamin cześnik Sandomierski, Helena Jagniątkowska, castellan from Czechowski, his wife and three sons Franciszek, Ignacy Soc. Jesus and Henryk.          

Benjamin Skarbek Borowski, Zawichowski's castellan, wrote to the Sandomierz Confederation in 1733. - Heral. Large.  

Franciszek Borowski, Pastor of the Kraków Cathedral, Abbot Hebdowski. (During the reign of August III.) According to Puszet, his sister was the Starost von Dominowski. The brothers mentioned Ignacy, Michał and Kasper Jesuits. - Fifth brother in the French military, killed at a young age. - Krasicki footnotes.    

Borowski of the coat of arms of Jastrzębiec (vol. 2 p. 247-250)

Borowski of the coat of arms of Jastrzębiec . In the Cracow Voivodeship they were called Cudzinowskie and wrote from Borówki and from Łagiewniki. Jan Erbe in Łagiewniki, he had seven sons, Adam, Maciej, Stanisław, Jan, Zygmunt, Jakub and Jędrzej: of these, Adam was the descendant of Jan and Krzysztof. Jan, and from Duczymińska, the Parnawska standard, six sons and three from Zaduska. Maciej from Bełdów Borowski from Inowrocław Voivodeship, Stanisław Jan and Tomasz from Dobrzyń Region signed the election on August 2nd.     

In heraldry, Wielądek wrote about this family extensively and in two ways: first in the omnibus. writes as follows: You are and in [p. 248] The Łęczycki Borowski family of the Jastrzębiec coat of arms, who moved from Dobrzyńska, from this Adam, the son of Mikołaj with Jackowska, was the father of Stanisław, the heir in Modzny and Watach, Stanisław with Puśnikowna had an heir from Kazimierz in Nyrów and Kielce, who had two sons Józef and Franciszek. Franciszek, née Zofia Żydowowny, had three sons and daughters, of whom Stanisław was the burgrave Łęczycki, who was the first archivist for the police. Jan Brzeziński, a decree author. Tomasz Chief Bombardier of the Crown Artillery. Johann after Mikołaj Kleniecki. Brygitta in the world and Norbert in the monastery in the monastery of the Norbertine Sisters of Łęczyca. Marianna after Baltazar Padczaski, Józef and Urszula.        

The same coat of arms Jastrzębiec Dadźbóg Borowski with Zuzanna Bromirska fathered three daughters: Joanna, Felicjanna after Koziorowski and Zuzanna: also three sons 1. Tomasz, of whom Walerian and a daughter Joanna Urod. Brzeziński's wife. 2. Peter. 3. Franciszek, who lived with Nogowska, left a son, Ludwik, who in 1764 moved from Dobrzyń to Wielkopolska and then to Sieradzkie in the Wieluń region. He and his wife Marcjanna Brzechwianka fathered four daughters, namely Józefa, Weronika primo voto for the Lipski Starost von Grabowski, secundo voto for Łukasz Koszutski, Bogumiła, for Stanisław Wyszławski and Franciszka for Dęmbski. Also the four sons, 1. Ignacy Łowicz Sanocki, who with Kunegunda née Miniszewska, secundo Stawska was born to Stanisław and Te. The second son was Ludwik and he came from Brzechwianka, Jan Richter of the Wieluń Region, the third was Gabriel, Burgrave of Sieradzki, the fourth was Jakub Wojciński. -       

Later, in additional Volume V of his Heraldry, Wielądek writes that he placed the above information on Borowskie Jastrzębiece and now the authentic transaction recorded in the city of Krakow, on the Saturday after the Evangelist Luke, that is, October 24th 1795. expresses it in one word. To the office and files of today's parish starosts Krakowskie, etc. -  

The Borowski family for the coat of arms of Jastrzębiec, in the Cracow voivodeship, their own Jastrzębiec family, earlier and in other voivodeships of the Polish crown, later appointed from their hereditary Borów goods, which are remembered by ancient monuments, chronicles and public records. In 1084, on the day of St. Mark the Evangelist in Krakow: there was a conscious Bořivj Jastrzębiec with many counts, barons, his co-officials, as Władysław, the prince of Poland, praised the chivalry, Saul Odrowąż zu Konskie, a count, left that Monument to posterity. In 1343, on the Tuesday after April Sunday, Marek Jastrzębiec and his son Jan from Borów certified the sale to the heirs of Wysota in the upper part of the Końskie estate from Marcin Odrowąż Radosław, the descendant of Count Krystyn. In 14604, on the Saturday after St. Prisca, in Sandomierz, the former wife of Katarzyna, Zephaniah Wysocki, left part of Odrowąż's estate from Mikołaj to her son in 400 zlotys [p. 249] Hungarian name, the same amount was bequeathed to the son of Mikołaj Jan Borowski. In the same year 1464, on Friday, after the celebration of the sending of the Holy Apostles, Anna, the daughter of Mikołaj nee Wysocki, the wife of Mikołaj Borowski, extended the deadline with Wojciech and Mikołaj Wysocki. In 1491, on Friday after the St. Vitus Festival in Cracow, Jerzy, the son of Andrzej von Borów - Mikołaj Borowski, his son, made a receipt for the lease of his property for Mikołaj Borowski, his uncle and guardian. 1517. on the Thursday before Valentine's Day, Jerzy Borowski Borowa and Potoka, the heir, some of his parts are in the Cracow countryside. Stanisław Borowski was admitted to his family brother. The sons Jan, Maciej and Jakub remained from the aforementioned Stanisław Borowski. Melchior of Jan Borowski's fiancé and Barbara née Kmita's son, he gave birth to Jan Borowski, and Adam Brodecka's father comes from [p. 250] Sieniawa, Bielanka and Stryszów, in the Myślenice district, Marszowice in the Proszowski district in the Kraków Voivodeship, with Jadwiga Teresa Odrowąż Wilkońskich, formerly Antoni Odrowąż Wilkoński, the lieutenant of the principalities of Zatorski and Oświcim, the crown troops by Kajetan, his daughter, son and daughter Marianna, Karolina and Salomea Borowski, who bloom along the Jastrzębiec colony. - Maciej and Jakub. Melchior of Jan Borowski's fiancé and Barbara née Kmita's son, he gave birth to Jan Borowski, and that of Anna Brodecka was Adam, who [p. 250] Sieniawa, Bielanka and Stryszów, in the Myślenice district, Marszowice in the Proszowski district in the Kraków province, with Jadwiga Teresa Odrowąż Wilkońskich, formerly Antoni Odrowąż Wilkoński, the lieutenant of the principalities of Zatorski and Oświęcim, the wife and daughter of the crown troops from Kajetan, his daughter, son and daughter Marianna, Karolina and Salomea Borowski, who bloom along the Jastrzębiec colony. - Maciej and Jakub. Melchior of Jan Borowski's fiancé and Barbara née Kmita's son, he gave birth to Jan Borowski, and that of Anna Brodecka was Adam, who [p. 250] Sieniawa, Bielanka and Stryszów, in the Myślenice district, Marszowice in the Proszowski district in the Kraków Voivodeship, with Jadwiga Teresa Odrowąż Wilkoformerlyskich, formerly Antoni Odrowń Wilkoński, the lieutenant of the principalities of Zatorski and Oświęcim , daughter and daughter of the Krkonoš family, colonel Daughter of Kajetan Marianna, Karolina and Salomea Borowski, who bloom along the Jastrzębiec colony, grow. - Marszowice in the Proszowski District of the Cracow Voivodeship, with Jadwiga Teresa Odrowąż Wilkońskich, formerly Antoni Odrowąż Wilkoński, Lieutenant of the Principalities of Zator and Oświęcim, Lieutenant Colonel of the Crown Troops, daughter, wife Borolina, born Marianna, son and daughters: Kajetanows: Kajetanows who grow up in the Bornowie family. . - Marszowice in the Proszowski District of the Cracow Voivodeship, with Jadwiga Teresa Odrowąż Wilkońskich, formerly Antoni Odrowąż Wilkoński, the lieutenant of the principalities of Zator and Oświęcim, the lieutenant colonel of the crown troops, a daughter, his wife, born Marianna, son and daughters: Kajanna and Salomea Borowscy, who grew up in the Bornowie family. . -                          

Borowski of the Lubiczer coat of arms (vol. 2 p. 250)

Borowski of the Lubicz coat of arms . They were the first to nest in Chełmska land. Walenty from Komorów Borowski, from the Seym in 1647, was the commissioner for the revision of the land registers of the Chełmski and Krasnostawski Constit. fol. 38. Adam, Stanisław, Sebastian, Michał and Jakub from Chełmska signed the August 2nd election. Some of them moved to Lithuania, where Teofil Borowski von Borowski, a cupbearer of Lidzka in 1696, experienced his heyday. last service. Adam and Rafał in Żmudni signed the election of Jan Kazimierz. The same Borowsky coat of arms is also present in Dobrzyńska: Stanisław, Jan and Tomasz in 1697. There is also Stanisław and Prokop from that year in Podlaskie and Lublin. Borowska Borejszy Kaunas' wife's teacup.           

Andrzej from Borowo Borowski from the Vilnius Province. Samuel and Michał from the Vitebskie Voivodeship in 1700 at the General Assembly near Olkiniki in the Voivodeships, countries and districts of W. Ks . signed Adam Borowski to elect Stanisław August from the Orszański district. Leon from Upitski. Marcin Stanisław August from the Chełmer Land. Stanisław from the Ruthenian Voivodeship. - Heral. Large. [S. 251]          

Gomoliński of the Jelita coat of arms (vol. 4 pp. 181-183)

Gomoliński of the Jelita coat of arms, in the Sieradz Voivodeship. They follow a straight line from Florian Sariusz, as taught by the parts of the estate in the Piotrkowskie books of 1409. Florian from Mojkowice from Odrowążowna was the father of Piotr, who founded a Gomolin rally in the Woźnickie Forests, after which the Gomoliński family got its name; he had behind him the daughter of Dersław von Smogoriew, the Starost of Radom, of whom he left a son, Mikołaj the writer Sieradzki, the daughter of Jakub Rokszycki from Koniecpol, Judge Sieradki, married and gave birth to these sons; Jakub, Stanisław the Castellan of Rozpierski and the Starost of Wieluński lived in the ecclesiastical state, with these titles he signed a letter from Zygmunt August to the city of Lemberg in 1548. He founded the Manjonarzów in Piotrków: and Piotr the cup holder of Sieradzki , these two sons were there. Jan the castellan of Spicimirski and Mikołaj the castellan of also Spicimirski, who, after having bonded for life with Myszkowska, the daughter of Marcin Castellan Wieluński, had three sons with her, Stanisław, who was first a Płock scholastic and canon of Cracow, took the Kamieniecka miter, from this he went to Chełmska, the Lutsk bishop died: from the Sejm of 1589. Correction of the crown rights. Constitu. f. 526. At the Synod of the Ruthenian Bishops in Brest-Litovsk in 1594 he was named after the papal and other Latin bishops. [S. 182] Sondanus no. 14. OO. St. Bernard Church in Sokal. Mother with Miracles was received there by the monastery of the fathers. He financed the Dominicans in Janów. The palace was built for the Chełmer bishops in Krasnystaw. Jędrzej is the brother of Bishop Stanisław. N. stood behind the castellan from Sieradz from Dębowska. Florian, Chamberlain of Sieradzki, Marshal of the Chamber of Deputies in 1595. who had him pay out a certain sum for the needs of his fatherland on the same surcharge, was ordered by Constit to calculate it. fol. 711. Samuel Gomoliński (he was Aleksander's son), deceased 1 (143. I am reading a marble tombstone in the Radom Church that Barbara Małachowska, her remaining wife, erected for him, four coats of arms, Jelita Wąż, Jastrzębiec and Korab. Aleksander Gomoliński née Teresa Lipska, coat of arms Grabie was son Jan and daughter Ewa, who succeeded Acta Castren in 1667, after Swentosław Lipski, pastor Choczki Caliss. Gomoliński had Zaleska behind, of which the daughter was to mielecki the Starost of Brzeźnica, the second after Stamirowski, and two sons, Rafał consisting Dzierzkowna begat Jan, his wife Chlebowska was and Ignacy which sterilis lived. Piotr, Rafał's brother, Sielska and her descendants had behind him.                      

a contribution by Festum S. Francisci was noted in the Piotrkowski files. The said Zygmunt had two sons, Florian Sariusz, Starost von Łęczyca, heir in Świdędze, Wroników, Woźniki and the great Łazniew. Second Zegota, that is Zygmunt, the hereditary estates Mojkowice, Łaski and Malec, between which 1409 and 1410 a division took place. Feria secunda post Festum SS. Trium Regum in Piotrków. Zegota had two sons, Stanisław von Majkowice, Judge Korczyński [p. 183] sterile, and Florian from Malec, who was also childless with Jadwiga de Kuczborz. "- Further writing about the descendants of Florian Sariusz, the starost of Łęczyca from Anna Odrowążowny, he gave him four sons, that is: 1o Piotr: (about whom Niesiecki), 2o Mateusz, to whom the great Łaźnin with his brother Włodzimir in came to the departments: 3o Włodek, that is Włodzimir: 4o Jan hunczy Łęczycki, from this exchange and inheritance of Zamość he was the first named Zamojski, who bequeathed this surname to further descendants. Stanisław Gomoliński, castellan of Rozpirski, Starost of Wieluń, who with Szpinkowna had a son, Jan, and two daughters, Anna and Barbara, while Piotr, the cupbearer of Sieradzki, who was with Mieszko's widow, had two sons, Jan and Mikołaj, and four daughters: Barbara, Weronika, Urszula and Anna, Jan and Bełzacka had Descendants: Stanisław Canon von Krakowski, then Bishop Chełmski, finally Kamieniecki, who were recorded by Jan Zamojski, the chancellor and hetman of the Crown V, when the ordination was established in 1589, in the Lublin files, while d es Tribunals, he was appointed guardian together with others, with these words: Tam personae deinde eorundem liberorum suorum, quam omnium bonorum suorum., tutorial, board of trustees. , Regime ac Administrationem, Reverendissimis Alberto Baranowski episcopo Premisliensi, et regni vicecancellario, Stanislae Gomoliński episcopo Camenecensi gentili suo, de amoris Jelita etc. Florian, Marcin and Kazimierz Gomoliński, with Ławińska with Słomoliński, he had a son, Jan Gomoliński, Jan Gomoliński, and Jan Gomoliński had a son with Łazińska with Słomoliows Władomoli, he fathered a son. who left three sons with Bielicka: Antoni, Franciszek and Karol. Karol Sariusz de armis Jelita Gomoliński, Chamberlain of Łęczycki with Helena Pokrzywnicka had a son, Ignacy, the instigator of the Crown, and two daughters, Jozefata primo voto after the Count of Góra Skarbek, Major General of the Crown Troops. Secundo voto after Szymon Dzierżbicki, voivode of Łęczyca. The second Marianna, after the Count of Minsk, the Opacki castellan of Wizki. with Łazińska he fathered Władysław, who with Słomkowska had a son, Jan Gomoliński, who left three sons with Bielicka: Antoni, Franciszek and Karol. Karol Sariusz de armis Jelita Gomoliński, Chamberlain of Łęczycki with Helena Pokrzywnicka had a son, Ignacy, the instigator of the Crown, and two daughters, Jozefata primo voto after the Count of Góra Skarbek, Major General of the Crown Troops. Secundo voto after Szymon Dzierżbicki, voivode of Łęczyca. The second Marianna, after the Count of Minsk, the Opacki castellan of Wizki. with Łazińska he fathered Władysław, who with Słomkowska had a son, Jan Gomoliński, who left three sons with Bielicka: Antoni, Franciszek and Karol. Karol Sariusz de armis Jelita Gomoliński, Chamberlain of Łęczycki with Helena Pokrzywnicka had a son, Ignacy, the instigator of the Crown, and two daughters, Jozefata primo voto after the Count of Góra Skarbek, Major General of the Crown Troops. Secundo voto after Szymon Dzierżbicki, voivode of Łęczyca. The second Marianna, after the Count of Minsk, the Opacki castellan of Wizki. Secundo voto after Szymon Dzierżbicki, voivode of Łęczyca. The second Marianna, after the Count of Minsk, the Opacki castellan of Wizki. Secundo voto after Szymon Dzierżbicki, voivode of Łęczyca. The second Marianna, after the Count of Minsk, the Opacki castellan of Wizki.                         

Andrzej Gomoliński from the Łęczyca Voivodeship, Ludwik Roch Sariusz, Colonel and Piotr Sariusz Major, the wax of the crown, the Gomoliński family have registered for the election of Stanisław August the King with the Sieradz Voivodeship. Maciej Jäger Radom Deputy of the Crown Court of 1767 from the Province of Sieradz. -  

Mohl coat of arms of the three of Crete. If we do not start with the elements from which nobody in the past can find out where they come from, but only what later left us with news, we start with Anselm Mohl, who in the Prussian state is the heir of Lichtenaf was and Tsarcycki, where he fathered Baltazar Mohl, virum confilji, in a quiet estate, because he moved to Szlązek, and there, having inherited the property from Redlic, first began to write about Mohl Redlic, and he also others Grosrozen possessed goods, he was an advisor to the Prince of Lignica, about whom Sinapius the author 1488. pag. 4. Book 3. as provided by Curiositates Silesienses. This father of great perfection, the father of irrevocable sons, fathered three: Wolhenz or Benedict, Belshazzar and Jacob. The first Wolhens, back to Pruss, a vitae substantiae with the inheritance of natural succession, the aforementioned estates Lichtenaf and Tsarcyck settled there, lived there in the office of Western Pomerania and then in 1625 in the office of marshal at the court of the Saxon elector to Wolf Joachim, two names of Mohel, and the latter of Jerzy and Wilhelm, the army of King August II. Captain in 1712, who, after leaving his successor Ernest Wilhelm with two names, said goodbye to the world. After all, Jerzy Mohl, King of Prussia, Oberszt-Leitnant flourished in 1735. On the property mentioned above, the Tsar's inheritance, commonly known as gratia, was called von Mohl, he came from this world via the Curiositates Silesienses. [S. 305] The second son of the same Baltazar Mohl, in Szlązek the heir of the property of Redlic and Grosrozen of the owner, named with a similar name Baltazar Redlic Mohl, 1506, who, after being the son of N. Mohl and that of Fryderyk, a brave one and brave militia, a husband whom an enemy shot in his life in 1640 at Ligiejce and left David's sons behind, not only cavalry ashore like his father, but also naval fleets or regiments commander and leader in 1584, and Nicholas about that Duchy of Ligiejska Land, no less office, because the chief governor, weakened by a five-year illness, left this world without an inheritance in 1699 of his 72nd life. Fryderyk Mohl, descending from David in the quiet estates of Grosrozen and Panckauz, inherited the property and fathered Baltazar Frederick with two names, the same estates Grosrozen and Poświc, the heirs of whom his only son Friedrich Mohl in 1730. floridae aetatis,           

The third son of Jacob Mohl, who was descended from the above-mentioned Belshazzar, had taken a liking to the lands of Livonia through the production of the Germanic Hermaster, fortunately given himself to this principality, and Magissris Livoniae jure perpetuae haereditatis settled down. So the first of the Mohel family, ibid, as far as property is concerned, the indigenous, but as far as heroic works are concerned, the old virtue, a bachelor, what one can know, as a respected husband in Sago & Toga, the Germanic dignitaries gave him the nickname of Mohl the. And not only martis bellantis but also marin prolificantis, he was a memory of him when he left a son to defend his homeland, which was equal to his fatherly nature, then he made happy his own age, via the Curiositates Silesienses, what the procedure concerns the person and the inheritance and property in Livonia, the rights conferred by the Germanic rulers and the book of Livonia, collected on antiquity and the nobility of the noble families in Inflanciech, in chapters 1 and 3, fol. 21. The backward son of the same Jacob, at the request of some of the Arnolf family, not only on the trail of heroic deeds, but also in possession of the local substance, left four sons behind. Of these, a Konrand died who walked the warpath after becoming captain of the Caelebs. The second Thomas, the Homiel estate in the east Lajżno of the Livonian Duchy, the childless but fully ripe heir of virtues, rested for eternity, that is the aim of the transaction under Sigismund III. Król Polski, 1613, on June 22nd in Warsaw, the Lithuanian records Restitutionis jure perpetuae haereditatis [p. 306] bonorum Homel, Generosi Thomae Mohl. 3. Detlow of certain goods during the Rzezżycki in Livonia, by decree of the relations courts under Władysław IV. The rightful heir of the King of Poland, the economically savvy landowner, died childless in 1640 after having acquired a considerable fortune. The fourth Arent von der Mohl, major of the staff officers, of the estate of Wyżek and other heirs, had three sons, estates and virtues of his native successors, and died alone after many years of military service. Fryderyk, after him, from the Crown Guard, the colonel, defended the Polish crown against enemy invasions and had a lifelong friendship with Akierszofna, a local confidante, who died childless. These 2 to voto, who go to the house of the Bielińskis, large families in Poland, spread the seed. The second son of Arent Volmerus, Ensign of the Crown Guard, fathered two daughters, these families, numerous generations of whom went into the infantry, entered the serious Felkierzambs and Drahenfels. Arent's third son, Alexander, from an estate and chivalric labor with his brothers; as a lieutenant in the crown guard, after leaving Wolbekowna with four sons, he made two sons: Jan Stolnik Parnawski with Rykovna and Wolmer, Inflancki's teacup, childless and two descendants of numerous multipliers. Hieronim Koniuszego Starodubowski, a worthy husband who also gave birth to four sons from Sielicki Radlińska: Jan in saeculo, in Religionae Józefa in the order of preachers, all modesty and the life of a pious priest. The second Lawrence of the Livonian swordfish. 3. Ludwik the childless horse Starodubovsky. Fourth Alexander Theophilus, two named campsite Livonia, to the Lithuanian Finance Court of the Commissioner, 1756 with the courage and valor of the glorious, to the glory of God and all the faith of St. a Catholic zealot who had not resigned from the battlefield for the honor of this religion and fought hard against the counter-religion of this side, up to several significant births in the Duchy of Courland, both an officer and a civil servant, injured the Augustanae professionis on the spot and Make the bachelors difficult, and long remembered, he did not put the prohibition on the blasphemous lips. Carefully married to Giedroiczowna, from the blood of Lithuanian princes who came both in households and in their manners, fathered three sons: Hieronim, Aleksander, Adam and Marianna, a daughter, not separated from her parents. who had not resigned from the battlefield first for the honor of this religion and fought hard against this side of the opposite faith, up to several important births in the Duchy of Courland, such an officer charge as well as an official dignity, Augustanae professionis The bachelors were seriously injured on the spot, and they long remembered that he did not put the prohibition on the blasphemous lips. Carefully married to Giedroiczowna, from the blood of Lithuanian princes who came both in households and in their manners, fathered three sons: Hieronim, Aleksander, Adam and Marianna, a daughter, not separated from her parents. who had not resigned from the battlefield first for the honor of this religion and fought hard against this side of the opposite faith, up to several important births in the Duchy of Courland, such an officer charge as well as an official dignity, Augustanae professionis on the spot, he seriously injured the bachelors, and they remembered it for a long time, he put no prohibition on blasphemous lips. Carefully married to Giedroiczowna, from the blood of Lithuanian princes who came both in households and in their manners, fathered three sons: Hieronim, Aleksander, Adam and Marianna, a daughter, not separated from her parents. and long remembered, he did not put the prohibition on the blasphemous lips. Carefully married to Giedroiczowna, from the blood of Lithuanian princes who came both in households and in their manners, fathered three sons: Hieronim, Aleksander, Adam and Marianna, a daughter, not separated from her parents. and remembered for a long time, he did not put the prohibition on the blasphemous lips. Carefully married to Giedroiczowna, from the blood of Lithuanian princes who came both in households and in their manners, fathered three sons: Hieronim, Aleksander, Adam and Marianna, a daughter, not separated from her parents.                                

Therefore we return and lay the fourth son of Aleksander, Lieutenant Czerniechowski, from a similar name of Aleksander and Wolbekovna of his parents, Güter [p. 307] Wyszek von alters und Podgórze in Livonia, and in Lithuania from Imbród and other heirs, who married Anna Sielicka from a noble family, fathered six sons and four daughters: the first Stefan Mohl Societatis Jesu from the Dyneburski College of the Rector, the 2nd John the cupbearer of Parnawski, the latter with Joanna Rykowna two daughters: Anna and Konstancja. The third son of Franciszek, the Guardian of Livonia, from the highly fiancé of Alexander, the Guardian of Livonia, the affairs of the Livonian citizens of the subordinate function, and during the interregnum of the hooded judge, strongly for the common good of the advisors, as well as the urgent ones National borders of the guardian who, after giving himself the primo in connubium Dorota Ludwika Legucka to Felicjanna Szosztakowna, fathered a double-named son Gotard, Ignacy, and a daughter, Rozalia, from his first marriage. Gotard was the land of the Duchy of Livonia from an early age, from King August III. 1748, on June 15, he received in Warsaw, such as the birth certificate of W. Ks. Litewski and the Stallum estate at the Sejmik of 1754 on February 5, and the Daugavpils city files through the Oblates. As authorized commissioner for Ukrainian, Volhyn and other goods, the Plater castellans of Połack, in the rule entrusted to him in 1754, he can learn from him many excellent economic dispositions about the Polish practice that he acquired ex vestigiis Parentum. His own home in the Ozupin estates named Jure faeudi with the privilege of JK Mści in the records of the City of Warsaw in 1750, graciously bestowed on other maternal, maternal and inheritance owners in Inflanciech and the mark of Usarsky Prince Stanisław Lubomirski, Guardian of the Crown Prince, Companion. The second birth was the daughter of Franciszek Mohla, Rozalia, a distinguished lady, at the Senate Court, the first director of the order.          

The fourth son of Alexander Mohl Dionysius, the Horodian Livonian, left this world without children. The fifth Kazimierz, Treasurer Wilkomirski, a fairly humane and gracious humanist at home, or an observer of his fortune, on the property of Imbrody's hereditary estates in the Principality of Lithuania and others, after giving birth to two sons: Stefan and Dyonizego. The sixth son of Piotr Teofil, canon of Livonia in the Cathedral and the Warsaw Chapter, Prosecutor General, Pastor Służewski, assessor of the Crown Courts, skinny henchmen, wretched people, orphans of the oppressed, poor and inadequate father and other virtues of the saints, a wise successor , in the rights of the fatherland and of conscience. . The seventh daughter of Aleksander Mohl Konstancja, 1mo Sokołowska, Jäger [p. 308] Inflancki, 2do voto Ryk, Treasurer of Inflancki, Waren Istalsno, Kurynów, Stolarowszczyzna in the Duchy of Inflanckie and Jurażyszki in Lithuania, hereditary landlady, including two sons: Ignacy the swordfish from Inflancki and Antoni Sokołowscy, the living father. The eighth daughter of Joanna Ryk, the Livonian sub-estate, heiress of Borowa in Livonia, with various virtues, gave birth to Dyonizego Ryk, a Lithuanian commissioner of the tax court, the glorified perfection of his maternal rights. The ninth Katarzyna Jotkowa, the cupbearer of Lika, the Szkowna estate and others in Inflanta and Lithuania with her husband and her co-heiress. He is an example of a happier married life, beautiful qualities, and the prudence of women. The tenth daughter of Aleksander Mohl, Rozalia Karwicka, from Cześnikowa Inflancka, from the Ewersmujza estate. Zabłocie in Livonia and others in Lithuania after their late husband, a property owner, who has three sons: Andrzej, Jan and Ignacy Karwicki and two daughters: Konstancja and Krystyna, who are worthy of their qualities as men. - Duńczewski's herbarium.            

Potocki, Pilawa coat of arms (vol. 7 p. 427-467)

Potocki, Pilawa coat of arms The house is famous for its antiquity, merits and honors. Okolski was of the opinion that this precious family originated from the Moskorzewski Pilaviten; but he's wrong; because, as I wrote under the coat of arms of Pilawa, Aleksander, son of Żyrosław, the ancestor of this coat of arms, as the same author admits, he had eight sons, one of them was Janusz of Moskorzewo, voivode of Cracow, the other was Sulisław of Potok, because I read it myself in the catalog of the Jędrzejowski Monastery. Then Sulisław was Castellan of Sandomierz in 1217 when he entered the list of Leszek the White Duke. For the same and different reasons, I understand that they will correct the gray opinion that relates to the beginnings of the Potocki-Pilawites of the Buczacki family, for the Buczacki-Pilawites (for the Abdanek, as they were said in their place, the former) only around 1540. They were called Buczackie when Tworowski Pilawita assumed the last heiress of the Buczacka of the Abdanker coat of arms, and the Potocki family worked under this name for their fame several centuries earlier. Some also understand that the Potok in the Sieradz Voivodeship, lying, is the nest of this brave family, after all, in their opinion, I cannot give up on the former authors, like Kobierzycki. Paprocki and Okolski and others; all claim that the province of Krakow, like many of the most apt names, was the beginning of the Potocki-Pilawites, and even if they are silent, dead graves for men who remember this blood were in Jędrzejów, then in Potok near Jędrzejów, it was agreed that they would speak for the open truth themselves. This is the Potok, from which I once titled the Jędrzejów Abbey, first Maurus, the Bishop of Cracow, and then his successor Radost, who joined in 1144, and [p. 428] Wincenty Kadłubek, her successor, soon confirmed what Starowol had written for posterity. in the life of the same Kadłubek: he puts the village of Borowa there, from which I understand that the Borowski Pilawites got their name. When part of the Potocki family moved from Krakowski to Ruthenia and became famous there with their knightly works, they founded Złoty Potok, which will be discussed below. what Starowol wrote about posterity. in the life of the same Kadłubek: he puts the village of Borowa there, from which I understand that the Borowski Pilawites got their name. When part of the Potocki family moved from Krakowski to Ruthenia and became famous there with their knightly works , they founded Złoty Potok, which will be discussed below. what Starowol wrote about posterity. in the life of the same Kadłubek: he puts the village of Borowa there, from which I understand that the Borowski Pilawites got their name. When part of the Potocki family moved from Krakowski to Ruthenia and became famous there with their knightly works, they founded Złoty Potok, which will be discussed below.                    

According to Sulisław, the castellan of Sandomierz, the age of his successors is buried deep in our oblivion, which I have read in various places, here I quote. Sulisław, the castellan of Zawichostki, signed a letter from Bolesław the Chaste to Nakiel. in Miechow. fol. 177th in 1256 and the city of Krakow in 1258. Via Klemens, castellan of Lublin in 1256. Via Jędrzej, castellan of Wojnica in 1287. About Jan, castellan of Sandomierz in the same year. In the first volume I talked about Clement, the castellan of Sieradz in 1306, and also about Bogusław, the castellan of Sandomierz in 1256. Jan von Potok, court cup of Elżbieta, the queen of Hungary, son of Alexander, a brave man of the lived at the time of King Łokietek. Joannes Turów writes about him, Felicianus sicarius Hungarus, in Carolum Regem Hungariae Elisabetamque Reginam cum fenum strinxisset, et jam Regem Reginamque sauciasset, Joannes, Filios Aleksandri de Comitatu Potokiensi, bonae indolis juvenis, Vicedapifer reginae, in sicariumum. invectus, e ferro transfixit, et in Cenam dejecit. Sarnicki lib. 6. fol. 3I1. says, and Joanne Patocio; but both in this and with other authors it is known that the printing press was wrong as follows: because Stryjkov. On his pilgrimage to Hungary, having learned the matter up close, Jan Potocki, a nobleman of Poland, clearly wrote, and Długosz expressed this danger from King Charles in 1330. He says that this John is the de comitat of Regio Joannes. was filios Aleksandri de Potochen, adolescens ingenuus, tui Dapiferi officio fungebatur, Felicianum in pueros regios, raw and necis opera anhelantem primus aggressus, sic na ictu, inter collum et scapulas inflicto, repressit debilitavitque, ot corruens deflueret prenamaece. This is also the case with others about him, Załuski Speech different f. 78th Tember Chron. One should not be surprised that at the Hungarian court the teacup was a Pole: Because Elisabeth the King of Hungary, Elisabeth, was the daughter of the king of Poland, with which many Polish nobles moved to Hungary.                 

Włostko, the heir of the Potok, signed inter praesentes in the list of the Jędrzejów Monastery in 1366. 429] Paproz. about the coat of arms. fol 73. was soon castellan of Wiślicki, with the title under which I read it under the privilege of Casimir the Great, given to the city of Krakow in 1368. Jakub the Castellan of Radom 1398. Jagiełło recounts the letter given to the city of Lublin. Bernard flourished around 1435. Husband and his piety and greatness recommended, but his age hid his honor: however, it is certain that the Potocki-Pilavit family flourished in the first background of dignity from their beginnings, testify our writers, after all, they were equal to others, so always loved them, and they sacredly watched that they were the transportable privileges of princes, counts and margraves to exotic titles and glories from other countries; they gladly invited themselves to them and more than once did not allow them to be accommodated because they had enough that they were born into the Polish aristocracy. There were three sons of Bernard, Bernard, Maciej and Stanisław, but the others claim that there were eight, all of whom, with the respect of their brother, Abbot Jędrzejowski, had their home fortune, the monastery, in order to increase worship for ages : as Nakielski in his Miechowia fol. 510. mentions Piotr and Jan Potocki in 1460. in Szczepanowice. they gave up eternal times: jakoż Nakielski in his Miechów fol. 510. mentions Piotr and Jan Potocki in 1460. in Szczepanowice. they gave up eternal times: jakoż Nakielski in his Miechów fol. 510. mentions Piotr and Jan Potocki in 1460. in Szczepanowice.           

Bernard Abbot Jędrzejowski, son of Bernard, was named after Okolski; but Starowolski in the life of Wincenty Kadłubek I call him Stanisław, which I understand, maybe both are true, that is, Bernhard took the baptismal name, which was later changed to Stanisław during the monastic investiture. According to Jakub Michowski on the suffragany of Vilnius, according to the papal consensus, the Jędrzejów Abbey began to rule, already the twenty-fourth since the beginning of this monastery, the abbot, at the time of which it was published, Liber retaxationum "around the year 1,550 of all praise him that he was a divine Zelant, an example of monasticism and an ornament of his homeland. Stanisław Wojski Krakowski, brother of the abbot, signed marriage contracts first with Ważyńska, then with Psarska, after military expeditions, both of whom died childless, from Goworczanka, Rawicz's coat of arms third wife, he had three sons, Jerzy, Wojciech and Jędrzej. Of these Jerzy, the eldest, his son with his Saint Bernard a famous captain and warrior, but above all his bravery, on the occasion of Wiśniowiec with the Perekop Tars, published in 1512, about the Justus Decius, de Sigismundi I. temporibus, fol. 83. writes. Constantinus Ostrogius cum Litvanicis copiis, et Nicolaus Kameneccius cum Polonicis, ad Wiśniowiecciam opponunt [p. 430] se hostibus, qui statim in Constantini aciem irrrumpunt, at Ilse ut fugam suorum vidit, Polonos ut subveniant, hortatur, negoium hoc Alberto Sampolinscio et Bernardo Potoccio, strenguis militibus creditum, captured by the enemy and taken the prisoners of the Tatars had broken through, when they released them from their fetters and overpowered the pagans, they defeated the Tatar army with such a memorable defeat that they counted twenty-five thousand corpses, kidnapped ten thousand horses, and found sixteen thousand slaves, as Bielski says. 519. I like him Jacob, but Starowol. in monum. from his tombstone, Bernard and Sarnicki. I don't know if it was his wife Paprocki writes about, Elżbieta Kościelecka, voivode of Łęczyca, who later married Sebastian Żórawiński, the castellan of Halych. Wojciech, the second son of Stanisław, a group of four daughters, Barbara Samborzęcka, Zofia, Anna and Katarzyna; (one of them was probably not for Jerzy Lutomirski, the standard-bearer Kamieniecki), he left three sons. Jan, the son of Plajska's first wife, son was Stanisław, and two daughters, Katarzyna Swarczowska and Jadwiga Strzałkowska, and Gawrońska's second wife, two sons, Remigian and Jan. Nikolaus. , the one from Katarzyna Gruszczyńska, a judge from Sandomierz, divided Poland into two sons: because Stanisław settled in Wielkopolska near Jarocin and Jędrzej in the Duchy of Lithuania: Stanisław's offspring flourished in the Pozna Voivodeship, when Rog was born as N Kastellan he had Mięszkowski Poznańska behind him, one of whom was killed young, the other Stefan, his daughter became his Benedictine in Posen in 1532. Wojciech, who spent most of his life in the camp until he was eighty, in various ex-editions, was a captain, buried in Jezupol near OO. Dominikanów, his wife Dorota Zajączkowska, from this line came Maksymilian Potocki from Wola Wielka near arnów, his daughter followed Stanisław Kozierowski around 1620. he divided Poland into two sons: because Stanisław settled in Greater Poland near Jarocin and Jędrzej in the Duchy of Lithuania: from Stanisław the offspring flourished in the Pozna Voivodeship, of which N. Castellan Rogoziński was, he had a Mięszkowska Poznań judge behind him, One of them had a son murdered at an early age, the second Stefan, his daughter, his Benedictine monks in Posen, was born in 1532. Wojciech, who had spent most of his life in the camp until he was eighty, was a captain in various ex-editions , buried in Jezupol near the OO. Dominikanów, his wife Dorota Zajączkowska, from this line came Maksymilian Potocki from Wola Wielka near arnów, his daughter followed around 1620 Stanisław Kozierowski. he divided Poland into two sons: because Stanisław settled in Wielkopolska near Jarocin and Jędrzej in the Duchy of Lithuania: from Stanisław the offspring flourished in the Poznan Voivodeship, of whom N. Castellan Rogoziński was, he had a judge behind him, from whom one had a son murdered at an early age, the second Stefan, his daughter, his Benedictine monks in Posen, was buried in Jezupol in 1532. Wojciech, who had spent almost his entire life in the camp until he was eighty, was the captain of various ex-editions at the OO. Dominikanów, his wife Dorota Zajączkowska, from this line came Maksymilian Potocki from Wola Wielka near arnów, his daughter followed around 1620 Stanisław Kozierowski. Stanisław's descendants flourished in the Poznan Voivodeship during this period, of whom N. was castellan Rogoziński, behind him he had a judge from Mięszkowska Poznań, whose son was killed young, the other Stefan, his daughter was Benedictine in Poznan in 1532 Wojciech, who was digested in the camp for almost his entire life until he was eighty years old, captain of various ex-editions, is buried, rests in Jezupol near the OO. Dominikanów, his wife Dorota Zajączkowska, from this line came Maksymilian Potocki from Wola Wielka near arnów, his daughter followed around 1620 Stanisław Kozierowski. Stanisław's descendants flourished in the Poznań Voivodeship during this period, of whom N. was castellan Rogoziński, behind him he had a judge from Mięszkowska Poznań, whose son was killed young, the other Stefan, his daughter was a Benedictine in Poznan in 1532 ... Wojciech, who was digested in the camp for most of his life until he was eighty years old, captain of various ex-editions, is buried, he rests in Jezupol near the OO. Dominikanów, his wife Dorota Zajączkowska, from this line came Maksymilian Potocki from Wola Wielka near arnów, his daughter followed Stanisław Kozierowski around 1620. who, after having spent almost his entire life in the camp, up to the age of eighty years of his life, was captain in various ex-editions and was buried with his fathers in Jesupol. Dominikanów, his wife Dorota Zajączkowska, from this line came Maksymilian Potocki from Wola Wielka near arnów, his daughter followed around 1620 Stanisław Kozierowski. who, after having spent almost his entire life in the camp, up to the age of eighty years of his life, was captain in various ex-editions and was buried with the fathers in Jesupol. Dominikanów, his wife Dorota Zajączkowska, from this line came Maksymilian Potocki from Wola Wielka near arnów, his daughter followed around 1620 Stanisław Kozierowski.                              

Jakub, court marshal of Zygmunt August, at that time still King of Poland, by his father Maciej (he was the third brother of Bernard Abbot Jędrzejowski, the standard bearer of Krakowski, born, part of his fortune, sacrificed glory to God, some of the brothers had given up his cousins ), all poured out for the favor of the fatherland. That is why he was so involved in chivalric affairs and the abilities of the martial arts in the camp that Zygmunt I gave him his son August as a gift to him in his bachelor workshops and in bloody merit the goods of Zahajpol or Zajpole and Sokołów, [S. 431] he set eternal times for him and his successors, of which Zahajpol, the Potok on Pokucie on the Dniester, remained; from Kozimińska he had sons, Mikołaj and Jędrzej, and a repeated marriage from Jazłowiecka, two daughters, one of whom married Ensign von Podolski, the second for Mikołaj Koryciński; and the son of Stanisław, he left his son Jan, the starost of Tłoczacki, who acquired his inheritance at the Grodecki estate, good in foreign languages ​​and in the camp for the sake of his homeland, was polished to his fame, was named by the captain of his wife Ostrorożanka who gave him a daughter Anna Wesslowa, a Starosta Rożańska, Acta Castren. Zakroczym. 1646. and the son of Mikołaj, the royal captain, who, according to Okolski of Logofetowna, was the Chancellor of Multańska (that is, as I read in Actis Castren. Zakroczym. 1646. from Katarzyna Maraczanka, who after his death married Count Jan Tarnowski, who had two sons, Stanisław and Jan, was buried with this tombstone.Si intueris quis fueram? sapiens, strenguus, et dives, sed haec omnia nihil, solus Deus omnia. Nicolaus a Potok Potocki Rothmagister sub auspiciis Ducis Exercituum Stanislae Żołkiews, quiesco . Vale et cogita tuum extremum diem. Hodie vel cras sequeris; his sons Stanisław, the royal colonel, his wife Zofia Makowiecka, the Stolniks of Halicka: the second Jan Karol, the cupbearer of Podolski, had his banners during the siege of Zbarazek. Konstitu. 1653.f. 3. and 1661. fol. 1. Barbara Potocka stood behind Jakub Myszkowski from Mirów, the burgrave of Krakowski, Jędrzej, the second son of Jakub née Kozimińska, left the son by Jakub Halicki, chamberlain and captain, with Florian Zebrzydowski, hetman, brave at Newl against Moscow: the inscription on his grave in Budziacz says about him: Siste parumper eter, percurrens hic sta viator, Perlege, sed maestus Sarmata toboggan, precor. Potocius recubat gentis generosa proago Vandalitum, lapidis mole tegente caput. Quem Scytha, quem Valachus, quem Turca timebat iniquus. Hunc brevis urna capit, pulvis et umbra tenut; from Ostrowska, his son Jędrzej Fähnrich Podolski, spent forty years of his life in the service of his homeland and on war occasions, died in 1572. His tombstone in Buczac is remembered: Positus hic man Andreas Potocki Vexillifer Camenecensis, Equitum Ductor, Cognovit eum Moschusa Magnan Equimum , Scyrenit eum Muskusa Magnan Equimum ,; his daughter married the starost of Chełm, Woroniecki; his, how many years do I bring with me from the computer, recalls Bielski, when Krępski describes the defeat of 1563. Volume. 3. fol. 190 says that some [p. 432] from Potocki, named after the possessions of Swięcice Trzonowe, Święcickiemi, including one after Zbylitowski. Aries. and with MS. claims that Jędrzej Potocki in Jeziorowice with Czermińska, Jelita coats of arms, left sons and daughters in Kraków,                             

Mikołaj General Podolski, Starost von Chmielnik, royal captain and regiment, son of Jakub née Kozimińska, the elder; on the Dniester and in Wallachia, after he had established the beginnings of a heroic heart, and before that at the court of Sigismund I and Sigismund Augustus, with saber and unshakable loyalty to the masters, he made the honor of his house; For which Zygmunt August gives him the privilege, says: Cum esset nobis per multa et varia eximiae virtutis exemp, spectata fides atque integritas, Nicolai Potocki, quam ab ineunte aetate sua, adhuc D. Parenti nostro, in ejus aula educatus, in dein nostra per multos annos superbissime versatus, testatam re liquit; plurima insuper documenta egregii animi atque fortitudinis, in the militia, pro tuendis finibus Regni nostri, per multa dispendia suscepta, praebuit, adeo ut omnium et nostro judicio, dignus existimatus sit, ut inter alios Patricios Proceres, et strenuos viros, de Republice benemeritosice ad praemia meritae virtutis vocaretur etc. At the wedding of this Zygmunt he hunted gloriously with a copy, Orichov. in the Panegir. Nuptia. 1553. He joined Czermińska for life, one daughter with Trus Jakub, Starost von Chmielnik, the other with Stanisław Wołucki, castellan from Halych, Crown Chamberlain, Starost von Rawski. And five sons: John, Jędrzej, Jacob, Nicholas and Stefan. Of these, Mikołaj, the royal captain, died childless young of all hopes for himself, after whose death his wife, Helena Kalinowska, resumed her marriage to Prusinowski Janusz, chamberlain Bełski. At the wedding of this Zygmunt, he gloriously hunted with a copy, Orichov. in the Panegir. Nuptia. 1553. He joined Czermińska for life, one daughter with Trus Jakub, Starost von Chmielnik, the other with Stanisław Wołucki, castellan from Halych, treasurer, Starost von Rawski. And five sons: John, Jędrzej, Jacob, Nicholas and Stefan. Of these, Mikołaj, the royal captain, died childless young of all hopes for himself, after whose death his wife, Helena Kalinowska, resumed her marriage to Prusinowski Janusz, chamberlain Bełski. At the wedding of this Zygmunt, he gloriously hunted with a copy, Orichov. in the Panegir. Nupti. 1553. He joined Czermińska for life, one daughter with Trus Jakub, Starost von Chmielnik, the other with Stanisław Wołucki, castellan from Halych, Crown Chamberlain, Starost von Rawski. And five sons: John, Jędrzej, Jacob, Nicholas and Stefan. Of these, Mikołaj, the royal captain, died childless young of all hopes for himself, after whose death his wife Helena Kalinowska resumed her marriage to Prusinowski Janusz, chamberlain Bełski. Jan, Jędrzej, Jakub, Mikołaj and Stefan. Of these, Mikołaj, the royal captain, died childless young of all hopes for himself, after whose death his wife Helena Kalinowska resumed her marriage to Prusinowski Janusz, chamberlain Bełski. Jan, Jędrzej, Jakub, Mikołaj and Stefan. Of these, Mikołaj, the royal captain, died childless young of all hopes for himself, after whose death his wife Helena Kalinowska resumed her marriage to Prusinowski Janusz, Chamberlain Bełski.                          

Jan, the Voivode of Bracławski and Field Clerk of the Crown, General Podolski, Staroste Latyczowski, the eldest son of Mikołaj General Podolski. Kobierzycki in the story of F. 397. Starowol. in Bellat. Sarmatian. fol. 220. that's what they say about him. Our homeland had no more than a brave soldier of this age, or someone more adept at the knightly works of a commanding officer. According to Starowol under the Newela. Captain of the hussar banner Konstantyn Prince of Ostrog, the voivode of Kiev, he founded warlike beginnings under Sigismund Augustus, where he put his arm around Moscow's neck, soon in the second campaign he pointed to the Tatarskis (but this Polish bachelor was hardly born when this [P. 433] was the occasion). Stefan Batory, King of Poland, respectable bachelor folk, he was already a colonel during the Moscow War, the more he loved him, more than once in his eyes, stained with hostile blood, he saw from the descending field. Jan Zamojski, the hetman and Crown Chancellor, wanted in all his expeditions that he should gain victorious fame as a participant, which he had suffered on the most difficult occasions as a fearless and fortune fighter, from whom he valued him so much that he never did anything without his advice, and yes, more than a couple of times he would like to testify that he was worthy that the entire government army with the highest mace would rely on: as if without gas, it would have been Sigismund III. The King of Poland, like much more than anyone else, who deserved him best if there were alleged heresies that intruded into this honorable house, and for some people only in our time; it wasn't a dam big, even for other royal darlings. It is certain that after Zamojski's death in 1605. Soon after, Żółkiewski was transferred from a smaller mace to a larger one: until 1613, what can be learned from the Crown Constitutions, that year, as is spoken in Żółkiewskie, and given him the smaller Koniecpolski became, so after the death of this Jan and his brother Jakub, know that their merits and the dignity of this brave leader he saw the Polish throne. Thanks to his product, this Jan received many significant victories, and above all Zamojski received the victory from Michał, the Multanski voivode, who was left in Wołoszech by the same hetman to assure the new inmates Jeremy and Simeon Mohydy, hospodars of Wallachia, subjugated to his rule of four thousand Polish soldiers. When the party began to raise Michał's head again, he humiliated them with his saber and his bravery so much that Michał saved his life from a skirmish with only a few people. The leader of the insurgent Cossacks was suppressed by the leader. He crushed five thousand Transylvanian residents and had him impaled in 1608. During the Sigismund rebellion 11I. almost all of this king's fortune fell on him, so much so that near Guzów, when the opportunity came with the insurgents, this Jan with his brothers Jędrzej and Jakub, connected by close affinities, Strus, Kalinowski, Golski, many people at a buoy, with royal dignity, after showing his chest, he replaced the army's forehead; there, when on the right wing of Chodkiewicz the Lithuanian hetman, like many of his men and the urging of the rococo men, the Żółkiewski royal hetman of the crown (because the great mace was on vacation) [p. 434] on the left wing, for a close relationship with the Rokoszans, he gave little encouragement over his offer to the king; so far that after breaking through the confused royal army of ranks, the rebellion against the King of Tears himself, Sigismund III. When he saw the ceaseless step of Potocki's field or the others advised him to be rescued to a safer place, he received with a big heart; until this Jan Potocki, who had driven his opponents out of the field, although he overturned almost all impulses from the other side, returned with victory. After that, everyone did not admit the happy course of the battle to anyone else, only Potocki, as clearly writes, the Łubieński Bishop of Płock, who looked at it himself, De motu Civili lib. 3. fol. 131. Out of loyalty to himself, Zygmunt gave him the province of Bracławskie after the death of Prince Janusz Zbarazki. The rebels dispersed after this defeat to see themselves well hidden in Poland, did not give up until this brave husband, he was within the Polish borders, so he withdrew with the army to put down new uprisings in Wallachia ; where he struck the head of the Turks, Tatars and Wallachians, the assembled troops gathered, and after having won a great victory, he lowered Constantine Mohyla in the courtyard; Due to his absence in Poland, the old domestic storm in his homeland was again so dusty that King Sigismund, in order to seduce them, had to quickly revoke Johann von Wołoch, for whose arrival, when they lost hope, the desired peace entered into the kingdom. So experienced, to have this happy warrior Sigismund in his council, almost everything depended on him, and the king saw him defend his majesty so that she might be there and that freedom might not suffer the slightest damage. When Zygmunt and his army visited Moscow, first instinctively besieged Smolensk; where about all army there he put Żółkiewski in Zolkiewski's absence; why some field hetmanes give him the honor: After all, his gravestone, which Okolski wrote, does not give him this title. It is certain that this Jan from Guzowska had his own significant army department, which was not under the jurisdiction of the hetman, and as a field clerk for the crown he had the first privilege after the hetman in the army: but before taking the city of Smolensk, health not as old as Lagernot, in the years of his 56th life, in 1611, he ceased to live with regret for the Majesty and the well-wishers of his whole homeland. Starowolski describes it as follows: Vir pacis et belli artibus clarissimus, forma corporis simul [p. 435] dignitate congruebat, et oris decus, et morum elegantia adfuere. Fuit in eo praeterea labores, inediae, algoris, vigiliae patientia suma, item justitia, pietas, modestia, liberalitas, caeteraeque heroeci animi dotes. The Latyczowski Castle took over the foundation, which had allocated a certain sum to the royal goods to him through the reward of his homeland, on the condition that his successors should endure them for fifty years after his death. What about const. 1598. fol. 690. and 1607. fol. 851 and 1609. fol. 897. He had Elżbieta Kamieniecka, a Russian chamberlain, an Orthodox Catholic, with whom he liked to live childlessly, after all for her the OO. The Dominicans in Kamieniec and Latyczów, although far from our faith, funded large alms for them. OK. Soot. Pile. fol. 106. Apparently, however, shortly before his death, he reconciled with the Catholic Church, but with Starowol. loc. cit. writes,                                                       

Jędrzej, the castellan of Kamieniec, the starost of Białokamiński, the second son of Mikołaj General Podolski, signed these titles on the list of Zygmunt III. 1609. with Posseliusz fol. 433. His young years at the court of Sigismund Augustus, which he had spent gloriously, continued to devote himself to his homeland: when he was still a cupbearer of Podolsky, he sent to the Seym in 1589, where he signed the Będzin transaction, and In 1601 again from where he was destined to leave empty fields in Rus and Podolia, he divided himself up to his well-deserved homeland. Const. fol. 742. In 1607, as a representative of the Rawska district in the same Seym, he received some freedoms in bloody merit from the Commonwealth for the new town, which he founded on his hereditary land in Podolia near the Wallachian border. Const. fol. 857. (however do not write the name). The hands of his already captain, already experienced regiment, suffered Multany, Wołochy, the Turks near Cracow and Dziurdów, where he settled with his brother Siemion on the Wołosek estate, where the Multan fields were covered with dense bissurmanes with graves. During the uprising at Guzów, at Zygmunt III. while standing he laid his life on the wall; on this occasion he was hardly found breathing between the corpses. Twice he renewed his vows, the first time with Zofia Piasecka of the coat of arms of Zabawa, of whom there were four sons: Mikołaj, Stanisław, Jerzy and Jakub; two daughters, one Anna, the first with Stanisław Golski, voivode of Ruthenia, and after his death with Karol [p. 436] the prince of Korecki, the castellan of Volhynia, concluded contracts for life; it was a devout woman who, born of heretical parents, still virginal and seriously ill, neglected her father's failures, professed the Catholic faith, and was always zealous in her later life, and even led her own brothers, Jerzy and Jakub In order to forego heretical mistakes, she died in 1623. In the 1930s she was buried in Korets, where her tombstone hung on a silver plaque. The second, Krystyna, the first relationship, Aleksander Humiecki, the castellan of Kamieniec, the second - Samuel Zmiechowski, wife 9, God rewarded her holy life with great graces, and his divine mysteries were amazing for future things; I have read in the history of our Lviv college that two theologians, from then on the requisition of the Ordinaria Loci, were proxies for the more certain confirmation of these divine gifts: I would have listed them here if I could have had them authentically. I have only heard that she often said: "After that the name of the Potocki-Pilawiten will flourish as long as the crown treasure does not enter this house. Courtier of Zygmunt III and the captain at Smolensk, when he was under the walls of this house on royal orders City inspected the mines and shot a bullet over his shoulder over his shoulder, he sealed life in a young plow on his homeland home, with his blood. Kobierzyc encourages him. History. Fol. 381. is in Potok, from where from Starovol. in Monuments. and Okay. his gravestone was written. Courtier of Zygmunt III and near Smolensk, the captain, looking at the mines under the walls of this city on the orders of the king and with a bullet over his shoulder shot over his shoulder, he sealed life in a young plow, on his homeland, with his blood. Kobierzyc encourages him. History. fol. 381. is in Potok, from where Starovol. in monuments. and Okay. his tombstone was written.