The noble Polish family Ramult. Die adlige polnische Familie Ramult. - Werner Zurek - E-Book

The noble Polish family Ramult. Die adlige polnische Familie Ramult. E-Book

Werner Zurek



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The noble Polish family Ramult. Die adlige polnische Familie Ramult.

The noble Polish family Ramult.Impressum

The noble Polish family Ramult.

Die adlige polnische Familie Ramult.

Ramułt ( Ramułt , Stoica ) - Polish coat of arms .      

The description of the coat of arms of the rules of use of Blazing proposal Alfred Znamierowski :   

In the red field five silver roses (2, 1, 2).

Gemstone - peacock tail. 

Red labras , lined with silver.  

Bartosz Paprocki describes the coat of arms in "The Nest of Virtues " as follows :     

Five roses in a red field.

Another description of the gemstone appeared in Kasper Niesiecki :   

There will be five white roses in the red field, in the same shape as zinc bones express, a peacock tail on the helmet.

The coat of arms first appeared in the 16th century. The first depiction of the coat of arms comes from Panosza by Bartosz Paprocki (1575), others from the Nest of Virtues (1578) and the coat of arms of the Polish knights (1584) by the same author and the Polish Chronicle by Marcin Bielski (1585) .             

Since Ramult is a relatively young coat of arms, historical messages are fairly consistent in terms of the shape of the coat of arms. In Panoszy and the Nest of Virtues , Paprocki only presented the emblem itself, but in other works he provided a full drawing. Marcin Bielski also has a full coat of arms. Subsequent authors have cited the picture from the 16th century to this day.          

According to the legend cited by Paprocki and Niesiecki , the coat of arms of Baldwin, Bishop of Kruszwica , from France, who took over the diocese in 1128, was to be brought to Poland .       

The list is based on reliable sources, especially classical and modern herbaria . However, we pay attention to the frequent phenomenon of wrongly assigning coats of arms to noble families, especially during the legitimation of the nobility to possessive heralds , which was then recorded in successively published coat of arms magazines . We also emphasize that the identity of the surname does not necessarily mean belonging to a specific coat of arms. Such affiliation can doubt only through genealogical research found are .            

The list of surnames in the article comes from the Polish Herbarium of Tadeusz Gajl :   

Babek , Bombek , Czelatycki , Czermieński , Czermiński , Kosienie , Krzecieski , Krzęciewski , Łagiewnicki , yński , Losinski , Łośmiński , Mlekicki , Penski , Pęski , Pierscinski , Pier, Pierzyzciń , Wytr Wi .

Czermieński , coat Ramult (vol. 3 p 245)

Coat of arms of Czermie ofski von Ramult , in the Krakow Voivodeship and Podolia. Jan Czermieński at the court of Gamrat , Archbishop of Gniezno, earned through efforts for several years, died in 1586. I saw his tombstone in the Kraków OO Church. Dominicans with the Ramult coat of arms . Czermieński had Barbara behind him, the daughter of Walenty Kalinowski from Wojski Halicki , and with her a son, Marcin, and a daughter, Barbara. The genealogy of the Kalinowski family. Czermieńska , wife of Mikołaj Potocki Chmielnicki , Staroste and General von Podolsky. Okolski vol. 2. fol . 402. Jerzy in the Pinsk district from 1632. Stanisław in Ruthenia.          

Drohojowski of the Korczak coat of arms (vol. 3 pp. 402-406)

Drohojowski of the Korczak coat of arms, in Rus. Atanazy Drojewski , the ruler of Przemyśl around 1440, as evidenced by his picture in this cathedral. Jan Parys in Drohojów Drohojewski left five sons with a judge from Orzechowska , Przemyska . Thereof: Jan 1st ahead, Castellan of Chełm , [p. 403] then Bishop of Kamieniec , from where he went to Chełmskie , from there to Kujawskie , where he died in 1557. He loved his homeland: Orichov . in annals. Then . in Episk . Cujav . who wrote more about him. 2. Stanisław , the castellan of Przemyśl 1578. Constit . fol . 354. He was a well-deserved gentleman, but far from being a Catholic he had Urszula Karłówna , the niece of Król Bona, of whom he had a son in 1591, Jan Castellan von Sanocki . 616. Anna Balowna's fathered a daughter, Anna, who first lived with Dembiński , the sub- capital of Cracow, after him with Zaręba , and two sons. AND. Maciej Stanisław , his wife Marianna Czermińska from the Ramułt coat of arms of the Kamieniecka army, born from Strzyżowska from the Gozdawa coat of arms, gave him four daughters, Anna Jaskmanicka , Elżbieta Kopycińska , Magdalena and Zofia: four sons; Samuel, the pay leader of the French army, died there. Jan dies from Zuzanna Jaskmanicka , two sons who died young. Aleksandra Dymitra , the first relationship lived with Agnieszka Gorajska sterilis , the second with Konstancja Ożarowska , from which the daughter of Agnieszka Mikołaj Grzybowski , a cupbearer of Ciechanowski , and five sons, Krzysztof Tomasz sterilis , Maciej Stefan Schwertnik Buski sterilis . Aleksander Dymitr , his wife Marianna Ukowska . Krzysztof Tomasz, the fourth son of Maciej née Czermińska , the ensign of Przemyska , his first wife, Zofia Swatopełkowna , Bolestraszycka , from Przemyśl , widow of Paweł Ożarowski ; 2. Dorota Felicjana Gulden, castellan of Gdansk; 3. Aleksandra Bidzińska , sister of the Voivod of Sandomierz ; with the first he had six daughters, Magdalena Bazyli Hoszowski , Krystyna Marcin Bielski , the sword maker from Lubelski , 2 to the vote of Samuel Sokolnicki , the Jewish standard bearer, Anna Ludwik Jeziorkowski , Marianna Aleksander Stan, Helena Ożarowski , Buski's wife, Eleanor died young: three sons son John, the latter renewed his vows four times, 1 with Uleniecka , 2 with Kossowska , the ensign of Zatorska , with whom he had a son, Józef. 3tio with Sołtykowna , who had son Aleksander and daughter Franciszek. 4 is with Morska , son Antoni and daughter Agnieszka. Aleksander Dymitr , the second son of Krzysztof, the standard- bearer of Przemyśl , had Helena Rupniewska , whose son Krzysztof was, and daughter Katarzyna, first Donhoff to Starost Wiślicki , after him Antoni Rozwadowski to Starost von Karaczkowski . The third Samuel Kuzyn . II.                                      Jan, the second son of Jan, the castellan of Sanocki from Balowna , had the first Lasocka relationship behind him, [p. 404] of them daughter Beata Krystyna, ordered 1 vote with Zygmunt Porębski , Ensign Zatorski , and then castellan Zawichojski , 2 with Marcin Mielecki , captain, Starost von Brzeźnica , had no children with both children. The second union took Katarzyna Myszkowska with the Oświęcim army and the Castren fleet. Krakow. 1650, daughter of Zofia, married to Teodor Małachowski , son of Sieradz from the army, and three sons. Stanisław consisting Konstancja Marcho-cka begat Zofia, Jan Skoruta , 2 to the vote by Krzysztof Humnicki , a wife, other Łazowska , Helena and Eufrozyna , as many sons as nuns, that is, January Marcin consisting Wizembergowny had two daughters, Domicella, first Łepkowska , then Kobielska , and Salomea Chwalibogowa , and a son, Kazimierz, from Jaklińska . Adam stolnik Bielski , who came from Rzewuska , left daughters, Rozalia nun, Marianna Karśnicka Oberszterleitnant , Anna Zalaszowska and Teresa Wisłocka , and the son of Jędrzej , canon of Przemyśl , canon of Warsaw, pastor of Pruchnicki . Tomasz cześnik Podolski, the son of Ludwik from Wolska , has Brześćńska and his daughter Justyna. Mikołaj , the fourth son of Stanisław née Marchocka , brother of Jan, Adam and Tomasz, the one with the Kossowska flag from Zatorska sterilis . Władysław Ferdynand , the second son of Jan nee Myszkowska , who with Anna Marchocka , Starosta Czchowska , fathered a daughter, Helena, Jerzy Jordan, the cupbearer of Krakowski, his wife, and the two sons of Jan Castellan Czerniechowski , who of Rojowska , the castellan von Wiślicka , daughter Anna nuniszka , second Katarzyna, Jan Bal , cupbearer von Trembowelski , judges Sanocki and Teresa; Two sons, Jakub and Ochotnicka , Józef and Wolska , signed marriage contracts. Józef, the castellan's brother, the sword-bearer from Przemyska , the one from Marchocka , three daughters, Drzewiecka , Witowska and Kotowska , as many sons: Michał , Teodor and Mikołaj , his son also Mikołaj from Gorecka . was. Stefan, the third son of Jan from Myszkowska , Colonel Królewski , his daughter Antonina from Omiecińska , married to Jędrzej Wizemberg . 3. Krzysztof, son of Jan née Orzechowska , was born from Morawska , Katarzyna Herburt , castellan from Sanock , Przemyska , Mościcka and Starosta from Mednieka . Anna Wasowiczowa , Bierecka and Gniewoszowa Staroścka Latowicka , as many sons, that is, Jan Tomasz, the Crown Chancellor , the Starost of Przemyśl , signed the privilege granted to the city of Lviv in 1557. The following year he was sent to the Warsaw Sejm, and that was both a great joke and a fluent use of different languages ​​appeared in him [p 405] therefore he was deployed in various embassies, already in France to King Henry I for Port to the Turkish tsar, Amurat of King Stefan, during whose time he fought valiantly against enemies from Danzig on all occasions, he joined Wolska for life, Marshal of the Crown. He was a sister to whom only one son, Mikołaj , was born, but he lived with Baranowska without a child . Jan Kuzyn , the Starost of Przemyśl , was sterile. Kilian, chamberlain of Przemyski , the first with his wife Ostrowska , he had only one daughter, married to Grzegorz Leżeński , with the second Sobkower Castellan of Sendomierka , he had three daughters, Elżbieta - one month old Herburt , 2 - Lubomirska , starościnka Sadecka . Magdalena Szaniawska and then Gniewoszowa and Zofia Piasecka ; and four sons, Jan and Krzysztof unmarried, Stanisław nee Wysocka left a son, Jan, and Samuel Łowczy Nurski , whose sons had four estates , Władysław , Stanisław , Franciszek sterilis and Jisdrzej nee Glembowska . Krzysztof, the fourth son of Krzysztof from Morawska , (but the others want him to be the son of Stanisław , the castellan of Przemyl , and the genealogy indicates that he was from Zofia Ossolińska , castellan of Sandomierz , who later became the castellan of Przemyśl was born, Stanisław was born , and know the second wife after Karłownia , as mentioned above) that of Anna or Katarzyna Męcińska , castellan from Wieluń , fathered four daughters, Zofia Krzysztof in Stans Nowy Tańcu , Anna Włostowski from Judge Sanocki , sterile, Katarzyna Zaranka , Wife Elżbieta Oleśnicki and two sons; from these Jędrzej took the Chamberlain of Kiev from Hornostajna (who married Abrahamowicz , voivod of Trotsky, after his death ), the son of Samuel, Starosta Niedzialski , who had a daughter from Orlicka , the Marcin. married Rybiński , ensign of Łomżyński . The brother of Jędrzej born Męcińska Stanisław , the one born Zofia Przyjemska , treasurer of Kaliska , leaving Anna Gorajska in Łaszczów and Katarzyna Kaszewska Miecznikowa Wołyńska as infertile, and three sons, Krzysztof stolnik of v times with Zofia Malicka , the second time with Zofia Malicka Teodora Buczacka , neither of the offspring; the third time with Teofila Leszczyńska , heiress in Włodawa , widow of Buczacki of the two sons, Adam and Samuel, childless goods . Władysława , the one with Orzechowska of the coat of arms of Rogala sterilis . Jędrzej . first he was a teacup, then the standard-bearer of Przemysl and finally Starost of Łukowski . 4to. Jędrzej , the fourth son of Krzysztof née Orzechowska , who mortgaged only three daughters with Fredrowna ; Katarzyna Krzysztof Rej [p. 406] the Lublin carpenter Barbara Fredra and then Jan Stadnicki , Zofia Jędrzej Ossoliński , the heir to Bałto and his wife. 5to. Mikołaj , the fifth son of Krzysztof from Orze-chowska , then Oparowska , gave birth to two daughters, Brześćńska and Chłopicka , the son of a Jerzy, three from Bobolanka , Abbot Stanisław , Jędrzaj , the head of Przemyśl with sterile and Stefan, the left three sons from Sieciń , Jan Tomasz, from whom her two sons from Bierecka , Franciszek and Jędrzej , came. Franciszek née Lipowska , the descendants of Zofia, Teresa, Stanisław , Seweryn and Jerzy. Jędrzeja with Teofila Zabawska , Zofianna Kossowska , N. Ostrowska and their son Zygmunt, the cathedral dean of Przemyśl , multiple member of the tribunal, a worthy prelate. Gabriel, the second son of Stefan from Siecińska , the one with Glinczanka , had two sons, Stefan and Władysław Steriles. Wojciech, Stefan's third son, who with Romerowna had four daughters, Salomea , Petronella, Marianna and Róża , and one son, Jan, who was born in Przedwolwska , three sons; Stanisław , Antoni and Paweł ; it's from Geneal . This house. Krom these followed Zofia Jan Bobrownicki the swordtail Stężycki . N. behind Czapski Jędrzej , the second behind Michał Czapski . Christopher, is in print Oratio, de fatalibus Rerum publicarum periodis apud Mel. Junium vol. 2. Ora. Argentine. Gabriel, the second son of Stefan from Siecińska , the one with Glinczanka , had two sons, Stefan and Władysław Steriles. Wojciech, Stefan's third son, who with Romerowna had four daughters, Salomea , Petronella, Marianna and Róża , and one son, Jan, who was born in Przedwolwska , three sons; Stanisław , Antoni and Paweł ; it's from Geneal . This house. Krom these followed Zofia Jan Bobrownicki the swordtail Stężycki . N. behind Czapski Jędrzej , the second behind Michał Czapski . Christopher, is in print Oratio, de fatalibus Rerum publicarum periodis apud Mel. Junium vol. 2. Ora. Argentine. Gabriel, the second son of Stefan from Siecińska , the one with Glinczanka , had two sons, Stefan and Władysław Steriles. Wojciech, Stefan's third son, who with Romerowna had four daughters, Salomea , Petronella, Marianna and Róża , and one son, Jan, who was born in Przedwolwska , three sons; Stanisław , Antoni and Paweł ; it's from Geneal . This house. Krom these followed Zofia Jan Bobrownicki the swordtail Stężycki . N. behind Czapski Jędrzej , second behind Michał Czapski . Christopher, is in print Oratio, de fatalibus Rerum publicarum periodis apud Mel. Junium vol. 2. Ora. Argentine. Krom these followed Zofia Jan Bobrownicki the swordtail Stężycki . N. behind Czapski Jędrzej , second behind Michał Czapski . Christopher, is in print Oratio, de fatalibus Rerum publicarum periodis apud Mel. Junium vol. 2. Ora. Argentine. Krom these followed Zofia Jan Bobrownicki the swordtail Stężycki . N. behind Czapski Jędrzej , the second behind Michał Czapski . Christopher, is in print Oratio, de fatalibus Rerum publicarum periodis apud Mel. Junium vol. 2. Ora. Argentine.                                                                                                                        

Drohojowski district judge Przemyski, the landlord in Bolestraszyce from Zborowska, left three daughters: one of them after Michał Drohojowski , the town judge Przemyski ; secondly, according to Judge Wiślicki Strojowski : The third Miss has died. - The son of Michał and Przemyśl swordtail closed to Lubieniecka to: the second Józef from Pinińska left a daughter. - Drohojowski , Zydaczewski from Borejkowna left two sons: Jędrzej , the one with Ulińska , fathered a daughter Aniela Ustrzycka and the sons Mikołaj and N. - Dominik, the younger brother of Jędrzej née Kopystyńska , had offspring. - Michał Drohojowski , the judge of the city of Przemyśl , the squire in Trojczyce from S Pałacka left two daughters, 2do from Drohojowska , a son, and 3tio from Chojecka , also offspring. - Józef, the son of castellan Czerniechowski (as above), first ensign from Żydaczewski , later castellan from Przemyśl from Wolska , left three daughters: Anna for the Piniński Starost from Pilzno , Józefa for Woronicz , the third became a Saint Bernard and the sons of seven, of which a Carmelite, the second the Reformed, and the third Dominican goods . - Antoni, the Stolnik from Przemyska , son of castellan Józef, heir in Krukiewice from Konarska , castellan from Sandomierz , had two sons, Onufry and Jakub. - Jan Swordnik Lviv unmarried. - The youngest son of Józef, the castellan Wiktor von Łosiowna , the widow of Zawadzki, had two sons, Lesław and Stanisław . - Krasicki footnotes . - The youngest son of Józef, the castellan Wiktor von Łosiowna , the widow of Zawadzki, had two sons, Lesław and Stanisław . - Krasicki footnotes . - The youngest son of Józef, the castellan Wiktor von Łosiowna , the widow of Zawadzki, had two sons, Lesław and Stanisław . - Krasicki footnotes .                   

Bombek coat of arms (vol. 2 p. 222)

Christmas decorations coat of arms . Neither Paprocki nor Okolski wrote about it : their own coat of arms. The shield is divided into two parts, on one side on the left with two paws up, on the other side five roses with a string at the waist. The occasion on which this coat of arms was awarded was nowhere to be found: it is now in bloom in the Sandomierz Voivodeship . Stanisław in 1697. One of them also followed Brant Jerzy. - The coat of arms I'm adding here is from your home seal, but MS. on Prussian families he claims that they use the Ramult coat of arms. -        

Wielądek writes that in the constitution of 1764 he read between the Sufragiami that Józef Bombek had signed up for the election of King Stanisław August. - 

Cromer coat of arms (vol. 3 pp. 150-155)

Cromer coat of arms. There is a two-part shield, one higher and the other lower: on the upper part a half eagle of natural color on the chest, with wings extended upwards, [p. 151] his neck is surrounded by a laurel wreath, his head is turned towards the right shield, in a red field. In the lower part there is the coat of arms of the Austrian house, i.e. a red stripe in a white field: Above the helmet and the crown there is a half black eagle with two heads, which the Roman emperors use. Fern. about the coat of arms. fol . 586. Okolski vol. 1. fol . 499. Jewels fol . 61. The upper part of this coat of arms, given to Marcin Kromer, Bishop of Warmia by Zygmunt August, King of Poland: knowing and through the coat of arms itself that as compensation for his great wisdom and work in writing Polish history, he took the laurel of the crowned eagle. Second part of Ferdinand the Roman Emperor,          

I have already spoken about the origin of the Polish eagle and the coat of arms of our crown; I will briefly mention the coat of arms and the reason for its acquisition in the Austrian house. Paprocki w Ogrodzie fol . 107. Card 696. W is listed for the cathedral. 3. Says that during the reign of Emperor Trajan during the famous campaign against King Decebal , when they heroically appeared there, the margraves of Austria took five golden larks with them in the blue field in the coat of arms. But Miss Maimburg in his story about the Crusades lib . 5. writes that it was previously acquired in Palestine during the siege of the city of Ptolomaida . There, when Leopold, the Duke of Austria, stumbled bravely, so much so that he fell on the walls with some of his men, but when they all beat around him , he threw himself into the sea, all red, seeing himself alone with his own blood and with his enemies, their own besides this place, he wore a white belt. I founded Friedrich the Kaiser as an eternal memory of such a beautiful deed, he gave him a white field in a red field for his coat of arms and a silver container for his coat of arms. But then Leopold IX. the margrave of Austria, who fought valiantly against the pagan Prussians for this time, took a white petticoat in a red field in exchange for the first coat of arms.