The noble Polish family Rappe. Die adlige polnische Familie Rappe. - Werner Zurek - E-Book

The noble Polish family Rappe. Die adlige polnische Familie Rappe. E-Book

Werner Zurek



This is a hodgepodge of a disordered, systematically arranged collection of the Polish nobility. On these pages you will find out everything about: descent, aristocracy, aristocratic literature, aristocratic name endings, aristocratic association, genealogy, bibliography, books, family research, research, genealogy, history, heraldry, heraldry, herb, herbarity, indigenous, information, literature, names, nobility files, Nobility, personal history, Poland, Schlachta, Szlachta, coat of arms, coat of arms research, coat of arms literature, nobility, coat of arms, knight, Poland, szlachta, herb, Herbarz. Sammelsurium, veltemere, systematice ordinaretur collectio super principes Poloniae, Gathering, veltimere, systemati cordinaretur collectio super principes Poloniae, Rassemblement, veltimere, ordinaretur systématique super collection Poloniae, Translations in: English, German, French. Das ist ein Sammelsurium einer ungeordneten, systematisch angelegten Sammlung des polnischen Adels. Auf diesen Seiten erfahren Sie alles über: Abstammung, Adel, Adelsliteratur, Adelsnamensendungen, Adelsverband, Ahnenforschung, Bibliographie, Bücher, Familienforschung, Forschungen, Genealogie, Geschichte, Heraldik, Heraldisch, herb, Herbarz, Indigenat, Informationen, Literatur, Namen, Nobilitierungsakten, Nobility, Personengeschichte, Polen, Schlachta, Szlachta, Wappen, Wappenforschung, Wappenliteratur, Adel, Wappen, Ritter, Polen, szlachta, herb, Herbarz. Sammelsurium, veltemere, systematice ordinaretur collectio super principes Poloniae, Gathering, veltimere, systemati cordinaretur collectio super principes Poloniae, Rassemblement, veltimere, ordinaretur systématique super collection Poloniae, Translations in: English, German, French. Il s'agit d'un méli-mélo d'une collection désordonnée et systématiquement organisée de la noblesse polonaise. Sur ces pages, vous trouverez tout sur: descendance, aristocratie, littérature aristocratique, terminaisons de noms aristocratiques, association aristocratique, généalogie, bibliographie, livres, recherche familiale, recherche, généalogie, histoire, héraldique, héraldique, herbe, herbalisme, indigène, information , littérature, noms, dossiers de noblesse Noblesse, histoire personnelle, Pologne, Schlachta, Szlachta, blason, recherche sur les armoiries, blason de la littérature, noblesse, blason, chevalier, Pologne, szlachta, herbe, Herbarz. Sammelsurium, veltemere, systematice ordinaretur collectio super principes Poloniae, Gathering, velti

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The noble Polish family Rappe. Die adlige polnische Familie Rappe.

The noble Polish family Rappe.Impressum

The noble Polish family Rappe.

Die adlige polnische Familie Rappe.

Black (black, black). In a silver or blue field, three black or silver, floating, stacked rafters of different sizes; Helmet decoration: three ostrich feathers.

Coat of arms of Rappe (vol. 8 p. 92)

Black coat of arms . An old house in Prussia. From these, Rugelhardus Rappe signed the Peace of Prussia, with Łaski in the folkloric statute. 149. 1464. Krzysztof, the Chancellor of the Duchy of Prussia, signed the decree of the royal commission in 1609. Otto Ernest, a royal colonel, in command of Białocerkiewski, the Constyt. 1678. fol. 18 and 1683. fol. 11. Orders to pay for his bloody merits, where his bravery praises him. Your coat of arms should have this shape, as you can see here. The same or another black commandant Niemirowski and Sorocki 1695. There are also Ryppas in ducal Prussia, including Jędrzej Rypp 1612.          

Radziwiłł, Trąby coat of arms (vol. 8 p. 39-83)

Radziwiłł, Trąby coat of arms, in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, one of the most important, the princely family whose origins are Stryjkowski fol. 298. Coo. in Fastis [p. 40] Radivilianis, historian. Posselii Polon. Pruth. fol. 185. The genealogy of this house is engraved on the map of Narymund, the great Lithuanian prince and a descendant of Palemon who settled with other Roman family members in Lithuanian lands from Rome, this childhood son Narymund from his dead father, as greed after rule over the whole principality, his own uncles sought death and ruin, the piety of the wet nurse was so hidden that no one knew of it, as a pagan superstition of the supreme ruler at that time. The orphan and from the ambitions of his closest relatives, He killed a wild ox with his hands where the night had fallen, then the sleeper dreamed of seeing an iron wolf of incomparable size, in whose bowels a hundred other wolves howled. Gedymin, somewhat troubled by this dream as he examines various prophets and his courtiers more interestingly, Lizdejko explained to him. This right iron wolf means the city and the castle that you will put up somewhere in this place will be the capital of the Lithuanian princes and the head of your other cities. Countries. A hundred wolves locked in it, that is the commune of the bourgeoisie that will live in this city you are funding. He followed his advice from Gedymin, he founded the city of Vilnius and founded the castle, Lizdejka glorified the Lord, and the general vote called him Radziwiłł from the City Council of Vilnius: Gvagnin, Stryjkow. MRS. about Familiach Pruskie and others.                

Kojałowicz as in Fastis Radivilianis 9 as in his manuscripts: and the genealogy of this ducal house, engraved on the map, one such property from Lizdejkon, comes from: Lizdejko directly from Vitenesovna, he fathered Wirszyła, this Syrpuciusz, this Kojałowicz bequeathed his son [ S. 41] Grzegorz Ostyk, who was to become the ancestor of many families in five of his sons, as it says in the seventh volume in Osciki, and among these five he counts the first Mikołaj Radziwiłł, called Priscum, the voivode of Vilnius, but he has a flaw made, and I scoured his pen: because it is obvious that this Priscus Mikołaj (as I prove from the Statute of Łaski fol. 130.) was not Ostyk's son, but Radziwiłł, he was not the first Radziwiłł, but the one second Ostyk was not his father, but his uncle, and the brother of the first Mikołaj in this house and the first Radziwiłł: the father of both siblings was Wojszund, which by the Statute of Łaski fol. 128. Wojszund and his son Radziwiłł signed the Eternal Peace of Lithuania with the Polish Crown in 1401: Wojszunda and father Sirpucjusz. In addition to this Kojałowicz disadvantage, I understand that our historian, Długosz libro 13. fol. 96. Miechovita lib. 4. fol. 313. Cromer lib. 22. fol. 499. Occasion: because in 1452 it is written that Radziwiłł Ostykowicz from the Lithuanian states was sent with gifts to Szachmet, Khan Tatarski; Not knowing that there was a Radziwiłł son from Ostyk and another at the same time, Radziwiłł, the son of Wojszund and Radziwiłł Ostykowicz's first uncle, Kojałowicz mixed up with each other, and even his father, the first Radziwiłł with his second son Radziwiłł that each first or the father owed it to the other, that is, from his son he has appropriated: what and to know from the years of the computer: because he says that this Mikołaj Priscus, Colonel in the Jagiełło army of the Lithuanian prince when this lord ravaged the land of Sandomierz, and the Vistula flooded its banks, crossed to the other side by the Lithuanian army defended, the first threw himself into the Vistula with his horse and then stimulated Having clung to him, the whole army by his example that they had happily crossed to the other bank. 1384. In Zavichost he also writes that he gave Jagiellon the method of conquering this castle when Lithuania had neither cannons nor cannons; but it cannot be said that all these occasions, called Mikołaj Radziwiłł, called Priscus, are due to: because if, as Kojałowicz wants in 1509 and was already a colonel in 1384, then he would have to be more than a hundred years old, 50 years old, But what no one admits to him, then we know that he was a different warrior then, Radziwiłł, and another, and a son of that later period. The second, the same Kojałowicz part of his story, and Stryjkowski lib. 15. Hat: 8. When he writes about Witold, Mikołaj Radziwiłł, the Marshal of Lithuania, mentions that Jeremferdeja. of the Tatar Khan who was sent out with the army after hitting his opponent on the Volga. had struck 42] he settled in 1419 on the state. The latter says that Mikołaj Radziwiłł took the Lithuanian stick to Rumboud in 1440, so they knew that there was a different marshal in 1440 than the one who was marshal in 1419. From what has been said so far, it must be admitted that Mikołaj Priscus Radziwiłł, father Radziwiłł, son of Wojszund, Marshal of Lithuania, who was the first of this house in Kraków to be baptized King Jagiełło, as Starowol says. in Bellat. Sarmatian. f. 163. at baptism he took on the name Nicholas, which he wanted to carry out of a peculiar longing for Saint Mirrha to all who are first born in this house, which will be holy today. This is Radziwiłł, famous for Jagiełło and Vytautas of the Lithuanian princes, colonel against Tatars, Teutonic Knights and Moscow, Hetman against Livonia, a great gentleman in peace and occasionally, according to Starowol. This son, Mikołaj Priscus, and the other Piotr Radziw and Łowicz, the Lithuanian chamberlain, the Starost of Ejkszyski, signed with Łask in 1499. in the statutes of fol. 130. This is Radziwiłł, famous for Jagiełło and Witold of the Lithuanian princes, colonel against Tatars, Teutonic Knights and Moscow, Hetman against Livonia, a great gentleman in peace and occasionally, according to Starowol. This son, Mikołaj Priscus, and the other Piotr Radziw and Łowicz, the Lithuanian chamberlain, the Starost of Ejkszyski, signed with Łask in 1499.                              in the statutes of fol. 130. This is Radziwiłł, famous for Jagiełło and Vytautas of the Lithuanian princes, colonel against Tatars, Teutonic Knights and Moscow, Hetman against Livonia, a great gentleman in peace and occasionally, according to Starowol. This son, Mikołaj Priscus, and the other Piotr Radziw and Łowicz, the Lithuanian chamberlain, the Starost von Ejkszyski, signed with Łask in 1499. in the statutes of fol. 130     

It also contradicted the treaties with Poland, Kazimierz, the son of Jagiellon, elected and raised by Stryjkow to the great principality of Lithuania. fol. 592nd and the following year sent from the same Kazimierz and the Lithuanian states to Władysław the King of Poland as an embassy to Hungary; He asked for approval of this election, but to no avail. Uncle. fol. 594. Długosz, Kromer, Bielski, Kojał. Two years later, when the Perekopsian Tatars, after the death of their khan, asked Kazimierz, the prince of Lithuania, to return them to the country in exile in Lithuania, Kazimierz Mikołaj had returned his club, which he happily displayed. Uncle. [S. 43] fol. 598. Kojalov. The same Kazimierz after our defeat at Varna and the killing of the Polish and Hungarian kings Władysław before the Turks, to elect a new master in Poland he sent him in 1445 in an embassy to Piotrków, where his strength seriously helped him to the crown in the Polish states. Stryjkowski fol. 608. Coo. Part. 2. History. Litv. After all, after the Seym von Parczowski in 1451 because of some differences of opinion with Polish women. so, like the leading Lithuanian officials, the Polish coats of arms, which they adopted as their successors during the unification of Lithuania and the crown at Hrodel-Seym, were changed again to other, Stryjkow. fol. 615. And Bielski fol. 396. From this foundation some people learn that the coat of arms of Sulim von Wojszund and Radziwiłł his father, which was recorded on the Hrodel Seym, had this Mikołaj in the coat of arms of Tr downba, thrown from the Ościków of his cousins, once appropriated yourself. Yes, to his well-deserved homeland, said Kojałow. in Fastis, first the Smolensk Voivodeship, then the Vilnius Voivodeship, and with a large Lithuanian seal on which 1505 still lived, the name Stryjkowski fol. 690. when Ilinicza defended the innocent case against Prince Gliński, against Alexander the King, of whom some years will be ninety-nine, and this is a joint judgment of different authors. However, the genealogy of this house is engraved and counts him for more years: because he says he was born, he died in 1391. He died in 1508. He lived one hundred and seventeen: Kojałowicz in MS. claims he was still alive in 1509 and signed the King's List. Certainly Aleksander, the King of Poland, in his old but also lively age, asked him more curiously how he extended his age in such long years. Nicholas replied: From my youth I have been fair, I have never played with bad luxury, I was always away from hot drinks and only drank water from the spring: Przetocki, Kazan. on . Mikołaj and others, when he adds that he built the church as part of S. Jerzy on the square of his court in Vilnius, and with him OO. After the Carmelites settled, they founded the monastery. The factory of the Church of OO. Saint Bernard so that as soon as possible he would lay the greatest sum in the same Vilnius, including the Lithuanian gentlemen, where he was buried after his death, for whom he was prepared for a happy descent by his own son Albrycht, the bishop, from this one World. From Anna Mondwidowna, close in the blood of King Jagiełło, he had two daughters, one of them Zofia, endowed with Haderschban, primate of Hungary, the other Anna, with Ziemowit of the Mazovian prince, as Bielski wished. 517. where is she [p. 44] says that after her husband's death in 1511, she bought the Wiska wing for her sons from Glinek, who, after they had left this world, were in Warsaw at the OO. Bernardynów was buried in 1521. fol. 550. Kojałow. and Starowol. in monum. from her tombstone erected by her son Stanisław, Duke of Mazovia, testify that she was the wife of Conrad the Duke of Mazovia and four sons: Mikołaj, Albrycht, Jerzy and Jan, all of whom were still alive Father's were in the Lithuanian Senate, they sat down with him. Uncle. It was reassuring. About these Albrycht, Jerzy and John, who all sat with him in the Lithuanian Senate during their father's lifetime. Uncle. It was reassuring. About these Albrycht, Jerzy and John, who all sat with him in the Lithuanian Senate during their father's lifetime. Uncle. It was reassuring. Of these                                                         

Nicholas III firstborn son of Nicholas II a Lithuanian cupbearer, governor of Bielski, as I ordered from the Statute of Łaski above, then the voivode of Trotsky and then the voivode of Trotsky, as well as Vilnius and the Grand Chancellor of Lithuania, the Prince of Goniądz and Medele who, lord of Chorewnia; with these titles he signed a letter from Zygmunt I in 1511 .. In the Book of Laws and Privileges of the Rus' Nation, fol. 23rd and 1514th fol. 25. In 1452 he was sent in embassy to the Tatar Khan to reproach the broken alliance through them by invading the lands of Podolia, while on this way he lost everything and could hardly save his life, the Shahmata of . brought with him the Tatar Khan, who was defeated by the Taurics, settled in the Lithuanian principality, our historians wrote about him, but it is the father's ego that serves more, otherwise he would have to live a very long time; This Nicholas to King Alexander, he had seen courage in many businesses, but especially in the renewal of the pacts and alliances between the Polish crown and the Lithuanian principality in 1499, when Jan Albrycht of Poland and Władysław Węgierski and the Bohemian kings, brothers, the Turkish war did not compel the riots, both nations needed perfect harmony. In the same year he and Prince Konstantin von Ostrog attacked the much larger Moscow army with a big heart in a thin handful of Lithuania near Wiedruśa; but he emerged successfully from this defeat. Stryjkowski lib. 27. Cap. 7. Bielski fol. 489. Gvagnin. Shortly after the descent from Jan Albrycht Król to Seym. Piotrkowski traveled with Wojciech Tabor, Bishop of Vilnius, and Jan Zabrzeziński, Marshal of Lithuania, in embassy, ​​who said that the Polish lords were inclined to elect Alexander the king. Bielski fol. 285. Cromer lib. 30. And he always benefited from the great favorites of the Polish kings, after all, not exerting himself, zealously defended and respected national rights and freedoms. Krzysztof Ilinicz experienced this when the Lidzkie district was taken away from him. The. 45] Gliński's uprising began, Mikołaj, then a Lithuanian cupbearer, conquered the Trakai Voivodeship after Zabrzeziński von Gliński, who was killed in 1505. Stryikov. fol. 690. The royal grace did not stand here, even Goniądz and Rajgrod, who had left Gliński for Moscow, inherited it in 1509, encouraged by the great lord of the spirit, when in 1511 Helena of the Moscow monarch's daughter Aleksander the King remained widow to some secretly from Vilnius to furnish her with great treasures, she thought to apply to Moscow, in all cases prudently, it was impossible to save Nicholas because he had accompanied her on the way back to Vilnius. When in Poznan in 1512 at the general assembly of Christian kings in a handsome courtly man the computer was dressed in Moscow and Tatar script, with the authority of King Sigismund (some of them calculated a thousand), and on the second again in Seym Auszpurg, where under the Roman princes the first of this house of Maximilian Kaiser with the title of prince in Goniądz and Medela was counted after he had changed his coat of arms in this form; that is, it should be a black eagle with outstretched wings and legs and tail, with its mouth open, turned a little to the left, and with its tongue stuck out, on the head of the miter of its prince, on its chest a shield the three hunter's trumpets, like stacked in a triangle, seen.                           

Mikołaj, the prince of Goniądz and Medelach, bishop of Żmudzki, this Knyszyn, inherited his property, Zygmunt I. gave with your imagination to the king of Poland. For what time and for how long he presided over this cathedral, he could nowhere [p. 46] to find out it just calls Facies Rerum Sarmat. Ms. Naramov. SJ that he would have an argument with his chapter and his brother Starost Żmudzki. His brother Stanisław collected from this world at a young age. Sisters also have their births, Elżbieta, Jerzy Olelkowicz, Prince Słucki, Bielski fol. 453. the second married with Zabrzeziński, the marshal of Lithuania, the third with the Duke of Dubrowicki: but all these children and also Jan Staroste of Żmudzki, of the one below, of whom mothers were born, I do not know, because Geneal. Radziw. says that her father Nicholas III. he had Zofia Duchess Nasiłowska behind him, and I read MS. Petrikov. on the list of Zygmunt I. that this Nicholas III. he left his orphaned wife Zofia Pacowna, the Voivode of Połock and Marshal of Lithuania, who founded the church there around 1525, as a tenant in Kobryn. That was Nicholas III. he was well versed in various sciences and in many languages, but above all because of his zeal for the Catholic faith and for the virtues of the Lord, which therefore everyone can consume, he was recommended that, as often, he should not go to the saint Mass, because of the pressure of various games or because of the poverty at the table, to serve so many times a day, was killed by all food, only stopped with bread and water, and in this enterprise he continued until the death of his life. the Voivode of Połock and the Marshal of Lithuania, who founded the church there around 1525, as landlords in Kobryn. There was this Nicholas III. he was well versed in various sciences and many languages, but he was recommended primarily for his zeal for the Catholic faith and the virtues of the Lord, each of which can easily come to be unable to hear Holy Mass than the pressures of various Games or the poverty at the table of serving all day so often ceased to be killed by all food, just bread and water, and he continued in this enterprise until his death. the Voivode of Połock and the Marshal of Lithuania, who founded the church there around 1525, as tenants of Kobryn. That was Nicholas III. He was well versed in various sciences and in many languages, but he was recommended above all for his zeal for the Catholic faith and for the virtues of the Lord, which everyone can therefore bring to himself that, as often, he does not attend the Holy Mass, because of the pressure of various games or the poverty at the table to serve so often all day, all food was killed, only stopped with bread and water, and in this enterprise he continued until the death of. away his life.                       

Jan, Prince of Goniądz and Medele, General Starost von Żmudzki and, before that, a Lithuanian cup maker, the third son of Nicholas III. of the voivode of Vilnius and the chancellor, brother of Stanisław and Mikołaj, Bishop Zmudzki, who had made Anna Kościeniowna a lifelong friendship, he fathered only three daughters of her, whom he connected with different houses, d von Połock, hetman of Lithuania, Stanisław and Petronia Dowojna, voivodes of Płock, Katarzyna or Elżbieta with Mikołaj Sieniawski, the voivode of Ruthenia and the grand hetman of the crown. In 1542 he left this world. He is buried in Kejdany. Uncle. lib. 24. Cap. 5. fol. 759th and the princely titles in Goniądz and Medele fall on it. His favor and courage for his homeland will be remembered: Because as Wojciech Margrave Brandeburski, a German master, full of hope, the Duchy of Żmudz of Lithuania he sent part of his army, mounted and on foot, to Samogitia, which paved the way for would have leveled the larger army with which he had drawn himself, that John in 1516, after he hastily assembled the knights of this principality on the Teutonic Order, who ravaged near Ragneta, he shocked them, forced others to flee and forward Above all, he frightened the master Wojciech with his dashing that he had whole hands since the war [p. 47] left. It was reassuring. in Fastis Radivil. I'm warning you here, Starowol. in Bellat. Sarmatian. He wrote his defamation to many in this house, but in their names and years and in listing their works he made many mistakes, so that what was ascribed to one was appropriated to another. After hastily assembling the knights of this principality on the crusaders who were furious at Ragneta, he bravely attacked them and fortunately beat them, forcing others to flee, and what was the greatest, terrified the master Wojciech with his daring to have all his hands from the war event [p. 47] left. It was reassuring. in Fastis Radivil. I'm warning you here, Starowol. in Bellat. Sarmatian. He wrote down his eulogy to many of this house, but in their names and in their years and in the enumeration of their works he made many mistakes, so that what was ascribed to one was appropriated to another. After hastily assembling the knights of this principality on the crusaders who were furious at Ragneta, he bravely attacked them and fortunately beat them, forcing others to flee, and what was the greatest, terrified the master Wojciech with his daring to have all his hands from the war event [p. 47] left. It was reassuring. in Fastis Radivil. I'm warning you here, Starowol. in Bellat. Sarmatian. He wrote down his eulogy to many in this house, but in their names and in their years and in the enumeration of their works he made many mistakes, so that what was ascribed to one was appropriated to another. Sarmatian. He wrote his defamation to many in this house, but in their names and years and in the enumeration of their works he made many mistakes, so that what was owed to one was appropriated to the other. Sarmatian. He wrote his defamation to many of this house, but in their names and years and in the enumeration of their works he made many mistakes, so that what was ascribed to one was appropriated to another.                                    

Albrycht, first bishop of Lutsk, and then Wileński, second son of Nicholas II. After the death of Tabor, the voivode of Vilnius and chancellor of Lithuania, he took over the rule of the diocese of Vilnius in 1505, where he lived with a generosity incomparable with poverty was called an almsman. After his return from Rome, where Julius II Pope, he was welcomed in many places, especially in his homeland, whatever pagan idolatry might be, he uprooted all this, with his hand he shattered the great privileges of his church at the Polish coronations that he, along with other earlier ones, were collected in a book that the Apostolic See had endorsed, he pleaded. He adorned his church with a rich apparatus, ordered it, condensed it with holy and wise priests, for whom he was the reason for all good. Monastery OO. He exhibited the St. Bernard dogs there in Vilnius and financed them. Not a single day went by when the poor were not pushed en masse against his palace, and after a few there were up to three hundred, Skarga libro de SS. Eucharist. so he himself served at the table and never sat at his table first, even if he had the most honorable guest in his house; as long as he was, as he used to say, a guest of Christ, he did not take part in the person of this handicap: hence the great opinion of his holiness with everyone, and even with his own father, who served him at mass, he was not ashamed. He died in 1519 while living devoutly in Werki. Starowol. in monum. from his tombstone in Vilnius in St. Stanislaus. and after some their number reached three hundred, Skarga libro de SS. Eucharist. so he himself served at the table and never sat at his table first, even if he had the most honorable guest in his house, as long as he was, as he used to say, a guest of Christ, he did not duly partake the person of this handicap, holiness with all , and even with his own father, who served him at mass, was not ashamed. He died in 1519 while living devoutly in Werki. Starowol. in monum. from his tombstone in Vilnius in St. Stanislaus. and after some their number reached three hundred, Skarga libro de SS. Eucharist. so he himself served at the table and never sat at his table first, even if he had the most honorable guest in his house, as long as he was, as he used to say, a guest of Christ, he did not take due part in the person of this handicap: therefore he was ashamed the great opinion of his holiness from everyone and even from his own father who served him at mass. He died in 1519 while living devoutly in Werki. Starowol. in monum. from his tombstone in Vilnius in St. Stanislaus. in the person of this handicap he did not quite share: hence his great reputation as holiness was ashamed of everyone and even of his own father, who served him at mass. He died in 1519 while living devoutly in Werki. Starowol. in monum. from his tombstone in Vilnius in St. Stanislaus. in the person of this handicap he did not receive it properly: therefore the great reputation of holiness was not ashamed of all, and even of his own father, who served him at mass. He died in 1519 while living devoutly in Werki. Starowol. in monum. from his tombstone in Vilnius in St. Stanislaus.                                     

Jerzy, the castellan of Vilnius, Grand Hetman of Lithuania, third son of Nicholas II. Brother of Albrycht, the bishop and others; he wrote about Birzach and Dubinki, which, according to Długosz, had history in 1415. Vytautas, the Grand Duke of Lithuania, founded and financed. It was a wonderful genius that Jerzy was, and when he sent to the coronation of Sigismund I, King of Poland, in 1507, he looked after his people so well for them that they were not equal, but above all more Martian spirit and fearless heart, they thought, counting his thirty fights with different enemies, but always with luck. In 1511 the Tartars returned from Kiev with Jerzy Olelkowicz, Prince of Słuck, with a rich harvest, having caught up and defeated in twenty miles, and [p. 48] freed from the booty. With no less heart in the following year, he attacked with the Prince of Ostrog near Wisniowiec, where in our six thousand soldiers Mendygerej Khan, twenty thousand armed Tartars, were so happily struck that the Khan himself with his three sons hardly lost his life escaped when only a hundred of us were dead, and even stranger that this skirmish simmered all day. In two years he turned his saber to Celadyn from the Moscow hetman, whom he smashed so violently between Orsza and Dąbrowna with the same Prince Ostrogski that forty thousand out of eighty thousand from Moscow were counted, Celadyn himself and ten voivodes were in our hands. 15I9. At that time the voivode of Kiev and the Starost of Grodno, since Wojciech Brandeburski, margrave and German master, invaded the Polish borders with the army, Jerzy had torn Prussia from Lithuania, in various places he insulted him so happily and for so long that he forced him to ask King Sigismund for peace, which was extended to up to four years. As the home calmed down from one wall and the other, a storm arose on it. The Tatars, who were just about to harvest and led thirty-three thousand in Podolia and Podgórze, seeped out in 1522, Konstantyn Prince Ostrogski, with the same Jerzy, the famous warrior, at that time already voivode of Trotsky, they cut off their belts, already forty miles beyond Kiev lay forty-two thousand of their sabers, and among them were Imbraim Basza Perekopski Turecki and a slave eighty thousand minted: in a word, Radziwiłł showed himself everywhere with his happy bravery, which after the death of the Prince of Ostrog in 1533, his most gifted at the great mace of Lithuania, everyone thought, King Zygmunt, that their opinion was confirmed by his privilege and came to it - and the castle of Vilnius, then Constantine vacant. And his homeland was not wrong on many expeditions to Moscow: because in 1535 he took Gomel, Starodub in the principality of Severus, which the Moscow commander defended with sixty thousand of his sheep and turned to ashes with fire; and there was so much of our Moscow slave that the computer of the Lithuanian army ran through with its own count: Basil the Moscow Tsar looked at it from a distance, but he dared not try his powers on this Polish Hercules; and among such triumphs death found him, not so years old, but rather due to the merits of a mature man in 1541, for whom he had always fully prepared himself with his life, but in a special way, every year from April Sunday to Easter, in whose monastery [p. 49] he imprisoned religious, both in deliberation of conscience and in holy piety. He married Barbara Wolska from Pidhaitsi, I think she was the daughter of Mikołaj, the castellan of Sandomierski, she gave birth to two daughters: one of Anna married the Duke of Holszański, the other Barbara, who as Stanisław Gastold, voivode of Trotsky Having died young, seduced by her and the charm of her qualities, she was captivated for life by the seduced Sigismund August I, who was magnificently crowned in Krakow in 1550 in order to enjoy this dignity for a long time, because in 1551 she entered the grave from the throne. She was buried in the Vilnius Cathedral. both in the examination of conscience and in holy piety. He married Barbara Wolska from Pidhaitsi, as far as I can imagine, she was the daughter of Mikołaj, the castellan of Sandomierski, she gave birth to two daughters: one of Anna married the Duke of Holszaski, the other Barbara, one as Stanisław Gastold , the voivode of Trotsky, died young, seduced by her and the charm of her qualities, she was captivated for life by the seduced Sigismund August I, who was magnificently crowned in Krakow in 1550. But she was not allowed to enjoy this dignity for long, as she entered the grave from the throne in 1551. She was buried in the Vilnius Cathedral. both in the examination of conscience and in holy piety. He married Barbara Wolska from Pidhaitsi, I think she was the daughter of Mikołaj, the castellan of Sandomierski, she gave birth to two daughters: one of Anna married the Duke of Holszański, the other Barbara, the other as Stanisław Gastold, voivode von Trotsky, died young, the seduced Zygmunt August I tied her for life, who was crowned to the Polish throne in Krakow in 1550 for a long time, because she entered the grave from the throne in 1551. Vilnius Cathedral.                        

Mikołaj, the prince of Bire and Dubinki, the son of the aforementioned Jerzy, the castellan of Vilnius and the hetman, initially a Lithuanian cupbearer from 1544, Herburt signed the statute in this way. fol. 303. and with Janusz. fol. 837. then voivode of Trotsky, to Stryjkow. lib. 24. Cap. 6.f. 763. and Kojał, No. 2. from 1551. to which the chair of King August Kiejdanów with adjacent perpetual right was transferred to him; he was also voivode in 1564. what one can know about dykcjonarz Jan Mączyński, his son Mikołaj, who was assigned to him that year, where he was named Voivode of Trotsky and finally Voivode of Vilnius and Chancellor of Lithuania, who both honored him after the death of Mikołaj the Black, Cousin; and also the great hetman of Lithuania, after Grzegorz Chodkiewicz, the Starost of Oszmiana, the governor of Livonia, the prince of SR Imperia by Charles V. Most of this Nicholas was famous for military expeditions, King Augustus, the great army, armed Gwilhelm Fürsztenberg, the master of the Livonian Teutonic Order, who camped in Permwolem in 1557. Frightened by the fire of this province, frightened by the bravery of the brave warrior Nicholas, he asked the emperor's ambassadors for peace; It was with this fear that the Tatar baskets heading for Volhynia fled from his saber more than once: and in 1561 Moscow was incorporated into Lithuania from Livonia, even if the Vitebsk province invaded a second time and near Dambrovna. destroyed everything with fire, when she learned of his approach, she fled to her borders, which, by doing Mikołaj, turned the land of Smolensk to dust. Three years later, in 1564, with Grzegorz Chodkiewicz, who not only had four thousand of his own, Piotr Szujski defeated Moscow, armed on the Uła, thirty thousand men, he defeated Taurus Castle, although well [p. 50] Bear, took it by storm. Varsavicius in Paneg. Stephani. During the reign of King Stefan in the Moscow War he was a hetman with a big club, in Połock and the great Luke, he was an inseparable companion of all the triumphs of this king, in Sokol he had all the belts of Sheremet and the troops of Rossi behind him, that he could not help the besiegers. In 1580 Jezierzynski Castle was given unity by accord, but he only wanted to surrender under the name of this great hetman. Bielski 772 and 776. In 1588 he was involved in the novelties of Geneva in the service of this homeland and in 1588 in Starowol's house as a tombstone. in Monum says about him: Privati ​​boni negligent, publici studiosis simus. According to Kojał, his wife. The book, according to Geneal. Katarzyna Tomicka, apparently the daughter of Stanisława, the voivode of Kalisz, from whom she had sons: Mikołaj and Krzysztof. Of these                           

Mikołaj, the prince of Birże and Dubinki, the voivode of Nowogrodzki, the starost of Mozyr and Merecki, and before that first the hunting, then the Lithuanian chamberlain. Uncle. In 1581 he gave him Book V of his Lithuanian Chronicle, from which it emerges that he had already sat in the Senate with his brother Krzysztof during his father's lifetime; How much he loved his homeland is shown by his expedition to Moscow near the great Luki, where he exposed himself personally to the enemy with incomparable courage. Sachinus historian. Society. Part. 5th lib. 2. num. 35. argues that after the death of Stefan Batory the King, when some people in the Sejm elections demanded that this gentleman's files be erased by the Republic of Poland, and especially with a view to the establishment of our Polotsk College Coronation he most resisted such unusual attacks that Santa Claus was sworn in for life, first with Aleksandra, Princess Wiśniowiecka, I think the voivode of Wołyń, the remaining widow of Jerzy Prince Czartoryski, but with her Sterilis, and then with Zofia Chlebowiczowska, it should be the daughter of the Podlaskie Voivode: Paproc. about the coat of arms. fol. 661. Of this two daughters remained: a Katarzyna, 1 from Naruszewicz, 2 from Piotr Gorajski, the star of Uszpolski, they were a lifelong friendship; the second, Zofia, married to Jerzy Chlebowicz, Starost Żmudzki, then Krzysztof Mondwid Dorohostajski, the Grand Marshal of Lithuania, married and son Jerzy. It is reprinted in Hubner's tabulum. General. 1327. Radziwiłł, but I found a dozen obvious flaws in it. He was sworn in for life, first with Aleksandra, Princess Wiśniowiecka, I think the Wołyńska voivode, the remaining widow of Jerzy Prince Czartoryski, but with her Sterilis, and then with Zofia Chlebowiczowska, the daughter of the Podlasie voivode: Paproc. about the coat of arms. fol. 661. Of this two daughters remained: a Katarzyna, 1 from Naruszewicz, 2 from Piotr Gorajski, the star of Uszpolski, they were a lifelong friendship; the second, Zofia, married to Jerzy Chlebowicz, Starost Żmudzki, then Krzysztof Mondwid Dorohostajski, Grand Marshal of Lithuania, married and son Jerzy. It is reprinted in Hubner's tabulum. General. 1327. Radziwiłów, but I found about a dozen obvious flaws in it. The widow that Prince Jerzy Czartoryski had left behind, but with her Sterilis and then with Zofia Chlebowiczowska, was supposed to be the daughter of the Podlaskie Voivod: Paproc. about the coat of arms. fol. 661. Of this two daughters remained: a Katarzyna, 1 from Naruszewicz, 2 from Piotr Gorajski, the star of Uszpolski, was a lifelong friendship; the second, Zofia, married to Jerzy Chlebowicz, Starost Żmudzki, then Krzysztof Mondwid Dorohostajski, the Grand Marshal of Lithuania, married and son Jerzy. It is reprinted in Hubner's tabulum. General. 1327. Radziwiłów, but I found about a dozen obvious flaws in it. The widow that Prince Jerzy Czartoryski had left behind, but with her Sterilis and then with Zofia Chlebowiczowska, was supposed to be the daughter of the Podlaskie Voivod: Paproc. about the coat of arms. fol. 661. Of this two daughters remained: a Katarzyna, 1 from Naruszewicz, 2 from Piotr Gorajski, the star of Uszpolski, they were a lifelong friendship; the second, Zofia, married to Jerzy Chlebowicz, Starost Żmudzki, then Krzysztof Mondwid Dorohostajski, Grand Marshal of Lithuania, married and son Jerzy. It is reprinted in Hubner's tabulum. General. 1327. Radziwiłów, but I found about a dozen obvious flaws in it. 2to voto Piotr Gorajski, the star of Uszpolski, it was a lifelong friendship; the second, Zofia, married to Jerzy Chlebowicz, Starost Żmudzki, then Krzysztof Mondwid Dorohostajski, the Grand Marshal of Lithuania, married and son Jerzy. It is reprinted in Hubner's tabulum. General. 1327. Radziwiłów, but I found about a dozen obvious flaws in it. 2to voto Piotr Gorajski, the star of Uszpolski, it was a lifelong friendship; the second, Zofia, married to Jerzy Chlebowicz, Starost Żmudzki, then Krzysztof Mondwid Dorohostajski, the Grand Marshal of Lithuania, married and son Jerzy. It is reprinted in Hubner's tabulum. General. 1327. Radziwiłów, but I found about a dozen obvious flaws in it.                                                   

Jerzy, the prince of Birże and Dubinki, the castellan of Trotsky, [p. 51] Son of Mikołaj, the voivode of Nowogrodzki, a hundred hussars, as many as infantry, he held at Kokenhauz against the Swedes. Historian. decenni belli Livonia. He was marshal at the Lithuanian tribunal, in 1599, according to Starowol, he went into eternity in 1613. in monum. He stood behind Zofia Zborowska, the castellan of Gniezno, the hetman of the Kronhof, who renewed her vows with Abraham Sieniuta after his death. Acta Terrestr. Calis. In 4610 one remembers Jerzy, the castellan of Trocki, his wife Zofia Czarnkowska, the daughter of Adam Sendziwoj, the voivode of Łęczyca and general of Greater Poland: Jerzy sterilis died.         

Krzysztof, Prince of Birże and Dubinki, Voivode of Vilnius, Grand Hetman of Lithuania, Starost of Solecki, Urzędowski, Boryszowski, Kokenhauzki, second son of Mikołaj, Voivode of Vilnius and Hetman, brother of Mikołaj Nowogrodzki. He was initially a Lithuanian cupbearer and field hetman in Lithuania, but soon settled in the castle of Trakai, as can be seen from Book III. Chronicles of Stryjkowski, royal mercy gave him a smaller seal for all these former favorites, and his own father gave him a large seal, but after his death Krzysztof released it and took the seat of the Vilnius Voivodeship with a large Lithuanian one Club. He entered the Marriage League four times, the first time with Anna Sobkowna, the Starosta of Warsaw, from whom Mikołaj and Barbara died young: the second time with Katarzyna, Princess Ostrogska, Konstantyna, the governor of Kiev, their daughter, son Janusz, about the one below: the third time with Katarzyna Tęczyńska, the daughter of Stanisław, the governor of Krakow, the remaining widow of Jerzy, the prince of Słuck, son Krzysztof, and daughter Elżbieta, with Leon Sapieha, the governor of Vilnius and the great Hetman of Lithuania. Casimir in Vilnius, non-profit: Annuae Societat. 1608. Died in 1610. For the fourth time with Elżbieta, Princess Ostrogska, sister of Katarzyna, second wife of the same Krzysztof, but without an heir, it was Jan Kiszek's widow, Starost Żmudzki. Fern. Garden. fol. 207. The rite of honors and full merits at home ended in 1603 its days. Bucholcer Chronol. where he is called Heros inlytus, and he probably wrote it without flattery: Because of his youth, after training his hand on the Moscow necks at Falcon and Uswatha, he deserved the fact that his father used a smaller mace as a friend was: From him he was sent with the army to Livonia, in many places the Moscow army fought successfully, but especially among the blind, where three cavalry, four thousand among them, Kierepecz stormed the castle in a storm among them, [p. 52] and destroyed provincial governors and weapons that he had captured during this campaign, he brought his father to Vilnius. For Stefan Król, who paved Moscow dearly, Koziam, Sitno, Krasne and other smaller fortresses burned with fire after cutting off all presidencies in them. In the case of Turowla, with what heart and with what bravery he attacked her, writes Biel. 1579, fol. 763 He did the same with the great lions, three thousand armed. The banner of the ego along with the other Kazanovsky, who attacked the Moscow trip, valiantly supported them. White. fol. 779. After that Krzysztof broke into the Moscow states, devastating these countries with fire as far as the Volga; The resident Tsar of Moscow saw it, but although Krzysztof, who demanded it, did not want to give the field anywhere, Radziwiłł, Rzów, Toropec and Starzyca turned to the Prince of after tanning the land with a rich harvest Moscow, so he left the frightened with his courage that immediately after Krzysztof's return, Father Possevin sent our Possevin to King Stefan in search of peace. White. fol. 783. Later he handed over his power to the Swedes, whom he had first defeated so well by his regiment Jan Sieciński at Eagle that they had to flee; but in 1601 a larger army was again assembled. Karl, son of Charles the King of Sweden, conceived from a bad bed, moved into Livonia, Krzysztof made his way, or in unequal strength: after fighting with them, four thousand Swedes were dead on the square and out of the camp and he threw away a city from the cannons. He forced himself to surrender and after throwing the enemy out of there he took Wenda with him. Cluver fol. 711. It was comforting. Out of bachelor hearts and Polish majesties, he was always nice to Stefan Król, who was born in 1576 by Bielski fol. 726. Cons. fol. 293. and Zygmunt III. whom he helped in his beautiful people when he visited his father Jan Karol in Rewel for various conferences: And because he urgently needed this homeland, he borrowed a certain sum for which he received the Starosty of Żyzmorskie, which she later received through the Constitution of 1616 on Rzeczpospolita approved. fol. 44. Four thousand Swedes were killed on the site of the camp and section of Kokenhauz, the city. He forced himself to surrender, and after throwing the enemy out of there, he took Wenda with him. Cluver fol. 711. It was comforting. Out of bachelor hearts and Polish majesties, he was always nice to Stefan Król, who was born in 1576 by Bielski fol. 726. Cons. fol. 293. and Zygmunt III. whom he helped in his beautiful people when he visited his father Jan Karol in Rewel for various conferences: And because he urgently needed this homeland, he borrowed a certain sum for which he received the Starosty of Żyzmorskie, which she later received through the Constitution of 1616 on Rzeczpospolita approved. fol. 44th four thousand Swedes killed on the square, from the camp and the Kokenhauz department of the city. He forced himself to surrender and after throwing the enemy out of there he took Wenda with him. Cluver fol. 711. It was comforting. Out of bachelor hearts and Polish majesties, he was always nice to Stefan Król, who was born in 1576 by Bielski fol. 726. Cons. fol. 293. and Zygmunt III. whom he helped in his beautiful people when he visited his father Jan Karol in Rewel for various conferences: And because he urgently needed this homeland, he borrowed a certain sum for which he received the Starosty of Żyzmorskie, which she later received through the Constitution of 1616 on Rzeczpospolita approved. fol. 44. 711. It was comforting. Out of bachelor hearts and Polish majesties, he was always nice to Stefan Król, who was born in 1576 by Bielski fol. 726. Cons. fol. 293. and Zygmunt III. whom he helped in his beautiful people when he went to various conferences with his father Jan Karol in Rewel: And because he urgently needed this homeland, he borrowed a certain sum, for which he won the Starosty of Żyzmorskie. received, which she later approved by the constitution of 1616 to the Rzeczpospolita. fol. 44. 711. It was comforting. Out of bachelor hearts and Polish majesties, he was always nice to Stefan Król, who was born in 1576 by Bielski fol. 726. Cons. fol. 293. and Zygmunt III. whom he helped in his beautiful people when he visited his father Jan Karol in Rewel for various conferences: And because he urgently needed this homeland, he borrowed a certain amount for which he received the Starosty of Żyzmorskie, which she later received through the Constitution of 1616 on Rzeczpospolita approved. fol. 44. He helped his beautiful people: and because he had borrowed a certain sum in urgent need in this homeland, he was dismissed from the Żyzmorskie starosty, which was later approved by the Commonwealth by the Constitution of 1616. fol. 44. He helped his beautiful people: and because he had borrowed a certain sum in urgent need in this homeland, he was dismissed from the Żyzmorskie starosty, which was later approved by the Commonwealth by the Constitution of 1616. fol. 44.                                                                           

Janusz, the prince of Birże and Dubinki, the horses and later the Lithuanian cupbearer, the staroste. Boryszowski, Zyzmorski, Bystrzycki and Szywejski, the elder son of Krzysztof, the voivode of Vilnius and the hetman of the Lithuanian village Katarzyna, Princess Ostrogska, with whom together with the Swedes in 1601 and at other times two hundred hussars, which he issued from his coffin, bravely fought in Kokenhauz he withstood the siege, but it was Myszkowski's crown marshal irritated [p. 53] It was the practice that in a certain turmoil in Krakow, under the initiated royal side, some of his people were confiscated, that the Dudzi starski Starosty promised by the king for himself during his fatherly life, Chodkiewicz Hetman the rebel against the Zygmunt Król, Marshal of the Lublin Congress, and with her party, he reinforced both his army and some of his own, but after defeating them at Guzów he easily enjoyed royal favor, a few years later he was honored with the Vilnius Castle, where he sat until 1620, because on the way to Krontag, death found him in Prussia: he married Zofia Olelkowiczowna, Duchess Słucka, a close relative of hers, who lovingly bequeathed sterilis, Słuckie and Kopylskie to her, after her with Elżbieta Zofia, Princess Brandeburska (1613), daughter of Jan Jerzy kurfirszt, whose son is leaving. This Janusz and his brother Krzysztof in the Indurskie lands were inherited from the constitution of 1616. fol. 43. on the way to the Kronsejm he was found by death in Prussia: he married Zofia Olelkowicz, Duchess of Słucka, a close relative of his who loved him, sterilis, Słuckie and Kopylskie, after her with Elżbieta Zofia, Princess Brandeburska (1613.), the daughter of Jan Jerzy kurfirszt, whose son is leaving. This Janusz and his brother Krzysztof in the Indurskie lands received the Konstytucja inheritance in 1616. fol. 43. on the way to the Kronsejm he was found by death in Prussia: he married Zofia Olelkowicz, Duchess of Słucka, a close relative of his who loved him, sterilis, Słuckie and Kopylskie, after her with Elżbieta Zofia, Princess Brandeburska (1613.), the daughter of Jan Jerzy kurfirszt, whose son is leaving. This Janusz and his brother Krzysztof in the Indurskie lands were inherited from the constitution of 1616. fol. 43.           

Bogusław, the prince of Birże and Dubinki, the ensign and then the Lithuanian horse, signed the Pacta conventa of John Casimir the King with this title in 1648. He showed his homeland beautifully with his bravery: first in Beresteczek, until the victory over the Cossacks, already the general of the royal guard for this time, strength helped, he stood bravely with Mohilow, and in other campaigns he resisted the enemy everywhere big heart; But when he saw the much weird luck of King Jan Kazimierz, an example for many other Polish and Lithuanian gentlemen, he also attracted the Swedish side in 1655. Tulden. lib. 5th story. to which he held on, Słuck, Mir, Niasviž and Tykocin settled as Swedes, Brześć Litewski was drawn, he attacked with the Swedes near Warsaw under Jan Kazimierz Król, with Prostki with the Prussian army, on Wincenty Gosiewski and Michał Kazimierz Radziwiłł ; but when he saw that God was again above all hopes on the side of John Casimir, the king, and he apologized to him; and that the wife of the Barski Starost was voluntarily released for the sake of this foreign land: for this the republic in the constitution of 1661 declared him an equivalent to the first posts to reward him, and this sometimes gave him other goods. Constitute. fol. 5. In the following year he was a member of the Seym, where the constitution in fol. 10. He put his men's large computer on the royal side near Vilnius. Until the last of this line of princes left this world in Birże and Dubinki. Maria Anna, as the only daughter of Prince Janusz [p. 54] Radziwiłł, the voivode of Vilnius and hetman of the Lithuanian village, his brother and sister who married himself,