The noble Polish Radonski family. Die adlige polnische Familie Radonski. - Werner Zurek - E-Book

The noble Polish Radonski family. Die adlige polnische Familie Radonski. E-Book

Werner Zurek



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The noble Polish Radonski family. Die adlige polnische Familie Radonski.


The noble Polish Radonski family.

Die adlige polnische Familie Radonski.

Radonski. In a red field a slanted silver bar, accompanied by a silver rose above and below; Helmet jewelry: missing. It was introduced to Poland from Silesia, probably around 1650.

They do the same thing: Radonic and Radoniski.

Jasieńczyk Coat of Arms (vol. 4 pp. 453-454)

Jasieńczyk Coat of Arms . It should be in the blue field, a golden key with twisted teeth on the right shield, standing upright on the shield, five ostrich feathers on the helmet. Fern. Okolski vol. 1. fol. 308. This coat of arms after Długosz, which was given in Poland by King Kazimierz (they do not write which one particular knight, i.e. against the rapidly attacking Jadźwingów, as well as kindly to all the service of the Lord for the willing, wore an elector and the highest imperial chamberlain presented the key in front of the emperor at a public congress, so some understand that this coat of arms also has its origin.      


Barcikowski, Bielski, Boski, Grzegorzewski, Hayn, Jabłoński, Janowski, Karczewski, Kołubielski, Kowalski, Krajewski, Lchnowski, Mijakowski, Michałowski, Miedzychowski, Obuchowicz, Pawłowicz, Przeradzki, Warzen Radońzski, S. 454]  

Later heraldists such as Kuropatnicki, Małachowski, Wielądek and other families complement this coat of arms.

Burski Jasieńczyk, Jasnogorski, Kluczyński, Łychowski, Ostoniecki, Ostowiecki, Radowicki, Zbrożek, Żebrowski, Żegocki.

However, not all Jasieńczyk coats of arms in this form use the key, but first the Kowalskis carry a key, but its teeth are on both sides, and in the Lithuanian principality the Łukiański Pawłowiczes put a key in a red field Heart pierced with an arrow, and also on a helmet. The Obuchowiczs also wear it in a different form, which is more important. 

Swan's coat of arms (vol. 6 pp. 180-184)

Swan coat of arms. It is supposed to be a white or silver swan in a red box and a swan on a helmet. Fern. about the coat of arms. fol. 449 and 666 in Gnesen fol. 806. and 1167. Approx. Volume. 2. fol. 1. White. fol. 107. But not all use the same form of this coat of arms. And first Piotr Dunin, who was the first to graft the Swan family in our Poland, wore it in this form. The letter E on the shield, but the 9 turned on the other side and next to it, and the letter K like a glued together, expressed this character of EK, and over the helmet sat a swan. [S. 181] The other swans on shield and helmet wear a seated one with a black mouth and black legs, but do not break their feet on the helmet. Others stand on the shield and helmet of a standing swan, with their mouth and yellow legs and a more common image of this coat of arms: there is also a difference between the same coat of arms that some of them direct the right shield and head and themselves , and others to the left. In the Duchy of Lithuania there is more variety among the families who seal themselves with the swan: first, the Girski house, in the blue field of the swan, resting with one foot on Abdanek near Abdanek, and also in the helmet. The swan's Kudrewicz house has ordinary ostrich feathers on its shield, but three ostrich feathers on its helmet. The house of the Sheviots, in the blue field, he puts the swan and half a white lion in the helmet. Videjk's house, a swimming swan on a shield, three ostrich feathers on the helmet. The Wojszyk house, the common swan on the shield and a month with a star on the helmet. Use 1115. It. Kojałowicz that there was a common swan coat of arms for many Lithuanian families even before the unification of Lithuania with the crown. who seal themselves with the swan, there is more variety: Because first the house of the Girski family, in the blue field of the swan, he puts one foot on Abdanek, and also in the helmet. The swan's Kudrewicz house has ordinary, but three ostrich feathers on its helmet on its shield. The house of the Sheviots, in the blue field, he puts the swan and half a white lion in the helmet. Videjk's house, a swimming swan on a shield, three ostrich feathers on the helmet. The Wojszyk house, the common swan on the shield and a month with a star on the helmet. Use 1115. It. Kojałowicz that there was a common swan coat of arms for many Lithuanian families even before the unification of Lithuania with the crown. who seal themselves with the swan, there is more variety: Because first the house of the Girski family, in the blue field of the swan, he puts one foot on Abdanek, and also in the helmet. The swan's Kudrewicz house has ordinary, but three ostrich feathers on its helmet on its shield. The house of the Sheviots, in the blue field he places the swan and in the helmet half a white lion. The Videjk house, a swimming swan on a sign, three ostrich feathers on the helmet. The Wojszyk house, the common swan on a sign and a month with a star on the helmet. Use 1115. It. Kojałowicz that there was a common swan coat of arms for many Lithuanian families even before the unification of Lithuania with the crown. The house of the Sheviots, in the blue field, he puts the swan and half a white lion in the helmet. The Videjk house, a swimming swan on a sign, three ostrich feathers on the helmet. The Wojszyk house, the common swan on a sign and a month with a star on the helmet. Use 1115. It. Kojałowicz that there was a common swan coat of arms for many Lithuanian families even before the unification of Lithuania with the crown. The house of the Sheviots, in the blue field he places the swan and in the helmet half a white lion. The Videjk house, a swimming swan on a sign, three ostrich feathers on the helmet. The Wojszyk house, the common swan on a sign and a month with a star on the helmet. Use 1115. It. Kojałowicz that there was a common swan coat of arms for many Lithuanian families even before the unification of Lithuania with the crown.                                                

What in our Poland, that it first began to spread from Piotr Dunin, i.e. the Dane, is something all our writers agree on, which was brought from Denmark by him around 1124. During the time of Bolesław the crooked mouth of the monarch; a single Sarnicki lib. 6. fol. 246. Its beginnings in the days of Bolesław the Brave, in relation to what he did wrong, as you will learn from what was said in Duninami. In other countries, however, many historians testify that families were honored with this coat of arms. The first in Italy was Cupavo Dux Ligurum, whose father was called Cygnus. Where did Virgil. Aeneid. 10. Says: Non ego, te Ligurumductor fortissime bello, transierim Cygne, et paucis comitate Cupavo, cujus [p. 182] olorinae surgunt de vertice pennae: because he used to walk under swan feathers. Annibal also Paenorum Dux, the famous warrior and terror of Rome; about the Silius Italicus writes that he sealed himself with a swan. Cilnius Aretinorum Dux a real swan and with coat of arms and knight's shield, above Angelius Bargaeus lib. 17. Belli Syriac. Fert niveum clypeo cygnum, leve corpus ad aethra tollentem, et canto caeli convexa replentem, Stemma Domus notum, et Majorum insigne suorum. Hercules even carried this Monstrorum domitor, several swans that flew in the air, according to Heliodorus on his shield. Three families were once important in Italy. The swan was set with jewels. The first, known as the Familia Populorum, whose ancestors should have come from the kings of Britain, such as Varro and Ulysses Aldrovan. Volume. 3. Ornithole. lib. 19. The second, Familia Cicinellorum, which uses this swan in the red field as the coat of arms of the witness Scipio Mazela de Famil. Naples. The third Familia Bocchiorum that had such a coat of arms, the swan in the sky together with the griffin pulls the carriage where the sun goes around the world: as Politan says. in Ambros. Bistoniis Mars instat equis, tu jungis olores, Phoebe Theraphnoeos. In France, the Familia Cygniorum bears the silver swan in its coat of arms; and the city is proud of it. Called Bologna. Petra Sancta cap. 58. Valencena, a town in Hannonji, in the green meadow of the swan, once called Vallis Cignorum; from the Łabędzis who swam in droves on a nearby lake. Brown lib. 3. Citizens. f. 25. Riccardus Vassemburgensis mentions in antiquitatibus Belgicis the very old Ordinem Militiae Cygnorum, the first was the founder of Salucius Brabo, from whose name (some write Brabant, called.) dealt with the fact that on this occasion many noble houses in trouble up to the last ruin, knight he installed; her profession depended on it; so that they might draw hearts towards one another to unity and love for one another; which came to the desired result in a short time after her work and brought peace to the motherland; and this cavalry should have worn a swan on a black robe, on a gold chain. P. Bonani in Equit. f. 32.                                            

Likewise, none of our historians found the origins of this coat of arms; How should I understand, however, that it got its beginnings from the Danish kings and that Piotr Dunin, the first tribe in Poland of this jewel, inherited both its blood and the procedure from the monarchs of that kingdom. The basis I have is that another day, among other coats of arms, is for four [p. 183] unfolded parts of the Danish kings, in the third part you can see the coat of arms of the silver swan in the red field, on whose neck a golden crown, exactly the shape I have described here, only a crown when you take it off. I have even seen this coat of arms more than once on Danish ships near Danzig. It is also certain that this family in Denmark wore the most accurate honors, as historians say. And yes, in the Pepliński Church you can see the following among other coats of arms: A swan with a crown on its head, he walks into the right shield, in his mouth he holds a ring with a diamond in it, a copy over the helmet Blade pointing upwards, straight between two moons, as if they weren't full at the new moon, shoulders facing each other. The house of Dunin Szpotów honored itself with this coat of arms, as it can be seen in MS. about the Prussian families. Paprocki, on the other hand, in the nest of virtues, which take the swan with yellow mouth and legs in the coat of arms, hence the origins. Tatar righteous man from a noble family, but also with a big heart, who led his pay in the Polish army for a long time, with his courage, which earned the name of a worthy bachelor, as the heiress of a huge fortune in the Dunin house, he vied with parents Seeing both good manners and respect for the king whom he served by virtue and valor, they not only gave him a wife, but also included him in their coat of arms by royal consensus; If there was any difference, the offspring that were his and the real Dunins, appropriated the yellow color of Swan's face and legs. Other houses that have the swan seal can be found under their respective names. I do not use the earlier ancestors of this coat of arms here, as I talked about them in detail in the third volume under Duninami. I just mention that some of them are called swans because of their coat of arms. So I read Jan Łabędza from the Crown Cabinet to Zygmunt I around 1526. in MS. Petrikov. So I read Jan Łabędza from the Crown Cabinet to Zygmunt I around 1526. in MS. Petrikov. So I read Jan Łabędza from the Crown Cabinet to Zygmunt I around 1526. in MS. Petrikov.                      


Bałaszko, Bartodziejski, Berżański, Blinstrub, Błaszkowski, Borkowski, Brzeziński, Dowgird, Dunin, Girski, Głuszyński, Golimunt, Goławiński, Gościkowski, Grodziński, Hołowczyński, Karn, Jłowiński, Hołowczyński, Karn, Jławiński, Hołowczyński , Jławiński, Jławzwicki, Kławzwicki, Kławzwicki, Kławzwicki, Kławzwicki , Komorowski, Koniński, Kostrzejowski, Kozic, Krajewski, [p. 184] Kudrewicz, Kunczewicz, Kunicki, Lubsieński, Łabędzki, Maciejowicz, Marcinkiewicz, Matuszewicz, Mieczyński, Mingajło, Misopad, Modliszewski, Monsztolt, Mozejoszski, Sulkoetski, Szkoetzski, Szkoetzski, Szkoetzski, Rostko, Szkuletski, Rostko, Szkoetski, Rostko, Szkoetski, Radzoszski, Rostski, Szkoetski, Szkoetski, Rostko, Szkoetski, Rostkoetski, Szkoetski, Rostkoetski, Rostkoetski, Rostkoetski, Rostkoetzyowski, Owzoszzyowski. Szemioth, Szostakowski, Szpot, Szpotański, Talwosz, Tanajewski, Telefus, Trzebicki, Urbanowicz, Wąsowicz, Kidejozyki, Kołozyski, Kocz  

Later heraldry, such as Kuropatnicki, Małachowski, Wielądek and other families, add

Balbas, Brzezicki, Dejdygoltt, Ginejd, Kąsinowski, Karnikowski, Markiewicz, Matusewiez, Matyszewicz, Miciński, Radoński, Slepść Dunin, Zbarzyński.

Lada coat of arms (vol. 6 pp. 201-202)

Coat of arms of Lada. The coat of arms of Lada, in a red field or, according to Długosz, in a blue, placed over a white horseshoe, a gold cross, on the right side of the horseshoe there is a gray arrow, on the left, a hunter, a pitchfork, above a Rosochacz; Previously on the helmet was a pair of eagle wings, then ostrich feathers, now the lion is standing with raised paws, the sword is being carried. Fern. about the coat of arms. fol. 322. White. fol. 173. Approx. Measure 2. f. 20. *) This coat of arms is known from the ancestor to whom he received the first, the name was adopted by Lada: because, as Bielski and Anonymus write, the author became under Bolesław the Chaste in 1248 the heir of Łada's estates when suddenly he ravaged the land of Sandomierz from the Jadźwings (who after the death of Konrad, the Duke of Mazovia, together with Lithuania, together with Lithuania) devastated his subjects, who were engaged in serfdom in the fields, from the Jadwings roamed out and shot many of them;         

*) Others and the common ones, as shown here, use this coat of arms, that is: on both sides of the horseshoe they put arrows and under the arrows with the ends of the thinner each other two false hunting horns. - PW [p. 202] well deserved, this gem was allowed. Parisius and in MS. An even earlier beginning of this coat of arms assumes, he says of Vopisc Volaterran, of the eulogy in Probo, that when Quady Svevi and Marcowani, four times a hundred thousand people, had to fight near Milan, they carried Aurelius, the Roman emperor, on their heads After such a defeat, when the army reassembled Aurelianus, he met them at Placencja; but the quads withdrew with their art into the forest at dawn from there, attacked the Romans, and renewed their second defeat; after that their victory at Gallia burned down sixty cities. So Lada, with this nickname for the colonel, whose bravery towards others was used more in battle, was given this coat of arms in memory of his heroic courage. It's Parisius.         


Bieńkowski, Bogdanowicz, Borzymowski, Brodowski, Czarnowski, Czerniakowski, Dobrzyszewski, Gnatowski, Grądzki, Grodzicki, Kłodnicki; Koronowski, Kowalewski, Lipski, Łada, Łazowski, Moczarski, Noskowski, Proszkowski, Radoński, Rędzina, Skrzyński, Służowiecki, Sobolewski, Szmerżyński, Wąsowski, Zabłocki, Zaleski, Zawistowski. 

Later heraldists add the following families to this coat of arms:

Glatowski, adzic, Rendziński, Radostowski, Walicki, Zarciszewski.

Radoński of the Jasieńczyk coat of arms (vol. 8 p. 23)

Radoński , Jasieńczyk coat of arms , in the country of Warsaw. Okolski wrote it from Radowski.    

Radoński's swan coat of arms (vol. 11 p. 374)

Radoński's swan coat of arms . - that's them and this coat of arms was written by Kuropatnicki and Małachowski.  

Radoński, Łada coat of arms (vol. 8 p. 23)

Radoński, Łada coat of arms , in the country of Warsaw. Jędrzej von Radoń Radoński, castellan of Żarnów 1674. Adam Starosta Inowłódz, marshal of the Crown Court in 1703, had Marianna Tuczyńska, castellan of Gniezno, behind him. You are in the Grodno district. N. Jacek Koszutski, the spouse.    

Antoni Radoński in 1778. Radomski. - Michał, the head of the Warsaw Cadet School. - Anastazy from the Opoczyński Army. - Adam the Elder of Opoczyński. - Jan Podstoli Chęciński. - Bonawentura, Chęciński's entourage. - 1788. Jakub the Ensign of Gnieźnieński. - Krasicki.       

Radoński, Radwan coat of arms (vol. 8 p. 23)

Radoński, Radwan coat of arms , in the Masovian Voivodeship. Paprocki and Okolski did not write about it.  

Rosen (Volume 8, p. 150)

You can find roses in these coats of arms: Andrault, Bombek, Doliwa, Koziczkowski, Mięszaniec, Oliwa, Poraj, Prątnicki, Radoński, Ramult, Rola, Szembek, Italians, etynians. 

Garczyński coat of arms (vol. 4 pp. 68-73)

Garczynski coat of arms. MRS. Hemp. for their coat of arms they are destroyed by a jewel called Calatowa. MRS. about Familiach Prus. they are attracted by the Junosz coat of arms. The Sas coat of arms is known in the genealogy on the Krasiński engraving card; it bears a great resemblance to the jewel of Sas, after all with a different symmetry you find it here, ie an arrow pointing straight up at an iron angle, above the moon with horns on a new moon; lowered, and the arrows girded on the sides of the moon on this side and on the other, on a star, four ostrich feathers over the helmet, so I saw it; on P. 69] the home seal of one of them, the same was given by Fr. Mikołaj Garczyński Soc. He was born in this house and added that his name was Cholewa or it was different from the Cholewa coat of arms, and in Kazan it is done so at his funeral. Rzeszowski, but elsewhere I saw only three feathers on the helmet through which the arrow ironically steers towards the right target. Brantovna had one of those families behind him. Jędrzej Richter Tczweski, brother of our Br. Mikołaj, died around 1667. I read Bogusław in 1668. in Monitu. Residential Mariaeburg. Samson, Ensign of Chełmiński, said goodbye to this world in 1667. He was buried with the Carmelites in Danzig, the wife of his Pomeranian chamberlain Jan Werda, whose daughter her daughter and Dorpowski were consecrated. Aleksander, brother of Samson, both were born to Pisieńska Rengelinowna, their son was Orle, Garczyn, Iłownica, Krtów, zu MS. he writes about the Prussian families, but in the foreword to Conceptus mirabiles I read that Samson Grzymułtowska, the sister of the Poznan voivod, was a mother; I don't know if it isn't better to say that Grzymułtowska gave birth to his wife Werdzianka, but that MS. he hesitates that the Verda of the Pomeranian Chamberlain Grzymułtowska was behind him. From this Werdzianka Samson had three sons, Damian, Krzysztof and Stanisław; Of these, Stanisław, the castellan of Konarski from Lasocka, his son Franciszek, Gnieźnieński and Poznan Canon, several times deputy of the Crown Court. Damian was the standard-bearer of Poznan, his first wife, Anna Radomicka, castellan of Kaliska, gave him four sons, Ludwik, the Poznan headmaster, Stanisław, first the Poznan hunter, then the castellan of Bydgoszcz, now castellan of Inowrocław, his from Szczawińska, son of Wacław, and from Załuska, Józef: Stefan, striker Ensign Wachowski, [p. 70] he was marshal at the Sejmik in Średa and deputy, now castellan of Gniezno, whose descendants were Zofia Tuchołczanka from the Starosta Jasieniecka and among them his son Franciszek. Franciszek is Damian's fourth son. Damian's second wife, Ludwika Leszczyńska of the Wieniawa coat of arms, including son Michał Koronowski, professor of the Cistercian Order, and daughter Angela, nun of S. Franciszek in Bydgoszcz. Adam from Malbork Province signed the election of Jan Kazimierz. Stanisław na Garczynie and Orlu, from the Sejm 1683, commissioner for the demarcation between the Masovian Voivodeship and the Duchy of Prussia. Constitu. fol. 12. Garczyński for Jan Zamojski's guardian, Starost Kałuski, then the Voivode of Sandomierz, one of whom was Eufrozyna Ołdakowska. N. Garczyńska Ensign of Chełmińska, Dominika Kossowski, the wife. John's deputy at the Coronation Tribunal in 1725. John was in a mental state at that time. You are also in Krakow. Of these, Jan signed the Cracow Confederation. Joanna Tyburce Chrząstowski, Zadora coat of arms, wife. This is the coat of arms of the Zapendowski Prussians, but according to the Ministry of Justice. The sword does not place an arrow over the Prussian families. The same Dargolewskis there, but the sword wheel does not have two stars.                                             

Wielądek in heraldry entered this family in Volume IV. from Niesiecki, later in the volume of V., he enclosed a separate and detailed description that was given to him, as he writes from authentic documents. And the love for the coat of arms refers to its description in Volume IV. According to Niesiecki, it is not known why this ace is mentioned in the coat of arms. Wielądek's genealogy is as follows. -     

This old house in Prussia, Pomeranian Voivodeship, was named after the first ancestors of its heirs in Garczyn Garczyńskie. From these Michał Garczyński of the Garczyn, Stare Orle, Krtowo, Równe, Iłownica, Ułonia Wielka, Karczewo, Karczewko estates and others in the Pomeranian Voivodeship, inheritance, as an authentic donation in Bełz from Alexander his son Feria. documented secunda post festum SS. Tuum Regum from 1671 attested. The one with Zofia Pisieńska, the coat of arms of Poraj, fathered two sons, Aleksander and Samson. Aleksander Garczyński, son of Michał, with Marchocka des Ostoja coat of arms in Rus, had two daughters: Zofia, Andrzej Rzeczycki, wife Katarzyna Chrząstowski and two sons, Jan and Władysław Steriles.    

Samson Garczyński, Ensign Chełmiński, married twice, primo voto to Katarzyna Doręgowska, left descendants: daughter Ewa, who, after the first husband of Wawrzeńc Wałdowski, the coat of arms of Topór, the second of Zapędowski, and three sons, Aleksander barren with. Rafał, the Katarzyna Kochańska had five daughters Marianna after Jakub Rogaliński, son of Franciszek Łódź Rogalinski and Marianna Przetocka, of which daughter Konstancja Rogalińska after Andrzej Łochyński, Konstancja behind Morskie, [p. 71] Barbara to Dzierzbicki. Rozalia to Lniński. Krystyna after Gortatowski, all four childless, and the son of a Samson who sterilized with Roznowska. Bogusław Garczyński, the eldest son of Samson nee Doręgowska, born of Justyna Lisowska, had a son, Aleksander, of whom he had a daughter from Barbara Plichcianka, Gostyńska's Starost Walerian, with Zalewska and Maciej Garczyński, with Anna Sicińska, he had a daughter , Marianna, behind Tokarski, with whom she left two daughters, Józefa and Magdalena, and three sons: Franciszek, Tomasz and Piotr Tokarski. There were five sons of Maciej Garczyński and Sicińska: 1. Józef Garczyński, who with Marianna Grabowska had a daughter Teresa and a son Paweł. 2. Ignacy Garczyński, who with the first Agnieszka Przyborowska, fathered Wincenty and Romuald; childless with the other Zakrzewska. 3. Paweł Garczyński, with Dąbrowska sterilis. 4. Andrzej Garczyński, who fathered Romuald and Maksym with Honorata Zarembianka. 5. Wincenty Garczyński, who is childless with Gogolewska. Józef Garczyński, who with Marianna Grabowska had a daughter Teresa and a son Paweł. 2. Ignacy Garczyński, who with the first Agnieszka Przyborowska, fathered Wincenty and Romuald; childless with the other Zakrzewska. 3. Paweł Garczyński, with Dąbrowska sterilis. 4. Andrzej Garczyński, who fathered Romuald and Maksym with Honorata Zarembianka. 5. Wincenty Garczyński, who is childless with Gogolewska. Józef Garczyński, who with Marianna Grabowska had a daughter Teresa and a son Paweł. 2. Ignacy Garczyński, who with the first Agnieszka Przyborowska, fathered Wincenty and Romuald; childless with the other Zakrzewska. 3. Paweł Garczyński, with Dąbrowska sterilis. 4. Andrzej Garczyński, who fathered Romuald and Maksym with Honorata Zarembianka. 5. Wincenty Garczyński, who is childless with Gogolewska.                       

Samson Garczyński, Ensign Chełmiński, son of Michał, secundo voto with Barbara Werdzianka, the Odrowąż coat of arms in Prussia of the old and important family, daughter of Jan Werda, the Pomeranian chamberlain, the starost of Nowski from El Grbieta Grzymułtowska from the coat of arms, bred with the following sons: 2. Chryzostom Krzysztof, 3. Stanisław the castellan of Konarski Łęczycki.

Damian Garczyński, the first son of Samson von Werdzianka, born the standard bearer of Pozna, married twice, first vote with Anna Radomicka, castellan of Kaliska, fathered four sons: Ludwik Chamberlain of Pozna Francis, Franciszek, Stanisław, castellan of Inowłódz, and Stefan, Poznan Voivode.

Ludwik, Chamberlain of Posen, heirless. Franciszek had two sons with Walewska: Stanisław, the canons and priest of Zbąszyński, and Kazimierz, the ensign of Wschowski, of whom Józef and Jan Garczyński were sons. Stanisław Garczyński, the third son of Damian nee Anna Radomicka, born, castellan of Inowłódz, the first relationship with Wiktoria Szczawińska had a childless son Wencesław, Starost of Kłodawa. The second relationship with Załuska consists of sons, Józef childless and Mikołaj Garczyński, who with Zboińska left a daughter, Magdalena Ignacy Tuchołka, wife and son Jakub. Stefan Garczyński, the fourth son of Damian née Radomicka, born, voivode of Poznan. The one with Zofia Tuchołczanka fathered four daughters: Ludwika and Dąbski, childless. Eleonora after the Lanckoroński Starost von Rawski, including three sons. Teresa after the Czosnowski Starost of Ciecianów, with her daughters: Antonina and Zofia a nun. There were four sons of Stefan Garczyński, the Poznan voivode: 1. Franciszek, Chamberlain, Wschowski, childless.         

The second son of Stefan the voivod, Edward Garczyński, castellan von Rozpirski, who fathered a daughter with Katarzyna Radolińska, Anna for Nepomucen Mycielski, the Starost von Ośnica, with whom he had two daughters Józef and Jolanta and two sons Ignacy. had and Edward Mycielski. A son of Edward the Castellan, Captain Stefan Garczyński [p. 72] of the national cavalry, which with Anna Skorzewska leaves a daughter Aleksandra and sons Tadeusz and Filip Garczyński.  

Rudolf Garczyński, Stefan's second son, voivode of Poznan, childless.

Stefan Garczyński, the third son of Stefan, the voivode of Poznan, born of Tuchołczanka, a major general in the Crown Army, who married Weronika Krzycka for the first time to Mycielska, with whom he had two daughters, Eleonora, who was with Adam Gajewski, Castellan Rogoziński, leaves two daughters, Antonina and Pau-lina, and two sons, Franciszek and Ewaryst Gajewski. Antonina, the second daughter of Stefan Garczyński, the general who lived with Fryderyk Graf Skorzewski, leaves offspring: four daughters, Kornelina, Olimpia, Klotylda and Florentyna, sons of two Heliodor and Arnold Skorzewski. 

The same Garczyński general with Weronika Krzycka also fathered four sons, Franciszek Captain, Antoni, Nepomuk and Stefan. Franciszek fathered two sons with Mycielska, Bonawentura and Nepomucen. 

Damian Garczyński, son of Samson from Werdzianka, née secundo voto with Ludwika Leszczyńska, with her he fathered two daughters, Teresa von Jan Walicki, coat of arms Łada stolnik Rawski, with a daughter Ludwik, the second wedding after Mokowski, and Aniela one Nun, and there were four sons. Father Michał, Wojciech, Władysław and Józef are childless. 

Chryzostom Krzysztof Garczyński, the second son of Samson from Werdzianka, was born, who with Wilczyńska had three daughters, Teresa Kossowski, Zofia Jan Radoński and Marianna, who had a Jesuit Bonawentura with her first husband Trzebuchowski, and with her second husband Michał Garczyński Michałiora Zakegrzewski court, she left a daughter Melchunda Kunegrzewski wife.

Stanisław Garczyński, castellan of Konarski Łęczycki, third son of Samson from Werdzianka, born in the Sejm from 1683, commissioner for the demarcation between the Masovian Voivodeship and the Duchy of Prussia, constitution. fol. 13th of Agnieszka Lasocka, his wife Albracht Adrian Lasocki, castellan of Inowrocław, Starosta Wyszogrodzki, of Agnieszka Brochowska, a born daughter, fathered two sons, Ian Starosta Budziszewski, deputy of the royal court in 1725, and Alsbrachtan of Mak. Metropolitan Posen and Canon of Posen and three daughters: Mechtylda after Michał Karczewski. The second to Szembek. The third after Leszczyński.    

Jan Garczyński, son of Stanisław, the castellan of Konarski von Lasocka, née Starosta Budziszewski, from Eufrożyna Ołdakowski, had three of them as treasurer Józef Drohicki and three daughters: Brygida behind Byszewski, chaired by Spilicki and Waliews, and Kuncegunda Walciewski castella Rozalia Cześkowski after Jan Rozalia. There were four sons of the same Józef Garczyński nee Urszula Obrycka. Piotr Garczyński, Burgrave of Łęczycki, offspring with N. Zamojska. Second son of Józef Garczyński from Obrycka, born, [p. 73] Hermenegild Garczyński, civil and military commissioner of the Drohicka region.    

The third son of Józef, the treasurer of Drohicki, Edward Garczyński, prelate of Liwski, canon of Inflancki. Józef's fourth son, Fryderyk Garczyński, a lieutenant in the Crown Army, who lost his life in the distress of his homeland during the last revolution during the storming of Praga. Józef Garczyński has three daughters: Marianna for Andrzej and Krasnodębski, Mechtylda for Wojciech Kotowski, Eleonora for Piotr Wojewódzki.  

Stanisław na Garczynie, Orlu, Krtowie-Erbe, from the Sejm of 1683. Commissioner for the demarcation between the Masovian Voivodeship and the Duchy of Prussia. fol. 13. What Niesiecki was about above p. 70. He went from Konstancja, Jan von Bojanowo Bojanowski née Anna Widlicka, his daughter and the wife of his son Michał, according to the 1698 document. in Castro Skarszeviensi feria 4ta post Festum solenne Pentecostes: recording of Stanisław Garczyński, Konstancja Bojanowska, Jan Bojanowski and Anna Widlicka, married with their daughter and own voice. Michał de Rautemberg of Garczyn Garczyński, son of Stanisław, judge of the Michałów Land of Mendrzec, Przęsławice, Bogdanków Land in the Chełmno Voivodeship, heir, which is confirmed by the transaction in 1723. Feria 4ta ante festum SS. Simonis et Judae Aplorum in Castro Covaleviensi, member of the Chełmno Voivodeship when convened in 1734. One of the first swindlers of Barbara de Nostitz Bąkowska, Paweł de Nostitz Bąkowski, father of Inowrocławski, born Zofia Bystramowa , left behind a son, Kajetan, and two daughters, Antonina Wacław Wilczewski, Ensign von Wiski, his wife and Marianna in the first marriage of Ferdynand Rzeczno Kosski, in the second marriage of Ferdynand Kosski, Gostomski, the district judge Michałowski, who, on the other hand, Marianna née Garczyńska was, a daughter, Kunegunda Melchior de Dryw Zakrzewski, the judge, ie Michałowski's wife.      

Kajetan de Rautemberg from Garczyn Garczyński, Czerniechowski, son of Michał, property of his father in the province of Chełmińskie, Mędrzyc, Przęsławice, Bogdanków, acquired in the Kalisz voivodeship and in the Nakielowsski district, inheritance with Teodora Jan de Warsz Dembińów and Wałdowsz Slupski fathered daughter, left a daughter, Maryanna Aleksandra, with two names. Antoni de Büchner from Zawady Zawadzki, court treasurer JK Mci, wife. 

Połubiński of the coat of arms of Jastrzębiec (vol. 7 p. 366-370)

Połubiński of the coat of arms of Jastrzębiec, but with the variant that they wear the black eagle on their shield without a crown with outstretched wings and legs and on their chest their horseshoe, just like in the coat of arms of Jastrzębiec, also put such a helmet or something of them a ducal miter to the city of helmets:. in the garden. fol. 209. by the Ruthenian princes, derived from the Połubiński line and Kojałowicz from the parish 2. lib. 1. History. Lite. and Misztolt in Histor. Sapieh. Par. 1. fol. 71. and genealogy of this house, of Olgerd, the Grand Duke of Lithuania, together with the Trubecki princes (Okolsk, however, incorrectly says that they came to Poland from Moscow. Wigund, because the prince. On the occasion of Edyga of Tamerlanes, hetman 1399 he fathered A son, Teodor, of whom there was also a son, Teodor, and this Jędrzej Fiedorowicz, the prince of Lubno, buried in Kiev near Włodzimierz of the Kiev prince, he had Princess Zasławska, a princess from Jawnucianka, behind him. Paprocki in the garden, she is named after Bogdan and says that she was the mother of Kopciowa and her brother Leon Kojałow and two daughters from this Jawnucianka, Bogdana Iwan Laski of the Podlacher forestry, the second wife Katarzyna Skumin Tyszkiewicz: and three sons Lochwin or Lew, Wasil and Ivan. Among them lies in the church of Pieczarska a knight famous in the camp of Charlemagne, who achieved fame and honor during the war and died childless. Starowol. In Monum. Wasil was the Staroste of Mścisławski and the Marshal of Grodno. Ivan the Voivode of Nowogrodzki and Marshal of Lithuania for Aleksander Król, the former took his coat of arms from Jastrzębiec, wife of his princess Sanguszkowna, one of whose daughters to Prince Radziwił, the other to Prince Czartoryski, the third to the Duke of Wiśniowiecki, the fourth to Hulewicz , the fifth to Narburt of the Abdanker coat of arms, the sixth to Hieronim Chodkiewicz [p. 367] to the Castellan of Vilnius, the seventh to Wołowicz, the Starost of Grodno, the eighth to the Voivode of Smolensk; is the genealogy of this house, and the sons were five: Aleksander, Jędrzej, Jan, Michał and Teodor. Of these                       

Aleksander, the first son of Ivan von Sanguszkowna, castellan of Nowogrodzki, a memorable warrior, this Livlander, who was appointed to the regiment under Hetman Radziwiłł, defended valiantly and happily for five years, fortunately twice with Moscow, once with Wenda, the second Times at Marienburg. White. fol. 609. Izburg recaptured Moscow in 1569. He beat the Moscow guard several times and took their leader Ivan Meskierski prisoner, but defended Wolmir, who was captured by treason and taken to Moscow, he died there in the summer of 1577. Biel. fol. 752nd was also the Wilkijski Starost, UW Str. Lib. Chapter 23, L. Heindens. 1. Wife of his Princess Holszańska, son of him Aleksander the Chamberlain von Lidzki, Staroste von Wilkij, wife of his Alemannianka von Alemannji coat of arms, including former daughter Anna Kuncewiczowa, district judge Lidzka, and Klara in the Order of St. Franciszka and two sons, Aleksander and Konstantyn, first Marshal Słonimski, then castellan von Mścisławski, from the Sejm from 1627. Constit was in charge of setting the price. fol. 9th and 1629th Deputy of the Finance Court, Constit. fol. 15. The Voivode of Pärnu died, with this title he was assigned to the correction of the Lithuanian Statute, Constit. fol. 26th in Dereczyn O0. He founded Dominikanów and built the church, he was for life with Zofia Sapieżanka, voivode Mścisławska, daughter Jędrzej, with her daughter Konstancja, she lived with Jan Kamiński, chamberlain from Wilkomier, Katarzyna with Ogiński, castellan from Trocki, Eufrozyn 1 mo votdoo with Chalecki, 2 Helena, Petronela and Konstanz in the Order of St. Francis. And the sons Gabriel, Kazimierz, Władysław, Hieronim Konstantyn are printed, his Labarus funebris, in funeral. Aleksandri Poloniae and Sveciae Principis, in fol. 1635. Cracow. but he died there young. Samuel and Aleksander Hilary, the first Lithuanian field writer, Starost von Słonimski, Oszmiański, with this title he sent to the Seym in 1661, from where he was appointed deputy of the Constit Finance Court. fol. 4E. he is praised there by the people's constitution. 17. That in Courland, having commanded the Lithuanian army, he stood bravely against the enemy; for he was a courageous colonel in 1656 near Warsaw. He had already taken the Swedes from the field with his people and would certainly have won the full victory over them if they [p. 368] The second regiments wanted to stand with this heart on the advancing Alexander; under Prostki to our victory, and he helped a lot with his determination; 1657. at Tykocin, alone with the royal hussars, in which he was a lieutenant , he went on foot to attack, and soon he devastated Prussia for thirty miles. Rakoci and Czarnecki from Poland freed Courland from the Swedes and at that time was in command of the Lithuanian army. For the churches of your imagination, because he founded a Dominican convent in Vilnius, which was confirmed by the constitution of 1678. 14.Taż fol. 17. confirmed his donation, which he linked to our Vilnius novitiate, the village of Surwiliszki and two farms, in perpetual times and in 1667 through the OO Foundation. St. Bernard in the name of Hlusko, hereditary goods, lying in the Nowogrodzkie Voivodeship, made of him. Constitu. fol. 20. In the Dareczyński Convention, a foundation funded by his father. The Dominicans received a philosophical course at the altar of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Mothers in Żurawice in the OO. Bazylianów, the second S. Róży in the Church of OO. Dominicans of Vilnius: he gave the bells to our church in Brzesko, then he took the large Lithuanian staff, with which he carried out many assignments, especially in peace treaties with Moscow, to pay the army; In 1679 he moved into eternity after working with Zofia Konstancja, Krzysztof Wołodkiewicz, first the country writer von Minski, and then the voivode von Nowogrodzki, a daughter, two daughters, Anna Marianna Dominik Radziwił, Chancellor of the great Lithuanian, a lady of great understanding and piety, the second Izabela Helena Sapieże to Jerzy Stolnik Litewski, married: just as many sons: Dominik, the Starost von Wołkowiski and Krzysztof, the Starost von Bobrójski, but both died childless young, one of them in Hungary at the Vienna expedition. The same marshal had his first wife Chreptowiczowa, the Voivode Nowogrodzka, but with her Sterilis. specifically for the peace treaties with Moscow to be paid to the military; In 1679 he moved into eternity after working with Zofia Konstancja, Krzysztof Wołodkiewicz, first the country writer von Minski, and then the voivode von Nowogrodzki, a daughter, two daughters, Anna Marianna Dominik Radziwił, chancellor of the great Lithuanian, a lady from Sinn and Piety, the second Izabela Helena Sapieże with Jerzy Stolnik Litewski, married: just as many sons: Dominik, the Starost of Wołkowski and Krzysztof, the Starost of Bobrójski, but both died childless young, one of them in Hungary at the Vienna expedition. The same marshal had his first wife Chreptowiczowa, the Voivode Nowogrodzka, but with her Sterilis. specifically for the peace treaties with Moscow to be paid to the military; In 1679 he moved into eternity after working with Zofia Konstancja, Krzysztof Wołodkiewicz, first the country writer von Minski, and then the voivode von Nowogrodzki, daughter, two daughters, Anna Marianna Dominik Radziwił, chancellor of the great Lithuanian, a lady from Great Sinn and Piety, the second Izabela Helena Sapieże after Jerzy Stolnik Litewski, married: just as many sons: Dominik, the Starost von Wołkowiski and Krzysztof, the Starost von Bobrójski, but both died childless young, one of them in Hungary on the Vienna expedition. The same marshal had his first wife Chreptowiczowa, the Voivode Nowogrodzka, but with her Sterilis. Krzysztof Wołodkiewicz, first country writer from Minsk, then Voivode from Nowogrodzki, a daughter, two daughters, Anna Marianna Dominik Radziwił, Grand Chancellor of Lithuania, a lady of great understanding and piety, died in 1690. Second Izabela Helena Sapieże, Jerzy Dominic, a son of Elders of Lithuanians: Wołkowiski and Krzysztof, the starost of Bobrójski, but both died childless young, one of them in Hungary during the expedition to Vienna. The same marshal had his first wife Chreptowiczowa, the Voivode Nowogrodzka, but with her Sterilis. Krzysztof Wołodkiewicz, first country writer from Minsk, then voivode from Nowogrodzki, a daughter, two daughters, Anna Marianna Dominik Radziwił, Grand Chancellor of Lithuania, a lady of great understanding and piety, died in 1690. Second Izabela Helena Sapieże, Jerzy Dominic, a son of the elder of the Lithuanian fathers: Wołkowiski and Krzysztof, the starost of Bobrójski, but both died childless young, one of them in Hungary on the Vienna expedition. The same marshal had his first wife Chreptowiczowa, the Voivode Nowogrodzka, but with her Sterilis. the second Izabela, Helena Sapieże, married to Jerzy Stolnik Litewski: Sons: Dominik, Staroste von Wołkowiski and Krzysztof, Staroste Bobrójski, but both died childless young, one of them in Hungary as part of the Vienna expedition. The same marshal had his first wife Chreptowiczowa, the Voivode Nowogrodzka, but with her Sterilis. the second Izabela, Helena Sapieże, married to Jerzy Stolnik Litewski: Sons: Dominik, Staroste von Wołkowiski and Krzysztof, Staroste Bobrójski, but both died childless young, one of them in Hungary as part of the Vienna expedition. The same marshal had his first wife Chreptowiczowa, the Voivode Nowogrodzka, but with her Sterilis.                                                              

Jędrzej, son of Ivan, voivode of Nowogrodzki, royal captain, three sons from Sokolińska, Jędrzej, Daniel and Eustachy, wife of Massalski, of whom the sons: Michał, Jan and Daniel; and two daughters, Tyszkiewiczowa and Massalski. Jan died in Inflanciech in the war. Starowol. in monum.    

Jan, the third son of Ivan the Novogrodzki voivode, went to Okolsk. Trykacki Starosta, famous during the Moscow expeditions; During the demarcation between Podlaskie and Brześcienskie Voivodeships I read Iwan Połubiński, the starost of Mścisławski and Radoński, and his wife [p. 369] Regina Kopciowna in 1569. The genealogy of this house says that he had Zienowiczowna behind him, from whom he fathered Stada, Tyszkiewiczowa and Zuchanowska, as well as many sons: Dana and the district judge Michał Słonimski, the first wife of Elżbieta Korsakowna, chamberlain from Połock, the second Ostanosowiczowna; of these descendants: Justyna. Cecylia and Helena, Jerzy Massalski, Bracławski's wife. Lev, according to Zdanowicz, a lieutenant, died there when he attacked Moscow near Biała. Starowol. in monum. lays the tombstone of Michał Połubiński, he was de-registered from the Kiev caves. Killed in a storm at Biała for Władysław IV . Mikołaj, a Słonimski teacup, born in Korsakowna, buried the grave in 1640. Her third brother Dymitr, a cupbearer, initially 9 other Chamberlain Słonimski, died in the Nowogrodzki Voivodeship; In 1667 he was a member of the Seym, from where he paid the army constitution as a commissioner. fol. 3. taż Konstytucja fol. 14. For the goods he left in the Smolensk region of Moscow, she gave him in the Słonimski district of Szulaki: his first wife, Konstancja Stadnicka, the second Petronela Tyszkiewiczowna, - the castellan of Smolensk; Sons from Stadnicka, Piotr, pastors from Wileński, Dobrodziej in our Słonimska residence. Leo Kazimierz ciwun Twerski, royal colonel, sent to the draft in 1674 and 1733. Constit. fol. 15th and 16th Hilary, Antoni, Dymitr and Michał von Słonimski, his wife Klara Tyszkiewiczowna; Daughters of the Nowogrodzki voivod, Anna, Zofia, Klara, Florianna. Konstancja, Eufrozyna, Katarzyna, Joanna, Zofia, Helena "and Anna Paprocka, of these under the name Elżbieta, ruled the virgin monastery of St. Bridget Prince in 1691, and their sister was a novice there.                         

Michał, the fourth son of Ivan, the voivod of Nowogrodzki, joined Soluszanka for life, three of whom were sons, Jędrzej, who died in the castle in Kokenhauz. Józef, whose wife Lubomirska and Dymitr zu Pakoszowna gave birth to two sons; Aleksandra, he died in Wallachia, and Jan took Helena Podbereska, of whom two sons remained, Krzysztof Słonimski, the district judge, and two sons of Krystyna Wojnianka Jasieniecka, Jan and Zygmunt. Krzysztof's second brother, Aleksander Reinhold, the ensign of Smoleński in 1674, had Imo for the vote Krystyna Berkowna, for the second vote Kucharska, his daughters Barbara and Katarzyna and son Dominik.   

Teodor, the fifth son of Ivan, the voivode of Nowogrodzki, had Koziakowa behind him, who gave him four sons, Piotr, Grzegorz and Maciej, their wife Baranowska, whose daughter came to Skorulski, and their son Stanisław, ensign [p. 370] Słonimski 1632. He joined Burzymowska for life and fathered with their two daughters Justyna Wojśmieowiczowa and Zofia, a nun Ś. Franciszek, as many sons, Gabriel and Karol. The fourth son of Teodor nee Koziakowa, Józef, a landlord, Słonimski 1632. married Anna Scypionowna, of whom five sons were born, Jacek, Daniel, who died near Biała, Marcin, his wife Tyszkiewicz, Joanna, son Józef and a daughter. Ludwik, wife of Aleksander Sieniński. Kazimierz, the fourth son of Józef von Scypionowna, had Teofila Jelcowna behind him and then Olszewska, his daughters: Tekla with Olszewski, Teofila with Protaszewicz, spoken: sons, Ludwik, his wife Rusiecka, Felicjan, Dominik, Konstantyn and Władysładysład. Krzysztof, the fifth son of Józef, the regional judge Słonimski, his wife Eleonor Bokszanka, the daughter: Glińska, Bykowska, Anna Limontowa, Zienkowiczowa, mother of the current Bishop of Vilnius, Anna Jerzy Hlebicki Józefowicz, the sub-capital of Vilnius. Izabela and Teodora became nuns; and sons Franciszek, Kazimierz, Jan Hieronim and Stanisław. Leo Połubiński, Judge Lidzki, member of the Warsaw Sejm 1722. Krzysztof Canon Wileński, Karol Wojski Mścisławski 1700 and Eustachy. the mother of today's Bishop of Vilnius, Anna Jerzy Hlebicki Józefowicz, sub-table of Vilnius, married. Izabela and Teodora became nuns; and sons Franciszek, Kazimierz, Jan Hieronim and Stanisław. Leo Połubiński, Judge Lidzki, member of the Warsaw Sejm 1722. Krzysztof Canon Wileński, Karol Wojski Mścisławski 1700 and Eustachy. the mother of today's Bishop of Vilnius, Anna Jerzy Hlebicki Józefowicz, sub-table of Vilnius, married. Izabela and Teodora became nuns; and sons Franciszek, Kazimierz, Jan Hieronim and Stanisław. Leo Połubiński, Judge Lidzki, member of the Warsaw Sejm 1722. Krzysztof Canon Wileński, Karol Wojski Mścisławski 1700 and Eustachy.                  

1778. Jerzy Połubiński, Archdeacon of Vilnius, Lithuanian secretary. - Jerome, the judge of the countries. Słonimski. Victor the Stolnik Słonimski. - Stefan the hunter Słonimski. - 1788. Józef Krajczy Słonimski. - Krasicki.      

Koszutski of the Leszczyc coat of arms (vol. 5 pp. 323-325)

Koszutski of the Leszczyc coat of arms, in Wielkopolska, they write from Pierzchno, and the Pierzchlińskis with the same coat of arms from Koszuty, which shows that this is a house of the Pierzchliński and Koszutski families. I don't know if Mikołaj from Koszutów is not here [p. 324] the pastor of Gniezno, from whom Jarosław Bogoria was removed as a relative from the Archdiocese of Gnesen in 1372, but the Gnesen chapter prevented him from doing so. Długosz, Paproc. fol. 183. Stanisław Koszutski translated Reinchard Lorichiusz de bono regimine's books from Latin into Polish in 1555 and published them in folio in Vilnius. Ambrosius von Pierzchno had a son Hector, he fathered Adam with Barbara Chojnacka, heir in Koszuty, Strzeszki and Murzynowo, who took Barbara Radzewska, sons Jan and Piotr. Jan had Starzyńska nee Sieradzki behind him and had three sons: Stanisław and Żychlińska, Peter and Przedzyńska, married, the third Antoni, who died as a soldier. The second son of Adam née Radzewska, Piotr, had Barbara Konarzewska from the Poraj coat of arms behind him, the second was Jadwiga Pstrokońska, from Konarzewska he fathered a son Adam, former city writer Wschowski and now Poznan national writer, who has Teresa Koszutska behind him, Daughter Franciszek, with whom he left two daughters: Zofia, Antoni Obiezierski, Konstancja Michał Łaszczyński, married, several sons, i.e. Piotr, his wife Bogumił Dzierżanowska, Kalisz's cupbearer Stanisaliawa, his wife Zbijewska, a member of the Pozzek-na, Francis , Paweł, Ludwik and Ambrożego youth. The same Piotr from Jadwiga Pstrokońska had two sons, Mikołaj, today's Kaliszer swordfish, who shared his life with Dzierżanowska, the cupbearer of Kaliska, the older sister of his nephew Piotr's wife. The third son of Piotr née Pstrokońska, Zygmunt, has Łukomska behind him. There are three daughters of Piotr, one from Konarzewska, a childless Jadwiga from Pstrokońska and Wiktoria Rozdrażewska and Konstancja Kraska from Pstrokońska. The third son of Adam, son of Hektorowy, ukasz née Dorota Żychlińska, he had behind Zasadzka, he fathered a son Antoni, today's Burgrave of Pyzdry, who had Agnieszka Chudzyńska behind him, son Sebastian and three daughters: Katarzyna, Teresa and Juliana. 2 for the vote he has Helena Zbijewska behind him and her sons: Hektor, Mikołaj and Maciej. Kazimierz Koszutski, heir to Rus, Wituszyc, son of Franciszek, his sister Teressa, lives with Adam Koszutski, a country writer from Poznan, the second, Konstancja, followed Jan Miaskowski, head of Wschowski. Władysław gave birth to Stanisław, the town writer Kaliski, who had Rynarzewska behind him, four of whom were sons. Jan, the current deputy Wschowski, was followed by Mąkowska, Antoni Koszutska, [p. 325] Wladyslaw the boy, Stefan Franciszkan. Władysław's second son, Michał, had Rozdrażewska behind him, several of her sons, one of whom became a reformer. Wojciech Koszutski had Trzecka behind him, from whom Jacek and Stanisław came. Jacek, née Radońska, had sons. Maciej, the latter took Koszutska, the remaining widow of the castellan Malechowski von Kalisz. Franciszka, for whom Ossowska was, left him four sons: Michał, Stanisław, Jacek and Józef, she died. Jacek's third son, Piotr, lives with Kamińska. Stanisław, Wojciech's son, had Molska behind him, and his son was Jakub Kurczewska, from whom the pastor Jan Włoszakowski comes, Jakub another from Zofia Mycielska, born to Jędrzej Mycielski's sister in Poznański, gave birth to a son Krzysztof, he Kierska joined for life, Anna was widowed by Zakrzewski and left behind a son, Aleksander and several daughters. Another Aleksander had two sons behind Strzałkowska: Marcin and Jakub sterile. Marcin took her Domiechowska, he fathered a son, Jan, a knightly husband and a daughter, Barbara Radzikowska. Kazimierz with Golińska, Rafał, Antoni, Jan, who left Maciej from Mieszkowska: Kazimierz's fourth son, Franciszek, has Bulakowska behind. Sebastian żupnik Wielicki The 1655th monastery led the church fathers out of the wall. Reformatting in Wieliczka. Jadwiga Kaczkowski, district judge from Kalisz, wife from 1674. Jakub, another from Zofia Mycielska, born to the sister of Jędrzej Mycielski, the standard bearer of Poznan, gave birth to Krzysztof's son, he was united for life with Kierska Anna, widowed by Zakrzewski, and left behind a son, Aleksander, and several daughters. Another Aleksander had two sons behind Strzałkowska: Marcin and Jakub sterile. Marcin took her Domiechowska, he fathered a son, Jan, a knightly husband and a daughter, Barbara Radzikowska. Kazimierz with Golińska, Rafał, Antoni, Jan, who left Maciej from Mieszkowska: the fourth son of Kazimierz Franciszek has Bulakowska behind him. Sebastian żupnik Wielicki The 1655th monastery led the church fathers out of the wall. Reformatting in Wieliczka. Jadwiga Kaczkowski, district judge of Kalisz, wife of 1674. Jakub, another of Zofia Mycielska, born to the sister of Jędrzej Mycielski, the standard bearer of Poznan, gave birth to Krzysztof's son, he joined Kierska Anna, widowed by Zakrzewski, for life and left behind a son, Aleksander, and several daughters. Another Aleksander had two sons behind Strzałkowska: Marcin and Jakub sterile. Marcin took her Domiechowska, he fathered a son, Jan, a knightly husband and a daughter, Barbara Radzikowska. Kazimierz with Golińska, Rafał, Antoni, Jan, who left Maciej from Mieszkowska: Kazimierz's fourth son, Franciszek, has Bulakowska behind. Sebastian żupnik Wielicki The 1655th monastery led the church fathers out of the wall. Reformatting in Wieliczka. Jadwiga Kaczkowski, district judge of Kalisz, wife from 1674. He left her a son, Alexander, and several daughters. Another Aleksander had two sons behind Strzałkowska: Marcin and Jakub sterile. Marcin took her Domiechowska, he fathered a son, Jan, a knightly husband and a daughter, Barbara Radzikowska. Kazimierz with Golińska, Rafał, Antoni, Jan, who left Maciej from Mieszkowska: Kazimierz's fourth son, Franciszek, has Bulakowska behind. Sebastian żupnik Wielicki The 1655th monastery led the church fathers out of the wall. Reformatting in Wieliczka. Jadwiga Kaczkowski, district judge of Kalisz, wife from 1674. He left her a son, Alexander, and several daughters. Another Aleksander had two sons behind Strzałkowska: Marcin and Jakub sterile. Marcin took her Domiechowska, he fathered a son, Jan, a knightly husband and a daughter, Barbara Radzikowska. Kazimierz with Golińska, Rafał, Antoni, Jan, who left Maciej from Mieszkowska: the fourth son of Kazimierz Franciszek has Bulakowska behind him. Sebastian żupnik Wielicki The 1655th monastery led the church fathers out of the wall. Reformatting in Wieliczka. Jadwiga Kaczkowski, district judge of Kalisz, wife from 1674. The fourth son of Kazimierz, Franciszek, has Bulakowska behind him. Sebastian żupnik Wielicki The 1655th monastery led the church fathers out of the wall. Reformatting in Wieliczka. Jadwiga Kaczkowski, district judge of Kalisz, wife from 1674. The fourth son of Kazimierz, Franciszek, has Bulakowska behind him. Sebastian żupnik Wielicki The 1655th monastery led the church fathers out of the wall. Reformatting in Wieliczka. Jadwiga Kaczkowski, district judge of Kalisz, wife from 1674.                                                                      

In 1788 Karol Koszutski was castellan of Śrzemski. - Krasicki. 

Tuczyński Coat of Arms (vol. 9 pp. 144-148)

Tuczyn Coat of Arms. They describe the clock wheel in which the Black Virgin stands, in a dress that reaches to the floor, without a belt, without arms, her arms only slightly outstretched, her braid disheveled, on her head like a cardinal's hat and a crown on her helmet as follows: [p. 145] Młodzianowski in the sermons of his fol. 385. Note in MS. fol. 202. where did someone describe it with the polish rhythm? Here the clock wheel, here the city of the Golden Maiden, the golden compass, so we wait for the time, the pointer is gone, but never what predicts will never pass, it will always show happiness in the first hour . And again: the girl's head was covered with a hat: because there are always new suns shining here, always honor, and splendor declaring happiness, they burn the name of the Tuczyńskis, so she became a negress because she was already sunburned by the sun . After all, MS. via Familiach Prusk. he writes a little differently about this coat of arms when he says that there should be a cross in the blue field 9 in the clock wheel and a girl with no arm in a cardinal's hat on the helmet, and that seems more respectable. It is difficult to guess where this coat of arms was acquired due to its antiquity, only about this family the authors mentioned above say that the Tuczyńskis come from the Pomeranian dukes, whose house is identical to the house of Roman Vitellius, and the Pomeranian principality, even Charlemagne commanded them to be the Roman emperors, but everyone can be more certain of this with information from what is otherwise said about the Pomeranian dukes. In the fourteenth century since the birth of Christ, when this house was born in the Pomeranian country, who previously only wrote de Wedel, learn from what Długosz says about her in his story: because 1. lib. 10. fol. 1. Hassa de Wedel remembers 1370 with these words: Hasso miles de Hucheryhain, filius Sonie de Wedel, Ottonis Marchionie Brandeburgensis Capitaneus, besieged Santok in Wielkopolska, who, as he had no strength to withstand his potency, soon surrendered to him. And again 1379. lib. 10. fol. 47. writes that Janusz de Wedel, the squire in Tuczno, held Człopa in pledge (it was once a principality of the Pomeranian judge Jan Czarnkowski and his brother [p. 146], née Wincenty, from whom Człopy and Tuczna collected devastated the country of Szczecin to Prince Szwatoborz, where this author adds that he had kept the strength of the Poles in his war wages. These later Count de Wedel, Władysław Jagiełło the King, were on their way to him, his oaths and serfdom, but through a pact with the Teutonic Knights in 1436. she gave the Teutonic Knights Jagiello and with their goods Nowy fronds and Falkiemburg, and others in March with their goods, but entrusted with the safety of life and property of the Teutonic Order. What is the letter about the peace of Brzeski in Łaski in the statutes of F. 139. Read also in Kromer lib. 23 and Bielski fol. 403. that Jan Wedelski together with Jan Czarnkowski, the castellan von Gniezno, had five thousand men under their command to protect Greater Poland from the enemy in 1454. This or that Jan de Wedel, the governor of Wałecki, transferred the castle from this place to the Teutonic Order in 1460. Biel. fol. 418. Cromer lib. 24. As Długosz namienia, the ongoing war between the princes of Szczecin, Kashubia, Pomerania, the Margraves of Brandenburg, the Count of Nowogrod, the Barons Wedel and Szczyglicze boiled so much that their villages and their heir towns went to rubble and ashes. When, therefore, their fortunes began to dwindle due to such war unrest , some of the de Wedel gentlemen were born in Denmark, estates whose genealogy was written by Hubners in Tabula Geneal. Tab. 15300. A volunteer with knightly fame, at the time of this writing, near the city of Oran, stood up bravely in Africa and praised him with a big heart, where he won several skirmishes with blacks. Others, to other parts of the world, began to nestle because those who stayed in Pomerania were so wealthy that, according to Hartman, they were. in the republic. Homer. Twenty-nine men running to fight should have put them up, and the young men. loc. cit. claims that from Tuczno to Stettin the widespread legacy was Wedels, where more than sixty brick towns Wedels coats of arms still had their gates on the gates. whose genealogy was written by Hubners in Tabula Geneal. Tab. 15300. Of these, as I write this, a volunteer with knightly fame stands bravely near the city of Oran in Africa and praises him with a big heart, from several skirmishes with blacks there. Others, to other parts of the world, began to nestle because those who stayed in Pomerania were so wealthy that, according to Hartman, they were. in the republic. Homer. Twenty-nine men running to fight should have put them up, and the young men. loc. cit. claims that from Tuczno to Szczecin the widespread legacy of the Wedel family was, where more than sixty brick towns Wedel's coats of arms still had their gates on the gates. whose genealogy was written by Hubners in Tabula Geneal. Tab. 15300. Of these, as I write this, a volunteer with knightly fame stands bravely near the city of Oran in Africa and praises him with a big heart, from several skirmishes with blacks there. Others, moving to other parts of the world, began to nestle; after all, those who stayed in Pomerania were so wealthy that, according to Hartman, they were. in the republic. Homer. Twenty-nine men running to fight should have put them up and the young men. loc. cit. claims that from Tuczno to Stettin the widespread legacy of the Wedel family, where more than sixty brick towns in his day still had Wedel's coat of arms on their gates. in Africa, brave, praising his heart, he achieved several skirmishes with blacks. Others, moving to other parts of the world, began to nestle; after all, those who stayed in Pomerania were so wealthy that, according to Hartman, he said. in the republic. Homer. Twenty-nine men running to fight should have put them up, and the young men. loc. cit. claims that from Tuczno to Stettin the widespread legacy was Wedels, where more than sixty brick towns Wedels coats of arms still had their gates at their gates. in Africa, standing bravely, praising his heart, he achieved several skirmishes with blacks there. Others, moving to other parts of the world, began to nestle; after all, those who stayed in Pomerania were so wealthy that, according to Hartman, he said. in the republic. Homer. Twenty-nine men running to fight should have put them up, and the young men. loc. cit. claims that from Tuczno to Stettin the widespread legacy was Wedels, where more than sixty brick towns Wedels coats of arms still had their gates on the gates. Twenty-nine men running to fight should have put them up, and the young men. loc. cit. claims that from Tuczno to Stettin the widespread legacy was Wedels, where more than sixty brick towns Wedels coats of arms still had their gates at their gates. Twenty-nine men running to fight should have put them up, and the young men. loc. cit. claims that from Tuczno to Stettin the widespread legacy was Wedels, where more than sixty brick towns Wedels coats of arms still had their gates at their gates.