The noble Polish Radwan family. Die adlige polnische Familie Radwan. - Werner Zurek - E-Book

The noble Polish Radwan family. Die adlige polnische Familie Radwan. E-Book

Werner Zurek



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The noble Polish Radwan family. Die adlige polnische Familie Radwan.

The noble Polish Radwan family.Impressum

The noble Polish Radwan family.

Die adlige polnische Familie Radwan.

Radwan. In a red field a golden church flag hanging on a horizontal rod with three square ends set with golden fringes, at the top set with a golden cavalier cross; Helmet decoration: three ostrich feathers. - In the campaign of King Boleslaw the Bold (1059 - 82) against the Russians, the Red Master Radwan was entrusted with leading the vanguard. He pushed the river Bug on such a strong enemy that a successful fight with the - was the same out of the question. But in order not to flee from the enemy, Radwan nevertheless decided to attack with his small troops, and at the risk of finding death. He was also gebeat and retreated and lost his flag. In order to regroup his troops and lead them to another attack, he took a church flag from the church of the village they had come to, which was carried to his followers. When the Poles attacked again, the enemy believed that they had received new influxes and withdrew as quickly as possible, so that Radwan remained master of the battlefield. The king gave the bicycle as an off - drawing the church flag in the coat of arms, which was named after him Radwan. But it was also called, probably after the ownership of genealogical branches, Wierzbowa, Wierzbowczyk, Kaja and Radwany - Kaja. -This coat of arms is worn by: Babski, Bagienski, Batogowski, Becki, Bialobrzeski, Bieniewski, Bienkiewicz, Bochowicz, Bochwicz, Brandysz, Branecki, Broniewicz, Buchwic, Bunczyn, Bydlowski, Charmanski, Chelstowski, Chlewinski, Cikelstowski, Chlewinski, Chlugwanski, Chluszowski, Chlugwanski, , Czapka, Czapla, Dabrowski, Debski, Desznowski, Dobrosielski, Dobruski, Dostojowski, Dziewulski, Fiedziuszko, Folgierski, Folkiewicz, Frystacki, Fulgierski, Glinski, Gluchi, Gorski, Grodecki, Grodzanarzki, Jakovsky, Grodzanarzki, Grodecki, Grodzanarzki., , Jastkowski, Jeziorkowski, Jezefowicz, Judycki, Kania, Karmanski, Karski, Kaszyc, Kissowski, Kohalowski, Kornar, Konarzewski, Kononowicz, Korabiewski, Kowalewski, Krotki, Krotkiewski, Kruzzzyme, Kryczynski, Krzycachzewski , Leszczynski, Lubanski, Lubawski, Lodzinski, Lukawski, Magnuszewski, Miemczewiski, Mioduski, Nabut Nadarzynski, Nicki, Niegoszowski, Obarzankowski, Okeski, Okuszko, Oleg - nic ki, Oltszynski, Osinski, Ostaszewski, Oswiecim, Ozieblowski, Pakoslawski, Pakoszewski, Paszkiewicz, Pawecki, Pelka, Peperzynski, Pietruszewski, Piwko, Plichczynski, Pluzanski, Polajewski, Radzypzki, Radzypzowski, Radzypzowski, Radzypzowski, Prakzowski, Prokzowski, Pakoslawski, Pakoszewski, Pakoszewski, Pakoszowski, Pakoszewski, Paszkiewiczowski Radziszewski, Rakowski, Rpinski, Rudecki, Rudgiesz, Rusiecki, Rybinski, Serny, Serwienski, Siemionowicz, Skarzewski, Stawkowski, Slu - Zewski, Solokaj Stanislawski, Stecki, Straszewski, Suchorzewski, Suchorzeski, Swiszczewski, Szarawski, Szczyt, Szemrawski, Szyrnanowicz, Toczyski , Tumalewski, Uchański, Uklanski, Wiadrowski, Wierzbicki, Wilam, Wilk, Wirski, Wolkunowski, Wolodkiewicz, Woykunowski, Woyslawski, Wylam, Wilk, Wierzbicki, Zabi - alski, Zadwilichowski, Zarski, Zebrzydowski, Zembocki.

Something changed that arms perform the Dostojowski: instead of the cross a ring - , be as a helmet jewelry one with a sword - armed, armored, growing arm - the Hluszanin: as a helmet jewelry five ostrich feathers, which are pierced from right to left by a spear, who wears a ring in the middle - the Judycki: the middle end of the flag and the cross are missing, the flag is pierced in the middle from bottom to top by an arrow, as a helmet ornament a raven with the ring in its beak on one with the iron on the right upright arrows, - the Kohalowski: instead of the cross a lance tip with a flag, - the Krzyczewski: like the Judycki, only the arrow is directed from top to bottom, three ostrich feathers as home decoration , - the Paszkiewicz and Solokaj: instead of the cross an arrowhead , - the Siemionowicz: replace the middle end of the flag with a five-pointed star, - the Swiszewski: two flags on top of each other, without crosses.

Other names of this coat of arms:

Wierzbowa, Wierzbowczyk, Wirzbowa, Wirzbowo, Kaja, Chorągwie

Description of coat of arms:

In the red field a gold church banner with three fields, with fringes at the bottom; above her knight's cross of the same color. There are three ostrich feathers in the jewel.

Widely used in the countries:

Brzeg, Krakow, Kalisz.

Heraldic legend:

Legend has it that when Bolesław the Bold was fighting the Ruthenians, the entrance commanded by Captain Radwan unexpectedly encountered a large enemy army. The Poles took up an unequal battle and even achieved some success at first. The Rusyns managed to get the banner and kill the ensign. After the loss of the banner, the Poles dispersed and then Captain Radwan took the church banner from a nearby village church, gathered the scattered soldiers around it and led them to a new attack. The Ruthenians, who saw the new banner, thought it was a new unit to fight against, and fled.


Babski, Banowski, Baran, Batogowski, Bądzkiewicz, Beniewicz, Benkiewicz, Benkowicz, Bęcki, Białobrzeski, Bieniewski, Bieńkiewicz, Biernacki, Bocewicz, Bochowicz, Bochowwic, Bochwicz, Buchwicz, Bukowomowczni , Chałański, Charwiński, Chełstowski, Chlewiński, Chlugwański, Chluski, Chłusewicz, Chłuski, Chmielewski, Chwediuszko, Cikowski, Cimońcczik, Cobajewicz, Dadzibog, Dadzibóg, Dobrosski, Dadzibóg, Dząbrowłski,. Goska, Górski, Grodziecki, Grodzki, Hejnik, Hluszanin, Hłuski, Homiczewski, Hordyna, Hrynkiewicz, Hubarewicz, Huk, Hukiewicz, Jakacki, Janowicz, Januszowski, Jaskle Jarzębiński, Jaski Jorkski , Judycki, Jurkowski, Kania, Karmański, Karski, Karwacki, Karwiński, Kawłok, Kieński, Kietorowski, Kietorowski, Kieturowski, Kiskowski, Kokotekowski, Komłokowski, Kotekowski, Kiskowski, Kissa Konaszewki, Kowski, Krowalki, Krowalkiodki, Korzowabowski Krotkiewicz, Krotkiewski, Short, Kryczyński, Krzymaski, Krzymuski, Krzystek, Krzyszczewski, Kulbacki, Kunaszewzenski, Loeszewski, Loeszewski, Loeszewski, Loeszewski, Loesziewski, Lodzewski, Loeszewski, Lońzewski, Loeszzyński, Lońzewski, Loeszzyński, Lońzewski, Mańšzzy Malcki Malcki, Malzy Malcki Malcki Malcki, Mańšchuszki, Malšchuszi Malcki, Malchuschi Malcki Mamiński, Mazulewicz, Michnowicz, Miemczewski, Mioduski, Mironowicz, Nabut, Nadarzyński, Nicki, Niebrzydowski, Niegoszowski, Niemczewski, Niszczyński, Oarzanowski, Oarzan owski, Okmiański, Okuszko, Oleszyński, Oleśnicki, Orzechowski, Oświecim, Oświęcimski, Oświęcim, Owsieński, Owsinski, Oziemrałowski, Oziębijowski, Pakosławski, Pakoszewski, Parzan owski, Paskiewicz, Paszkiewicz, Paszkiewicz Wojzbun, Paszkowski, Pawecki, Paweczki, Pawęcki, Pawędzki, Pełka, Pemperzyński, Pepeszyński, Petruszewski, Pęperski, Pieczątkowski, Pietraszewski, Pietruszewski, Piwkowicz, Plichciński, Plichczyński, Pławniesiński, Pokosziński, Płużewski, Płużewski, Połajewski, Porażyński, Porutowicz, Powicki, Prakowski, Prokowski, Proniewicz, Przychocki, Przydkowski, Przygodzki, Podłkowski, Rachwałowski, Radecki, Radwan, Radwanowski, Radwański, Radyński, Radziszewski, Rakowski, Rupiski, Rakowski, Rodziń, Rybicki, Rybiński, Rypiński, Semenowicz, Serny, Serwiński, Skarzewski, Sławkowski, Słewka, Słonwka, Słewkowski, Słewka, Słewka, Słewka, Słewka, Słewka, Słewka, Słewka, Słewkowski Stanczlewicz, Stanczlewski, Stanisławski, Toycze, Uchański, Uklański, Wiadrowski, Wierzbicki, Więcborski, Wilam, Wilk, Wirski, Włodkiewicz, Wojd aliński, Wojdalski, Wojkunowski, Wojsławsk i, Wołkunowski, Woykunoski, Woysławski, Wytam, Zabielski, Zajdlicz, Załamaj, Zebrzydowski, Zejdlicz, Zembocki, Zębocki, Zielewicz, Żarsłoz., Żarsło.


"Dąbrowski of the Radwan coat of arms (vol. 3 p. 292)

Dąbrowski, Radwan coat of arms, in the country of Warsaw. Jan Swordnik Różański and Adam Żądło Dąbrowski voted for Jan III. registered in Różańska Land. Maciej and Marcin via Władysław IV. John in Nurska Land to Jan Kazimierz. Kazimierz in the country of Warsaw 1674. "

"Jakacki, Radwan coat of arms (vol. 4 p. 427)

Jakacki, Radwan coat of arms, in Prussia and Mazowsze. Judge Łomżyński by Abraham Jakacki. Florian and Piotr signed the union of the Duchy of Lithuania with the Crown at the Sejm of Lublin in 1569. A house with the Uchański family, as stated in the letter from King Sigismund Augustus in the crown document. "

"Magnuszewski, Radwan coat of arms (vol. 6 p. 322)

Magnuszewski of the Radwan coat of arms in Mazowsze, one of the districts of Uchański. Wojciech Magnuszewski, Makowski and Różański writers. Franciszek, Tomasz, Stanisław, brothers born in Rusiec, given a privilege by Princes Konrad and Mazowiecki in 1241. Zygmunt Augustowi Król for confirmation they gave. There are also Magnuszewski's near Ostrog. "

"Oleśnicki, Radwan coat of arms (vol. 7 pp. 82-83)

Oleśnicki, Radwan coat of arms, in Krakow and other provinces. Baranowski writes them, Oleszyński, an old house. Mikołaj, a warm husband on behalf of Stefan Król, Jędrzej podstarości Chęciński, the upnik of the Wieliczka Salt Mine. Jan Oleśnicki, née Anna Odrowąż, had two sons: 1. Łukasz, the land manager of Bełski, who left with Cieciszewska, Jarosław Starost of Bełski, heir of Łabuna, Jatułtów, Barchaczota, Wirzba, Hrusa Dor, who had one with Bełski Son of Tomasz Dorota: he had a son from Bełzecka Dorota. The Turks fought again at Chocim, but when he was twenty-two, in 1622, death caught him, as his tombstone in Zamość tells of him. Starowol. in monuments. His sister Barbara married Prokop Leśniowolski with the castellan of Podlasie. 2. Marcin, he was sent to the Seym in 1589. The wife of his Zamo castellan Chełm, sister of the chancellor Jan and Hetman, from whom his daughter Anna lived with Jan Dulski, castellan of Chełmno and crown treasurer. "

The Royal Castle in Pieskowa Skała, its owners

Jarosław Dąbrowski of the Radwan coat of arms - nickname Żądło

288 surnames: Babski, Banowski, Baran, Barański, Batogowski, Bądzkiewicz, Beniewicz, Benkiewicz, Benkowicz, Bęcki, Białobrzeski, Bieniewski, Bieńkiewicz, Biernacki, Bocewicz, Borziczi, Borziciewicz, Borziczi, Borziczicz, Buchuckiczodzi , Buchwic, Buchwicz, Bukomowicz, Bułczyn, Chałański, Charwiński, Chełstowski, Chlewiński, Chlugwański, Chluski, Chłusewicz, Chłuski, Chmielewski, Cikwediuszimo, Czaplica, Czcik, Czcikowski, Czyliński, Cobajewicz, Dadzibog, Dadzibóg, Dabrowski, Desznowski, Dębski, Długi , Dobrosielski, Dostojewski, Draczewski, Dzziewulski, Dzlistrowicski, Folkier, Folki, Folki, Folkierski, Gliński, Głuchowski, Gondon, Goska, Górski, Grodziecki, Grodzki, Gubarewicz, Harukiczewicz, Harukicziczki, Harukiczłew, Hejnik, Harukiczłewski, Harukiczłewski, Harukicziczski, Harukiczłewski, Harukiczłewski, Harukiczłewski, Harukiczłewski, Harukicziczki, Harukicziczski, Harukicziczanin, Harukicziczanin, Harukicziczanin , Hukiewicz, Ja .kacki, Jano wicz, Januszowski, Jarzębiński, Jasklecki, Jasklewski, Jaskłowski, Jastkowski, Jastowski, Jeziorkowski, Johanson, Józefowicz, Judycki, Jurkowski, Kania, Kar mański, Karski, Karwacki, Karwiński, Kawski, Kitur, Kiseńisk, Kohałowski, Kokotek, Komar, Konaszewski, Kononowicz, Korabiewski, Kowalewski, Kowalowski, Krodzki, Krotki, Krotkiewicz, Krotkiewszys, Krotkiewiczski, Krotkiewszys, Krotzekuscczzy Kubazelu Short Laszenko, Leszczyński, Lodziński, Lubaski, Lubawski, Ładziński, Łodziński, Łukawski, Magnuszewski, Malchiewski, Maliński, Małchiewski, Małuszycki, Mamińabtski, Niedabtski, Mazulewicz, Nabtski, Niedabtski, Mazulewicz, Michnowicz, Miemczewicz, Nnowicz, Miemczewicz еи, ои, ои,, Nicki, Niemczewski, Nieszporek, Niszczyński, Obarzanowski, Obwarzanowski, Okęcki, Okęski, Okmiański, Okuszko, Oleszyński, Oleśnicki, Olszowski, Ozśnicki, Olszowski , Pakoszewski, Parzanowski, Paskiewicz, Paszkiewicz, Paszkiewicz-Wojzbun, Paszkowski, Pawecki, Paweczki, Pawęcki, Pawędzki, Pelikant, Pełka, Pemperzyński, Pepeszyński, Pieerski, Pie. Petruszewski, Pie truszewski, Piwkowicz, Plichciński, Plichczyński, Pławski, Płużański, Podniesiński, Pokoszczewski, Pokoszewski, Połajewski, Porażyński, Porutowicz, Powicki, Prakowski, Prońwani, Radziński, Radziński, Radziński, Radziński, Radziński, Radziński, Radziński, Rzwaniński, Rzwaniński, Prońwaniński, Rzwaniński, Rzwaniński, Płużański, Radziewiczski, Prońkaniński, Radziewiczski, Prońkaniński, Radziewiczski, Prońkaniński, Rzwaniński, Prońkaniński, Rzwaniński, Rzwaniński, Rzwaniński, Rodzwaniński, Rzewaniński. Rusiecki, Rusiłowicz, Rybalski, Rybicki, Rybiński, Rypiński, Semenowicz, Serny, Serwiński, Skarzeuskiłski, Stanzewwiskił, Stanczlewski, Stanisławski, Stecki, Stojewart, Suchońebroka, Stojewartski, Tołuski, Tołuski, Torowzki, Tocuski, Tocuski, Tołówemski, Szrowzki, Tabzumski, Tocuski, Ukrowemki, Szrowarawski, Tocuski, Ukrowemski, Tabrowemski, Ułńebrski, Szrowarzski, Szrowemski, Tocuski, Ułńebrski, Szrowarzski, Tocuski, Tocuski, Szrowarawski, Semenowicz, Serny, Semenowicz, Rypiński, Semenowicz, Rypiński, Semenowicz, Szrowarawski , Wierzbicki, Więcborski, Wilam, Wilk, Wirski, Włodkiewicz, Wojdaliński, Wojdalski, Wojkunowski, Wojsławski, Wołkunowski, Woykunoski, Woysławski, Wyjdza, Wyjd

Babski coat of arms Radwan (vol. 2 p. 39)

Radwan coat of arms for women. You write from Babsko in Rawskie Voivodeship. An old house, one of which was the Chancellor of the Dukes of Mazovia. Adam von Babsko had a son, Bartłomiej, who left six sons in honor of his successors. Teofil, and with science and bravery, the Chancellor and Hetman recommended Jan Zamojski with special respect. Gabriela, who from Mieleszkowno stolnikny Nowogrodzka, two of his sons, Wojciech and Aleksander, blessed God through religious vows in the monastery of St. Francis; three others he set aside for the service of the fatherland and male labor, that is; Florian. Stanisław and Piotr. Aleksander, Bartholomew's third son, long in the war clouds of death, found in the end, paralyzed by the Tatars, his body in Kamieniec Podolski, with his eternal memory, which was financed there by the fathers. Dominikanów: he had Zofia Kiemliczowna behind him, on whom the daughter had to live with Jan Chodorowski, the captain of Lemberg. Louis and Ezekiel, Alexander's brothers, also killed in Wallachia, wrote their blood on them as pleasing as their freedom at home. Aleksander and Jan 1674. Władysław from Płock, Adam from Łęczycki, Jerzy and Stanisław from Poznański 1697. Signed elections. Konstancja Babska was behind Piotr Oski. The second chancellor of Mazowieckie, chamberlain of Łęczyca, succeeded Stanisław Lasocki. Okols. fol. 152. Your sister follows Tomasz Kozarski. Second Chancellor of Mazovia after Stanisław Lasocki, Chamberlain of Łęczyca. Okols. fol. 152. Your sister follows Tomasz Kozarski. The second Chancellor of Mazowieckie, Chamberlain of Łęczyca, succeeded Stanisław Lasocki. Okols. fol. 152. Your sister follows Tomasz Kozarski.                           

Józef and Stanisław Babski registered in 1764 for the election of King Stanisław August from the Łomża region. - Philip the Chamberlain to His Majesty, Jan's son, Radwan von Babsko coat of arms, in the voivodeship. Rawski, grandson of Mikołaj, great-grandson of Tomasz Babski. - Józef bailiff of the Rawska country, - Filip bailiff for the Sochaczewski border. - Wielądek heraldry.    

Bagiński of the Radwan coat of arms (vol. 11 p. 8)

Bagiński of the Radwan coat of arms . - Times.  

Bieniewski of the Radwan coat of arms (vol. 2 p. 151-152)

Bieniewski of the Radwan coat of arms, in the country of Sochaczew, and then also in Ruthenia. Paprocki and Okolski did not write about it. Jan Bieniewski had Jadwiga Leszczyńska of the Belina coat of arms behind him in 1484. Acta Terrestr. Crow. Benedykt, son of Stanisław Kazimierz, voivode of Czerniechowski, staroste of Nossowski, and before that of the city writer of Łuck, the castellan of Volhynia. As a member of parliament in Moscow, he attacked such a tragedy. The two Eastern Patriarchs came together at the behest of Tsar Alexei Michalovich to deliberately dismiss the Patriarch of Moscow Niphon. Niphon asked them what power they would claim over him if they replied that they were patriarchs of the east. And I am also the just Patriarch of Moscow, equal to both of you, and the same has no greater power than himself. If anyone condemns and puts me down, it is probably none other than the Roman Pope. Yes P. 152] Voivode of Bełska, and after their descent with Zahorowska, castellan of Inflancka, finally with Teres, Kaszewska: his daughters, one with Samuel Leszczyński, the obedience of the crown, the other with Kasper Konicki, the castle of Czerniechowski. Stefan Kazimierz, Czerniechowski ensign from 1764. Bazyli Łukowski from 1648. Wojciech von Halicki from 1658. Maksymilian and Wawrzyniec from 1648. in the land of Sochaczew.            

Krasicki adds in the footnotes: that in the manuscript. Warmińscy there is an original letter from Stanisław Kazimierz Bieniewski, then Castellan von Wołyński, to Jan Kazimierz Król, in which he reports on his negotiations with Teter, the Cossack hetman. - There is also an original deal with Tetera dealing with Wykowski. Manus. Helsbergisch. -     

Wielądek is useful in heraldry: Antoni Bieniewski, Grabowiecki's carpenter in 1763. - Victor the earth man. Chełmska - Wojciech Cześnik of the Land of Sochaczew and MP, signed the election of King Stanisław August. - Ludwik, the treasurer of Sochaczewski 1792. -    

Bochowicz, Radwan coat of arms (vol. 11 p. 35)

Bochowicz's Radwan coat of arms . Duńczewski writes about this house: The name Bochowicz flourished one and a half hundred years ago in Krakow and now in Lithuania. Filip Bochowicz was the first to come to Lithuania with Prince Krzysztof Radziwiłł before 1600, where he owned goods in Nowogrodzkie, but various documents were burned by the Swedes of the enemy at that time, as the manifesto in the files attests. They lead their line only from Filip Bochowicz, who had a brother, ukasz, and a son, Samuel; the one with Zofia Dobrzańska had two daughters, Anna and Katarzyna Chrząstowska. The sons of three, John and Daniel Barren, Christopher, from whom Samuel and Tobias are descended, from whom the lineage is detailed above and beyond the named author.      

Brandysz, Radwan coat of arms (vol. 2 p. 266)

Brandysz, Radwan coat of arms. You write from Grabiszyce, a historic house. Klemens Brandysz, Starost von Chęciński, administrator of Queen Barbara Zygmunt I of his wife Izabela - the Queen of Hungary to King Jan, he accompanied Barbara's sister to Joachim, the Duke of Brandenburg; the family of Stanisław the childless, he had two sons, Aleksy and Mikołaj. Piotr Brandysz, Aleksego's son, a famous captain, stood bravely in Krasnobródek, shot with a cannon from Moscow, he laid his life there. Dziwisz his brother, thirty years hectare at the court of the Polish kings, August 9th Heinrich, and the lost Stefan, took Małgorzata Krupska in 1582. In Grabiszyce he built the estate with great effort. Mikołaj, the country writer from Zatorski and Oświęcim, by Anna Rajska, a judge from Oświęcim, left a son - Piotr, a bailiff for King Stephen, and Szczęsna Rusiecka renewed his marriage vows with Katarzyna Gierałtowska. There are also the heirs of Rusocin in Prussia mentioned above by MS. I wrote about the Prussian families, here I am adding the Radwan coat of arms to the Brandysz family from Baranowski: Piotr, son of Mikołaj, the country writer Zatorski from Rajska, and he, "the country writer Zatorski himself, took Jadwiga Zebrzydowska, the sister of Starostens von Warecki, Jan, with whom he left his son Mikołaj, who died as a young man, and Piotr, who are happy with Anna Grotowska in the offspring. His sisters Katarzyna spoke with Wojciech Jasiński, Jadwiga and Jan Grotowski. With which he left behind his son Mikołaj, who died as a young man, and Piotr, who was happy with Anna Grotowska in the offspring. His sisters Katarzyna with Wojciech Jasiński, Jadwiga and Jan Grotowski agreed. He left behind his son Mikołaj, who died as a young man, and Piotr, who was happy with Anna Grotowska in the offspring. His sisters Katarzyna with Wojciech Jasiński, Jadwiga and Jan Grotowski agreed.            

Dziwisz Brandys in Grabiszyce is an original letter to Cardinal Hozjusz written from Vilnius on Day 3 in 1566. March; Caption: Dziwisz Brandisch. - Krasicki footnotes.   

Branecki, Radwan coat of arms (vol. 2 pp. 266-267)

Branecki, Radwan coat of arms . Paprocki, they were written by Branieczki, Okolski Branicki, both were wrong. There is the Branicki family with this coat of arms in the Masovian Voivodeship. Jan Burgrave Sochaczewski signed by Jan Kazimierz, Stanisław and Remigian in the Czerska Land by August II elections. Bernard, who collected the Czersk land in 1588. They are located in the Duchy of Zatorski and Oświęcim and in Jędrzej in the Sandomierz Voivodeship. Jan Suffragan of Poznan in 1658. You are also in the Kalisz Voivodeship. [S. 267]         

Michał Braniecki, Bailiff of Stężycki from the Sandomierskie Voivodeship, has registered for the election of King Stanisław August. Ibid. Stanisław and Franciszek Braniecki, sub-commissioners of the Łęczycki municipality, N. Branecki, the small army of Stężycki, and Michał, the then still living vice-agent of Stężycki. - Wielądek heraldry.  

Buchwic of the Radwan coat of arms (vol. 2 pp. 344-345)

Buchwic, coat of arms of Radwan. Almost all of the former authors left the house. - Duńczewski in the Herbarium Volume II. Pages. 274. claims that they come from the village of Radwanowice in Kraków, from the Chariots family, who produced various branches, and therefore gives a detailed account of them. - Buchwiców's name flourished in Kraków a year and a half ago, and now in Lithuania, like Filip Buchwic first with Prince Krzysztof Radziwiłł, before 1600 he got there, where he had goods in Nowogrodzkie, but through the enmity of the first Swedes, which the papers of different ancestors were burned; the heirs only brought the manifesto about it, and they had no older documents, they only led the line from Filip Buchwic, who had a brother Łukasz, who was mentioned in the foreword to Mikołaj and Stanisław Potocki in 1603. Anatomiae Sacrae, Authore Gwilelmo Perekinsio Anglo, with these words: Agnoscitis, eodem fi [p. 345] whom with Helena Hazlerowna, Karol Stanisław binominis, Commissioner Horecki. Bogusław, who had put Jadwiga Pękalska with his sons Jerzy and Tomasz for election. Katarzyna in a marriage for Charewicz and Anna for Zepter. -          

Charman coat of arms Radwan (vol. 11 p. 67)

Charman coat of arms Radwan . Małachowski writes that there is also this coat of arms.  

Chlewiński, Radwan coat of arms (vol. 3 p. 37)

Chlewiński, Radwan coat of arms . Neither Paprocki nor Okolski wrote about it: They are in the Vitebskie and Minsk provinces. Jakub Chlewiński, his sons Jan, Marcin, Mikołaj and Krzysztof. - Krzysztof in Societate Jesu, a noble priest, died as a professor of philosophy at the Vilnius Academy. Jacobs brothers Piotr and Łukasz. - N. Chlewiński, Rzeczycki's country writer. You are in the Sieradzkie Voivodeship : because Adam and Mikołaj signed the elections on August 2nd. and in the Duchy of Lithuania Thomas and Sebastian with Minsk on Jana. Kazimierz, Piotr, Jan, Kazimierz, Jan, Daniel with the Orszański District. Tomasz podsędek Rzeczycki with Rzeczycki, Stanisław podstoli Starodubowski with Minsk on III.          

1778 in the Duchy of Lithuania. Ludwik Chlewiński, Wojski Rzeczycki. - Kazimierz, the county clerk. - Krasicki footnotes.  

Chluski of the Radwan coat of arms (vol. 3 p. 37)

Chluski of the Radwan coat of arms in the Principality of Lithuania: and they are clearly Okolski, but there are also Chlugwański with the same coat of arms about which he remained silent. 

Chłuski, Radwan coat of arms (vol. 11 p. 68)

Chłuski of the Radwan coat of arms . Only Mat mentions them.  

Chrościcki of the Rola coat of arms (vol. 3 p. 90)

Chrożcicki, Rola coat of arms . Paprocki and Okolski did not write in his place, but under the coat of arms of Łódź, ribbon. 2. fol. 177. Chrościcka of this coat of arms is remembered as: it was Szaracki of the coat of arms Radwan spouse: and Nakielski in Miechovia fol. 396. says that her inheritance, Chroscice, lies in Sandomierz in Wiślicki County. Stanislaw had Katarzyna Pikarska behind him. Walenty and Kazimierz from Chrościce. Chroscicki in the Ciechanowska region in 1697. Maciej in the Gostyń region in 1674. Konstancja in 1702. However, I believe that there are also chroslicki in this province, because Mikołaj Chroślicki, the leader of the Stężycka region, signed and confirmed his pact monastery Władysław IV. Election regulations fol. 18. His daughter Anna married Jan Rzeszowski.          

Stanisław and Ignacy Chrościcki have registered for the election of Stanisław August Król from the Kalisz Voivodeship. - Heral. Large.  

Cikowski, Radwan coat of arms (vol. 3 pp. 134-135)

Cikowski from the Radwan coat of arms, in the Krakow Voivodeship: Okolski, once your Czykowscy, say Cikowski a second time: They come from the Zebrzydowski family, but they got this name from the Cikowo estate. From this family came an important bachelor Cikowski, a Krakowski substitute, in 1470: he loved the nobility of the Kraków province so much that King Kazimierz often went hunting in the Niepołomska jungle when he confiscated his inheritance; as a reward for this loss they paid him a considerable sum; for which he bought the village of Wojsławowice. Bielski fol. 467. I read Mikołaj, then castellan of Sądecki, in 1531 in Nakiel. in Miechow. the second, also Nikolaus, who handed over the crown cabinet to the city of Lemberg in 1547 on the list of Sigismund I. This castellan of Sądecki and Starost of Sanocki was an envoy of the Turkish Tsar Bielski fol. 586. had Krupczanka behind him and three daughters with him; one was judge Sądecki after Adam Gierałtowski, the second was after Balcer Porębski of the Cracow army, the third was after Adam Gliński, the ensign of Sandomierz: also three sons, Stanisław, Mikołaj and Piotr. Stanisław, the castellan of Biecki, (on Bielski, fol. 617), in place of the hetman of Leśniów, invaded Moscow, came to Smolensk, burned the suburbs down after conquering many of Moscow, conquering others: then if he dragged her to the land of Siewier, [p. 135], where quite a few farms burned down and returned home completely. The Moscow castle went to Krasnogrodek again, where in 1565 it caused great damage with fire and sword. He had two sons, Stanisław and Krzysztof, and a daughter after Felicjan Ługowski. Landlord Stanisław in Krzelów, Salacz, Tarnów, Swaryszów, Bielowice, Swiercz, Skoczków and Wojciechów in the Książ district, treasurer of Kraków, Starost of Czorsztyn. Krzysztof, a soldier near Pskov, left his son Jan, on whom his uncle's entire fortune was distributed. Mikołaja, son of the royal secretary Jędrzej, with whom Elżbieta Bolestraszycka was secretary of Przemyśl, with whom he fathered a son Hieronim and a daughter Anna with Jan Wilam. Stanisław and Balcer in 1705. Stanisław, Chamberlain of Krakowski, was envoy to the King of England in 1604. With Działyńska he left a descendant, a son of Stanisław and a daughter, Anna or Zofia, Krzysztof Ossoliński, Voivode of Sandomierz. Stanisław, Chamberlain of Krakowski, had Błońska behind him, but Sterilis lived with her. Jędrzej Cikowski, the star of Ucieński, had a lifelong friendship with Ościk, the voivod Mścisław, whose son died young (this is Baranow), the widow of Jerzy Ościk, the voivod of Mścisław,                    

Mikołaj Cikowski, castellan of Żarnów, was court marshal of Izabela, widow of the Queen of Hungary, sister of King Sigismund Augustus, as we know from the embassy and the instructions given to him by the queen when he was sent to Sigismund Augustus. - This manual is in Manuscrp. Helsbergski. - Krasicki.   

Coluszański of the Radwan coat of arms (vol. 11 p. 79)

Coluszański of the Radwan coat of arms . The former authors, along with Niesiecki, did not mention them. Kuropatnicki and Małachowski are placed in the row of noble houses along with the name of their coat of arms.   

Heron of the Radwan coat of arms (vol. 3 pp. 170-171)

Heron, Radwan coat of arms . Okolski confirms that Maksymilian Czapla has sealed himself with this coat of arms. They are supposed to be in Mazowieckie and Lithuania. I don't know whether among them Jan Czapla, Kujawski and Płocki scholastics, chancellor of the Mazovian prince Konrad, whom this prince was only suspicious of, and no criminal story [p. 171] he ordered the condemned to be killed: about what Długosz, Cromer, Łubieński in Vitis Episcop. Plözen. and other.       

The Constitution of the Sejm of 1581 granted Maksym Czapla three trawls with inheritance rights in the village of Szostakach in Kamieniec in Lithuania. - Constitu. V. II. Fol. 1025.-    

Czyżewski of the Drya coat of arms (vol. 3 p. 278)

Czyżewski, Drya coat of arms. Near Konin in Greater Poland. Bartłomiej Czyżewski the writer Zadworny: his wife Borowska. Balcer, dean and official of Kaliski, died in 1643. Histor. College Calissien. N. Czyżewski in the Province of Sieradz, who was born by Golińska. Hieronim, who had two sons by her in the sociam vitae, Wolska, Aleksander and Seweryn, who returned home after long war difficulties, married in the Wieluń region, two sisters, daughters of Jędrzej, fathered from the castellan Burzyńska from Konarska , the older took the younger and the younger took the older. Aleksander, then from Jadwiga Ruszkowska, had two sons, Adam and Stanisław, and a daughter, Regina, Zygmunt Rudnicki, from the coat of arms of Jastrzębiec. Adam died at a young age, Stanisław nee Ewa Linowska had four sons, Jan, Antoni, Józef, Ignacy, and daughter Ursula. Seweryn, brother of Aleksander, née Teresa Ruszkowska, had six sons, Franciszek. John who died young, Kazimierz Soc. Jesus, ruled the colleges of Grudziądz, Toruń and Sandomierskie, Jędrzej, Tomasz and Stanisław: and two daughters; Zofia 1 to Pierzciński, 2 to Stefan Borzewicki, Aleksandra Samuel Wilkotarski, married. Franciszek took Łaszczyńska in the province of Kalisz, Jędrzej from Zofia Dobrosielska, Radwan coat of arms, left three sons, Piotr, Kazimierz, Jan and a daughter, Franciszka. Tomasz, nee Apollonja Chlebowska, fathered Józef, Seweryn, Stanisław, Konstanty and a daughter, Urszula. Stanisław, the youngest brother of Barbara ukomska, has three sons, Józef, Hieronim, Jan, and four daughters, Jadwiga, Teodora, Magdalena and Joanna. Maciej in Poznańskie 1697. Stanisław Franciszek and Jędrzej in Sieradz. Seweryn, brother of Aleksander, née Teresa Ruszkowska, had six sons, Franciszek. John who died young, Kazimierz Soc. Jesus, ruled the colleges of Grudziądz, Toruń and Sandomierskie, Jędrzej, Tomasz and Stanisław: and two daughters; Zofia 1 to Pierzciński, 2 to Stefan Borzewicki, Aleksandra Samuel Wilkotarski, married. Franciszek took Łaszczyńska in the province of Kalisz, Jędrzej from Zofia Dobrosielska, Radwan coat of arms, left three sons, Piotr, Kazimierz, Jan and a daughter, Franciszka. Tomasz, nee Apollonja Chlebowska, fathered Józef, Seweryn, Stanisław, Konstanty and a daughter, Urszula. Stanisław, the youngest brother of Barbara ukomska, has three sons, Józef, Hieronim, Jan, and four daughters, Jadwiga, Teodora, Magdalena and Joanna. Maciej in Poznan, 1697. Stanisław Franciszek and Jędrzej in Sieradz. Seweryn, brother of Aleksander, née Teresa Ruszkowska, had six sons, Franciszek. John who died young, Kazimierz Soc. Jesus, ruled the colleges of Grudziądz, Toruńskie and Sandomierskie, Jędrzej, Tomasz and Stanisław: and two daughters; Zofia 1 to Pierzciński, 2 to Stefan Borzewicki, Aleksandra Samuel Wilkotarski, married. Franciszek took Łaszczyńska in the province of Kalisz, Jędrzej from Zofia Dobrosielska, Radwan coat of arms, left three sons, Piotr, Kazimierz, Jan and a daughter, Franciszka. Tomasz, nee Apollonja Chlebowska, fathered Józef, Seweryn, Stanisław, Konstanty and a daughter, Urszula. Stanisław, the youngest brother of Barbara ukomska, has three sons, Józef, Hieronim, Jan, and four daughters, Jadwiga, Teodora, Magdalena and Joanna. Maciej in Poznańskie 1697. Stanisław Franciszek and Jędrzej in Sieradz. born Teresa Ruszkowska, he had six sons, Franciszek. John who died young, Kazimierz Soc. Jesus, ruled the colleges of Grudziądz, Toruńskie and Sandomierskie, Jędrzej, Tomasz and Stanisław: and two daughters; Zofia 1 to Pierzciński, 2 to Stefan Borzewicki, Aleksandra Samuel Wilkotarski, married. Franciszek took Łaszczyńska in the province of Kalisz, Jędrzej from Zofia Dobrosielska, Radwan coat of arms, left three sons, Piotr, Kazimierz, Jan and a daughter, Franciszka. Tomasz, nee Apollonja Chlebowska, fathered Józef, Seweryn, Stanisław, Konstanty and a daughter, Urszula. Stanisław, the youngest brother of Barbara ukomska, has three sons, Józef, Hieronim, Jan, and four daughters, Jadwiga, Teodora, Magdalena and Joanna. Maciej in Poznan, 1697. Stanisław Franciszek and Jędrzej in Sieradz. born Teresa Ruszkowska, he had six sons, Franciszek. John who died young, Kazimierz Soc. Jesus, ruled the colleges of Grudziądz, Toruńskie and Sandomierskie, Jędrzej, Tomasz and Stanisław: and two daughters; Zofia 1 to Pierzciński, 2 to Stefan Borzewicki, Aleksandra Samuel Wilkotarski, married. Franciszek took Łaszczyńska in the province of Kalisz, Jędrzej from Zofia Dobrosielska, Radwan coat of arms, left three sons, Piotr, Kazimierz, Jan and a daughter, Franciszka. Tomasz, nee Apollonja Chlebowska, fathered Józef, Seweryn, Stanisław, Konstanty and a daughter, Urszula. Stanisław, the youngest brother of Barbara ukomska, has three sons, Józef, Hieronim, Jan, and four daughters, Jadwiga, Teodora, Magdalena and Joanna. Maciej in Poznan, 1697. Stanisław Franciszek and Jędrzej in Sieradz. John who died young, Kazimierz Soc. Jesus, ruled the colleges of Grudziądz, Toruń and Sandomierskie, Jędrzej, Tomasz and Stanisław: and two daughters; Zofia 1 to Pierzciński, 2 to Stefan Borzewicki, Aleksandra Samuel Wilkotarski, married. Franciszek took Łaszczyńska in the province of Kalisz, Jędrzej from Zofia Dobrosielska, Radwan coat of arms, left three sons, Piotr, Kazimierz, Jan and a daughter, Franciszka. Tomasz, nee Apollonja Chlebowska, fathered Józef, Seweryn, Stanisław, Konstanty and a daughter, Urszula. Stanisław, the youngest brother of Barbara ukomska, has three sons, Józef, Hieronim, Jan, and four daughters, Jadwiga, Teodora, Magdalena and Joanna. Maciej in Poznańskie 1697. Stanisław Franciszek and Jędrzej in Sieradz. John who died young, Kazimierz Soc. Jesus, ruled the colleges of Grudziądz, Toruń and Sandomierskie, Jędrzej, Tomasz and Stanisław: and two daughters; Zofia 1 to Pierzciński, 2 to Stefan Borzewicki, Aleksandra Samuel Wilkotarski, married. Franciszek took Łaszczyńska in the province of Kalisz, Jędrzej from Zofia Dobrosielska, Radwan coat of arms, left three sons, Piotr, Kazimierz, Jan and a daughter, Franciszka. Tomasz, nee Apollonja Chlebowska, fathered Józef, Seweryn, Stanisław, Konstanty and a daughter, Urszula. Stanisław, the youngest brother of Barbara ukomska, has three sons, Józef, Hieronim, Jan, and four daughters, Jadwiga, Teodora, Magdalena and Joanna. Maciej in Poznan, 1697. Stanisław Franciszek and Jędrzej in Sieradz. Tomasz and Stanisław: and two daughters; Zofia 1 to Pierzciński, 2 to Stefan Borzewicki, Aleksandra Samuel Wilkotarski, married. Franciszek took Łaszczyńska in the province of Kalisz, Jędrzej from Zofia Dobrosielska, Radwan coat of arms, left three sons, Piotr, Kazimierz, Jan and a daughter, Franciszka. Tomasz, nee Apollonja Chlebowska, fathered Józef, Seweryn, Stanisław, Konstanty and a daughter, Urszula. Stanisław, the youngest brother of Barbara ukomska, has three sons, Józef, Hieronim, Jan, and four daughters, Jadwiga, Teodora, Magdalena and Joanna. Maciej in Poznan, 1697. Stanisław Franciszek and Jędrzej in Sieradz. Tomasz and Stanisław: and two daughters; Zofia 1 to Pierzciński, 2 to Stefan Borzewicki, Aleksandra Samuel Wilkotarski, married. Franciszek took Łaszczyńska in the province of Kalisz, Jędrzej from Zofia Dobrosielska, Radwan coat of arms, left three sons, Piotr, Kazimierz, Jan and a daughter, Franciszka. Tomasz, nee Apollonja Chlebowska, fathered Józef, Seweryn, Stanisław, Konstanty and a daughter, Urszula. Stanisław, the youngest brother of Barbara ukomska, has three sons, Józef, Hieronim, Jan, and four daughters, Jadwiga, Teodora, Magdalena and Joanna. Maciej in Poznańskie 1697. Stanisław Franciszek and Jędrzej in Sieradz. Jędrzej née Zofia Dobrosielska, Radwan coat of arms, left three sons, Piotr, Kazimierz, Jan and a daughter, Franciszka. Tomasz, nee Apollonja Chlebowska, fathered Józef, Seweryn, Stanisław, Konstanty and a daughter, Urszula. Stanisław, the youngest brother of Barbara ukomska, has three sons, Józef, Hieronim, Jan, and four daughters, Jadwiga, Teodora, Magdalena and Joanna. Maciej in Poznańskie 1697. Stanisław Franciszek and Jędrzej in Sieradz. Jędrzej née Zofia Dobrosielska, Radwan coat of arms, left three sons, Piotr, Kazimierz, Jan and a daughter, Franciszka. Tomasz, nee Apollonja Chlebowska, fathered Józef, Seweryn, Stanisław, Konstanty and a daughter, Urszula. Stanisław, the youngest brother of Barbara ukomska, has three sons, Józef, Hieronim, Jan, and four daughters, Jadwiga, Teodora, Magdalena and Joanna. Maciej in Poznańskie 1697. Stanisław Franciszek and Jędrzej in Sieradz.                                                                                    

Ignacy Czyżewski, canon of Kujawski Auditor curiae episcopalis. - Jakub Czyżewski, Burgrave of Czerniechowski, around 1792. - Heraldry of Wielądek. [S. 279]    

Dąbrowski, Radwan coat of arms (vol. 3 p. 292)

Dąbrowski , Radwan coat of arms , in the country of Warsaw. Jan Swordnik Różański and Adam Żądło Dąbrowski voted for Jan III. registered in Różańska Land. Maciej and Marcin via Władysław IV. John in Nurska Land to Jan Kazimierz. Kazimierz in the country of Warsaw 1674.       

Stanisław Żądło Dąbrowski from Warsaw in Reguły, who had inheritance, left a daughter. - 

Dębski, Radwan coat of arms (vol. 3 p. 332)

Dębski of the Radwan coat of arms , in the Przemyśl region Jan Dębski a suffragan from Przemyśl, whose nephew Jerzy in Soc. It was a theological and preacher's cathedral, not posted, the rector was ruled by the Przemyl and Krosieńskie colleges, he died in 1733. He published Trojaki Pokłon, Sermons for Sunday in Kalisz 1725. in fol. The second volume of sermons, under the same title in Sandomierz, 17211 in fol. Jerzy's sister, prince of the Benedictine nuns in Przemyśl, brother Kazimierz, settled in Kraków. There is also the Dębski family in Lithuania, including Stefan in 1632. Stanisław ensign and MP Upitski in 1648. They signed elections with the Trock region. N. Dębska, Franciszek Ligęza, the spouse.      

Ignacy Radwan from Dębie Dębski has signed up for the election of Stanisław August Król with the Cracow Voivodeship. Jan Nepomucen Dębski and Ignacy Krakow city judges, Jan Dębski from Kaunas district: electoral constitution 1764. - Wielądek. 

Dobrosielski, Radwan coat of arms (vol. 3 p. 351)

Dobrosielski from Radwan Piotr's coat of arms signed the election of Jan Kazimierz with Inowrocławskie. Chryzostom Dobrosielski, Summarium Asceticae mysticae Theologiae printed in 12. Cracoviae 1655. was the order of St. Franciszka strictoris observantiae and this coat of arms.   

Dostojewski, Radwan coat of arms (vol. 3 p. 391-392)

Dostoevsky of the Radwan coat of arms , with the variant that the cross city puts a ring over the banner and an armed hand with a sword in the helmet. MRS. P. Kojał. You are in the Principality of Lithuania. Piotr Dostojowski, Marshal Piński, from the Sejm of 1598. [p. 392] appointed commissioner. Const. fol. 699. Peter von Dostojow 1632. Jędrzej, Stanisław. Jan Aleksander and Mikołaj 16423. in the Brześcienskie Voivodeship          

Drewnowski of the Junosza coat of arms (vol. 3 p. 396-399)

Drewnowski of the Junosza coat of arms . Jan Drewnowski, dignitary from Lubelski 1632. Stanisław and Wojciech in Mielnicka Land 1674. The latter inherited in Cracow. N. Drewnowska was for Węgliński. Jan Swordnik Chełmski, whose son spent his holy life in our monastery, bequeathed 30,000 to the Lublin College in 1678.    

In heraldry, Wielądek reports in more detail about this family.

Both the former and current authors did not forget the name of the Drewnowski family and included them in the Junoszyce family, but they had no information about the elementary origins of this house. - However, it should be known that this name comes from the village of Drewnowa in the Masovian Voivodeship of the Nurska Country. The house of the Drewnowski family wrote and wrote to Dolecka in memory of their ancestors, because the elementary burden of this domos [p. 397] Scholarship from Bolesław to the Duke of Mazovia, that was the name of Jan von Dolecko in this elementary scholarship.   

In 1450. Bolesław, Duke of Mazovia, paid tribute to Jan von Dolecek's merits and rewarded her with the name of Przydanowo, fifty Chełmno gauge trawls, including a mile from Nura in the Masovian Voivodeship, not far from the border with Podlasie.

It is not known how long Jan, the heir to the place, lived after taking over the estate granted to the property. This in turn is undoubtedly a fact that in 1519, when God gave Bolesław the privilege to include him in the Nurski family's land registers, he no longer called his successor Przydanów, but Drewnowo. We know that the last name of the Przydanów estate was changed to Drewnowo at the very beginning after it was awarded, and that immediately after this change, Jan's successors from Dolecek took on the Drewnowski family's last name. Since the Daćboga mentioned, a village has been called Drewnowo Daćbogi to this day. A celebratory document with a Gothic character from the Nurski land registers, which comes from the Drewnowski family's paperwork, attests to this.    

In order to later give birth to the successors of Jan I, the progenitor of the house of the Drewnowski family formed three separate arms from the elementary trunk, that is, lines and nicknames were distinguished: this line, which we are now talking about, was nicknamed Pupczyk. And although they all mean a house, they use a coat of arms, they come from one tribe, but they are so bred and multiplied that there are no degrees of kinship between these lines. At that time, and when the lines broke off, the elementary grant that served one was divided into four parts, and each participant took a separate name for the village, that is: Drewnowo Daćbogi, Drewnowo Ziemaki, Drewnowo Lipskie and Drewnowo Gołyń. However, all these villages or with separate surnames grew and formed from the elementary equipment of the trawls 50.   

From this Drewnowo some people of the same name moved to different voivodships: some of them to the Kraków Voivodeship, others to the Lubelskie Voivodeship and the Chełmińska Voivodeship, others to W. Ks. Litewski and Wołyński Voivodeship where their estates are located Successors are still located today. 

The rest of them settled in the Mazowieckie, żomża and Nurska regions, which were numerous in these countries, and especially in Drewnowy the nesting villages of their name.

Based on the evidence of the official transactions from the Nurski files of 1627. Fortunately (because the Nurskie files were burned by the Swedes) it is certain in the extracts that Jan was Jan's son and fathered Maciej, Maciej has three sons , that is: Wojciech, Józef and Andrzej, the district judge Nurski.

Wojciech, Maciej's first son, fathered Piotr, the bailiff from Łomżyński, who fathered a daughter ultimo voto Dąbrowska with Trzaszczanka after Olszewski, a widow, Joanna. The same Piotr who was married again to Pudłowa Nurska's army, [p. 398] fathered Ignacy, the son of a lieutenant in the Crown Army, and then a bailiff from Łomżyński, and Marianna, a daughter, married to Stanisław Kleczkowski, sub-chief of Ostrołęcki.  

Józef, Maciej's second son, fathered Jan Vizestaroste and the magistrates Zambrowski and Wacław, these brothers both served under banners in the army until the end of the revolution after the death of Augustus II.

Andrzej, the district judge Nurski, the Drewnowo, Dobków, Gumowa, Gumowka, Szulborza, Wyszomierza estates, in the Nurska, Zarąb, Radwan, Stryków, Szumowa, Gawków lands in the Łomża, the heir, was the third son of Maciej, the heir Left the world without children and passed on the fortune he had acquired in Nurska and Łomżyńska to the brothers Wojciech and Józef.

Jan Antoni, Substaroste and city judge of the Zambrowski district, son of Józef, married Marianna Korsakovna, Antoni Korsak the captain, daughter of Petyhorski, with whom he had numerous offspring, two of whom remained sons and three daughters. This Jan, a border bailiff of the Łomża region, sent Stanisław August from this country to the electoral parliament, and he signed this election. 

Wacław, his brother and his second son Józef died childless.

Florian Krzysztof, carpenter of the Łomża region, former city judge of this country, knight of the order of S. Stanisław, who had two sons with Wiktoria Milewska from Leszczyńska's first marriage, lives from the remaining descendants of Jan Antoni, Vice Starost and city judge of the Zambrowski district , Ignacy, the Starost von Sulejowski, and Henryk vom Łomżyński District Judge, who was captain of the Crown Army. In his second marriage he fathered a daughter with Balbina Mikorska, a landowner from Gostyńska, who died in childhood. 

The same Florian held the functions of deputies from the Łomża region to general parliaments in 1780, 1784, 1788 and 1793, from which 1788 to 1791 and 1793 lasted six months, despite these public functions he was appointed commissioner of the parliaments appointed to liquidate the debts of the republic and a judge of the parliamentary courts. In addition, he performed other real estate functions at considerable expense and glorious labor. 

Kazimierz, his brother, his second son Jan, Vice-Starost von Zambrowski, who left the cadets where he was educated, entered military service, in which he achieved the rank of colonel, and with the necessary will, abroad to serve in the army he moved to Moscow, where he did military service, married Princess Trubeck and a son, Jan.

So married the three daughters of Jan Vizestaroste and the city judge from Zambrowski, ie Józefa, Antonina and Rozalia. Józef for Piotr Saniewski, Antonin for Wojciech Naturka for the sword-bearer Brzeziński, Rozalia for Adam Trzaska, the governor of Łomża. 

From two dreams, of Florian the omżyński stolnik, there is Ignacy, the starosta of Sulejowski and Henryk, the judge of the omża country, these [p. 399] were fulfilled by landowners, Ignacy, the elderly Staroste Suleowski, married Marianna Bartochowska, a Stolnik Mielnicka, a widow after Siennicki, with whom he fathered a daughter, Zuzanna. 

Henryk, district judge, captain of the Crown Army, Ignacy's brother, not yet married.

Fiedziuszko, Radwan coat of arms (vol. 4 p. 22)

Fiedziuszko, coat of arms of Radwan . They now have their own property in Brzesko Litewski. Konstantyn Fiedynko Ensign of Pinsk Constit. 1607. fol. 883. Jan Fiediuszko, also Ensign of Pinsk, signed the election of Władysław IV and Wawrzyniec.      

Frystacki, Radwan coat of arms (vol. 4 p. 58)

Frystacki, Radwan coat of arms , in the province of Sandomierz. Mikołaj Frystacki sent the rebels to Hungary with his army in 1436. Papr. Garden. fol. 170     

Gliński, Radwan coat of arms (vol. 4 p. 141)

Gliński , coat of arms of Radwan , in the land of Zakroczym. Krzysztof Gliński, Czestnik Łomżyński 1674.    

Głuchowski, Radwan coat of arms (vol. 4 p. 151)

Głuchowski , Radwan coat of arms , in the country of Drohicka. Piotr and Kasper 1648. Marcin 1632. in Warsaw, Jan in Wileński 1648. Piotr in Sochaczew, Jan in Wołyń 1674. Głuchowska was for Brześćński. Simon published his last service on the occasion of the funeral of Anna Mejnartowicz, née Borowska, by the Lidzka chaplain. N. Głuchowska Walenty Będorski, the wife. Anna Paweł Włodka. N Samuel Lipski.        

1778. Dominik Głuchowski, the sub-capital of Olomouc. - Krasicki 

Gorski, Radwan coat of arms (vol. 4 p. 214)

Gorski, coat of arms of Radwan , in the Principality of Lithuania. Marcin in the Grodno district. Jędrzej 1655. Gomel taken from Moscow. Stanisław, the royal secretary 1648. Kazimierz Gorski, Marshal Bracławski, the first companion of the hussar-hetman banner. Jędrzej is a lieutenant under the banner of Judge Bobrownicki Brzeski. Jerzy, the treasurer of Nowogrodzki. Mikołaj ciwun Twerski. Aleksander ciwun Korszeński, Hieronim der Stolnik Wendeński, Stanisław the Stolnik Mścisławski, Rafał and Stefan signed the election of Jan III.        

1778. Filip Górski, writer from Wile Wilski. - Stanisław ciwun Retowski. - 1788. Ludwik Górski, sub-captain of Rosieński. - Antoni Górski, writer from the city of Biecki, Ignacy, country writer from Sandomierz. - Górski (unknown coat of arms, daughter after Szymanowski Crown Regent and three sons: Feliks the city judge of Warsaw, - Adam von Prasnyski, - Teodor, treasurer from Gostyński. - Antoni Canon von Płock. - Krasicki.    

Grodziecki's Drya coat of arms (vol. 4 pp. 286-288)

Grodziecki of the Drya coat of arms, in Wielkopolska, written from Wyszyna. Maciej Gnieźnieński, Krakowski and the Poznan Canon, died in 1517. The tombstone was written by Sta-rowol. in monuments. from the Krakow Cathedral. Jędrzej, Poznan Canon I542. Acta Synod. Province. Petrikov. Jan JUD, Dean of Głogowski, Canon of Wrocław and Warmia and then Bishop of Olomouc, from this house as about him [p. 287] is attested by Ara gratitudinis as an important donor of our Brunsberg College, Possev praises him. Appearance. Sacro. How was a learned man who spoke fluent Greek, from whom he translated into Latin, S. Cyrilla Archiepiscopi Hiero-solym. Catecheses illuminatorum Hierosolymis 18th and 5th mystagogicae Antverp. in 8vo 1564. Viennae 1560. et 1564. Parisiis, habentur et in Bibliot. Patrum. Adam from Wyszyna Grodziecki, Drya coat of arms, only that I saw the wing of a vulture or an eagle in the helmet, shoulder to the right of the shield: Okolski already placed him in Dria, already in Nałęcz, he was a member of parliament in 1626. from there he was a member of the Constit Finance Court. fol. 5. In 1629 he was already castellan of Nakielski and commissioner for limit differentials, then he took over the castle of Miedzyrzycka, via Konstytucje 1632.f. 22 and 1641. F. 18. Potocki centur. fol. 314. He says that about him, has an unshakable spirit, a smooth pronunciation, and as many in the Senate preceded him with chairs, he surpassed many with refined wit, m [p. 288] of them by Anna Kretkowska, a voivode from Chełmińska, the only daughter was Dorota, who lived with Karol Marchocki, a subordinate of Kaliski. Jan Grodziecki 1632. in Sieradz, Stanisław in Wyszyna in Poznan, 1648. Wojciech Łęczycki, Cze Cnik 1674. Jędrzej had Marianna from Przybisławice Minorowna, of whom daughter Marianna was mistaken for Franciszek Kowalski. Krystyna Jędrzeja Tomicki, Castellan from Gniezno, the second from Łukasz Bartski, Helena Jan Arcemberski from the Burgrave of Poznan, wife. Jakub Grodziecki, fifty red zlotys made of fine gold, and very old, which can be seen from the fact that on some of them the stamped copper sons with the signatures of Priam, the king of Trojan and Lisimach, the king of Thrace, were given to the Poznan Church a goblet made of pure gold: about which Parisius in Slavia writes that the money was found on the farms in Wielkopolska. Tomasz Grodziecki in the year 1704. and very old, which can be seen from the fact that on some with the signatures of King Priam of Trojan and Lisimach the King of Thrace he gave the church of Poznan the pure gold chalice: what Parisius writes about in Slavia , Role in Wielkopolska. Tomasz Grodziecki in 1704. and very old, which can be seen from the fact that on some of them, with the signatures of King Priam of Trojan and Lisimach the King of Thrace, he gave the church of Poznan the goblet of pure gold: what Parisius in Slavia writes about, role in Wielkopolska. Tomasz Grodziecki in 1704.                                

The aforementioned Jan Grodziecki, Dean of Głogowski, Canon of Warmiński and Wrocław, did not have the Drya coat of arms, but the Radwan coat of arms, which is known from his original letters to Kromer and Hosius Cardinal, kept in the Helsbergensi Archivo, where the Radwan stamp is , means his coat of arms. - These letters show that from 1555 he spent his first years with the Grand Chancellor of the Crown in Osieki. - Later he was in the Academy of Padua in 1557. In 1565 he wrote a Canon of Wroclaw to Cardinal Hosius, and the following year Hozjusz appointed him to the Canon of Warmia. - Krasicki.   

Krzyczewski coat of arms (vol. 5 pp. 417-418)

Krzyczewski coat of arms . It's supposed to be Radwan or a church banner, but the city in the middle half has an arrow pointing down as if it were hanging in the middle [p. 418] the banner, torn at the top, a bird in its mouth appears on the helmet, the ring that holds it should be: Kojałow. at MS. Kierdej Krzyczewski, district judge in Brzeski 1569. Władysław, royal colonel, guard of the army in Kokenhauz, died in 1622. Jakub was a deputy for the amendment of the statute in 1648. Mikołaj in the Brześć region, his wife Anna Rajska. Jędrzej Soc. Jesus died in Warsaw in 1656 while serving the infected.       

In the collection of noble names Małachowski writes that the coat of arms was given to the Krzyczewski by Bolesław V in 1235, the field was colored red and the flag marked in white. - 

Kurcz coat of arms (vol. 5 pp. 451-453)

Chicken cabbage. It's like Kościesza, but turned upside down, with a bent iron, on the right his star, on the left the moon not full, one corner up, the other down: on P.'s helmet . He was reassuring. at MS. lays three ostrich feathers and says, [p. 452] that the target's square should be red. OK. Volume. 1. fol. 510. and Paproc. The Dukes of Kurchas honor themselves with this jewel, nothing is certain anymore that they had their origins from the Ruthenian princes: the love of their sect for Koriat Prince Nowogrodzki, one of the sons of Gedymin W. Ks. They stretch the Lithuanian language, they nest in Volhynia, as I read in the Wołyńska register from 1528 of Prince Ivan Kurczewicz, the landlord of Volhynia; now in the Principality of Lithuania. Bulha's husband is famous for it. Alexander, the district judge of Nowogrodzki. Marcin Kurcz, brave royal captain 1567. Jan Kurcz, whose story is mentioned in 1578. in the Minsk Voivodeship. Jędrzej, the Nowogrodzki land clerk. Marcin, the Derpski voivode from Apollonja Korsakowny, had a son, Eustachy, Jan and Michał from Sapieżanka; In my opinion there was Sapieżanka, Marianna, the old lady from Drohicka, about the historians. Sapieh. Part. 3. fol. 21. proves that the King of the Royal Marshal and the Starost von Feliński exhibited for Kurcz: a group of these counted voivodships [p. 453] fol. 137. This Stefan was in 1677 Marshal of the Lithuanian Tribunal. His son Jan 1674. Lieutenant Franciszek 1700. Paweł Kurcz from the Sejm 1631. on the revision of the Włodzimierz town and land registers, Constit. fol. 28. Kurczewictowna Jan Kaszewski, spouse. Ms. Kojałowicz in MS. he says that there are other Kurczowie of the Ostoja coat of arms in the Duchy of Lithuania; others claim the above take pride in the Radwan coat of arms. Aleksander and Dymitr from the Kurcz brothers in Okolski are praised. Franciszek Kurczowna Jan Krzysztof Hondorf, husband of Major General, Małgorzata Maciej Iwanicki, Deputy Starost von Włodzimierski.                                

In 1778 N. Kurcz was district judge of Orszański. - Antoni the Age, Orszański. - Krasicki.  

Odrowąż coat of arms (vol. 7 pp. 23-45)

Coat of arms of Odrowaz. In the field there should be a red arrow with ends curved on both sides, a peacock's tail in the helmet and in it the coat of arms turned on its side. You wrote about him, Paproc. in fol. 109. and 1172. On coat of arms fol. 392. Okolski vol. 2. fol. 299. Jewels fol. 69. Everyone agrees with Długosz that this coat of arms was brought to Poland from Moravia, which the author adds about the friends of the family who have always been Providi et facundi. You agree with what Paprocki writes, whose words I put here. From the novel [p. 24] old, about the beginning of this coat of arms, from the descendants there is a conspiracy that an ancestor, a famous husband in Moravia, would shoot a bow with pagans in someone else's country, then walk with him on belts and try strange things Chivalry with each other. The pagan who saw that he had no luck in power before the monarch of this land, knowing the grace of the Lord; because he was happy with every enemy in his need and wanted a mountain above him and wanted to make stilts with him in front of the emperor. Out of anger he took it as an insult, grabbed his mouth, which he had torn off with his mustache and nose, put an arrow at it and showed it to the Lord, who despised this deformed heathen, gave him his supremacy over him as an eternal gift, one arrow threaded through a mustache, and called him Odrzywąs, as much as after that age per Korruptionem sermonis Odrowąż; Póty Paprocki Okolski wants the ancestor of this coat of arms to cut off his mustache with a bow and cut it with meat. Balbinus epitome. Rerum bohemian. in notis c: 15. Coat of arms of the Odrowąż family Sagittam circumflexam means that some of the leading houses in Bohemia had this coat of arms, of which Tobias was the bishop of Prague, the second at the time of Przemysław Ottokar; Even back then, Balbinus said, when he wrote this, that there is no family in Bohemia with this coat of arms, only in Morawa, Tworkowscy and Siedlnicki, fol. 291                     

There is only doubt when the Odrowąż family moved to Poland. Paprocki from the Łysa Góra Monastery Privilege, granted in 966, was written by Saul de Koeskie during the reign of Bolesław the Brave, but he is mistaken, as both the Łysa Góra Monastery and Bolesław the Brave were not only founded later still ruled Poland, but apparently he was still [p. 25] was not born. On the other hand, the latter say more cautiously and assume that the Odrowąż house with Dąbrówka was built within the Polish borders by Saul de Końskie, who came here with great treasures. After all, Severinus claimed at the canonization of St. Jacek from the Paprocki nest that the first resettlement of this Saul did not take place until 1080. as the letter to this monastery proves, be it 1140 or 1145, as others wish. It also flourished at this time, Count Radosław from Koński, the city of Skarzeszów with its adjacent landscapes, Twargowa Will and Dzicrzchów bequeathed his daughter Jaxie, Gryf Wappen, to the founder of the monastery: Nakiel. in Michow. fol. 68. et 106. where the same author adds that there was a painting of him in the church in Skarszewski with the coat of arms of Odrowąż and seven children, that he was also conscious during this unfortunate battle with the Prussians in 1167, but by a strange providence escaped, I would understand that he was the brother of the second Saul, Severin counts. two sons. The first was his daughter Jaxie, Gryf coat of arms, he bequeathed the monastery founder: Nakiel, from his extravagance to God, the city of Skarzeszów with the adjacent Twargowa Testament and Dzicrzchów. in Michow. fol. 68. et 106. where the same author adds that there was a painting of him in the church in Skarszewski with the coat of arms of Odrowąż and seven children, that he was also conscious during this unfortunate battle with the Prussians in 1167, but by a strange providence escaped, I would understand that he was the brother of the second Saul, Severin counts. two sons. The first was his daughter Jaxie, Gryf coat of arms, he bequeathed the monastery founder: Nakiel, from his extravagance to God, the city of Skarzeszów with the adjoining Twargowa Testament and Dzicrzchów. in Michow. fol. 68. et 106. where the same author adds that there was a painting of him in the church in Skarszewski with the coat of arms of Odrowąż and seven children, that he was also conscious in this unfortunate battle with the Prussians in 1167, but escaped a strange providence , I would understand that he was the brother of the second Saul, Severin counts. two sons. The first was et 106. where the same author adds that there was a painting of him in the church in Skarszewo with the coat of arms of Odrowąż and seven children, that in this unfortunate battle with the Prussians in 1167 he was also conscious, but from God strange providence, I would have escaped the loss, he understood that this was the brother of the other Saul, Severin is counting on that. two sons. The first was et 106. where the same author adds that there was a painting of him in the church in Skarszewo with the coat of arms of Odrowąż and seven children, that in this unfortunate battle with the Prussians in 1167 he was also conscious, but from God strange providence, I would have escaped the loss, he understood that this was the brother of the other Saul, Severin is counting on that. two sons. The first was                              

Iwo, the Bishop of Kraków, who, after the voluntary abdication of Wincenty Kadłubek, the Cantor of Gniezno, the Canon of Kraków and the Chancellor of Leszek Biały Krakowski. and the Prince of Sandomierz, chosen after this miter and consecrated by Henry the Archbishop of Gniezno in 1218, he became an example of his pastoral piety, generosity towards the poor, zeal for their salvation, of which he preached so reverently to the people. Lord, God of Imagination, from this we can see the strength of his memorable works: because first the monastery in Kaczyce was founded by the monks of the Cistercians who later moved to Mogiła, a mile from Krakow, called Clarae Tumbae, this one with tithes as well the church was blown with his own goods, and in 1226 it was made magnificent from bricks. Then the monks Ordinis Praemonstratensis St. on the Dłubnia River he founded on certain tithe and his hereditary goods, that is, Imbramowice; Brzesno, Ratajach and Grodzisk. Monasteries, village Wąchocki with its natives Łu kawa, Sieciechowski to Paproc. He donated two villages Biskupie, Gorno and Szawłowice. According to him, in Cracow the monastery belonged to the regular canons of S. Augustyn and in Kalisz. He founded the mind; atoli Krakowskie later became the foundation for King Jagiełło. Churches in Końskie of his homeland, in the Diocese of Gniezno, in Dzierząna, in Luborzyca, Golanczów, Wawrzeńczyce, Daleszyce, in Sandomierz were built and appropriately dressed by S. Paweł. To be in Rome with Pope Honorius, and there, after seeing the life and miracles of St. Dominic the Patriarch, his nephew St. Jacek, a canon at the time of Krakowski, and three others whom he offered to his order, who later, well trained in his sacred virtues, went with him to Poland, in Krakow, the Church of St. Die Trinity gave up; into a beautiful and rich contraption that created it; and the brothers of the same law with a right foundation. In return for the Church of St. Trinity, where the parish used to be, another church and a parish next to it on the Market Square in Krakow, under the title of the Holy of Holies. Walled in mothers. The second preacher's monastery was in Sandomierz outside the city under the title St. James in 1226 as Bzovius in propaganda. S. Hyac. fol. 5. writes that of the remaining goods after the death of Adleida's sister Leszek, the prince stopped this erection. During the provincial synod of the same year, when the controversy over the procedure grew between him and the Bishop of Wroclaw in Silesia, he preferred to resign from the synod instead of giving rise to disputes or preliminary rulings, the former prerogative of the Krakow bishops. Rajnaldus in Annals. Volume. 13. Number 34. writes that after the death of Archbishop Heinrich von Gnesen in 1219, when the chapter refused to agree, Pope Honorius Iwona had already appointed the archbishopric or learned later after his voluntary resignation that Vincent kept this metropolitan dignity for himself . The same claims in 1223 that Iwo, after placing the miter in the monastery complex, had to take a vow in order to devote the rest of his life to obedience [p. 27] and he had already received a consensus on this from Honorius the Pope, but when he learned that the Krakow Church would do great damage if he lost such a pastor, he forbade him to do so. Ale Łoniewski in addition. Advertisement reg. S. August says of him that he accepted the rule of Canon de S. Victore in Paris, Pruszcz confirms the same, and Starowol. in Vitis Episcop. Krakow. Naming that the costume or roketa he wore on the said cannons. When great rains and floods not only spoiled the grains in the fields, but also drowned and overturned many houses, making the hunger and the air heavy, Poland was plagued for three years, during which time he became a father of poverty, which he became dined with his bread and as much as he could. While he was still Chancellor, he accompanied Koloman Węgierski and the King of Halych his future wife Salowe, Cromer lib. 6. According to Grodiciusz in The Life of St. He traveled to Rome three times for Jacek and Sewerin, the first time an embassy from Leszek Biały, the second time in the interests of the Kraków diocese, the third time when a dispute arose between himself and the Bishop of Wrocław over first place. On his last hike to Peruz to see Gregory the Pope, miles away from him, he received everything he asked for: then he visited Rome, and on his return to his homeland, in Burg, not far from Mutyna, in 1229 he conferred eternity on a saint . Twelve years as president of this cathedral. And from Mutyna, where his body was immediately buried, the bones were transferred to Kraków and to the large complex choir, over which a marble tombstone was erected by Jan Wężyk, the then abbot Mogilski and finally the Archbishop of Gniezno. Pruszcz fol. 45. gives him the title of Blessed and adds that God performed some miracles on his tomb. and in the large choir, over which a marble tombstone was erected by Jan Wężyk, Abbot Mogilski and finally the Archbishop of Gniezno. Pruszcz fol. 45. gives him the title of Blessed and adds that God performed some miracles on his tomb. and in the large choir, over which a marble tombstone was erected by Jan Wężyk, Abbot Mogilski and finally the Archbishop of Gniezno. Pruszcz fol. 45. gives him the title of Blessed and adds that God performed some miracles on his tomb.