The noble Polish Radziminski family. Die adlige polnische Familie Radziminski - Werner Zurek - E-Book

The noble Polish Radziminski family. Die adlige polnische Familie Radziminski E-Book

Werner Zurek



This is a hodgepodge of a disordered, systematically arranged collection of the Polish nobility. On these pages you will find out everything about: descent, aristocracy, aristocratic literature, aristocratic name endings, aristocratic association, genealogy, bibliography, books, family research, research, genealogy, history, heraldry, heraldry, herb, herbarity, indigenous, information, literature, names, nobility files, Nobility, personal history, Poland, Schlachta, Szlachta, coat of arms, coat of arms research, coat of arms literature, nobility, coat of arms, knight, Poland, szlachta, herb, Herbarz. Sammelsurium, veltemere, systematice ordinaretur collectio super principes Poloniae, Gathering, veltimere, systemati cordinaretur collectio super principes Poloniae, Rassemblement, veltimere, ordinaretur systématique super collection Poloniae, Translations in: English, German, French. Das ist ein Sammelsurium einer ungeordneten, systematisch angelegten Sammlung des polnischen Adels. Auf diesen Seiten erfahren Sie alles über: Abstammung, Adel, Adelsliteratur, Adelsnamensendungen, Adelsverband, Ahnenforschung, Bibliographie, Bücher, Familienforschung, Forschungen, Genealogie, Geschichte, Heraldik, Heraldisch, herb, Herbarz, Indigenat, Informationen, Literatur, Namen, Nobilitierungsakten, Nobility, Personengeschichte, Polen, Schlachta, Szlachta, Wappen, Wappenforschung, Wappenliteratur, Adel, Wappen, Ritter, Polen, szlachta, herb, Herbarz. Sammelsurium, veltemere, systematice ordinaretur collectio super principes Poloniae, Gathering, veltimere, systemati cordinaretur collectio super principes Poloniae, Rassemblement, veltimere, ordinaretur systématique super collection Poloniae, Translations in: English, German, French. Il s'agit d'un méli-mélo d'une collection désordonnée et systématiquement organisée de la noblesse polonaise. Sur ces pages, vous trouverez tout sur: descendance, aristocratie, littérature aristocratique, terminaisons de noms aristocratiques, association aristocratique, généalogie, bibliographie, livres, recherche familiale, recherche, généalogie, histoire, héraldique, héraldique, herbe, herbalisme, indigène, information , littérature, noms, dossiers de noblesse Noblesse, histoire personnelle, Pologne, Schlachta, Szlachta, blason, recherche sur les armoiries, blason de la littérature, noblesse, blason, chevalier, Pologne, szlachta, herbe, Herbarz. Sammelsurium, veltemere, systematice ordinaretur collectio super principes Poloniae, Gathering, velti

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The noble Polish Radziminski family. Die adlige polnische Familie Radziminski

The noble Polish Radziminski family.Impressum

The noble Polish Radziminski family.

Die adlige polnische Familie Radziminski

Radziminski. In a red behind a silver Three hills on - increasing, silbergeharnischter arm swinging a silver arrow.

Frąckiewicz of the Brodzic coat of arms (vol. 4 p. 46-48)

Frąckiewicz of the coat of arms of Brodzic. One is the house with Radzimińskie Brodzice, who in the Masovian Voivodeship served this country for a long time because the first Kasper Radzimiński from the Czerska country, for a long time in Lithuanian wax, did his wages, the king's name in Lithuania he settled there: his son Franciszek, who called the simpler community Frącem, and from this the new house was named after the Frąckiewiczs; After all, they should always be written together to remember which tribe they came from, either the Frąckiewiczs from Radzimin or the Frąckiewiczs Radzimińscy.   I love Radzimiński Brodzice in Mazowieckie, I will talk under the letter R, after all, about the Lithuanian ones, I made it here, and this is to distinguish it from the other Radzimińskis who are in Lithuania in Żmudzi. Franciszek, then the son of Kasper, the governor of Połock, himself the chamberlain of Połock and a royal colonel, while King Augustus left his son Michał, the great king of the warrior Stefan, near Danzig, in Moscow and Inflanciech, near Toropiec he and his people several castles: the constitutions of 1590 commemorate him. fol. 568. Chamberlain of Płock, when the Republic entrusted the MP with the money raised from contributions so that he could spend it on war needs; he also sent to Moscow. He was reunited for life with Anna Sapieżanka, Starosta Drogicka, the sister of Lev Sapieha from Voivode and Chancellor of Vilnius, from whom he took two daughters, one of whom was married to Makowiecki, the other to Talwosz, castellan of Żmudzki, and three sons, Krzysztof, Mikołaj and Jerzy: o one of them was written in MS by Janczyński. that there was heresy in it, it got tangled up, the community spent a lot of money on dissidents, under it he became terminally ill, Lew was assigned to him [p. 47] Sapieha, concerning his nephew, and began to persuade him to consult his soul better. He worries Frąckiewicz, insists all the more that he sees his imminent death and offers him a priest. I confide in this priest, sincere conscience, what do you shudder at him? Because of this sacred meaning, not only did the sick make confession, but after receiving all the sacraments, he went into a better life; Heretics were buried in this church, which he had built himself, for Sapieha had been driven out from there. After Sapieżanka he took Maciej's daughter, Kaweczyńską, who was Jan's son. The sick man confessed, but after receiving all the sacraments, he went on to a better life; Heretics were buried in this church, which he had built himself, for Sapieha had been driven out from there. After Sapieżanka he took Maciej's daughter, Kaweczyńską, who was Jan's son. The sick man confessed, but after receiving all the sacraments, he went on to a better life; Heretics were buried in this church, which he had built himself, for Sapieha had been driven out from there. After Sapieżanka, he took Maciej's daughter, Kaweczyńską, and that was Jan's son.                   

Krzysztof, the first son of the Chamberlain of Sapieżanka, a royal courtier, was in the hussar post with Stefan Król in Moscow and died as a descendant after returning from the war. Mikołaj the second son, court ensign from Lidzki, Mścisławski, Wasilkowski staroste and Marshal of the Lithuanian Tribunal; in Inflanciech the enemy suffered from his bravery wherever the riots were led: his sons Bogdan the Stolnik Trotsky, Władysław and Michał. Jerzy, the third son, royal secretary, under Sigismund III. He was a military man, then a judge and finally Marshal von Lidzki, and in 1629 Marshal of the Lithuanian Court with volunteers. he had two daughters from the Kaweczyńska Chamberlain von Minska, one went to the castellan von Nowogrodzki Stetkiewicz, the other to Zienowicz; is MS. Q. He was reassuring. But Erydan, the triple praise of Valerian the High, testifies to the third Anna, who in 1629 married Piotr Gotajski from the Korczak coat of arms. He also served three sons, Michał, Janusz and Krzysztof, of whom Michał was a Połock, for a long time in Holland with Prince Maurice, died in 1649. He was a Klonowska voivode from Brzeska, from whom he gave his sons Kazimierz, Aleksander and Dawid left behind. Of these Kazimierz, first Civon Wieśśniański, Starost von Krewski, then treasurer of the Lithuanian court treasurer, Starost von Lidzki, and of Seym 1690, commissioner for the inspection of the Crown Treasury. Const. fol. The 16th was first chamberlain of Lidzki in 1674e and founded the Carmelite Fathers in his hereditary Zołudkowski estates with his wife Anna Naruszewicz, a Lithuanian court cashier, which was confirmed by the constitution of 1685. 9. He was marshal in the Lithuanian tribunal three times,             

Jan, fourth son of Chamberlain Połocki from Kaweczyńska, Ensign from Lidzki, royal courtier, made a considerable number to Wołoch, to Livonia a hundred kopjinika, from Naruszewiczowny his two sons Maciej and Stefan. Of these, Maciej, the ensign of Nowogrodzki, served as Władysław the King, [p. 48] in Smolensk against the Zaporowski Cossacks, lieutenant under the hussar flag from 1660. He bravely led the circles against Moscow, behind him he had Rogalska, from whom his son Paweł, Mozyrski, 1674. The same or another Maciej, Starosta Mozyrski, Member of Parliament 1653, Member of the Tribunal from him Tax: Constit. fol. 16. Later he was a Lithuanian field clerk. as evidenced by the constitution of 1662. fol. 16. when Katarzyna Abrahamowiczowna commemorates his wife and bloody services are imposed on his successors, or in the constitutions of 1670. fol. 5th no longer Maciej, but he is called Marcian, and by the same name he is extolled by Potocki centur. fol. 155. adds that near Szepielów he sacrificed his life for his country: when he was in a hundred thousand. Moscow on Fr. Radziwiłła attacked eight thousand people in standing combat; like such a large commune, he bravely resisted for some time after seeing that such a small handful of people could not be so capable of crushing a numerous enemy, he ordered him to trumpet in the other direction to get his horsemen out of the place but he lost his foot, and the poorest thing for the army was Marcjan Frąckiewicz, whose bravery they delighted on many occasions. Stefan, a royal courtier, set up considerable post offices for Władysław near Smolensk, for Kazimierz near Zborów, then he was ensign of Nowogrodzki and was sent to the Sejm in 1662 and 1667, soon he took over the Słonim Starosty, under whose title he was called up in 1614 Was a member of parliament for the revision of the crown treasure. Constitu. fol. 13. behind him stood Rajecka with the swan's coat of arms, the voivode of Minsk, of whom the son of Gedeon, the Lithuanian court ensign, the Starost of Słonim 1697. Constit. fol. 11. Captain, and the daughter of first Józef Firlej, then Stanisław Potocki, coat of arms of Pilawa, the Lithuanian guardian of the spouse, after all, sterilis went with him. Poniatowski Sea. Stefan, the nephew of Gedeon the Ensign, Starost von Trąbski, renounced heresy, his mother was Georgian chamberlain from Żmudzka, took Szymkowicz's writer for the Lithuanian tax office, Judycka Marshal Rzeczycka. Jan Chryzostom, Archimandryta Czerejski 1720. Michał Radzimiński Frąckiewicz, cupbearer to the royal captain Oszmiański. Kazimierz Jan, judge and captain of Lidzki district in 1700. He was a deputy to inspect the treasury. Cons. fol. 13. behind him stood Rajecka with the swan coat of arms, voivode of Minsk, his son Gedeon, Lithuanian court ensign, Starost von Słonim 1697. Constit. fol. 11. Hood Marshal, and the daughter of first Józef Firlej, then Stanisław Potocki, coat of arms of Pilawa, the Lithuanian guardian of the spouse, finally went sterilis with him. Poniatowski Sea. Stefan, the nephew of Gedeon the Ensign, Starost von Trąbski, renounced heresy, his mother was Georgian chamberlain from Żmudzka, took Szymkowicz 'writer for the Lithuanian tax office, Judycka Marshal Rzeczycka. Jan Chryzostom, Archimandryta Czerejski 1720. Michał Radzimiński Frąckiewicz, cupbearer of Oszmiański, royal captain. Kazimierz Jan, judge and captain of Lidzki district in 1700. He was a deputy to inspect the treasury. Cons. fol. 13. behind him stood Rajecka with the swan coat of arms, the voivode of Minsk, of whom the son of Gedeon, the Lithuanian court flag, the Starost of Słonim 1697. fol. 11. Hood Marshal, and the daughter of first Józef Firlej, then Stanisław Potocki, coat of arms of Pilawa, the Lithuanian guardian of the spouse, finally went sterilis with him. Poniatowski Sea. Stefan, the nephew of Gedeon the ensign, Starost von Trbski, renounced the heresy, his mother was the Georgian chamberlain from Żmudzka and took the writer from Szymkowicz for the Lithuanian tax office, Judycka Marshal Rzeczycka. Jan Chryzostom, Archimandryta Czerejski 1720. Michał Radzimiński Frąckiewicz, cupbearer to the royal captain Oszmiański. Kazimierz Jan, district judge and captain of the Lidzki district in 1700. He had Rajecka with the swan coat of arms behind him, the voivode of Minsk, his son Gedeon, the Lithuanian court ensign, the starost of Słonim 1697. Constit. fol. 11. Hood marshal, and the daughter of first Józef Firlej, then Stanisław Potocki, coat of arms of Pilawa, the Lithuanian guardian of the spouse, finally went sterilis with him. Poniatowski Sea. Stefan, the nephew of the standard-bearer Gedeon, the Starost of Trąbski, renounced the heresy, his mother was a Georgian chamberlain from Żmudzka, took Szymkowicz 'writer of the Lithuanian tax office, Judycka Marshal Rzeczycka. Jan Chryzostom, Archimandryta Czerejski 1720. Michał Radzimiński Frąckiewicz, cupbearer of Oszmiański, royal captain. Kazimierz Jan, district judge and captain of the Lidzki district in 1700. He had Rajecka with the swan coat of arms behind him, the voivode of Minsk, his son Gedeon, the Lithuanian court ensign, the starost of Słonim 1697. Constit. fol. 11. Hood marshal, and the daughter of first Józef Firlej, then Stanisław Potocki, coat of arms of Pilawa, the Lithuanian guardian of the spouse, finally went sterilis with him. Poniatowski Sea. Stefan, the nephew of Gedeon the ensign, Starost von Trbski, renounced the heresy, his mother was the Georgian chamberlain from Żmudzka and took the writer from Szymkowicz for the Lithuanian tax office, Judycka Marshal Rzeczycka. Jan Chryzostom, Archimandryta Czerejski 1720. Michał Radzimiński Frąckiewicz, cupbearer of Oszmiański, royal captain. Kazimierz Jan, judge and captain of Lidzki district 1700. Hood marshal , and the daughter of first Józef Firlej, then Stanisław Potocki, coat of arms of Pilawa, the Lithuanian guardian, husband, after all, went sterile with him. Poniatowski Sea. Stefan, the nephew of Gedeon the Ensign, Starost von Trbski, renounced the heresy, his mother was Georgian chamberlain from Żmudzka, took the writer from Szymkowicz for the Lithuanian tax office, Judycka Marshal Rzeczycka. Jan Chryzostom, Archimandryta Czerejski 1720. Michał Radzimiński Frąckiewicz, cupbearer to the royal captain Oszmiański. Kazimierz Jan, judge and captain of Lidzki district 1700. Hood marshal , and the daughter of first Józef Firlej, then Stanisław Potocki, coat of arms of Pilawa, the Lithuanian guardian, husband, finally went sterile with him. Poniatowski Sea. Stefan, the nephew of Gedeon the Ensign, Starost von Trbski, renounced the heresy, his mother was Georgian chamberlain from Żmudzka, took the writer from Szymkowicz for the Lithuanian tax office, Judycka Marshal Rzeczycka. Jan Chryzostom, Archimandryta Czerejski 1720. Michał Radzimiński Frąckiewicz, cupbearer to the royal captain Oszmiański. Kazimierz Jan, district judge and captain of Lidzki district in 1700. He understood the Lithuanian fiscal writer Judycka Marshal Rzeczycka after Szymkowiczownia. Jan Chryzostom, Archimandryta Czerejski 1720. Michał Radzimiński Frąckiewicz, cupbearer of Oszmiański, royal captain. Kazimierz Jan, district judge and captain of Lidzki district in 1700. He understood the Lithuanian fiscal writer Judycka Marshal Rzeczycka after Szymkowiczownia. Jan Chryzostom, Archimandryta Czerejski 1720. Michał Radzimiński Frąckiewicz, cupbearer to the royal captain Oszmiański. Kazimierz Jan, judge and captain of Lidzki district 1700.                                                                          

Brodzice coat of arms (vol. 2 pp. 301-302)

Brodzic coat of arms. In the red field there are three golden crosses, which are arranged in such a way that one of them straight down, the other two above, to the side of the triangle, making triangular shapes, all touching in the middle. The difference, however, is that some people use this coat of arms to put the circle in the center where the crosses meet and the blue box, while others don't use the circle. On the helmet [p. 302] three ostrich feathers, others set five. I would understand this ring as well as our Ms. Petrasancta hat. 63. He always wants such rings for rings ex usu fecialium and says that in Svevia, Austria and near Rhenu the strength of such families is found who wear rings in their jewels; know (that, in his opinion, at that time, when they sought glorious excitement in the ring, the river was given to whoever it was given. This author, among the various coats of arms, There is no one who resembles Brodzica, only fol. 48 He places such a cross, long and overlapping, gold, on a circle of brilliant color: where he immediately adds that it was the coat of arms of the Cadwalladers of the last King of Britain. This author writes about the dignity of such a cross, whereupon I say Interesting references. Paprock wrote about him . Foil slit . 89. On coat of arms fol. 269. Okolski vol. 1, fol. 79. Liber.Klejelki fol. 42. MS. P. Rutka.                   

The beginning of this coat of arms is marked from here by Paprocki, which all testify. Kazimierz Mnich, King of Poland, waged a war with the tyrant Maslaus and the Jadźwingami associated with him, when a Polish Junak bravely opposed him on all occasions and guarded your side, in return he gave many goods in Mazovia and was defeated with this jewel . The year for these elements, Fr. He marks Rutka in the year 1038, and because he had a long and beautiful beard, he and the coat of arms named after him became Brodzic: because the others with this name are an occasion for Brody's goods. Jakoż Paprocki remembers that in 1106 he saw three full brothers of Counts de Brody, Wszebor, Swentosław and Krystyna on the list of foundations of the Płock Church, who wrote tithes of their property to the church. There is also a town in Płock, and once a village, near which the Brodzice family owned numerous estates. You write about Stefan, the voivod of Multanski, who, after defeating a hundred thousand Turks, erected three stone crosses in memory of this victory. Dlugosz knows this family by calling them Genus Polonicom providum et in Masovia propagatum.        

Year 1422. Sieciech von Brodzice, the Starost of Lublin concluded an alliance between the Polish King Władysław and the German Order Cod. Dipl.-Ing. Vol. IV. Fol. 114. - Krasicki's footnotes.    

Jewels of this coat of arms.

Bonikowski, Kliczewski, Kunecki, Kurzątkowski, Łącki, Mojecki, Pilitowski, Radomski, Radzimiński, Sieromski, Zawadzki, Zochowski. [S. 303]  

Lis coat of arms (vol. 6 pp. 124-130)

Coat of arms of the fox. There should be a white arrow on the red field, on it two hand guards that look like two crosses, a crowned fox over the helmet and his hind legs [p. 125] cannot be seen, the tail is directed upwards, the front legs are raised, the head is turned towards the left shield. This is how they described it: Paprocki w Gnieździe, fol. 90. and 1168. On coat of arms fol. 131. and 663. Bielski, fol. 131. Approx.volume . 2. fol. 137. Jewels fol. 64. Potocki in the office of the coat of arms. MRS. Ms. Kojałowicz and Rutka. The coat of arms of this fox says that the former ancestors used only the caterpillar on the shield, and when they got to the arrow with considerable merits, they took the caterpillar on the helmet. This variety, it is said, was founded in 1058 during the reign of Kazimierz I, King of Poland: Because near Sochaczew on the rivers Bzura or Mzura, the ancestor of this house, with a small handful of people, The Jadzwingów and Lithuania, this land that was surely devastated, they girdled with a slogan or a sign by an arrow that was blown up quickly and high with fiery fire, which, when they saw those planted in the back, attacked the enemy with great Momentum, on the other hand, he was also at the head of a shocked surprise.He made a difficult idea, so that he soon broke it and received the victory: for this heroic work he received an arrow on his shield, and this coat of arms, Bzura or Mzura, should be dated From the place of the battle, and the victorious knight himself, whose name and his son were ascribed to him: about whom Paprocki writes, by an unnamed author whom he founded a village in Kraków called Bzura, which he later donated to the Jędrzejów Monastery. Długosz 1410 and Paproc by him. fol. 599. write that at Grunwald, among other things, the banners that were taken there, there was a white banner, the tenth in number, with a red caterpillar on it, and a black language: it was the headquarters of the city of Balga, and fol. 603. The twenty-seventh banner is red, on it was a white caterpillar, underneath it was the Swiss. There you will find a twenty-sixth banner with a red cross and a bolt and arrow folded on it, under it was the German nobility. Our Fr. Petrasancta is the only one in Silesia with the Artziorum family who uses Folio in their coat of arms. 533. Petrasancta is the only one in Silesia with the Artziorum family to use folio in their coat of arms. 533. Petrasancta is the only one in Silesia with the Artziorum family to use folio in their coat of arms. 533.                             

Ancestors of this house.

Fulko, Voivode of Krakow, about the Paprocki from Baszkon Kustosz Poznański and an old Polish historian who wrote shortly after the murder of Ś. Stanisław, the bishop of Cracow, saw him in a dream in which he told him that everyone who visited his grave, even from the most serious ailment, should be rescued, because when Poznanus his son became seriously ill and his father sent him back to the Tomb of the saint: he was healthy, the cannon this happened in 1082. [p. 126]  

Piotr, the bishop of Wrocław in Silesia, who was elected to this cathedral after Jan Jastrzębczyk, was a scholastic at the time in the same chapter in 1072 under Bolesław the Bold, his death according to Długosz was 1091. He sat in this chair for thirty-one years which could not be if he continued as he wrote above about his accession in 1072. otherwise he would not have only sat for nineteen years.

Fulk, the Bishop of Cracow or Pełka, from the Dean of Cracow, was born in 1187 by Urban III. This miter was consecrated by the Pope in Verona, from whom he requested many favors and privileges for his diocese, including that the Krakow bishops would always have the first privilege, before the bishops in Poland, immediately after the archbishops of Gniezno. He bought or exchanged Wawrzeńczyce from the abbot of Wrocław. He founded a hospital for the sick and handicapped in Sławków, an episcopal town at that time, famous for digging lead, the local church under the title of St. John the Baptist and the monastery, next to which he set up the canons, S. Spiritus de Saxia In order to oversee this hospital after giving them half of the city for the establishment of the monastery in Pokrzywnicki, some tithes were put on. OO. He first introduced the Franciscans to Poland. Nakiel also testifies to the monastery to Miechowski that he gave some good things. in Michow. fol. 67. In this way he valued the heavens to which 1207 went. in Vitis Episcop. Krakow. Paprocki for the coat of arms. after his death in Krakow he was buried. Kącki claims that he was only brought to the diocese in 1218. He died in 1229.               

Mikołaj, the voivode of Cracow, the brother of Fulk, the bishop of Cracow, and the Starost of Cracow, the senator of great seriousness: because they ruled the kingdom almost alone with his brother at the time, they helped him and he often had triumphs that he won from many enemies, up to the time his homeland invaders, such as when he drove the Ruthenian dukes from the Przemyśl country, when Halicz took the Hungarians from Hungary and imprisoned the prince there. The Kraków Castle near Kazimierz the Righteous withstood the Krakówians when they tried to bring Mieczysław the Elder in. Leszek Bialy, who was impersonal for years to rule the state, Mikołaj with his brother complemented his guardians and helped him a lot with their strength and advice to stay on the throne when Mikołaj Mieczysław the Old Duke moved his army to Leszek , hit him at Mozgawa. Ruśnaków near Halicz he proposed, and Roman to the principality of Halych. When [S. 127] then Mieczysław Stary stormed the country with art, Mikołaj gained his unshakable allegiance in Leszek, and Mieczysław, after conspiring with other gentlemen, let go of them - he was quickly greeted a mile. Therefore, with his bravery, he ensured that Mieczysław the old entered the state, and then Władysław Laskonogi, including his death in 1205th, to Długosz. Kazimierz the Righteous, the Good of Koziegłowy, withdrew the Koziegłowski for their robberies and poured them on this Mikołaj, there he had built the castle, the ruins of which we can see for another day. From this you can know that those who wrote from Kozichgłów before him do not belong to the Lis coat of arms. Mikołaj has found an unshakable loyalty to Leszek, and after conspiring with other masters, Mieczysław deprived her: but soon the queen's hatred of Helena disappeared, he went to this Mieczysław, from whom he was accepted for a mile, well he quickly made sure that Mieczysław the old was for the state Wladyslaw Laskonogi joined him, including his death in 1205th after Długosz. Kazimierz the Righteous, the Good of Koziegłowy, pulled the Koziegłowski for their robberies and poured them on this Mikołaj, there he had built the castle, the ruins of which we can see for another day. From this you can know that those who wrote from Kozichgłów before him do not belong to the Lis coat of arms. Mikołaj became loyal to Leszek, and after making a deal with other gentlemen, Mieczysław deprived you that Mieczysław Stary joined him for the state of Wladyslaw Laskonogi, including his death in 1205th after Długosz. Kazimierz the Righteous, the Good of Koziegłowy, withdrew the Koziegłowski for their robberies and poured them on this Mikołaj, there he had built the castle, the ruins of which we can see for another day. From this you can know that those who wrote from Kozichgłów before him do not belong to the Lis coat of arms. From whom he was accepted, he quickly made sure that Mieczysław the Old came to the country, and then Władysław Laskonogi, including his death in 1205, to Długosz. Kazimierz the Righteous, the Good of Koziegłowy, withdrew the Koziegłowski for their robberies, handed them over to this Mikołaj, where he had built the castle, the ruins of which could one day be seen. From this you can know that those who wrote from Kozichgłów before him do not belong to the Lis coat of arms. From whom he was accepted, he quickly made sure that Mieczysław the Old came to the country, and then Władysław Laskonogi, including his death in 1205, to Długosz. Kazimierz the Righteous, the Good of Koziegłowy, withdrew the Koziegłowski for their robberies and poured them on this Mikołaj, there he built the castle, the ruins of which we can see a day later. From this you can know that those who wrote from Kozichgłów before him do not belong to the Lis coat of arms.                    

Fulko, Count of Kozichgłów, castellan of Cracow in 1194, Paprocki read it about the privilege of the Holy Cross conferred by monarch Leszek; I understand that either by him or by Mikołaj, the voivod of Kraków, the house of the Gebułtowski family, who wrote from Kozichgłów for a long time, was extensive, and then the Koziegłowy goods bought by the Kraków bishops were already in place to the Dobrowodzki key in these times. 

Fulko, Archbishop of Gniezno, son of Mikołaj, Voivode of Cracow, nephew of Fulkon, Bishop of Cracow, rose to this dignity in 1230 on weapons, which in his opinion should be in 1232 that Piotr was elected Archbishopric of Gniezno, and he mentions this Peter often until 1240. However, this time he did not touch Fulkona, then Archbishop of Gniezno, Atoll Damalewicz in Archiepisc. Gnesn. fol. The 102nd letter mentions Władysław, the Duke of Greater Poland from 1232, in which Fulkon the Archbishop of Gniezno is mentioned: for this author Długosz attributes everything that Długosz says in his story about Piotr to Fulkon. He was a primate with a big heart: It was not until Konrad, the Duke of Masowiecki, Jan Czapla, that he abolished the Płock scholastic from this world with a notorious death, banned the entire diocese of Płock and with this ecclesiastical punishment forced Konrad to leave Fulkon in Łęczyca at that time during the presiding synod and the Łowicki keys to the archbishop's eternal law He forgave Gnieźnieński, or rather, as others want, he belonged to the archbishops for a long time, but because of the potential that was usurped by the Dukes of Mazovia and wrongly was seized, he restored it. The same Konrad when he brought up the war [p. 128] against Bolesław he destroyed the chaste and property of the Kraków bishops with his army as soon as the Kraków bishop Prandota expelled him from the parish of the Fulko church using church censorship, confirmed the same sentence and ordered in all dioceses up to Konrad to proclaim that he did not satisfy the unjust. Bolesław, also the bald Duke of Wroclaw, for having captured his bishop Tomasz and imprisoned, he cursed at the synod deliberately held on this point in Łęczyca. He paid tithing to the Lędzki Monastery, consecrated the Sulejów Church and confirmed the favors he did not have as Peter II. The Archbishop of Gniezno bestowed his hereditary Kempino on this village. He reconciled Duke Bolesław with his brother Przemysław when he shared them equally. When the body of S. Stanisław, bishop and martyr was lifted, he received as a sacred gift his bishop's ring with the relics of this saint, which he then deposited in his cathedral. From the Pomeranian prince Światopełek he received some goods in the Kaminian country in 1237, ie Kruszewo, Mochle and Orel, which was confirmed in 1284 by the donation from the Pomeranian duke Mestwin. and Władysław, the Prince of Poland, gave him in 1236 and with great privileges the villages of Byszowo and Grzegorzowo with other neighboring areas. So he ruled the diocese for almost twenty-seven years and also moved in 1238 to pay for his pastoral work. Then. in Archiep. Gnesn. Fern. about the coat of arms. Długosz in history.                     

Mikołaj, the voivode of Krakow in 1250, as I commanded in the first volume, and probably not Fulcon's brother to the Archbishop of Gniezno.

Mikołaj, the Bishop of Poznan, who was still a Krakow scholastic, was sent to Witerb, among other places, to arrange for the canonization of B. Jadwiga by the Polish Duchess, where, when he cautiously enters the Apostolic See, where Pope Clement IV . He denied both sides of the miter joint and commanded to offer this without competing Mikołaj it; where he presided for nine years, he holy ended his life in 1273. He was buried in the Poznan Cathedral. Długosz in Vit. Episk. Posn. I would understand that it was this Mikołaj's son, Mikołaj, also the Krakow voivode.      

Piotr, the voivode of Sieradz, I spoke about this in the first volume in 1288. Swasko Mzura, the princely cook [p. 129] Johannes Fr. Mazowiecki 1387. in Paproc. on fol. 324.    

Swantopełk, the voivode of Łęczyca (and before that the castellan of Łęczyca) with his sons Klemens and Stefan, was included in the catalog of the stranger benefactors of the Jędrzejów Monastery in 1310, as I saw it myself.

Petrosław of Mstyczów, castellan of Kraków, his tomb was written by Paprocki from the Jędrzejów monastery, Hic jacet lllustris ac Magnificus Dominus Petroslaus Castellanus Cracoviensis haeres de Mstyczów, qui obiit anno 1319. the 17th mensis 10br. the coat of arms is engraved on it. According to Paprocki, there was an important tomb with the Lis coat of arms in this church, although the signature could not be read due to antiquity. There are several panels depicting people in armor with the coat of arms of the fox.   

Swantopełk, the Sieradz voivode in 1372. See the first volume. Paprocki from Miechowówka of the fourth book says that in 1359 the banner under which the coat of arms of the Lis coat of arms was collected was struck during the reign of Casimir the Great in Wallachia. 

Jakub von Michów, Bishop Kapheński, who died in Jędrzejów in 1531, a tombstone was erected for Paweł von Gołuchów. Niemierza z Krzelów, Lis coat of arms, curator of Ś. Floriana and Canon of Cracow, in 1427 Nakiel donated the village of Orłow to the Miechowski Monastery. in Michow. fol. 164. from Długosz library. Beneficial. Warcisław von Gatartowicz, coat of arms Lis, Staroste von Bobrownicki, over the Kromer 1409. Biel. fol. 289. Jaksa from the Targowisko of the Lis coat of arms stood in need of Grunwald, Biel. fol. 295. and Krystyn nee Kozichgłów, the castellan of Sądecki, placed his banner there in fol. 296. When Lithuania was united with the crown on the Hrodel-Seym, the Lis coat of arms, Sunigaiło, castellan of Trotsky, from whom the Sapieha family came, stepped on himself and as his successor. White. fol. 313. Grace. Statute.                


Biskupski, Bolestraszycki, Borowski, Bucela, Buchczycki, Chomętowski, Cieszowski, Czarnocki, czyż., Doroszkiewicz, Gatardowicz, Giebułtowski, Gliński, Gołuchowski, Grodowski, Grzegorzewizi, Łutyizewski, Maklicowski, Lipwileąckski, Klicickz] , Konstantowiczowski . Małuszeński, Medeksza, Michałowicz, Michniewicz, Mieszkowski, Mikołajewski, Mnichowski, Naczowicz, Narbut, Nieczycki, Olszewski, Piczyzski, Piczyski, Piczyzski, Piczyswid, Piczyzski, Piczyswidic, Szupiński, Szelzłyzki, Szelzłyzki, Szelzłyzki, Szelzłyzki, Szelzłyński, Szelzłyński, Szelzłyzki, Szelzłyński, Szelzłyzki, Szelzłyński, Szelzłyński, Szelzłyński, Szelzłyński, Szelzłyzki, Szelzłyński, Szelzłyński, Szelzłyński, Szelzłyński, Szelzłyński, Mieszkowski, Mikołajewski, Mnichowski, Mikołajewski , Światopełk, Świrski kniaź, Szkudlski, Tymiński, Uliński, Wańkowicz, Wasiencowicz, Werbski, Wereszowz 

Later heraldists added the following families to this coat of arms

Bukcicki, Bzura, Bzurski, Fulko, Giełbutowski, Jodko, Metra.

However, not everyone who stands here in the same shape wash this coat of arms, and first the Jerliczes do not set the guard evenly with an arrow, but diagonally from the top right to the left shield. Others put only a guard on the arrow, that is, with a cross, and in the helmet three ostrich feathers, such as Rymwidowie, Myckiewicz, Sipowicz, Tymińscy, Bohufałowie, Doroszkiewiczowie. The other three hares or three crosses, smaller at the top, larger at the bottom and three ostrich feathers on the helmet, as well as the Makarow Makarowiczs, who also call themselves Wasiencowicz. Others have an arrow of an ordinary coat of arms, on the left side of the shield, on the right side of the shield a saber, with the blade turned towards the arrow, like the Sapieha, the Samsonovich. Other than Świrscy princes differ from the common coat of arms of the fox only in that the city wears the ducal helmet on the miter. Others, like Kęsztorta, only put a cross on the left, a star on this side and two trumpets on the helmet. I also saw the ordinary Lis coat of arms on Francis' list, but two wings were spread out on the helmet and two stars lay between them. After all, some people only paint half of the cross on the left as Kosmowski, each one being mentioned in their place. [S. 131]         

Lubicz coat of arms (vol. 6 pp. 141-144)

I like the coat of arms. There should be a horseshoe, like in Dąbrowa or Pobóg, with two crosses, one on top of the horseshoe and the other in the middle, the field should be blue, the crosses are white, three ostrich feathers on the helmet: that's how Paprocki describes him in the Volksnest. 1101. About the coat of arms. fol. 334. The Okolski Band. 2. fol. 185. Jewels fol. 65. Bielski fol. 134. The occasion of this coat of arms was described by Baszko, where he says that in the battle with [p. 142] Prusakami acquired in 1190. Pacatis domi rebus, Casimirus Prussis iis, quos Polesianos vocant, bellum intulit; ut fratris Henrici mortem ulcisceretur, secuti sunt ad eam Expeditionem Boleslaus Miecislai, Boleslaus Altus, et Miecislaus Vladislai Fratrum of branches etc. ibi in konfliktu, cum ex insidiis hostes in nostros irrupsissent, cruises quidamce ex, ea. cumatumia, cumatumia, , cum suis, quos in potestate sua gregales habuit, impetum ferit, omnes sine mora tergo dederunt, et dux illorum, ab illo milite captus, ad Casimirum adductus, et illi donatus. Cui Casimirus in recompensam multas possession dedit, notebook autem illius clara obsequia, auream crucem illi alteram, ad vetus insigne supra babatum, donavit. It is true that Paprocki, the house of the Łętkowscy Lubicz family, mentions Paweł Łętkowski from the Płock district when describing old privileges, and so in 1081. But the printer must have made a mistake, which he made in that year and apparently in 1281 This opportunity was on the Drwęca River, which was once called Lubicz. Rather, it seems that this new auction was made on a Pobożanin, not so much from Jastrzębiec, but more from Pobog, the coat of arms of Lubicz. Nakiel remembers Budzisław of the coat of arms of the landowner from Łęczyca. in Miechow. fol. 70th that in 1225.                   


Aynek, Bajkowski, Bakanowski, Białobłocki, Białyński, Bledzewski, Bolanowski, Borchowski, Borowski, Borzechowski, Borzewski, Borzymowski, [p. 143] Brzeziński, Brzozowski, Brzumieński, Buderaski, Chaborski, Chełchowski, Chojecki, Chojnowski, Choromański, Chotolski, Ciesielski, Czaplicki, Czartoryski, Czerwiński, Dernaiczłowicz, Dobiccykiziei, Gruyzłowicz, Jiříčky, Hoziei 4, Domanowłowkałiews Januszkiewicz, Jaszowski, Jaworowski, Jurewicz, Karwosiecki, Kiewnarski, Kijowski, Kłosieński, Kobylański, Kochański, Kopeć, Kopeć Kurzyi Krök, Kronowicki, Kosmiński, Kozki Lipski, Lisopiński, Kozki Lipski, Lisopiński, Kozki Lipski, Lisopiński, , Ługowski, Łuzecki, Łysakowski, Makowiecki, Mierzejowski, Misztolt, Młodski, Mniszewski, Mogilnicki, Monkiewicz, Murzynowski, Myślecki, Nencha, Nieborski, Niełowicki; Niezabitowski, Obrapalski, Ojrzyński, Orłowski; Oszkowski, Pączkowski, Piadzewski, Piczkowski, Piwnicki, Płotowski, Pokrzywnicki, Potocki, Prostek, Przyłuski, Punikowski, Raczeński, Radzimiński, Rakowski, Rapacki, Rębieliński, Rejczywnski, Ski, Skuszewski, Sírczyński, Sírakzolski, Sírakziński, Sírakziński, Sírakzolski, Sírakzolski, Sírakuski, Sírakzolski, Sírakusiński, Sírczysski, Sírzywnicki, Potocki , Stabrowski, Stogniew, Strzałkowski, Strzemeski, Strzeszewski, Sulimirski, Sulistrowski, Suski, Świderski, Szantyr, Szeliski, Szerokzydzum, Tzomikski, Szerokzydzum, Tzomikski, Szerokzydi, Szomikski, Szerokzydzi, Szomikski, Szerokzydz, S. 144] Wierzbowski, Wiński, Wisigierd, Wójtkowski, Woliński, Wolski,     

In addition to the families that Niesiecki, later heraldists, such as Duńczewski, Kuropatnicki, Małachowski and others have placed here, the following rains join this coat of arms

Burzymowski, Chabowski, Gostyński, Jawornicki, Koziński, Koźmirski, Krzeczowski, Orzęski, Pachowski, Piadlewski, Pieszkowski, Płazowski, Raczewski, Spędowski, Stawicki, Stawicki, Stawiecki, Stojanowski, Swiński .ński, Zojanowski

However, not all who are here wash the Lubicz coat of arms in the same way, and some of them put a horseshoe at first, but only a cross is in the middle and a horseshoe on top, you have no other; So the Hercyks, Kopci, Mońkiewicz, Tupik, Stabrow and Wołkowiccy are sealed. Others, like Piadzewski, put two crosses one below the other, put a horseshoe in the middle. The frogs only wear a cross in the middle of the horseshoe, but above the horseshoe they put a star, and at the ends of the horseshoe, one on one side, the other a star on the other, and also on the left and his End between star and horseshoe, arrow pointing up, a little diagonally, walking. There is a similar coat of arms in the Marienburg parish church, but the cross on the tip of the horseshoe seems to be connected to the inside, the coat of arms was that of Lawrence Reder, who died in 1582. there are nobles in Silesia. Heindenszt. Hist. Moschov.       

Kazimirski, coat of arms Biberstein (vol. 5 p. 69-71)

Kazimirski of the Biberszteiner coat of arms, in the Krakow Voivodeship. Jan Kazimirski, first Chełmski, then Bishop of Przemyl, recommended by virtue and wit, Nakiel. in Michow. fol. 538. The church in Uchanie, which was then sacrificed by the nuns of St. They kept Paul the hermit, died in 1487. Piotr consumed everything in the camp from his youth, stood happily in Uła, in 1564 in the infantry against the Swedes. Back in Uła, and Israel was taken from Moscow. When Moscow got this castle back, Kazimirski was captured there and taken to Moscow with one hundred and three others: then they elected him from among themselves (because the Muscovite prince wanted to go to the king with his messenger) Poland asked him to join Moscow slaves in return To exchange Zborsk for them; because he and the other inmates had to swear by the throat that he should return to Moscow. After he had stood happily in Poland with Zygmunt in August 1569. In Lublin, together with Polish envoys, he took prisoners to Moscow, brought back the prince of the Arab horse and gave him a carefully crafted rifle, while the visiting prince gave him three Soroki Sobola. Later Stefan was strong with the king in Moscow. Fr. Pęski in Palatio writes when a Kazimirski spoke more seriously in the Senate, Stefan Król, angry with him, called him Tace nebulo, to the MP Kazimirski, Non sum nebulo, sed-voter Regum, detrusor tyrannorum, Mikołaj, brother of Piotr, about the Konstytucje 1587. fol. 421. Elżbieta Firlejowna, the daughter of Mikołaj, the voivod of Lublin, had behind her, but the Arrian mistakes in him were tangled up, so he fought against Catholics on the Seyms, he was helped by the acceptance he had in everyone [p. 71] Dembińska Helena, his brother Jędrzej, the second sister of the same Zofia. Tomasz sent to the Sejm in 1623 and 1629, from where he was a member of the Radom Tribunal, Constit. fol. 7th and 1633th and 1638th Konstitu. fial. 21. was later the Ensign von Owrucki, as I see in the Constitutions of 1667 fol. 18, after his death it is mentioned that the village of Kopyłów was sent to him and killed him with lifelong right by Władysław IV. was published; Marshal in the Lublin Sejmik from 1637. Laudum, Katarzyna Krasińska, the voivode of Płock, the widow of Jędrzej Rusiecki, had the ensign of Sandomierz. Kazimierz, wife of Ego Anna Leszczyńska, Belina coat of arms 1645. Jan 1662. Acta Castrens. Krakow. Christoph in Lithuania 1700. which he had with everyone [p. 71] Dembińska Helena, his brother Jędrzej, the second sister of the same Zofia. Tomasz sent to the Sejm in 1623 and 1629, from where he was a member of the Radom Tribunal, Constit. fol. 7th and 1633th and 1638th Konstitu. fial. 21. was later the Ensign von Owrucki, as I see in the Constitutions of 1667 fol. 18, after his death it is mentioned that the village of Kopyłów was sentenced to him and killed by him with lifelong right by Władysław IV. was published; Marshal of the Lublin Sejmik in 1637. Laudum, Katarzyna Krasińska, the voivode of Płock, the widow of Jędrzej Rusiecki, had the ensign of Sandomierz. Kazimierz, wife of Ego Anna Leszczyńska, Belina coat of arms 1645. Jan 1662. Acta Castrens. Krakow. Christoph in Lithuania 1700. which he had with everyone [p. 71] Dembińska Helena, his brother Jędrzej, the second sister of the same Zofia. Tomasz sent to the Sejm in 1623 and 1629, from where he was a member of the Radom Tribunal, Constit. fol. 7th and 1633th and 1638th Konstitu. fial. 21. was later the Ensign von Owrucki, as I see in the Constitutions of 1667 fol. 18, after his death it is mentioned that the village of Kopyłów was sent to him and killed him with lifelong right by Władysław IV. was published; Marshal of the Lublin Sejmik in 1637. Laudum, Katarzyna Krasińska, the voivode of Płock, the widow of Jędrzej Rusiecki, had the ensign of Sandomierz. Kazimierz, wife of Ego Anna Leszczyńska, Belina coat of arms 1645. Jan 1662. Acta Castrens. Krakow. Christoph in Lithuania 1700. From where he was a member of the Radom Tribunal, Constit. fol. 7th and 1633th and 1638th Konstitu. fial. 21. was later the Ensign von Owrucki, as I see in the Constitutions of 1667 fol. 18, after his death it is mentioned that the village of Kopyłów was sentenced to him and killed by him with lifelong right by Władysław IV. was published; Marshal of the Lublin Sejmik in 1637. Laudum, Katarzyna Krasińska, the voivode of Płock, the widow of Jędrzej Rusiecki, had the ensign of Sandomierz. Kazimierz, wife of Ego Anna Leszczyńska, Belina coat of arms 1645. Jan 1662. Acta Castrens. Krakow. Christoph in Lithuania 1700. From where he was a member of the Radom Tribunal, Constit. fol. 7th and 1633th and 1638th Konstitu. fial. 21. was later the Ensign von Owrucki, as I see in the Constitutions of 1667 fol. 18, after his death it is mentioned there that the village Kopyłów was sentenced to him and killed by him, with lifelong right from Władysław IV. Was published; Marshal in the Lublin Sejmik from 1637. Laudum, Katarzyna Krasińska, the voivode of Płock, the widow of Jędrzej Rusiecki, had the ensign of Sandomierz. Kazimierz, wife of Ego Anna Leszczyńska, Belina coat of arms 1645. Jan 1662. Acta Castrens. Krakow. Christoph in Lithuania 1700. Behind him he had Katarzyna Krasińska, the voivode of Płock, the widow of Jędrzej Rusiecki, the ensign of Sandomierz. Kazimierz, wife of Ego Anna Leszczyńska, Belina coat of arms 1645. Jan 1662. Acta Castrens. Krakow. Christoph in Lithuania 1700. Behind him he had Katarzyna Krasi, ska, the voivode of Płock, the widow of Jędrzej Rusiecki, the ensign of Sandomierz. Kazimierz, wife of Ego Anna Leszczyńska, Belina coat of arms 1645. Jan 1662. Acta Castrens. Krakow. Christoph in Lithuania 1700.                                                                                 

Radzimiński (vol. 8 p. 37)

Radzimiński , in Volhynia. N. Radzimiński had a Czetwertyński princess, Gabriel's daughter, behind him. Mikołaj, the Zielźnicki star, had Piasecka behind him. Piotr Swordnik Nowogrodzki, deputy of the Crown Court in 1738.    

1788. F. Radzimiński Wołyński teacup. - Krasicki. 

Radzimiński of the Brodzic coat of arms (vol. 8 pp. 34-36)

Radzimiński of the coat of arms of Brodzic, still in the Dukes of Mazovia, famous and in honor and in the works of a large family. Maciej Radzimiński, who was earned for many years at the court of Prince Ziemowit, was his marshal in 1382. The second homonymous voivode of Masovia in 1400. Jan Castellan of Warsaw and Hetman of the Duchy of Masovia. Fern. Jan, the son of the same Jan, a noble and happy captain who brought the Polish kings considerable uprisings from Mazovia, was on the Wołoska expedition to Bukowina under Jan Albrycht. Hardow. Palace. Bartłomiej von Miastków, Cześnik Czerski, signed a decree of the Duchy of Mazovia against heretics in Łubieńsk in 1525. in Vitis Episcop. Roach. Adam Starosta Czechowski on the King's List during the reign of Sigismund I, in MS. Petrikov. Jan spent 17 years at the court of King Zygmunt August and took the services of s [p. 35] Interregnum, when the awski voivode of Mazovia said goodbye to the world, the landlords of this voivodship elected him, they were voivod, but when he held the imperial side against Stefan during the election, so briskly that the Mazovian aristocracy Batory already when King accepted, he did not come to Krakow for the coronation, King Stefan, offended by his act, took the voivodeship from him and brought Stanisław to Kryski. Later, when he persuaded Stefan, his homeland provided him with the funds raised from the Płock, Mazowiecki, Rawskie and Podlachia Voivodeships. Constitu. fol. 367. The same Stefan gave him the castle of Czersk, Constit. 1537. fol. 437. to Zygmunt III. In 1590 he was appointed chairman of the Podlaskie Voivodeship. Constit. fol. 564 and 1591. fol. 616. Sent to embassy in Moscow, where he sealed this service to his homeland with his life, as if the corpse had been brought to Poland. He had Teodora, the Roman prince Sanguszek, voivod of Bracław [p. 36] Gielnowiusz lib. 3. c. 5. N. Radzimińska succeeded Józef Klonowski, the voivode of Brześć.                           

1778. Ignacy Radzimiński, cupbearer from Lublin. - Marcin, multiple court representative - his sister was for Prażmowski and after him without children an important substance entered Prażmowski's house. - 1788. Arnold Czerniechowski stolnik. - Krasicki.    

Radzimiński of the Lis coat of arms (vol. 8 p. 36)

Radzimiński of the Lis coat of arms . Some of them from the crown in Żmudz, settlements, including Jędrzej Aleksander, chamberlain of Żmudzki, from the Sejm from 1647, commissioner for the demarcation of the royal forest. Constitute. fol. On the 20th he had Anna Rudominianka, the castellan of Nowogrodzka, behind him. Marcin from Bielewiczowna, daughter of Piotr, had three sons, Jan died young in Italy, Olbrycht, chamberlain from Żmudzki, ciwun Szawdowski, Aleksander stolnik Żmudzki, his sons from Anna Aleksandrowiczowny, Wojciech and Malcher. Kojalov. at MS. The others thrive in the Ciechanów land. Of these, Antoni, the castellan from Ciechanów, Teresa Rudzińska, the castellan from Czerska, with her sons Józef and Kazimierz and a daughter, Anna Szpilewska. Martin, Adam and Jan 1674.           

Radzimiński of the Lubicz coat of arms (vol. 8 p. 36-37)

Radzimiński, coat of arms Lubicz , in the land of Ciechanów. According to Paprocki, the Radzimiński family with the Lis coat of arms: Kojałow testifies that this house has already stopped and is flourishing in Lithuania. So I don't know whether the ones I brought to the Ciechanów land belong to it or not. Mother of our Fr. Tomasz Dunin was Radzimińska of this coat of arms. Wiktoryn confesses Miechowski, published in fol. Asciam, praise for Wojciech Koryciński, the pastor of Miechowski 1652. N. Nurski, he had Katarzyna Mycielska, Kaliska's cupbearer, the other her sister Marianna, but with her sterile. Behind him, N. had Anna Noskowska from the ada coat of arms, a judge from Zakroczym.        

Maciej Radzimiński from Nurski's sub-table had Katarzyna Mycielska, from the Kaliska sub-table, behind him, with her he fathered Antoni, who with Teresa Baranowska had offspring, two daughters: Anna and Dominik Radoliński sterile. Helena after Antoni Murzynowski, suburb of Rypiński, and three sons: Franciszek: the second Adam, who with Jozefata Kaczkowska left a son, Tadeusz. The third, Józef Radzimiński, Voivode of Gniezno of the Order of the White Eagle and St. Stanisława Knight always dedicated his services to the homeland and the common good, was seven times a member of the Piotrkowski and Bydgoszcz tribunals and a twenty-year-old judge of Gniezno. Złotnicka, who was married to Michalina, made sweets for the sons of two children: Piotr married Tekla Pikarska and Jakub the second. Three daughters: Marianna with Aleksander Moszczyński, Starost von Brzesko Kujawski: Łucja and Mateusz Rosen married Franciszka and Władysław ubieński. - Much. [S. 37]         

In 1778 Stanisław Radzimiński became the Stolnik of Ciechanów. - Teodor the hunter Ciechanowski. - Krasicki.  

Leśniowski's Gryf coat of arms (vol. 11 pp. 268-270)

Leśniowski from the Gryf coat of arms. - This family is mentioned in Volume VI. Here we introduce the process of Mikołaj vexillif. terrae Halic., who fought with Tarnowski near Obertyn, left the same five sons: 1, 1586. Jakub pocillator Terrae Leopoliensis Aulicus SRM with Anna de Będzimyśl Sepichowska of the Półkozic coat of arms left two sons, which you can read about below; 2nd Jan the Starost of Horodel and Doliniański of Chotkiewiczowna, the castellan of Vilnius, left a son, Mikołaj, the priest of Sanok; 3. Balthasar; 4. Krzysztof Wojski Żydaczewski, Deputy Crown Court 1606, a man of the country with extensive education and beautiful deeds, loud and well-deserved. He gave his daughter Elżbieta to Jerzy Gozdaw Humnicki in 1616; 5. 1602. Mateusz, Niemcewicz writes about the history of the reign of Sigismund III. TI pp. 464. 69.-75.-76. That is where Okolski Orbis Poloni came from. - TI fol. 245. says: Lesniowsci worthy magis quam pecuniis student. Hinc plurimi in Parlamento tribunalitio justitia praesides in campo Bellonae fortunatissimi victores - hinc Capitanei toboggan set (?).              

Paprocki, the first almost heraldry of the Republic of Poland in the coat of arms of the Polish knighthood under the coat of arms of Gryff or Swoboda fol. 82. writes: "The house of the Leśniowski family in Rus, whose ancestors were called Gołąbki. People with great merit in the affairs of the Republic of Poland. He was the star of Rodelski my age." - Jakub, née Anna de Będzimyśl Sepichowska, left two sons: 1. Mikołaj, the castellan of Czechowski, who had a Ligięzanka wife, whose son Stefan was born in 1661. Vexilli fer Terrae Sanocensis left a son, Maksymilian. Starovolski monuments fol. 441. wrote a tombstone in Trzciana.    

Niesiecki of the same Mikołaj is said to be Jan's son if the Lviv records show that this proves that Jan was the uncle of Mikołaj, the castellan. This is Jan the Starost von Horodelski, Doliniański from 1564. He was a courtier of Sigismund Augustus, experienced in various embassies. 

Second son of Jakub and Anna de Będzimyśl in 1631. Martianus and Anna Kielanowska, daughter of Jerzy, of the Pobóg coat of arms. This was the second vote for Samuel von Burzyna Kielanowski, the last Martianus to die by the sword in 1639, who left 2 sons: 1. Georgius Gladifer Kijoviens, 1655. Jan [p. 269] associated with Barbara Kurdwanowska of the Półkozic coat of arms, the daughter of Joachim and Katarzyna de Bolszów Kurdwanowski, who was judge Kapturowy in 1648 and then Starost von Biecki. The same Jan of Barbara Kurdwanowska left three sons: 1. Szymon, 2. Joachim Mikołaj, 3. P. 1700. Jan joined with Zuzanna Przer ofbska from the Nowina coat of arms, also left three sons: 1. Jakub this with Dorota Szczawi, ska, Podlaskie Voivode, 2nd Stanisław with Katarzyna Radzimińska, daughter of Marcin, granddaughter of Mikołaj and Zofia nee Przedwojowska Radzimiński - Zofia was the daughter of Piotr Przedwojewski - he had a son, r. 1782. Michał Dapifer. Business people. the host of Bielzyce. - 3rd year 1726. Szymon joined Helena de Chyżów Romerówna, Jelita Wappen, who also had three sons: 1st Stefan, 2nd Albert, 3rd 1769. Jan Pocillator Ostrzesoviens. connected to Anna Karwowska, Starosta Wojnicka, he fathered two sons: 1. Ignacy, Lieutenant of the Walking Guard of the Crown, 2. Józef, Post-Millator Ostrzeszoviensis of Anna Szczepanowska, had two sons and a daughter, Salomea, who first married Szczepanowski was; one son Hieronim, the other Kazimierz Wincenty of two names of the Imperial and Royal Chamberlain of Austria combined with Franciszek Countess Zichy, daughter of Count Stefan Zichy de Wasonykcö CK Hereditary Chamberlain Mr. Csics Isztemaru and td and Countess Teresa Karlsburg, granddaughter of Count Stefan Karlsburg. Count Zichy de Wasonykeö, an excellent family, comes from the Tatar tribes, has flourished in Hungary since 1210. (Genealogical paperback of the German count's houses 1841. Gotha p. 568.) The biological brother of the Franciszka mentioned, Stefan, sent to Rossia, is married to Countess Anna Starembergowna. Kazimierz Wincenty left his son Stefan Swoboda, otherwise Gryf de Zimnowoda in Leśniowice, Kielanowice, Ryglice etc. From Leśniowski's Central Committee, the cavalry cavalry captain, Prince Schwarzenberg's lancers no. 4, and td and Anna Countess Pejacsevieh and the star-cross majesty of the palace . he has a wife, Countess Anna Starembergowna. Kazimierz Wincenty left his son Stefan Swoboda, otherwise Gryf de Zimnowoda in Leśniowice, Kielanowice, Ryglice etc. From Leśniowskis Central Committee, the cavalry cavalry captain of the Lancers of Prince Schwarzenberg no. 4 and td and Anna Countess Pejacsevieh, mistress of the palace JCK Majesty and the Sternkreuz . he has a wife Anna, Countess Starembergowna. Kazimierz Wincenty left his son Stefan Swoboda, otherwise Gryf de Zimnowoda in Leśniowice, Kielanowice, Ryglice etc. Leśniowski's Central Committee, cavalry cavalry captain of Prince Schwarzenberg's lancers No. 2, joined in 1833 with Berta, the daughter of Jan Nepomucen Klebelsberg -Secret advisor, owner of Lancer Regiment No. 4. and td and Anna Countess Pejacsevieh, mistress of the palace JCK Majesty and the Star Cross.                      

To this family, although we do not know to what extent Klemens Leśniowski de Zimnowoda, the castellan of Płock in 1222, belongs to Cromer. lib. 7. Bielski fol. 149.   

Kazimierz Leśniowski, son of Franciszek Tomasz and Urszula de Wiatrowice Wiktorowny, grandson of Józef de Podlatka Leśniowski and Anna Siemińska, great-grandson of Stanisław Leśniowski and Katarzyna Skotnicka. This Kazimierz was married to Elżbieta Radomyska in 1793. - 1811. Józef Leśniowski, son of Wincenty and Katarzyna Leśniowska née Zuławska. [S. 270] Emilia Leśniowska after Count Wodzicki. Antonina de Białoskurska Leśniowska. - From family documents.     

Coat of arms of the princes of Czetwertyski (vol. 3 pp. 255-272)

Coat of arms of the Princes of Czetwerty. The princes of Czetwertyń have two coats of arms. The first and usual is this figure, a young man, undressed, sitting on a white horse, on which one has neither a seat nor a bridle, his right shield runs at a gallop, with his right hand the center of the lance, his left at the top, the one is kicked by a black winged dragon, pierces the gaping gullet in it, the dragon's head is also directed to the right on the shield, on the front legs of the horse it lies in the shield. So I saw him under the coats of arms of the Czetwertyński princes in the Lutsk church of OO. Successful Dominicans, and in other printable Kazanas, Jansonius puts an armed man on horseback. The second coat of arms is like a new moon, not full, silver-colored, with both horns down, a gold star with six points girded around it, just like the coat of arms of Leliwa upside down, two swords, one on the right side, the second from the left, the same Moon pierced from above, the color of the swords was white, the handles were black, the coat of arms was red, above it the helmet of Duke Miter. They bear the first coat of arms, on the document that they come from the former Ruthenian Ruthenians who boasted with this coat of arms. The second is that it is also their own, and to know for some heroic works given to them, it is from the tombs of the Dominicans in the Lutsk Dominican Church on the tombstones of the coats of arms of the Czetwertyń dukes, from the estate of theirs Painting painted in Czetwertnia, from Rajmund Pigłowskis Kazan, to which he gave the title Peace: For this family some of these families put the first coat of arms of the rider in the center, the second of the first moon on the right side, including four coats of arms. on the document that emerged from the old Russian blood of Jedynowładców, which boasted this coat of arms. The second is that it is also their own, and to know for some heroic works that have been given to them, it is from the tombs of the Dominicans in the Lutsk Church of the Dominicans on the tombstones of the coats of arms of the Czetwertyń dukes, from the The estate of her paintings painted in Czetwertnia, from Rajmund Pigłowskis Kazan, to which he gave the title Peace: For this family some of these families placed the first coat of arms of the rider in the center, the second of the first moon on the right side, including four coats of arms. on the document that emerged from the old Russian blood of Jedynowładców, which boasted this coat of arms. The second is that it is also their own, and to know for some heroic works that have been given to them, it is from the tombs of the Dominicans in the Lutsk Church of the Dominicans on the tombstones of the coats of arms of the Czetwertyń dukes, from the Legacy of her paintings painted in Czetwertnia, from Rajmund Pigłowski's Kazan, to which he gave the title Peace: For this family some of the family put the first coat of arms of the rider in the center, the second of the first moon on the right side they add four coats of arms together.            

Jędrzej Suski in his book, which he called Italy, or a conversation between an Italian and a Pole, about freedoms and [p. 256] on the freedoms of the Polish nation in 1606, issued by Augurius Metafrast and other Greek and Russian writers from here the origins of the first coat of arms. Around 300 AD, during the reign of the Greek prince Theodore, he appeared in his homeland in the province of Achaia, where St. Jędrzej received the martyr's crown, the dragon is strangely large, not only for cattle but also for people. Theodore, the prince, with a more peculiar help of God, attacked him with a horse, pierced him with a lance and cut off his head: since then the descendants of his armed husband took the person on the horse with the dragon spear pierced him Coat of arms. Later, when the Romans conquered Asia in three large regiments and fled their homeland to Europe, some of them settled on the Dnieper, they founded the great city they called Kiev from the spade of the copy in their coat of arms, and hence Latin historians from Kiev called them Drewlans: others of them stayed on the Wolha, they built Jarosław, so called Roxolaner. The city of Vilnius, the third on the Neris River, was founded by the Litvanes and Liwones, who acquired it. However, the Slovaks called all of these provinces 'Rus' by one name, as they moved from place to place with large troops. Hence the princes of Kiev or the Drewlani of the armed rider, Moscow of the naked man who pierced the dragon, Lithuania of the cannon rider, a bare sword in hand, washed away in the coat of arms. Pota Suski. However, this author has included a lot of uncertain things in his novel and disagrees with almost all of our historians, as everyone will judge by what they will write below about the Russian princes.           

Cambdenus in his Britain for Print says that during his time in the village of Riblechester, Lancastria, a stone was dug on which was carved a naked person sitting on a horse without a seat or bridle, carrying a lance with both hands and riding a horse on a man lay in a marking on them, naked, which in the hand of the rider handed the rider something square: between the horse and the man there were two letters DM underneath him and the inscription so Gaul. Sarmatian, the other letters were read by antiquity in such a way that, according to this author, they could not be read: he later adds his sentence that this inscription could have been explained in this way. Centurio Alae Sarmatarum, the higher two letters DM meant the church number five hundred, but in this form these letters can never mean five hundred known things: they cannot be interpreted in this way by Dux Moschoviae either, because the world had not heard anything from the Moscow princes at that time ; soon the [p. 257] the title began. Apparently Cambdenus must have seen himself that the city of the dragon that this husband pierced is the man among himself. he payed. Whatever it is, you will know that this coat of arms of a naked husband on a horse was common in Sarmatia for a long time. And I don't see that anyone has sealed themselves with this coat of arms, just the Moscow tsars and the dukes of Czetwerty becauski: because the dukes of Ostrog used to have a rider in their coat of arms, but an armed one: so they have to talk about other ducal houses as well . that in Sarmatia this coat of arms of a naked man on a horse was common for a long time. And I don't see that anyone has sealed themselves with this coat of arms, just the Moscow tsars and the dukes of Czetwerty becauski: because the dukes of Ostrog used to have a rider in their coat of arms, but an armed one: so they have to talk about other ducal houses as well . that in Sarmatia this coat of arms of a naked man on a horse was common for a long time. And I don't see that anyone has sealed themselves with this coat of arms, only the Moscow tsars and the dukes of Czetwerty becauski: because the dukes of Ostrog used to have a rider in their coat of arms, but an armed one: so they have to talk about other ducal houses as well .             

Everyone agrees that the princes of Czetwerty princescy started out from the Włodzimierz monarchy of Ruski, as the Starowolski folklore testifies. 735. Among the twelve sons he fathered, the latter was to leave Prince Swantopełk's son and, according to the Ogiński genealogy, the son of Prince Tver and Dmitri on the educational card (as I will speak elsewhere) That is why the Czetwertyń dukes of the Swantopełks write to each other, so as not to pollute the fact that they left the lap of Prince Swantopełk in marriage contracts, and his son Alexander, sharing his fortune with other brothers said he began as Czetwertyński-Prince to write about him as Czetwertnia was donated by the lying on the Styx river. Ivan Puciatycz of Czetwertyński recalls.. Okolski v 1. f 547. During the reign of Alexander the king he shared the paternal substance with five brothers of the Korecki princes, Fiedor, Ivan, Wasil, Lew and Aleksander. Prince Andrzej Fiedorowicz, son of Fiedor or Teodor Czetwertyński, of his hereditary property, which he had in the country of Wołyń at that time, according to the law of the Parliament of Vilnius (since Volhynia was then part of Lithuania), he would have up to twelve horses on a military expedition. Metryka Wołyńska 1528. Four horses, the second Jędrzejer Prince Czetwertyński. Six horses from Prince Fiedor. At that time one of them had Czuryłowna, the castellan of Przemyśl. Olympia Rzewuścior. Pigłowski tells that in 1519 one of the houses near Sokal fell bravely on the square by the Tartars. Duchess Anna Czetwertyńska, Duke Janusz Zbaraski, Bracławski voivode, mother of Krakow castellan Jerzy and Krzysztof the Crown. Fern. Ogrod f. 208. Stefan, Chamberlain Bracławski, is mentioned in the 1613 constitutions. 258] in 1629 he sent to the Seym, from where he was a member of the Radom Finance Court Constit. fol. 7. and 1638. to be paid to the army, Constit fol. 2. He was also the deputy of the tribunal: a chivalrous man, he did not come from the field against Tatars in Podolia, Sweden in Prussia, insurgent Cossacks for seventeen years, he was always brave, died in 1640. Starowolski in Monumen. Zachariasz, about whom the constitution of 1629. fol. twenty. the same, it seems to me, was the Starost of Ratibor in 1648. Electoral rules.                    

Mikołaj, castellan of Minsk 1658. Military calculator, envoy at the convocation 1632. Acta interregni and deputy of the Bracławskiego Crown Court 1647. Jansonius: He left two sons, Mikołaj and Aleksander. Stefan in Żywotowo and Kniazia Krynica, Ensign von Wołyński, brother of Mikołaj the Castellan, son of Chamberlain Bracławski, a memorable cavalier during the Swedish invasion of Cudnow against two Polish banners and with a squadron of dragoons, he helped with his own expense. Colonel in Volyn Voivodeship during the mass mobilization. This Stefan's mother, Katarzyna von Leśniów von Grzymała Wappen, his sister of the same castellan Wołyńska was, and apparently Lubowiecka or Bieniewska, because they were the castellans of Wolhynia at that time, around 1665. Sparta Polska fol. 143. Where this author describes at length with the sure revolution of this house. This ensign had a son, Włodzimierz, the Starost von Siewiński, but at the age of eight he disappeared from the world in 1673. Dominic, who had entered under the name of Jack, ended this mortal life in him gloriously. Alexander, Stefan's brother, died during the Swedish War when Janusz, Prince Czetwertyński, died of a Cossack saber in Tulczyn. Pigłowski. They use the blood of the princes so lavishly for the good of this homeland. However, the Father led the world according to the law of St. Dominic, who had entered under the name of Jack, ended this mortal life in him gloriously. Alexander, Stefan's brother, died during the Swedish War when Janusz, Duke Czetwertyński, was killed by a Cossack saber in Tulczyn. Pigłowski. They use the blood of the princes so lavishly for the good of this homeland. However, the Father led the world according to the law of St. Dominic, who had entered under the name of Jack, ended this mortal life in him gloriously. Alexander, Stefan's brother, died during the Swedish War when Janusz, Duke Czetwertyński, was killed by a Cossack saber in Tulczyn. Pigłowski. They use the blood of the princes so lavishly for the good of this homeland.                    

Grzegorz, Chamberlain of Łucki, member of the Sejm from 1627. Constit. fol. 8 and 1633. Constit fol. 35 and 1638, from where he was a member of the Radom Tribunal. Constitu. f. 21. but there was still a split with him: Jędrzej, the royal captain of our ucker college, wrote three thousand five hundred of his two sons in Czertach in 1678, for which he was eternally grateful: his son was Jerzy, took Izabela Horainown. Wacław, the second son of Grzegorz Chamberlain, Ensign Żytomierski, was a member of the Seym in 1667. Constit. fol. 21. His wife Ludwika Wojnianka and their son Jędrzej, who fell in love with Anna Czapliowna. [S. 259] Gedeon, ruler of Lutsk, 1681. Wacław's cousin. Hieronim, Grzegorz's son, had Marianna Wielogłowska behind her, who was primo voto for Bartliński. Stefan, Chamberlain Bracławski, born of Konstancja Kosakowska,            

This information about this family was given by Niesiecki, but later the genealogy of this house was compiled by Franciszek and Karol Żabicki, partly from the found books of Russian cathedrals and monasteries, partly from the old and present activities of this house, and sorted for printing in Łuck in 1793 ., which Wielądek also included in heraldry: however, the genealogy regarding the Ruthenian princes is incorrect in some places. appreciates the reader for comparison with the genealogy in the history of the Polish nation of Ad. Naruszewicz, included, but if we have a more detailed description of the Czetwertyński family, I will add it in full.  

The first prince to come to the Dnieper founded the city of Kiev, he had brothers named Szczyka, Korew and a sister Łebed, on the banner of a young man without a bridle, who sat on a horse, sat on a viper and a spear from whom his three sons.

Rurik, the first Ruthenian prince, that is, after the army was moved from place to place, that is, named after the former commander Rus, others write 861 Prince Roksolański in Kiev.

Sperma is the second childless son.

Tywor, the third son without a child.

Descendant of Rurik from Prince Ruthenia.

Ihor, the first son to be killed by treason for the submission of Kiev and Derewiański. He married Olha, i.e. at the baptism Helena Hostomysławowna, who was the godfather of Jan Zawisza of the Greek emperor in Constantinople, died and was buried in Kiev, Vladimir lifted her holy bones from the ground and the Patriarch of Constantinople was one of the saints. They write about her in various ways, as if Włodzimierz were their grandson, and they bring this sick father to her brother Svyatoslav, who was born here.  

Sviatoslav's son, the second prince of Rus, was to die soon after his father, leaving three sons, but only one of them is used in the procedure. [S. 260]  

A descendant of Sviatoslav, Prince Ruthenian.

Włodzimierz, the first Grand Duke and only ruler of all Rus, Kijowski, Nowogrodzki, Połocki, Turowski, Rostowski, Muromski, Derewlański, Włodzimierski, Turokański, Smoleński, and all of Volhynia, the winner of Moscow, Koreom, married Anna, the daughter of a Greek writer when he and the Faith The Greek was adopted in 990. He is one of the saints whose head is in the Kiev Church and who they are now showing. This man had twelve sons, many of whom were walking houses. Historians attribute this to Włodzimierz with his policy of sharing his sons with principalities.  

Izasław, the first son.

Mścisław, the second son, who gave birth to the sons of three children, and from these arose the lineage of Ruthenian and Halicki princes, for whose expressions the sons of Włodzimierz are written the great testament.

Descendant of Mścisław, the son of the second great Włodzimierz.

Mścisław, the first son of Mścisław, the Duke of Halicki, robbed of his brothers from the Principality of Halych, took advantage of the support of Kazimierz, the righteous prince of Poland, who was poisoned in 1182.

Włodzimierz, the second son, freed the principality of Halych from the Hungarian invasions, inherited his brother from Mścisław and died in 1197. He had a son who followed him, for whom the third dream for Mścisław was later laid.

Descendant of Włodzimierz, Duke of Halicki, son of Mścisław, Duke of Halicki and grandson of Włodzimierz the Great.

The Roman prince of Halych, who had conquered Włodzimierz, Jaźwingia, ie Podlachia, part of Lithuania and other princes from all of Russia, declared himself the sole ruler in 1200; killed at Zawichost in the battle of Leszek, Duke of Poland, of whom the following five sons are left. 

Prince Roman's descendant, Prince Halicki, was declared sole ruler.

Mścisław, the first son.

Vasilko's second son, Lutsk, had his eyes gouged out.

Daniel, the third son, with a crown and sent to Rome by an envoy to Opiss, crowned with the king of Halych, the state of Halych, captured by Leszek, the white prince of Poland, and returned to Koloman, he had a son and a daughter and they follow.

Descendant of Daniel Król Halicki.

Lew Daniłowicz Król Halicki founded Lemberg.

Maria, daughter of Troidemma, wife of the Duke of Mazovia.

The fall of the kingdom of Halych in 1340. The kingdom of Halych on the Troidem of the Mazovian prince, sons of Maria, sister Leon, were born, of whom the elder Bolesław was killed with a given poison by a secret order of the Ruthenian dukes. His other brother also died. Casimir the Great, King of Poland, renounced his rights, took the land of Belska from the king, and then Halicz in the Ruthenian province became part of Poland.  

The continuation of the descendants of Mścisław, the son of the second great Włodzimierz.

Wszewołod, that is Wszewołodzimierz, the third son of Duke Halicki and brother of Mścisław, Duke of Halicki, Duke Bełski, a part of Halicki, who had three daughters. [S. 261]  

The descendants of Wszewoł, that is, Wszewododzimierz.

Anastasia's first daughter, wife of Bolesław, the fourth prince of Poland, 1151.

Eudoxia, the second daughter of Miecisław Polski, brother of Bolesław, the fourth Polish prince.

Helena, the third daughter of Kazimierz the second, the third brother of Bolesław, the fourth Prince of Poland, wife, and with that the Duchy of Bełskie moved completely to Poland.

The continuation of the sons of Vladimir the Great.

Sviatoslav, the third son of Włodzimierz the Great.

Wiszesław, the fourth son,

Vsevolod, the fifth son

Svyatopelk, the sixth son, Prince Tver, Kiev was taken, two brothers younger than him, Prince Chleb and Prince Borys, he killed, but twice his brother was defeated by Jaroslaw, he went to Bolesław, the first king of Poland, for help in 1008. A daughter and two sons followed, and he himself was to die in Bohemia.

Descendant of Światopełek, the sixth son of Vladimir the Great.

Zbisław Bolesław, the third Wrymouth King of Poland, his wife died in 1168

Dmitri, the first son of Światopełek, the author of Polski Starowolski, mistakenly suspected that the Czetwertyński princes had followed suit and that the Ogiński genealogy was created in Vilnius, and missed even more.