The noble Polish Rarowski family. Die adlige polnische Familie Rarowski. - Werner Zurek - E-Book

The noble Polish Rarowski family. Die adlige polnische Familie Rarowski. E-Book

Werner Zurek



This is a hodgepodge of a disordered, systematically arranged collection of the Polish nobility. On these pages you will find out everything about: descent, aristocracy, aristocratic literature, aristocratic name endings, aristocratic association, genealogy, bibliography, books, family research, research, genealogy, history, heraldry, heraldry, herb, herbarity, indigenous, information, literature, names, nobility files, Nobility, personal history, Poland, Schlachta, Szlachta, coat of arms, coat of arms research, coat of arms literature, nobility, coat of arms, knight, Poland, szlachta, herb, Herbarz. Sammelsurium, veltemere, systematice ordinaretur collectio super principes Poloniae, Gathering, veltimere, systemati cordinaretur collectio super principes Poloniae, Rassemblement, veltimere, ordinaretur systématique super collection Poloniae, Translations in: English, German, French. Das ist ein Sammelsurium einer ungeordneten, systematisch angelegten Sammlung des polnischen Adels. Auf diesen Seiten erfahren Sie alles über: Abstammung, Adel, Adelsliteratur, Adelsnamensendungen, Adelsverband, Ahnenforschung, Bibliographie, Bücher, Familienforschung, Forschungen, Genealogie, Geschichte, Heraldik, Heraldisch, herb, Herbarz, Indigenat, Informationen, Literatur, Namen, Nobilitierungsakten, Nobility, Personengeschichte, Polen, Schlachta, Szlachta, Wappen, Wappenforschung, Wappenliteratur, Adel, Wappen, Ritter, Polen, szlachta, herb, Herbarz. Sammelsurium, veltemere, systematice ordinaretur collectio super principes Poloniae, Gathering, veltimere, systemati cordinaretur collectio super principes Poloniae, Rassemblement, veltimere, ordinaretur systématique super collection Poloniae, Translations in: English, German, French. Il s'agit d'un méli-mélo d'une collection désordonnée et systématiquement organisée de la noblesse polonaise. Sur ces pages, vous trouverez tout sur: descendance, aristocratie, littérature aristocratique, terminaisons de noms aristocratiques, association aristocratique, généalogie, bibliographie, livres, recherche familiale, recherche, généalogie, histoire, héraldique, héraldique, herbe, herbalisme, indigène, information , littérature, noms, dossiers de noblesse Noblesse, histoire personnelle, Pologne, Schlachta, Szlachta, blason, recherche sur les armoiries, blason de la littérature, noblesse, blason, chevalier, Pologne, szlachta, herbe, Herbarz. Sammelsurium, veltemere, systematice ordinaretur collectio super principes Poloniae, Gathering, velti

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The noble Polish Rarowski family. Die adlige polnische Familie Rarowski.

The noble Polish Rarowski family.Impressum

The noble Polish Rarowski family.

Die adlige polnische Familie Rarowski.

Rarowski. Six golden bricks in red, set at 3, 2 and 1 (probably also at 1, 2 and 3); Helmet decoration: between two dolphins facing each other with their tails pointing upwards, the right one red, the left one silver, an imperial orb with a cross. It is said about the origin: When the Turks had appropriated the city of Budzynia in Croatia in the 11th century, a knight Rhor and the imperial team subordinated to him undertook a storm on the city, was one of the first to climb the city wall and let it be thrown down make of bricks easier to climb. For this he received from the emperor of this crest, the tiles are reminiscent of the abruption of the wall, the orb should be considered as evidence that the city by the prowess of Rhor the Emperor again - was won.- Jan Rohr (Rohr, Ror) from Silesia received the Polish Indigenous in 1580, called himself Rarowski.

Rarowski coat of arms otherwise Ror (vol. 8 pp. 92-94)

Rarowski otherwise Ror coat of arms. There should be six golden bricks arranged in three rows, in the first and lowest there should be three bulls and in the second [p. 93] two, in the third, one in a red field, a golden apple on the helmet above the crown, above a golden cross, which girds two dolphins with bowed heads and upturned tails, one of which is white and the other is red the Okolski volume. 2. fol. 621. You can find such a coat of arms in our Petrasancta fol. 221. Okolski names this coat of arms acquired. The brave man of Rhor, called when the town in Kroacja was conquered by the Turks, with the army over which the Hetmanil passed, first jumped on the wall, hit him and then supported him with the bravery of his soldiers, conquered them victoriously he won back the city of the emperor: whatever the righteous, including the bricks that he had thrown away himself, as they lay on the earth, so they were arranged in his coat of arms: the rest, in their noble works, they took theirs afterwards Wage. Six later brothers of the same coat of arms Rhor, in Silesia around the year 1100, flourished, including Count Prosper, a knight of Jerusalem and Malta, who descended from this world in 1107 and was buried in Vienna. Second Friedrich, von Kalixt II. Made the Pope a cardinal. Póty Okolski; But this author, not only that Budzyn moved to Kroacja from Hungary, but also the Turks, who only began to invade Europe in the fifteenth century, i.e. after 1400, before 1100, he would like them to live in Budzyń for a long time . That's why he made his novel questionable. Mikołaj Rhor, he had three sons in Silesia, Jędrzej in Galowice, Dawid in Kamień and Jan in Rataje, heirs. From the latter, who sold a paternal substance in these countries, he moved to Poland, where in 1570 he bought the Laski and Grozna estate named after Neta Vielunen from Bartłomiej Laskowski in the Wielu Landska country . indigenous to [str. 94] he received his knightly works when he stumbled around in a war of knights near Gdansk, the city of Rhor, called Rarowski with a common voice, after he had taken Działowska, he fathered five sons from it: Karol, Krzysztof, Jan, Serafin and Bartholomew. Of these, Karol left offspring at Masłowska in the Wieluń region. Jan and Serafin near Smolensk sealed their love for their homeland with their blood. Bartłomiej ibid., And in other campaigns with the hetman of Chodkiewicz, after serving himself in three villages in Inflanciech, he stumbled valiantly, there he began to nest. Krzysztof joined by the storage tests for life Anna Bielska on, Joachim's royal secretary had a daughter, he two daughters from had Katarzyna, after Florian Inwałdzki, Zuzanna. after Stanisław Dembiński; four sons: Krzysztof the knightly husband, he had Krystyna Przyłęcka behind him. Mikołaj, the heir of Lorki, a fighter against the Swedes and Cossacks, Maryna Niewiarowska his wife, buried the deceased in Krakow in Kazimierz on Corpus Christi. Joachim, the heir in Małkowice, treated Jan for twelve years. N. Rarowski had Krystyna Piotraszewska behind him. She buried the dead. Joachim, the heir in Małkowice, treated Jan for twelve years. N. Rarowski had Krystyna Piotraszewska behind him. She buried the dead. Joachim, the heir in Małkowice, treated Jan for twelve years. N. Rarowski had Krystyna Piotraszewska behind him.                                  

Coat of arms of Ror (vol. 8 p. 140)

Ror coat of arms , see Rarowski. 

Rhor of the coat of arms Rhor or Rarowski (vol. 11 p. 378)

Rhor of the coat of arms Rhor or Rarowski . - Kuropatnicki. - Małachowski.   

Bielski's Prawdzic coat of arms (vol. 2 pp. 148-149)

Bielski's Prawdzic coat of arms. Are they spelled with Biały, your nickname Wolski? The Kraków Voivodeship and the Wieluń Region are their home. The house is famous for its name Marcin Bielski, a Polish historian from Lech to Sigismund III. with his story, written in his mother tongue? Kromer went down the path. He completed this story after the death of his father in 1595 and was published by Joachim Bielski's son in 1597? this royal secretary from the Sejm of 1590 was a deputy of the constit lustration of the Lubomski Starosty. fol. 589 and 1595 deputy of the Crown Court, as he himself said in fol. writes 756. A man of great ability in various doctrines, do you know this from some of his writings? he wrote the Latin verse Carmen congratulations in 4 to Piotr Dunin to the Bishop of Płock, he did the same at the coronation of Sigismund III. and in the same wedding act the panegyric soluta oratione dispersed: no less in a weapon than his skillful hand, which he defended on various occasions for his homeland: why then the most splendid? that he had understood the heretical novelties from his youth, after he had already revealed himself better as an adult, without looking back on the whispers of his friends, he steadfastly renounced. From Marianna Borzechowska? his two daughters? Anna married Krzysztof Rarowski, the second married Jan Konarzewski, how many sons? Daniel and Stefan, who had the church in Porembie desecrated by heretics, restored the Catholics and adorned them with the church apparatus. He had four sons: Stanisław and Piotr, in the preaching monastery he devoted himself to the service of God; and his health of the whole country, for which he suffered considerable wounds in reward in several campaigns.                   

Krasicki adds in the footnotes: Joachim Bielski, Marcin's son, was born from Siemikowska, Oksza-Wappen, as Biel remembers himself in the history of his book publication. pag. 99. - The Bielskis recently settled in Rus, two brothers; of these the elder left two sons: a Kronhof hunter. which the Halinska starosta Winnicka had descendants, Stępkowska, [p. 149] Dziedoszycka, Trembińska. - The younger brother of Staroste Rapsztyński (Bogusław, after Wielądek), multiplied the industry of the excellent economy with a considerable substance after his father by buying a considerable good, such as: Podhajce, Uście and other goods in the Ruskie voivodeship : he had 1o Ostrorożanka, 2o Bekierska behind him, and with them numerous descendants, daughters: Dominika Hiński from Ostrorożanka married - from the second Skarbek, Dulska, Kalinowska, Krasicka and Marianna. - Her great-uncle's brother, the Lviv ensign, one of his sisters for Skarbek, the other for Urbanski. The aunt of these Bielski was 1st vote for Chorczewski, castellan 2o for Mniszek, the head of Przemyśl. 1778. Franciszek Bielski, Burgrave Przedecki. - Antoni, the Chełmski bailiff. - The above mentioned Bielski ensign von Lwowski had two sons and a daughter for Małachowski. -              

Wielądek claims in heraldry that the Bielski house is also in the Rawskie Voivodeship, but does not know which coat of arms they belong to. Of these, Bogusław der Starost von Rapsztyński wrote to the Confederation of the Ruthenian Province in 1734. - Adam von Obrachcice Bielski, Ensign of the Lviv Region, has signed up for the election of Stanisław August Król from the Voivodeship Ruski. - Jan Sariusz de Olbrachcice Bielski and Wojciech signed this with the election of 1764 from the land of Chełm. Florian Prawdzic Bielski became a member of parliament from the voivodeship in 17681. Lublin. - Anthony, the royal court hunter. - Kobrin bridge builder. -         

Niewiarowski of the Półkozic coat of arms (vol. 6 p. 561-564)