The noble Polish Rekowski family. Die adlige polnische Familie Rekowski. - Werner Zurek - E-Book

The noble Polish Rekowski family. Die adlige polnische Familie Rekowski. E-Book

Werner Zurek

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This is a hodgepodge of a disordered, systematically arranged collection of the Polish nobility. On these pages you will find out everything about: descent, aristocracy, aristocratic literature, aristocratic name endings, aristocratic association, genealogy, bibliography, books, family research, research, genealogy, history, heraldry, heraldry, herb, herbarity, indigenous, information, literature, names, nobility files, Nobility, personal history, Poland, Schlachta, Szlachta, coat of arms, coat of arms research, coat of arms literature, nobility, coat of arms, knight, Poland, szlachta, herb, Herbarz. Sammelsurium, veltemere, systematice ordinaretur collectio super principes Poloniae, Gathering, veltimere, systemati cordinaretur collectio super principes Poloniae, Rassemblement, veltimere, ordinaretur systématique super collection Poloniae, Translations in: English, German, French. Das ist ein Sammelsurium einer ungeordneten, systematisch angelegten Sammlung des polnischen Adels. Auf diesen Seiten erfahren Sie alles über: Abstammung, Adel, Adelsliteratur, Adelsnamensendungen, Adelsverband, Ahnenforschung, Bibliographie, Bücher, Familienforschung, Forschungen, Genealogie, Geschichte, Heraldik, Heraldisch, herb, Herbarz, Indigenat, Informationen, Literatur, Namen, Nobilitierungsakten, Nobility, Personengeschichte, Polen, Schlachta, Szlachta, Wappen, Wappenforschung, Wappenliteratur, Adel, Wappen, Ritter, Polen, szlachta, herb, Herbarz. Sammelsurium, veltemere, systematice ordinaretur collectio super principes Poloniae, Gathering, veltimere, systemati cordinaretur collectio super principes Poloniae, Rassemblement, veltimere, ordinaretur systématique super collection Poloniae, Translations in: English, German, French. Il s'agit d'un méli-mélo d'une collection désordonnée et systématiquement organisée de la noblesse polonaise. Sur ces pages, vous trouverez tout sur: descendance, aristocratie, littérature aristocratique, terminaisons de noms aristocratiques, association aristocratique, généalogie, bibliographie, livres, recherche familiale, recherche, généalogie, histoire, héraldique, héraldique, herbe, herbalisme, indigène, information , littérature, noms, dossiers de noblesse Noblesse, histoire personnelle, Pologne, Schlachta, Szlachta, blason, recherche sur les armoiries, blason de la littérature, noblesse, blason, chevalier, Pologne, szlachta, herbe, Herbarz. Sammelsurium, veltemere, systematice ordinaretur collectio super principes Poloniae, Gathering, velti

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The noble Polish Rekowski family. Die adlige polnische Familie Rekowski.


The noble Polish Rekowski family.

 Die adlige polnische Familie Rekowski.

Rekowski. - In blue a red crab turned to the left , above it a fallen sword, accompanied on the right by a moon open to the left, on the left by two stars one below the other.

Rekowski. - In blue two golden stars one below the other, enclosed by a silver horseshoe.

Rekowski ( Wantoch -Rekowski, Wotoch -Rekowski, Wantoch , Wentoch , Wotoch , Woytoch , Vandoch , Varnia odenny ) is a  noble  coat of arms, which according to Przemysław Pragert was wrongly recognized as a  variant of the coat of arms of  Varnia .       

The coat of arms was known in at least nine variants. Descriptions with classic blazoning rules : 

Rekowski I ( Wantoch -Rekowski, Wotoch -Rekowski, Wantoch I, Wentoch , Wotoch , Woytoch , Varnia different): In the silver field, crabs red to the right (also on the pole). Jewel : above helmet without crown gold star.  Labra red, conquered with silver.        

Rekowski I a ( Wantoch -Rekowski, Wotoch -Rekowski, Wantoch I different, Wentoch , Wotoch , Woytoch , Vandoch , Varnia different): Goldfeld , Krebs in der Pange , Labras with Goldener Conquerors . 

Rekowski I b ( Wantoch -Rekowski, Wotoch -Rekowski, Wantoch I different, Wentoch , Wętoch , Wotoch , Woytoch , Vandoch , Varnia different): Cancer in the pole, above him a gold star. Crowned helmet. 

Rekowski I c ( Wantoch -Rekowski, Wotoch -Rekowski, Wantoch I anders, Wentoch , Wętoch , Wotoch , Vandoch , Woytoch , Varnia anders): helmet in the crown, star in the adhesive between two eagle wings: right in the blue-silver belt, left vice versa. 

Rekowski I d ( Wantoch -Rekowski, Wotoch -Rekowski, Wantoch I anders, Wentoch , Wętoch , Wotoch , Vandoch , Woytoch , Varnia anders): On the double sign in the waist, in the upper field, blue, gold star, below, silver, cancer red on the pole. Jewel: above the helmet in the crown gold star between two wings of the eagle right: right blue-silver, left vice versa. All on a red coat, with a silver lapel and golden fringes that hung from the helmet. Under the sign, on the ribbon with Gothic writing: Life is a struggle. (  Never : "Life - Struggle.")    

Rekowski I e ( Wantoch -Rekowski, Wotoch -Rekowski, Wantoch I anders, Wentoch , Wętoch , Wotoch , Vandoch , Woytoch , Varnia anders): On the two- beaked shield on the waist, in the upper, blue field, gold star, below, gold , cancer red on the pole. Jewel: above the helmet in the crown star gold between two wings of blue eagles. Labra blue , conquered with gold.  

Rekowski I f ( Wantoch -Rekowski, Wotoch -Rekowski, Wantoch I anders, Wentoch , Wętoch , Wotoch , Vandoch , Woytoch , Varnia anders): On the double-seal label in the waist, in the upper, blue field, eight-pointed star, gold, below, silver , cancer red on the pole. Jewel: over helmet in gold star crown. Labras on the right side red, conquered with silver, on the left blue, gold scratched .  

Rekowski I g ( Wantoch -Rekowski, Wotoch -Rekowski, Wantoch I otherwise Wentoch , Wętoch , Wotoch , Vandoch , Woytoch , Varnia otherwise): In silver field a blue belt, saturated with three gold stars in the belt, above him the Order  le Pour Merite blue , left under him cancer red. Jewel: above the helmet, in a crown a crooked sword between two eagle wings in a silver-blue belt. The labras should be blue on the right, scratched in gold , red on the left, conquered with silver.    

Rekowski I h ( Wantoch -Rekowski, Wotoch -Rekowski, Wantoch I anders, Vandoch , Wentoch , Wętoch , Wotoch , Woytoch , Varnia anders): shield divided into belts, in the upper, silver, order Pour le Mérite, blue, below, silver , crab red on the right. On the helmet the crown itself. Labra (or cloak) blue, red conquered.  

The basic variant, which is known for a number of seals: two Wotoch -Rekowskis from 1728, Christian Wotoch von Rekowski from 1788 and his son Johann Leopold from 1814. This picture was taken together with the color reconstruction by  Mr. Ostrowski ( Book of Arms of Polish Nourishing) as Rekowski IVa and is also known for the work of the family researcher Franz Friedrich Hugo Wilhelm Michael von Wotoch-Rekowski . von Styp , von Wrycz and von Gynz Rekowski) and Mülverstedta (the coats of arms of von Wantoch -, von Gynz -, von Styp -, and von Wrycz -Rekowski). The variants I a and I c come from Wotoch -Rekowski and Mülverstedt (variant I c comes from the family tree). Option Ib described Die Geschichteder Lande Lauenberg and Bütow verbally Cramer and Diernicki ( The Ponian nobility) as Rekowski, The Polish family coat of arms as Wentoch and based on the description created a reconstruction of Ostrowski (as Rekowski IVa ). Variant I d only quoted by Wotoch -Rekowski (it was his personal coat of arms, a similar coat of arms was sealed by his father, Franz Wilhelm Adalbert Michael von Wotoch -Rekowski). Option I e was described verbally in Gotajski tea. He is also quoted by Denrnicki (The Polish Aristocracy) and Ostrowski (as Rekowski IVc , without jewel and with cancer to the right), who ascribe to him an evangelical branch of the family. Option I is quoted by Rekowski- Wotoch (it was the second coat of arms sealed by his father and younger brother Constantin Franz Michael Reginald). Teodor Żychliński (The Golden Book of the Polish Nobility) quotes an almost identical coat of arms, but with a six-pointed star, as the coat of arms of the Catholic Rekowski von Wielkopolski. Option I g, led by Wotoch -Rekowski, was the personal coat of arms of Konrad Hermann Ernst von Wotoch -Rekowski (1822-1856). Variant I h comes from Adam von Wotoch -Rekowski, the bachelor of the order Pour le Mérite, who allegedly died in 1745 or 1768. The same coat of arms was used by his grandson Ernst Ferdinand Sylvius (1789-1831), who was the ancestor of Franz Wilhelm (variant I d) and Franz Friedrich (variant I e) in a straight line.     

Rekowski is one of the most famous names of Kashub . It comes from the village of Rekowo . From the beginning, this village was owned by separate families who then took on a common name. According to a document from 1638, which refers to the 1528 privilege, the chiefs Wotoch , Stip , Dorzik , Mrozik and Fritz (Fritze, Friz) sat in Reków . In the 18th and 19th centuries they were divided into Die Wantochs ( Wotochs ), Styps , Wryczów ( Wrycza ) and Gynzów ( Günz ). Herb Rekowski is the oldest and most important coat of arms for which the Wantochs ( Wotochów ) line is known. 

Family Rekowskich-Wotochów

The forerunner of the Wotochs should be the living Andreas Wentoch around 1300. The census of the Rekow owners from 1559 (1560) lists Simon Fantach ( Fantoch ), Bartoss Fontach and Greger Fontach ( Fantach ) among others. Further censuses are from the years: 1603 (Andres, Baltazar , Hanss and Michel Vantoch ), 1606 (three Wantochs ), 1607 (Hans, Michael, Balzer, Urban, Fabian and Jakob den Wantoch ), 1621 ( Jurgen , Hans, Andreas, Lucas den Wantochen ), 1658 (Marten, Matthis, Christofer, Matthias Vantochen ), 1688 (Martin Ventoch ). From the 17th century onwards the name of Rekowski began to be spread among families living in Rekowie (not only in wotoch ) . The first record of wotochach with this name comes from the year 1751 (Krzysztof Wętoch Rekowski). Others date from: 1756 (Christoph von Wentoch ), 1804 (two Wantochs von Rekowskis). One of the Wotochów-Rekowskich (Franziskus, brewed around 1802) led to a Greater Poland, Catholic branch of Rekowskich (she used variant I f with a small variant). Of his six sons, he lived on in known Kaszubach (Michal, born in 1774, † 1842), while another (Konstanty Wotoch Rekowski) in Wielkopolska  (  Rudniczysko  ) and in  Borzewisko good)  country had. Konstanty started a line that lived in the Kingdom of Poland and Greater Poland . The Rekows served in numerous pieces in the Prussian army. A business worthy of the military family was Franz Friedrich Hugo Wilhelm Michael von Wotoch -Rekowski (1851-1929), a researcher of the family history mentioned above, a major participant in the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-71, and a knight of many orders. His son Wilhelm also researched the history of the family. The Rekows also served in the Polish Army. Konstanty (1782-1837) settled in Wielkopolen and served in the Polish army. After graduating from the Prussian Cadet School, he resigned in 1807 and fought in the infantry of the Principality of Warsaw . His sons Artakserkses Roman (1811–79) and Napoleon Boleslaw (1814 or 1816–1879) took part in the uprising of 1830 . Napoleon's son Konstanta Kazimierz (1846-80) took part in the uprising of 1863 and then joined the Prussian army. In addition to the departments in Rekowie, the Wotoch-Rekowscy also had departments in other villages, not only in Pomerania: Dunkel (1766-1862), Czarna  Dąbrowa (since 1736) and other villages where they were only registered with the name Rekowski and their affiliation to a specific family could not be determined. Rekowski's name, both alone and in the forms Rekowski- Wantoch , Wantoch Rekowski and Wantoch -Rekowski, can be seen in Poznan to this day.               

Rekowski ( Reckowski , Reckowsky , Rekoskie , Rekowsky ) with the nickname Wotoch ( Wantoch , Wentoch , Wętoch , Wotoch , Vandoch , Vantoch , Woytoch ).

The crest with cancer was Rekowski's earliest coat of arms. Variants with wings in glue generally used evangelical branches of the family. In these branches it became popular to have a two-part coat of arms, with a star in the top box and Cancer in the bottom. A similar coat of arms, but no wings, adopted a Catholic branch of Wielkopolski, although some German Heraldisten and  Seweryn  Uruski