The Struggle of Going Nowhere - Nanne Nyander - E-Book

The Struggle of Going Nowhere E-Book

Nanne Nyander

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"The Struggle of Going Nowhere" contains 111 poems and is the second book with poems from the path to Spiritual Awakening. These poems should be understood with one's heart rather than one's mind. They are not as dark and strange as they might sound if you listen with your heart. The poems are sometimes written as a conversation between the small self and the big Self.

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Seitenzahl: 37

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Previous books by Nanne Nyander

Silence. Angels and Poems (2018)

Out of the Labyrinth. Poems (2022)

You are Nowhere!

You are Now Here!

Love poems for the infinite.


Chapter 1.

Chapter 2.

Chapter 3.

Chapter 4.

Chapter 5.

Chapter 6.

Chapter 7.

Chapter 8.

Chapter 9.

Chapter 10.

Chapter 11.

Chapter 12.

Chapter 13.

Chapter 14.

Chapter 15.

Chapter 16.

Chapter 17.

Chapter 18.

Chapter 19.

Chapter 20.

Chapter 21.

Chapter 22.

Chapter 23.

Chapter 24.

Chapter 25.

Chapter 26.

Chapter 27.

Chapter 28.

Chapter 29.

Chapter 30.

Chapter 31.

Chapter 32.

Chapter 33.

Chapter 34.

Chapter 35.

Chapter 36.

Chapter 37.

Chapter 38.

Chapter 39.

Chapter 40.

Chapter 41.

Chapter 42.

Chapter 43.

Chapter 44.

Chapter 45.

Chapter 46.

Chapter 47.

Chapter 48.

Chapter 49.

Chapter 50.

Chapter 51.

Chapter 52.

Chapter 53.

Chapter 54.

Chapter 55.

Chapter 56.

Chapter 57.

Chapter 58.

Chapter 59.

Chapter 60.

Chapter 61.

Chapter 62.

Chapter 63.

Chapter 64.

Chapter 65.

Chapter 66.

Chapter 67.

Chapter 68.

Chapter 69.

Chapter 70.

Chapter 71.

Chapter 72.

Chapter 73.

Chapter 74.

Chapter 75.

Chapter 76.

Chapter 77.

Chapter 78.

Chapter 79.

Chapter 80.

Chapter 81.

Chapter 82.

Chapter 83.

Chapter 84.

Chapter 85.

Chapter 86.

Chapter 87.

Chapter 88.

Chapter 89.

Chapter 90.

Chapter 91.

Chapter 92.

Chapter 93.

Chapter 94.

Chapter 95.

Chapter 96.

Chapter 97.

Chapter 98.

Chapter 99.

Chapter 100.

Chapter 101.

Chapter 102.

Chapter 103.

Chapter 104.

Chapter 105.

Chapter 106.

Chapter 107.

Chapter 108.

Chapter 109.

Chapter 110.

Chapter 111.


Love enters my eyes and pours out of my skin,

it lands on the ground and flows down to the river,

it unites with the ocean,


and becomes one with the sky,

turns into rain,

the rain is falling on my head,

it’s running down my face,

entering my skin,

overflowing in my eyes,

love is pouring out of my eyes as tears,

love is falling on the ground,

my tears are entering the flowers on the ground.

Love is penetrating the fragrance of the flowers.

I pick a flower, smell it, and love enters my nose.

I breathe out,

and love becomes the air we breathe,

becomes the infinite,

love is the infinite,

I am one with everything,

I am one,

I am the infinite,

I am Love.


Sounds of songs from an ancient time,

lost in my head.

Where is there, and where is here?

When is then, and when is now?

It’s all a mix in this symphony of existence.

It’s time to move on.

Privileged creature, beautiful me.

Savage pain, take me nowhere.


It’s the dream of you and me that keeps me stuck here,

give up the dream,

give up you,

give up me,

and left is nothing.

But what a beautiful nothing it is.


The mist in my head is clearing up.

“Get out of the Labyrinth of your mind.”

When will I finally see the truth?

Is life living me this way,

or am I living life this way?

Away from the truth of reality,

the truth of life.

I live to find out how to die,

die to find out how to live.

Life is a wonder.

I am a wonder.

“Take my hand,

and I will show you the way to be,

to be the truth.”

I am, is the truth.

I am the truth.

I am.


What do you see, my friend,

behind your perception of this reality?

What can you hear when everything is silent?

Here is where your true self is lingering,

here and everywhere else.


Profoundly clear, is the silence you speak.