The Universal Tactics of Successful Trend Trading - Brent Penfold - E-Book

The Universal Tactics of Successful Trend Trading E-Book

Brent Penfold

29,99 €

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Get a flying headstart on trend trading with this comprehensive how-to guide 

The Universal Tactics of Successful Trend Trading: Finding Opportunity in Uncertainty delivers powerful and practical advice for the serious trend trader. Using the principles identified in The Universal Principles of Successful Trading, author Brent Penfold shows curious investors how to become a long-term winner with tried-and-true trend trading methodologies.  

The book includes in-depth and comprehensive treatments of topics like: 

·         Why trend trading is so appealing 

·         Popular and effective trend trading strategies 

·         How to measure risk 

·         Common trend trading mistakes and how to avoid them 

Investors and readers will also discover the importance of risk, and how to judge outcomes and strategies on a risk-adjusted basis. 

Perfect for anyone interested in trading successfully, The Universal Tactics of Successful Trend Trading is a key strategy guide that belongs on the shelf of anyone involved in the buying and selling of financial securities. 

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