The Way of the Passion - Julien Chilcott-Monk - E-Book

The Way of the Passion E-Book

Julien Chilcott-Monk

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Spend some time with Christ this Lent using these forty meditations on the passion-- one for each Lenten day (except Sundays) from Ash Wednesday through Holy Saturday.
The Way of the Passion: Forty Stations with Jesus expands on the traditional fourteen Stations of the Cross, taking a closer look at all of the events of Holy Week. Let these meditations help you explore Christ's death in a deeper and more personal way, bringing you closer to him.

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The Way of the Passion


Julien Chilcott-Monk

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Chilcott-Monk, J. P.  The way of the Passion: forty stations with Jesus / Julien Chilcott-Monk.       1 online resource.  Description based on print version record and CIP data provided by publisher; resource not viewed.  ISBN 978-0-8198-8349-0 (epub) -- ISBN 978-0-8198-8350-6 (mobi) -- ISBN 978-0-8198-8351-3 (pdf) -- ISBN 978-0-8198-8348-3  1. Jesus Christ--Passion--Prayers and devotions. 2. Stations of the Cross--Prayers and devotions. 3. Lent--Prayers and devotions. 4. Passion narratives (Gospels)--Prayers and devotions. 5. Catholic Church--Prayers and devotions.I. Title.




Scripture quotations from the Revised Standard Version of the Bible, copyright © 1952 [2nd edition, 1971] by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Cover design by Rosana Usselmann

Cover art: Stefano Maria Legnani

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“P” and PAULINE are registered trademarks of the Daughters of Saint Paul.

Copyright © 2015, Julien Chilcott-Monk

Published by Pauline Books & Media, 50 Saint Pauls Avenue, Boston, MA


Printed in the U.S.A.

Pauline Books & Media is the publishing house of the Daughters of Saint Paul, an international congregation of women religious serving the Church with the communications media.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9                                                                   19 18 17 16 15




Station 1   The Entry into Jerusalem

Station 2   The Anointing of Jesus at Bethany

Station 3   Preparation for the Passover

Station 4   Jesus Washes the Feet of His Disciples

Station 5   The Warning of Betrayal

Station 6   The Institution of the Eucharist

Station 7   Jesus Predicts Peter’s Denials

Station 8   Jesus in Gethsemane

Station 9   Jesus Is Arrested

Station 10 Jesus Is Taken Before Annas

Station 11 Peter’s First Denial

Station 12 Jesus Before Caiaphas, and Peter’s Further Denials

Station 13 Jesus Before the Sanhedrin and the Suicide of Judas

Station 14 Jesus Before Pilate

Station 15 Jesus Before Herod

Station 16 Jesus Again Before Pilate

Station 17 Pilate Washes His Hands

Station 18 Jesus Receives His Cross

Station 19 Jesus Falls

Station 20 Jesus Greets His Mother

Station 21 Simon of Cyrene Is Ordered to Assist with the Cross

Station 22 Jesus Meets the Woman with the Towel

Station 23 Jesus Falls a Second Time

Station 24 Jesus Meets the Women of Jerusalem

Station 25 Jesus Falls a Third Time

Station 26 Jesus Arrives at Golgotha

Station 27 Jesus Is Stripped and Nailed to the Cross

Station 28 The Indictment

Station 29 Jesus Suffers the Taunts of the Bystanders

Station 30 The First Word from the Cross

Station 31 The Second Word from the Cross

Station 32 The Third Word from the Cross

Station 33 The Fourth Word from the Cross

Station 34 The Fifth Word from the Cross

Station 35 The Sixth Word from the Cross

Station 36 The Seventh Word from the Cross

Station 37 Jesus Dies on the Cross

Station 38 The Side of Jesus Is Pierced

Station 39 Jesus Is Taken from the Cross and Laid in His Mother’s Arms

Station 40 Jesus Is Laid in the Tomb




This Lenten companion is intended to ignite ideas and fresh thoughts about forty episodes of the passion of our Lord. It offers a “station” every day throughout Lent—Sundays are omitted, of course—from Ash Wednesday to Holy Saturday. The non-canonical material contained here is the result of the author’s “reading between the lines” of the Gospel narratives and is meant to help the pilgrim focus more clearly on the events we recall ceremonially during Holy Week.

The Gospels give us only the essential details of the passion because a meticulous report of the proceedings is not the intention of the evangelists, who are concerned primarily with our Lord’s teaching and in establishing, in the light of the resurrection, who he is and how he fulfills God’s promise of a Savior. However, 2,000 years later we find it helpful to enter more fully into these events in order to feel something of the horror and trauma experienced by Jesus and those around him, and so grasp more easily the impact of his teaching and how our salvation was secured.

In reflecting on these daily episodes, the pilgrim can explore fresh and personal paths of contemplation by giving his or her mind free rein throughout the forty days.

To complete each session, a prompt or two is given to aid further self-examination or intercession before the more formal suggested prayers. An expanded Paternoster is given in the Appendix as an aid to fuller intercession.

The translation of the Holy Bible used in this book is the Catholic Edition of the Revised Standard Version, which, in the author’s view, is still the best. In the text, quotations from the RSV are given in italics, but transliterations, conjectural speech, and the author’s translations are given in Roman type.

The present tense is frequently employed in this book to give immediacy to the narrative.


(Saint Veronica’s Day)