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The book features alternating chapters about William Buffalo Bill Cody and Maj Gordon Lillie known as Pawnee Bill. Both starred in the Wild West Show where Winch the author was the chief publicity agent.
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Frank Winch
Arcadia Ebooks 2016
Frank Winch
Thrilling Lives ofBuffalo Bill and Pawnee Bill
History is merely the chronicle of great men. Their deeds remain alive forever—time and epochs flicker only a moment and are succeeded again by time and men. As we each span our brief career, it is given to some to know great men only by the history they create—others to do with, to know personally, to enjoy their confidence, to study at close range the qualities that differentiate greatness.
It is just this favored opportunity of intimate observation that prompts the dual life histories of Buffalo Bill and Pawnee Bill. Buffalo Bill's fame was spreading when the gray heads of to-day were romping youngsters of yesterday, others grow old but the famous Scout seemed to revel in perpetual youth, at last, however, the inevitable is clocking off the showmanship days of Buffalo Bill, he has decreed the present season as his farewell in the saddle. He retires to enjoy the fruits of a life teeming with danger, sorrows, joys and struggles crowned with the ineffable gift of being America's most loved and Ideal Hero Horseman.
The question is asked, "Who will take Buffalo Bill's place?" and the following pages will couple in golden links the passing of the world's greatest Scout, Colonel William Frederick Cody, with his only legitimate successor, a man who courted prairie dangers when a boy, whose metal was tempered with the trying hardships that beset a primitive West, whose whole life has runged the ladder of Indian warfare, adventure, scouting, border fights, and the early settlement of one of our finest Western States—Major Gordon W. Lillie, "Pawnee Bill."
The lives of both these history makers are threaded with action of fact. I have eliminated from these pages every detail that smacks of tinseled theatrics. Buffalo Bill is one of the gentlest of men, warm hearted, kindly and generous. He is not demonstrative, nor does he enthuse, he is not impressionistic, but at all times he is observant of the slightest good in others. He notes every turn and twist of character, he is a student of human nature and a good one. He is a man that rewards friend and foe in a befitting manner.
I hero-worshiped Buffalo Bill when a child, adored him in youth, and now in manhood my fondest kid dreams have become crystallized in fact by the pleasure and honor of meeting him, knowing him and valuing his good friendship. I want every boy-man and every man-boy in the world to know Buffalo Bill and Pawnee Bill as I know them, I want to poise these two greatest of our living frontiersmen as an example for the emulation of young and old America—that those whose trail in life is cobbled with the sharp-edged stones of adversity may take a fresh grip on determination and reach their goal of happiness, every man's heritage.
In this volume I aim at nothing more than giving to their million friends a simple, accurate and fictionless résumé of the two greatest and most noted living plainsmen that America ever had occasion to cherish—the Honorable William F. Cody, "Buffalo Bill," and Major Gordon W. Lillie, "Pawnee Bill."
New York, March 6, 1911.
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