Trusting God with Every Breath - Amy Mecham - E-Book

Trusting God with Every Breath E-Book

Amy Mecham



Start your day with a breath of hope.   When life throws us curveballs, it can be difficult to trust God. We may feel like we're stumbling in the dark, unsure of where to turn. But with each new day, we have the opportunity to start fresh. Trusting God with Every Breath is a 365-day devotional that offers strength and encouragement to move through the ups and downs of life. Each day includes Scripture, a devotion, and personal reflection to help you draw on God's love, power, and redemption to breathe new life into your faith journey. Trusting God isn't always easy, but it's always worth it. Surrender fully to him and allow his healing grace to transform your heart.  

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BroadStreet Publishing® Group, LLC

Savage, Minnesota, USA

Trusting God with Every Breath: 365 Daily Devotions for Women

Copyright © 2023 Amy Mecham

9781424566143 (faux leather)

9781424566150 (ebook)

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, except for brief quotations in printed reviews, without permission in writing from the publisher.

Scripture quotations marked NKJV are taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked NLT are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation. Copyright © 1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, a Division of Tyndale House Ministries, Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked NIV are taken from The Holy Bible, New International Version® NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide. Scripture quotations marked ESV are taken from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®). Copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Scripture marked KJV is taken from the King James Version of the Bible, public domain.

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Cover and interior art adapted from original artwork by Amy Mecham

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January 1: The Details of Life

January 2: Puzzle Pieces

January 3: Gut-Level Trust

January 4: Walking in Gut-Level Trust

January 5: Resting in Gut-Level Trust

January 6: Dwelling in Gut-Level Trust

January 7: God Will Restore You

January 8: God Measures Worth

January 9: Know Your Worth

January 10: Surprised

January 11: Continued Trust

January 12: Again and Again

January 13: He Takes the Battle

January 14: Worth the Fight

January 15: Constant Conversation

January 16: Disappointment

January 17: Solving Disappointment

January 18: Choose to Move On

January 19: Waiting for Perfection

January 20: Front Row

January 21: Whispers of Doubt

January 22: Grace

January 23: Moving into Grace

January 24: Security

January 25: Help Is on the Way

January 26: Yes, God, I’m Listening

January 27: Mothering

January 28: Success of Mothering

January 29: A Heart of Thankfulness

January 30: Selfishness

January 31: Waiting


February 1: Waiting in Peace

February 2: Unseen Footprints

February 3: Gently Leading

February 4: Worth It

February 5: Redeemed

February 6: Don’t You Dare Stumble

February 7: Contentment

February 8: It Starts with You

February 9: Seeing Love

February 10: Seeing Love

February 11: Only Human

February 12: Obvious

February 13: Blessings and Details

February 14: You Are Loved

February 15: Confusion

February 16: Anger

February 17: Anger’s Response

February 18: Remind Me, God

February 19: Stepping into Life

February 20: Choosing Misery

February 21: New Glasses

February 22: God Is Bigger

February 23: Sovereign

February 24: Taking Offense

February 25: Rising from the Dead

February 26: Audience of One

February 27: Sprinkles on Ice Cream

February 28: Personally Yours

February 29: Your Precious Heart


March 1: Right Where You Are

March 2: Your Speech

March 3: Focusing on Jesus

March 4: Peace or Panic

March 5: Questioning God

March 6: What Moves You?

March 7: How Free Are You?

March 8: Unbelievable Power

March 9: Witness God

March 10: Humble Yourself

March 11: Temptation

March 12: Jesus Loves Me

March 13: Redeemer

March 14: Saved from More

March 15: Leave It

March 16: Turn Yourself In

March 17: Prickles

March 18: Up to Us

March 19: Still Up to Us

March 20: Entertaining Doubt

March 21: Faithful Companion

March 22: Loving Your Enemies

March 23: Loving Them Still

March 24: Slow Down, Sister

March 25: Still Slowing Down

March 26: Meeting Jesus

March 27: Our Focus

March 28: Part of His Plan

March 29: Anticipation or Expectation

March 30: Layers of Trust

March 31: Shalom


April 1: Worry and Dread

April 2: His Perfect Ways

April 3: Rewards of Faithfulness

April 4: Change the Picture

April 5: Bless Your Heart

April 6: Fresh Start

April 7: Walking toward Whom?

April 8: Still Loved

April 9: Stay the Course

April 10: God’s Timing

April 11: Quiet Your Heart

April 12: Peace

April 13: Washed in His Peace

April 14: Clothed with Him

April 15: My Rock

April 16: Giving God Only Half

April 17: Submit

April 18: Give Me Jesus

April 19: Trust and Lean

April 20: Point of Life

April 21: Purpose of Life

April 22: My Shepherd

April 23: My Shepherd Cares for Me

April 24: My Shepherd Leads Me

April 25: My Shepherd Protects Me

April 26: My Shepherd Celebrates Me

April 27: The Goodness of My Shepherd

April 28: Ups and Downs

April 29: Not My Monkey

April 30: Blessed by Trusting God


May 1: Master of My Heart

May 2: Freedom

May 3: Asleep

May 4: Still Asleep

May 5: Always Right

May 6: Earpiece

May 7: Arrogance

May 8: Still Arrogant

May 9: Choose Life

May 10: Noticing

May 11: Lies

May 12: Solved

May 13: Belief in the Garden

May 14: Belief in That Pitiful Snake

May 15: Who God Is

May 16: Letting Children Grow Up

May 17: What a Friend

May 18: Survival

May 19: Beautiful Life

May 20: It’s Okay to Be Sad

May 21: Rejecting Ourselves

May 22: Belonging

May 23: Posters

May 24: Be the Light

May 25: God’s Light

May 26: Walking in the Light

May 27: In a Moment

May 28: Last Day

May 29: Last Hours

May 30: Last Breath

May 31: Obedience


June 1: Willing

June 2: In the Light

June 3: Sit Still

June 4: Fly Away

June 5: Flying Back

June 6: Exhaustion

June 7: Mowing the Lawn

June 8: He Never Ever Leaves

June 9: Relax

June 10: Voice of God

June 11: Attitude

June 12: Reflect Jesus

June 13: How Did He?

June 14: Clinging to God

June 15: One Step at a Time

June 16: Clothed in His Love

June 17: Horribly Disappointed

June 18: Stop

June 19: Wait for the Lord

June 20: Restored Order

June 21: Poison

June 22: Ready and Waiting

June 23: The Internal Monologue of Fear

June 24: Fear’s Relentless Pursuit

June 25: Open House

June 26: Give Everything to God

June 27: Disappointing Others

June 28: More

June 29: You Are Enough

June 30: Proof


July 1: Will You?

July 2: The Other Side

July 3: Fooling the Other Side

July 4: Greatness

July 5: Cobwebs

July 6: Focus

July 7: God’s Focus

July 8: Quiet Yourself before God

July 9: Hope

July 10: Simplicity

July 11: Securely Loved

July 12: Pure Trust

July 13: Our Job

July 14: Simple Faith

July 15: Trust No Matter What

July 16: Real Life

July 17: Real Life 2.0

July 18: God’s Comfort

July 19: Daily Effort

July 20: Obedience to God

July 21: Listening

July 22: God’s Continuing Provision

July 23: God’s No

July 24: Empty Tomb

July 25: Meeting Jesus Again

July 26: Stand Up

July 27: Your Grave

July 28: Release

July 29: Faith

July 30: What Then?

July 31: Today and Tomorrow


August 1: Honor

August 2: Wearing God’s Honor

August 3: Set the Pace

August 4: Reflecting God’s Pace

August 5: If God Does

August 6: Then God Will

August 7: Stamped

August 8: Security and Honor

August 9: Fear’s Enemy

August 10: Goodbye, Fear

August 11: Rest in God

August 12: Stealer

August 13: Still Stealing

August 14: Antidote to Fear

August 15: Thank You

August 16: Purpose

August 17: Belief

August 18: Grounded in Love

August 19: Roots

August 20: Resist

August 21: Finding Peace

August 22: Known

August 23: What Matters

August 24: No Longer Slaves

August 25: Something More

August 26: Restore

August 27: Renew

August 28: First to Forgive

August 29: Triumph

August 30: Watered Wood

August 31: Watching


September 1: Alone No More

September 2: Breath of Heaven

September 3: Being the Bigger Person

September 4: Appetite

September 5: Controlled by Anger

September 6: Keeping Anger No More

September 7: Expectations

September 8: Reflecting

September 9: Ugliness

September 10: Weigh Fear with Wisdom

September 11: Fear Defined

September 12: God’s Provision

September 13: Alone

September 14: Today’s Redemption

September 15: Hiding

September 16: Attracted to Godliness

September 17: Sin Is Sin

September 18: Power of Your Witness

September 19: Noticed

September 20: Knock, Knock

September 21: Perspective

September 22: Wisdom

September 23: Freedom or Slavery

September 24: Walking with God

September 25: Opened and Slammed Doors

September 26: Choose and Refuse

September 27: Depend on Him

September 28: Trapped Animal

September 29: Take Your Stand

September 30: Come unto Me


October 1: Faith in the Valley

October 2: Trusting in the Valley

October 3: Gifts

October 4: Example or Stumbling Block

October 5: The Devil’s Schemes

October 6: Fed Up

October 7: Choosing Hope

October 8: Rejection

October 9: Needing God

October 10: God Alone

October 11: Coming to Our Senses

October 12: Valuing Others

October 13: Safe and Sound

October 14: Longing

October 15: Simply Jesus

October 16: Seeking

October 17: Whose Are You?

October 18: Wonder Woman

October 19: His Wings

October 20: Imagine

October 21: Apologies

October 22: Loving God’s Way

October 23: The Faithfulness of God

October 24: God’s Continued Faithfulness

October 25: Living with Jesus

October 26: Sitting Dignified

October 27: Slow Slide

October 28: Good

October 29: Wide Open

October 30: The Robe

October 31: Fraud


November 1: God’s Power

November 2: Pride

November 3: Words

November 4: Jesus

November 5: Weeping

November 6: Punch Me

November 7: Valued

November 8: Loving Your Spouse

November 9: Inferiority

November 10: Fearing the Lord

November 11: Abiding in Him

November 12: Friendship with God

November 13: Living with a Purpose

November 14: Clinging Not to Evil

November 15: Fret Not Your Pretty Head

November 16: Crashing Down

November 17: Others’ Opinions

November 18: Opinions that Matter

November 19: Voice

November 20: Refocus

November 21: Nothing New under the Sun

November 22: Hurled Upon

November 23: Teeny Tiny Thanks

November 24: True Thankfulness

November 25: Our Highest Help

November 26: Secure Feet

November 27: Your Keeper

November 28: Sovereign over All

November 29: The Witness of God

November 30: Prickly People


December 1: God Sees You

December 2: Destroyer

December 3: No Condemnation

December 4: Warrior

December 5: Smelly Stuff

December 6: But God

December 7: Utmost Confidence

December 8: He Knows

December 9: Walking in Wisdom

December 10: Walking Away

December 11: Zero Opportunity

December 12: God’s Faithful Path

December 13: The Lord Goes before You

December 14: Dear God, Help!

December 15: Locked Up

December 16: Poor Little Me

December 17: Perfect Deliverance

December 18: It’s a Wonderful Life

December 19: Hope for the World

December 20: Scrooge

December 21: Shepherds

December 22: Wise Men

December 23: Mary

December 24: God’s Chosen

December 25: Christmas Peace

December 26: God’s Beloved

December 27: Interrupting Plans

December 28: Joseph and Mary

December 29: Refuge and Strength

December 30: Targeted Trusting

December 31: Succumbing to Temptation

Next Steps

About the Author


It’s not about me. Seriously, it’s not. We all have a story. We all have trials. They just come in different flavors. I am compelled to share only for this reason: freedom. God wants to take our burdens, big and small. He wants to make all things new. But we must allow him to do that. We must ask him.

So what is my story? This was me a dozen years ago: a first-year teacher working full time (for the first time), an angry son, a daughter whose life was hanging in the balance, a husband who declared himself gay after twenty years of marriage, a beloved dog’s death, and an unwanted divorce. Fast forward, and God has brought me a wonderful new husband. But life is still full of struggles, new and old.

Those details simply don’t matter. It’s what we do with our trials that defines us. Do we crawl back into bed or face each moment with God’s strength? Do we bless God or curse our very existence?

Here’s the good part: God has come. He created all things new, and he can do the same for you. His faithfulness enables us to hold our heads high, freeing our hearts to love. God cares about all our trials. And do you know what? He cares about you.

Do you want that too? To trust God with your everything? Ask. Surrender yourself to God, and he will be faithful. From putting duct tape on my mouth to healing my heart, God has worked his marvelous deeds in my life. How beautiful it is on the other side! Join me? There’s plenty of room.

Welcome to my story. Pull up a chair and let’s sit awhile. I’ll put on some coffee. God is already here. Waiting. And he is good. So very good.


January 1

The Details of Life

The LORD directs the steps of the godly.

He delights in every detail of their lives.


God has blessed me in so many ways. Every time I turn around, he shows up. Where? In the details. He’s in the sweet face of the kindergartner who says, “My teacher is so pretty.” He’s in the flowers sent from dear friends. He’s in the job I have because he prompted me to earn my teaching license, knowing I would soon need it to support my family. He’s in my grandfather’s voice on the phone, asking if I’ve been on a hot date lately. He’s in my son’s voice when he asks me how my day was. He’s in the math student who declares that I am his favorite part of math class.

God is everywhere I look. Absolutely everywhere. His fingerprints are all over those little things that I sometimes take for granted. None of them are from my planning or thoughts. The details are from God to me and remind me how much I matter to him. God is here. He is with you too. When he’s in the smaller details of life, take notice of them. Pay attention. You’ll be overwhelmed by his provision from the everyday moments of everyday life.

What are some of your details from God? Think about today. Anything stand out? Think back to last week, last month, last year. Grab a notebook and start your list, writing down the personal details God has orchestrated for your life.

January 2

Puzzle Pieces

The LORD’s plans stand firm forever;

his intentions can never be shaken.


Isn’t it comforting to think about the details God has placed into your life? God, who created all things, knows you. He gives you little gifts because he notices you. He orchestrates the big picture because he cares that much. Notice how he has everything laid out for you. Everything. He has a plan, and all you must do is trust him. Boy, is it hard, but it’s all we can do.

Some of us choose to worry instead. We obsess over details and planning, creating massive burdens to plan and execute our future. No thanks. I’d rather have the God of the universe, the Creator of all things, plan my future. He knows the beginning and the end. He knows all my options and fits my future together like a puzzle. I can only imagine the stress of trying to fit my puzzle pieces together all on my own. Besides, I don’t have the finished picture. And heck, I’d probably lose a piece or two. Blame it on my sweet dog. Do you know who has the full picture of our puzzle? God. Because he designed it. And it’s not a puzzle to him.

Have you created that list of details yet or at least started it? When life hits you, it’s easy to let worry take over. But when you have a list of the details God has orchestrated over your life, faith takes back the reins. Find a pretty notebook. Maybe even a fun new pen. Carve out some moments and write down the details God has taken care of for you. And keep it up because he’s not done blessing you.

January 3

Gut-Level Trust

Even though I walk through the darkest valley,

I will fear no evil, for you are with me;

your rod and your staff, they comfort me.


These words depict the gut-level trust we must have. When we are completely in the dark, unable to see or bear to see what lies before us, God takes our hand, guiding us home. He knows where we are going. He holds the map because he created it. When we cannot see anything, we put our hand in his and let him guide us. Would you rather grope around in the dark, becoming hysterical because you cannot find your way? I’d rather plead to my God, who created the universe, to guide me in all things. I’d rather seek his face, surrendering myself to his will and plans for my future.

I know God wants the very best for me. My joy and trust give him pleasure. He wants to bless me. All I must do is provide gut-wrenching trust. I must know beyond a shadow of a doubt that God has my back and will guide me in peace to safety. Will my life always have times of utter darkness? Will he reveal his plan to me at some point? Yes. In life, there are times of light and times of darkness. God is the same through each moment in our lives. He simply stands, waiting for us to take his strong hand.

Big or small, God wants you to take his hand, allowing him to lead you down his path of peace. While in the dark, grab hold of his hand. Aim to trust him with all things. Start now.

January 4

Walking in Gut-Level Trust

The Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you

and protect you from the evil one.


The darkness is engulfing me. It has completely taken over my vision. I can no longer see anything. Where did everything go? The familiar surroundings have disappeared. I recognize nothing. It’s cold and damp. The ache of loneliness coupled with the loss of vision has brought me to my knees. I cannot think. I’m desperate. I’m lost. I’m dying. All I can think of is to speak the name of Jesus. He must be here somewhere. He’s promised never to leave us.

Jesus, I need you. I cannot see. My life seems to be over, and the chaos is overwhelming me. I can’t breathe. Jesus…help. I feel a gentle touch on my shoulder. I cannot see who it is, but I feel his peace rippling through my body. I feel God’s presence in the darkness. Hope springs up. Fear leaves. I still cannot see anything at all, but I feel God’s hand on my shoulder, guiding me to my feet. I can feel his arm holding mine and my feet fall into step with his. His gentle presence and strong, steady grip release the hold of fear. I’m still blind in the dark, but I don’t care. My God is with me, and he will take me where I am safe. He will surround and protect me. I am his child, and he cares.

Have you ever felt desperately in need of God’s help? At the end of your rope? Drop it. Place your darkness into God’s hands. Plead for him to rescue you. Then trust him. He promises to rescue you when you ask. All you must do is ask him.

January 5

Resting in Gut-Level Trust

Commit your way to the LORD;

trust in him and he will do this.


Things change in life. Changes thrust upon us without choice. It’s like the absence of choice that leaves have in falling off trees. Come autumn, leaves don’t choose whether to fall off the tree or not. They just do. But God takes care of those trees. He lets them rest during the winter months.

That’s what God did with me during darker times in my life. He let me rest. Yes, he kept me walking toward his plan, but it was a restful, peaceful walk. He did the guiding. I did the trusting. It was gut-level trusting because I had no idea where we were going or what we were doing. I knew I needed to get away from the cold damp pit. Life was so foreign to me and horrible when my family broke apart. But knowing I was in the palm of God’s hand made all the difference. While I sought him for my next breath, he faithfully answered me. Every single time. On my own, I could never have found my way out. I didn’t have the map. But God did.

God has your map. Let him read it for you, resting in the knowledge that he’s got you and more. He knows the beginning from the end, and this helps us trust him with our unknowns. As you seek him for your life, know he will faithfully keep you in the palm of his hand.

Are you still clinging to the plan you think should come forth? Or are you trusting God to guide you into his plan?

January 6

Dwelling in Gut-Level Trust

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,

I will fear no evil…thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.


There’s a dim light now. I still don’t know where we are going or what I am to do. But when I trust my God to lead me down the path of righteousness, I don’t care where he takes me. God will lead me where he wants me. He will provide the job he wants for me. He will provide the man he wants for me. He will take care of me and my children along the way, making sure we are all thriving.

Trust. I trust God with all my heart. He alone can bring us out of the darkness. He alone will carry us in his arms when our strength is gone. He will whisper words of peace and love to our broken hearts. He will dry our tears when our hearts are overflowing with grief. God is here. He is waiting for you to trust him so he can do the very same for you. All you must do is lay aside yourself and trust him. Gut-level trust is trust like you’ve never known before. It’s the kind of trust that only happens when you are spiritually in the dark and have nowhere else to turn. No other options. But God doesn’t care. He’s happy to help you whenever you ask. All you need to do is surrender. Surrender yourself to him and let him do the rest. Amazing things will happen. I promise.

What will you choose to trust God with today? Give it to him. Allow him to carry it for you. Let go of the control and keep trusting God each time you think of it.

January 7

God Will Restore You

After you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you.

1 PETER 5:10 ESV

Really? God, who created all things, will personally restore me? He cares that much? Yes. More than we could possibly know. We are in his thoughts. He knows the number of hairs on our head. When our lives are turned upside down and life gets messy, God will reach down, scoop us into his arms, and restore us. Make us whole. When we rely on him, God helps correct our missteps. If we act impulsively in our own direction, he will give us the help we need to turn back to him again.

I thought if we daily submitted ourselves, wrong turns would be a thing of the past. I know, but we’re human. Not perfect. The key is to keep submitting yourself, your time, and your life to God. When you mess up, and you will again and again, God will be faithful, always guiding you back to his perfect ways. Will we look the same when he’s done? Nope. When God restores, he makes all things new. He makes things even better. So not only does God promise to restore us himself, but he also promises to make all things new. When you are in the pit of despair, cling to that promise. It will be alright. God has your back, and he will bring you back to life. Abundant life.

Bow before the almighty God and ask him to redeem you, leading you into life everlasting. When you surrender your will to him, placing your gut-level trust into his hands, he will be faithful to restore you.

January 8

God Measures Worth

You are altogether beautiful, my darling;

there is no flaw in you.


If you were the only person on earth, Jesus would have died for you alone. He loves you that much. When God created you, he smiled. He created you exactly as he wanted. And he doesn’t make mistakes. Don’t like your hair? Body isn’t just right? What determines “just right” anyway? What standard are you using? The ever-changing, worldly standard of beauty? The world’s measure of beauty is completely unreliable. It evolves with the changing of the wind. One minute, bangs are in, and the next minute, everyone is growing them out. Skinny jeans or bell bottoms. Flipped hair or long, straight locks.

We can color our hair, alter our bodies through diet and exercise, adorn ourselves with any type of fabric, but we can’t do anything about our height, which God decided. Aside from prancing in heels, there is absolutely nothing we can do. We must accept how tall or short we are. Are you worthier of life and love if you are a certain height? No. Are you worth more if you are a size six versus a size twelve? Absolutely not. Yes, we must take care of ourselves, but your worth is not measured by the size on your shirt tag or the numbers on a scale. Your worth is measured by God, and he loves you very much. You are perfect in his eyes. Beautiful, in fact.

What about yourself don’t you like? God made you in his image, creating you just right. Take care of yourself but dwell on other things. Our bodies are temporary. Our souls are not.

January 9

Know Your Worth

She is more precious than jewels,

and nothing you desire can compare with her.


Now that we remember our immeasurable worth to God, what shall we do next? Stop comparing your hair or body to others. From the balcony of heaven, it won’t matter what your jean size ever was. Why waste a moment with our short time on earth obsessed with things that don’t matter in the light of eternity? Society has bought a lie that our outward appearance is everything. Everything. And we are no different. We pour energy into making ourselves look better on the outside.

We waste hours and years comparing ourselves to an impossible standard and waste still more years being unhappy with the way we were created. And why? We have tricked ourselves into believing our worth is measured in numbers. Height. Weight. Dress size. Shoe size.

No more. Take back those years. Know in your mind that you are loved the way God created you, and you will no longer allow society to demand that you change. Hold your head high and love yourself the way God loves you. The way God made you. Every time a feeling washes over you that causes you to think you are not good enough, thank God for your healthy brain, arms that move, legs that walk, and eyes that see.

Focus on how God sees you. Perfect. Loved. Daughter of the King. A precious jewel who was worth dying for. Jesus took care of your eternal life. Live like that matters. And smile. Because you are beautiful.

January 10


This is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us.

1 JOHN 5:14 NKJV

Why are we surprised when God breaks through and answers our prayers? God promises to be completely faithful, and with his faithfulness comes breakthrough and change. So why are we continually surprised? Lack of faith? Maybe. Caught off guard? Maybe. Remember how he is in your details? Those details can surprise us. A little present from God falls into our lap, and a smile creeps across our face. We’re suddenly reminded that he promised to show up.

We all love answers to prayer. They’re closure. Peace. Knowing what God expects of us. Demands of us. Wants for us. Sometimes God comes with a bold answer spoken to your face from the least likely person. That’s when you know it’s powerfully God. Those times can knock a person off her feet. Leave her breathless.

We never know when God will answer our prayers. We must be ready to meet him whether he slips into the room or comes with thunderous applause. Expect it. His perfect, precious timing may surprise us, but he comes when he ordains it. We can’t rush life. Or God. I know it’s hard. Painful, really, not to be in charge. Look for the details that remind you God is working. Then when he shows up in a powerful answer to prayer, you won’t be as surprised. Look for him every day. He’s here and everywhere.

Are you surprised when God helps you? Do you see him working in your life?

Do you keep looking, knowing he will? Where did you see him today?

January 11

Continued Trust

Again, I will put my trust in him.


Submitting to God and giving him every drop of worry will happen again and again. Over and over. Why? Because we’re human and we forget. Our minds are trained to worry when our future is unclear. When life is as clear as mud, we worry. When we don’t know what is going to happen, we automatically turn to worry. Almost every time. I personally like to plan to the nth degree. Yep. I’m a details girl. Plan the summer vacation in early winter. Shop ahead for Christmas and birthday gifts. Yes, I once was one of those women who grocery shopped for an entire month all at once. Even fruit? Well, no, and I never went as far as freezing milk either, but that’s another devotion entirely.

The point is this: far into the future, I like to know what I will be doing. I like to be ready. Prepared for anything. (Yes, I was a Girl Scout.) I’m not huge on spur-of-the-moment adventures, so the detour my life took was uncomfortable. Extremely uncomfortable. It was not on my radar.

And so the pattern begins: crisis, crying out to God, and asking him to take it away and solve your every problem. He faithfully provides strength and peace, not necessarily solving the problem. Worry creeps back. Fear enslaves you, and you are back to panic mode. You remember God and ask him again to help you. He does, and peace floods your precious soul.

The cycle of giving things to God and picking them back up affects all of us. We must remember to leave our worries at the foot of the cross.

What did you just give to God?

January 12

Again and Again

The LORD says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life.

I will advise you and watch over you.”


Daily give your worries to God, again and again. There is no other way. Because worry creeps back into your mind through vulnerable moments, uncovering your hidden fears. When that happens—and believe me, it will—fix your eyes on Jesus. Thank him for your incredible details, which are proof of his faithfulness to you. Thank him for your lessons and how much you’ve grown. Going through the fires of life, we don’t come out unscathed. We have scars. Battle scars. But those make us more beautiful. More real. More personable and relatable to others.

Even those of us with strong faith have days or moments when our hearts break from the smallest disappointment, responding with human distress instead of godly wisdom or peace. That’s okay. Allow yourself that liberty to not be perfect. But in those times, you must recognize the ungodly influence wanting to pull you back down into that pit. Stand strong and whisper the precious name of Jesus. Ask him to relieve you of your burdens and worries. God will reward you with peace. Sweet peace that passes all understanding.

In return, you must not allow your mind to return to that dark prison of worry and fear. Don’t entertain thoughts of doubt or worry. You must choose life. You must trust. Again and again. Ask God to help you plan your year, your day, your each and every minute. Every time a worry pops into your tired brain, pop it back into the arms of Jesus. He wants it. Again and again.

What is it you’re giving to Jesus today, this very minute? Stand strong and keep giving him your worries.

January 13

He Takes the Battle

“You shall not fear them,

for it is the LORD your God who fights for you.”


You can’t afford to lie down and die. You can’t surrender yourself and your family to death or defeat. You must fight. Fight like you’ve never fought before. When your family is pulled under, they are depending on you. Future generations are depending on you. Lives will be changed forever depending upon your will to fight. What are you fighting for? Stability. Freedom. For God to be ever present during trials. To walk through with God’s strength. To feel his peace and a deepening trust in him.

People are watching you. Yes, they really are. Your children, friends, church family, acquaintances—people you don’t know but who know your people are watching. I know, it’s quite the list. Feeling a little pressure to perform? Well, a little pressure and push to fight are alright, but just don’t accept any perfection guilt. When you surrender your cause to God, allowing him to fight with you, he takes the battle. You are simply the messenger. You are not performing for others, just for your faithful God. God calls us to fight for our families. If we don’t answer the call, who will?

It’s not easy to fight. It’s exhausting. But isn’t it reassuring to know God is right there with you? How will you keep fighting for your family today?

January 14

Worth the Fight

“Our God will fight for us.”


Fighting for your family might be exhausting, but it is worth it. Your testimony stands. It speaks louder than any word you shout from the hilltop. When life overwhelms you and your world is crashing down, people expect you to fall. To give up. When instead you rise to fight, people notice. When you fight, allowing God to work through you, lifting your family up out of the pit, people take note. Personal trials from real people speak volumes.

God becomes real to others when we speak of his faithfulness through our tears. God is real to others when our flesh is marked by life’s trials. God is real to them when the battle scars written on our faces proclaim the testimony of God. Don’t for a minute think you are only fighting for your family. No, even more is at stake. Your testimony. And God’s. Others watch to see what you will do, how you will respond, and what God will do for you. Your fight begins in your home, but its light extends to the world’s doorstep.

Bless yourself, your family, and the testimony of almighty God by fighting for his work. It’s a long journey, and it’s impossible to say just how long. Some of our fights are longer than others. And weariness can set in at the most inopportune times. But take heart. God’s faithfulness will endure, and with him by your side, anything can and will happen. Like miracles. Go out and fight. Don’t give up. It’s completely and utterly worth it.

What is your testimony? Does that give you a reason to hold your head high? Are you deciding that with God’s help, you will someday have a testimony for God’s glory?

January 15

Constant Conversation

My tongue will talk of your righteous help all the day long.


God wants all of you. He wants desperately to be your all in all. How do you begin to know his heart for you? Constant conversation—a never-ending conversation with God. You might be thinking, You’re kidding, right? God wants to know about the missing socks, the broken garage door, or the mouse trap? Yep! He knows you inside and out and wants you to know him the same way. We have the most incredible opportunity in the world to seek God’s face. We can become his companion. His companion!

My conversations with God are never-ending. I chat with him about everything. I thank him for blessing me with my loved ones, job, church, and the plethora of material possessions just to scratch the surface. I thank him for looking out for me, giving me my heart’s desire. I ask him to be with me, to plan each moment. I ask him to intervene in different situations, to lead me down the path he has for me, and to give me an abundance of love for others.

During the day, I pop in with different things: a thank you for that unexpected surprise on my desk or help when I begin waving that white flag yet again. The only way I can explain it is constant conversation. A never-ending chat with my best friend. He knows my every thought. He is as close as the wind on my face. His hugs and tender peace wrap me up every day.

How about you? Ever talk to God with more than a simple prayer once a day?

Try it. You’ll be amazed at the difference it makes.

January 16


For God alone, O my soul, wait in silence,

for my hope is from him.


Why is it that those little things can send us crashing to the floor in utter despair? If we are so dependent on God, little issues shouldn’t even phase us. Frankly, we shouldn’t notice them. But we do. Life is absolutely full of disappointments, but we must take each one with a grain of salt. Expectations are a double-edged sword. On the one hand, we are full of happy anticipation. Yet at the same time, we can crumble in an absolute instant when what we thought would happen never even materializes.

How can we be happy one minute and sad the next? How is it that our emotions are so ridiculously unstable, relying on human strength and forgetting that God is in control and the author of all things? How can we possibly forget that? It’s unfortunately too easy. Following Jesus and surrendering to his perfect will is a constant process. Dying to ourselves is constant. Never ending. Here’s the good news: if we remember God is in control and he has our back, then we can take disappointments in stride. What does it matter if things don’t go our way? What is our way? Is it God’s way? God is not at all surprised by life. He’s seen it all, knowing the beginning from the end. Relax and take each disappointment in stride. Recognize that life will be full of times when things don’t go our way. And that’s okay.

What disappointments regularly fill your heart? How do you react? Throw everything back to God. Even the little disappointments.

Because God cares about those too.

January 17

Solving Disappointment

He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress;

I shall not be greatly shaken.


Ah, disappointment. Really rather horrid, am I right? Nobody ever wants to be disappointed. But we will be, again and again. Knowing this, what should we do? How should we proceed? Pray about your day before your feet hit the floor. Remember how much God loves you and wants to help your every move. Next time you begin to swallow disappointment, the next time your eyes are tempted to well up with tears, beg God to intervene and replace your fear with hope.

That’s what disappointment really is at the core: fear. We fear (fill in the blank) will never improve or always rear its ugly head. Notice the words never and always. Kind of inflammatory, aren’t they? But that’s how we think.

Instead, look at things from the prism of everlasting life. From the balcony of heaven, will your disappointment matter? No, it won’t. All disappointment feels significant to us. But truly, in the grander scheme of life, does it matter? The next time you are faced with a moment of disappointment, turn it into a smile of expectation. God is saying no to something so he can say yes later. And if he has our back, if he wants the very best for us, and if he has a plan, then why not dare to smile. Later is okay. Later is best. According to God, it is.

How will you choose to react the next time disappointment smacks you in the face? Will you let the devil win by sending your attitude into the toilet? Choose life instead.

January 18

Choose to Move On

Trust in him at all times, O people;

pour out your heart before him;

God is a refuge for us.


Disappointments are going to happen. Often. Regularly. So have a plan. That’s half the battle. Is it okay to be disappointed? Absolutely. It’s a real emotion. But don’t dwell on it. Feel the disappointment but then let it go. Give it to God. Return to that daily constant conversation. Ask him to take it, returning your thoughts to the next task at hand. When disappointment sneaks back into your brain, throw it out. Read the list of details you created. Remind yourself how great your life really is.

Danger comes with dwelling on discontentment. Consuming your mind with disappointment, your emotions fall into the pit. You become a mess, and everything in life is suddenly cast in a negative light. Your entire life now seems like it’s in the toilet. Once you fall into the pit of despair, it’s hard to climb out. It’s the difference between wasted hours versus wasted moments. We can spend hours feeling awful or allow a mere moment of disappointment before choosing to move on. It’s okay to be disappointed. It will happen. So have a plan.

Change your thoughts to God. Talk to him about it, asking him to help you. Move on. He has your back, so take your peace. Whether it’s a broken dish, a child’s bad attitude, or a failed marriage, God has it covered. He holds your future. The price of despair isn’t worth the moments and hours of self-pity. Trust me. I know.

What is your plan when disappointment comes your way? Have you made your list of God’s details or blessings yet? Recognize the moment and choose to live in peace.

January 19

Waiting for Perfection

Wait for the LORD; be strong,

and let your heart take courage;

wait for the LORD!


Stuck in the mud because you are waiting for something flawless? Hate to burst your bubble, but you’ll be waiting for years. We live in a broken world, and nothing is perfect. No plan, no situation, no person. We pray and pray for God to reveal his plan to us. To take our heart’s desires and bring us his blessings. We expect God to go over our list and produce perfection. And we wait until he has dotted every i and crossed every t. On our list.

When God answers you, he may not provide you with a perfect dish. His answer might not look exactly like you pictured. Change your picture. Ask God to fill you with his plan. Ask him to fill you with the desires of his heart for you. The job or plan he has for you may involve something less than ideal in your mind. But know it’s for you when God lays it on your heart in his perfect timing. Sometimes we end up waiting longer than we want to simply because the answer is not perfect. His answer does not match our list exactly. Ouch. We assume if it’s God’s will, everything will be in perfect order. The heavens will open and glory hallelujah will ring in our ears. Don’t wait for perfection. Pray and trust that God will show you his way. And when he delivers, make sure you’re home. Or you’ll miss it and wonder why he never came.

What are you waiting for? Is it on your list or God’s? Match your list with what God has for you. Stop waiting for everything to be perfect before acting.

January 20

Front Row

I call upon you, for you will answer me, O God;

incline your ear to me; hear my words.


Let God do what he is going to do. Simply be. Relax. Leave everything up to him. Feeling anxious? Ask God to work through you. Become a vessel through which he can accomplish his great purpose. Give him your heart. And the rest of you as well. Ask him to use your hands and feet for his purposes. You just have to be willing. How will he use your words of blessings to a friend’s heart? How will he use your hands to scoop up a frightened child? How will he lift your child’s pain through your hugs? Can he use you? You bet. You’re important. A valuable piece of the puzzle.

Can he accomplish his ways without you? Sure, because he can do anything. But why would you want to miss out on his blessings? Why not have a front row seat to his miracles? Doubt, that’s why. How can God possibly use me? I have nothing to give. I’m just an ordinary person. Nothing special. Stop entertaining lies of your worth. God created you, and he never makes mistakes. When we surrender ourselves to God, allowing him to use us, his blessings flow out into the hearts and souls who desperately need a touch from God. You can be that touch. You can be the hands and feet of Jesus. Why not pull up a chair right to the front row? It will be the best show ever.

Will you surrender to God today? How will you be available to God for him to use you? Look for ways for him to bless others through your capable hands.

January 21

Whispers of Doubt

He brought me out into a broad place; he rescued me,

because he delighted in me.


Whispers in your ear. We’ve all heard them. Lies whispered into our very heart and soul. You’re so not worth it. You’ll never get it right. He doesn’t really love you. You’re ugly. Your boss is simply waiting for a chance to fire you. Your parents don’t care. In fact, no one cares. You’re nothing. Pure lies. Lies from the pit of hell. Yet we believe them. Looking at them in print, they are rather shocking, aren’t they? Are they more believable as thoughts? Maybe. They shouldn’t be. Lies are lies in whatever form they take. You shouldn’t believe every thought that marches into your head. Match up the whispers with the truth. Are you worth it? God says you are. You are so worth it that he died just for you. Is God faithful? Absolutely. So you can trust him. And he is so very good to us.

When you start believing the whispers of doubt, your trust waivers. Stop. Whispers of doubt are common. Too common. Before you know it, you are doubting the very path on which God has placed you. Before you let the whispers carry you into the pit of despair, marry them with truth. Find your list of details God has faithfully provided. Choose to focus on those. Purpose your mind to acknowledge God, refusing those whispers of lies. Set your mind to remember God’s truth that you know deep within your heart. When you do, those whispers of doubt will dance away as quickly as they came. Poof.

What lies are you believing today? How long have you believed them? Recognize the whispers of doubt. Focus instead on God’s truth.

January 22


Grace to you and peace

from God our Father

and the Lord Jesus Christ.


By definition, grace is unearned. Undeserved. But it’s what we all desperately need. It’s a blanket of peace that touches our soul. Where would we be without it? We’d be shells of bitterness. Worthless, if you want to know what I really think. But if you expect grace for yourself—if you crave it because you constantly fall down—you must extend grace personally to others. Not just once. But all the time. Constantly. Because it’s not about you. It’s not about what you do and don’t deserve. People will fail you. Guaranteed.

Is it hard, even painful, to extend grace to others? Yep. Cranky teenagers who forget to love you back. Spouses who don’t agree with you. Unforgiving coworkers. Drivers who cut you off. Remember, they don’t deserve grace from you. But that’s why God requests this of us.

What about you? You need to extend grace to yourself as well. When you mess up, give yourself grace. Armfuls of grace. Don’t beat yourself up. Build yourself and others with grace instead.

What areas of your life demand more grace than others? How can you deliver God’s grace to others and yourself?

January 23

Moving into Grace

He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you,

for my power is made perfect in weakness.”


Here’s a news flash. Are you ready? No one is perfect. Not one. You aren’t perfect, your spouse isn’t perfect, and the lady at the grocery store isn’t either. Expect disappointment. Expect people to fail you. Assuming we aren’t referring to abuse (which, in that case, is another matter entirely), grace must be given regularly to others. Liberally. How much grace does God give you? As much as you need. So how many times should you give grace to others and yourself? As many as necessary. That means a lot. Probably more than you are dishing out now.

But I don’t want to. You might think that it’s more fun to hold grudges and make people pay for hurting you. Yes, I know. I’ve been to that party. Ever look around when you’re there? Look at their faces. Anger. Brokenness. Sadness. Void of emotion. Revenge. Not the party at which I want to stay.

Next time you’re invited to hold a grudge or react in anger, try grace. Stop your brain dead in its tracks and invite Jesus to take control of your thoughts, your reactions. Grace. Just speak the word, and your brain will begin focusing on it. Change the thought, extend grace, and you’ll be simply amazed at your peaceful heart. Let’s stop living in Grudgeville and Poor Me Place. Move to Graceville. There’s plenty of room to move right in. And I hear the weather is simply lovely today.

How will you react the next time someone crosses you? Will you nurse a grudge, or will you release it? Your attitude five minutes later will let you know.

January 24


He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High

will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.


Don’t you just love snuggling up with a cozy soft blanket? Especially when you are feeling ill or a bit glum, wrapping up in a blanket seems so comforting. It’s almost like we are wrapped in safety and peace. An escape. God wants to wrap you in his arms of love, secure under his wings.

Psalm 91:4 declares, “He will cover you with his pinions [feathers], and under his wings you will find refuge.” Isn’t that comforting? You are free to snuggle in under God’s protection, cozy and safe. He wants you there, safe and sound. You might be surrounded by disaster and drama, but when you abide in him, your heart will stay at peace. Why? Because he has your back. Your soul finds refuge in him. Your focus on the drama is clouded by his presence. Look to God for your security. Talk about feeling safe! He holds you in the palm of his hand. There’s no other place to be.

How will you abide in him, safe and sound from the chaos of the world? Picture yourself protected by almighty God. Because you are.

January 25

Help Is on the Way

The steadfast love of the LORD is from everlasting to everlasting on those who fear him, and his righteousness to children’s children, to those who keep his covenant and remember to do his commandments.

PSALM 103:17–18 ESV

Since God has our back and knows our every thought, our every need, and our every heart’s desire, did you ever consider the fact that his help is already on its way—before we even think of our need? Before we bow our knees in prayer, his answer is on its way, coming at his perfect timing. Not our timing, but his. He is sending unexpectedly wonderful things. Redeeming us. Bringing us blessings in all the right places.

He sets things in motion before we utter our first prayer. He knows the beginning from the end. If your heart truly rests with the heart of God, you can be assured help is on the way. It’s been coming ever since God thought of it. He knows all things. He knows what is best. And he loves you like crazy. As you pray and trust God’s provision, be on the lookout for that help to arrive. And smile. Because it’s already on the way.

What are you trusting God with? Smile because he’s got this—and more.

January 26

Yes, God, I’m Listening

He satisfies the longing soul,

and the hungry soul he fills with good things.


Sometimes I feel God speaking to me, urging me to once again trust and rest in him. You’re still holding the reins. You still want control, he tells me. Every time an issue pops up on the horizon, I turn to worry instead of trust. Yes, the car needs new tires and new brakes. Instead of calmly carving out time to buy them, I let that issue build into a larger problem. And I solved your problem, didn’t I? I sense God reminding me. I sent you help. I worked out the details. I’m moving you exactly where I want you. Flinging the doors wide open and slamming shut the one behind you. Relax.

He knows the beginning from the end, and he is with you every step of the way. When your mind begins to focus on the unknown, stop. Look back. Hasn’t God solved things for you so far? He hasn’t brought you this far to leave you high and dry on the side of a lonely road. You are loved and taken care of. God created you for his glory and to be a blessing to others. You can’t possibly reflect God’s love to others if you are dressed in fear. Shed that ugly wardrobe and walk with him. Trust me, he says. I will light your steps and help your face shine with wonder. Good things are in store for you. Drop the reins. Let him pick them up for you. You’re in this together.

Are you still holding the reins of your life? Will you cast away fear, dressing yourself in God’s peace instead?

January 27


She opens her mouth with wisdom,

and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.


In the quiet of my heart, God gently reminds me of how his fingerprints are all over my life. I look around and see him. From when I was a little girl dreaming of my future, I wanted the life I have now. I wanted to have a pile of kids and a home, creating a haven for my family in this crazy world. I wanted to shower them with God’s love, covering them from head to toe. I wanted to guide them down the path of life and kiss them with grace when they fell. I dreamed of reading them stories while we snuggled on the couch and baking loads of yummy cookies together. I wanted to make my children cozy quilts, dance with them to loud music, and laugh till we cried. I am so thankful God has given me the very desires of my heart as a mother.

Is life easy? No way. Has God always been there? From giggles to cleaning up disgusting messes, he has been. Every step of the way. Every single step. I know I’m far from perfect. We moms are the first to admit we don’t have it all figured out. But our hearts are here. We wear them on our sleeves. We love and we nurture, trying our best to make our homes the safest place in the world. And when we look back at being a mother, we don’t remember how we failed to wash every dish or wipe every tear. We grin instead at all the memories.

What memories make you grin? Even if you aren’t a mother, what do you smile about when looking back at your childhood? God is so good to give us mothers.

January 28

Success of Mothering

She looks well to the ways of her household

and does not eat the bread of idleness.


Instead of measuring your success as a mom against impossible worldly standards, instead of looking at others and comparing your faults to their successes, sit down in the quiet of your soul. Know your very best is enough. God chose you to mother your children. You. And he doesn’t make mistakes, remember?

When you choose to look for God’s precious details, when you open your eyes and really look around, you will see God’s blessings shouting forth. Your children. Your home. Your beloved. Notice them. Even if you’re single, your details are personally yours from God. Your space. Your job. Your family.

God notices you. He sees your struggles and the tears in the corner of your eye. He feels your uncertainty as a mom. That’s right where he wants you. Depending on him. Just as your children depend on you for their very existence, depend on God for wisdom and strength. His supply is never-ending, and he is here to take care of you. He holds mothers up with his strong hands. Let him help you. Give him the million rocks you carry and rest knowing he’s got you. And don’t forget to smile. Because you are beautiful. Absolutely stunning, in fact.

Remember God notices you. He sees you and deeply cares. Each day, remember to ask him to fill you up as only he can. As a mom, you need that.

January 29

A Heart of Thankfulness

I give thanks to you, O Lord my God, with my whole heart,

and I will glorify your name forever.