Walk With Me Jesus - Marie Chapian - E-Book

Walk With Me Jesus E-Book

Marie Chapian



ECPA Bronze Milestone Sales Award for more than 100,000 sold. In this one-year devotional, God pours out his heart of compassion in a powerful way. Each daily meditation expresses the unconditional love of our heavenly Father that will spark your heart with passion and joy. Take the hand of Jesus every day, and be encouraged and renewed as you learn to walk confidently in his extravagant love for you.

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BroadStreet Publishing Group LLC.

Racine, Wisconsin, USA



© 2015 Marie Chapian

ISBN 978-1-4245-5048-7 (hard cover)

ISBN 978-1-4245-5049-4 (e-book)

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Guide me in your truth and teach me,for you are God my Savior,and my hope is in you all day long.





January 1

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January 13

January 14

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January 18

January 19

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January 31


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Maria Chapian


“Seek first the kingdom of God andHis righteousness, and all these thingsshall be added to you.”


January 1

Today, don’t just live–

Live your fullest.

Rise up and take your divine calling

in Me to a higher level

at the beginning of this new year.

The beauty of your presence isn’t skin-deep;

it’s spirit-deep.

Your presence brings

the aroma of heaven with you.

You’re going to spread your wings

and soar high like eagles this year.

You’re going to run and not get tired.

You’re going to walk and not fall behind.

Today, look into the mirror of your soul

and see Me!

Rise up in the fullness

of your life and enjoy running

and walking in a world blessed

by your spirit-blessed presence.

JOHN 10:10; PSALMS 16:11, 140:13;


January 2

Acknowledge the small things

in your life today.

Learn from the things you drop

and pick up, and drop again.

Learn from listening.

Learn from your sweet acts

of patience and tolerance.

Be happier because of this day.

There’s much to learn

from the small things

you ordinarily take for granted.

A single blade of grass

in the wind can teach you much.

Honor this day and be thankful.

Your thankful heart is the heart of eternity.

Zechariah 4:10; Psalm 107:8; 1 Corinthians 15:57

January 3

I care about your whole self.

There isn’t one aspect of your life

that I’m not concerned about.

Emotions can often hurt

the deepest, even more

than physical disruptions.

I can heal the most hidden hurts

of your heart, so I ask you

to release everything to Me today.

I’m here to renew and refresh you

in your body and your soul.

I’m here to show you a new way

of loving and believing in yourself,

so you’ll stand strong and not waver

from the work that’s set before you.

Exodus 15:26; Psalms 55:22, 147:3; Revelation 21:5;

Hebrews 10:23; Philippians 3:13-14

January 4

There’s no shame anywhere around

when you’re locked in tight with Me,

because I’m the one who wipes out

all of your soul blunders

and transgressions

for My own sake.

I absolutely will not remember

your sins, so this means

you’re positively free

to be all you can be

as a vibrant, cleaned up,

pure and wholesome child of God.

You’re good now,

so drop the past and anything that’ll keep you

from the good life I planned for you

from the beginning.

Trust Me, dear one.

You have a beautiful future.

1 John 1:9; Hebrews 8:12; Isaiah 43:25, 55:7;

Proverbs 3:5-6; Jeremiah 29:11

January 5

Don’t be anxious about anything today.

Tell Me what you need

with a thankful heart,

knowing I’m answering you.

I want you to experience inner peace

that far surpasses human understanding

because it’s this peace that stands guard

over your heart and your mind.

Fix your mind on the things

that are true, noble, just, pure, lovely,

reputable, and praiseworthy.

Think about what’s beautiful, not ugly;

things that are good, not evil.

Stop robbing yourself by cogitating on

the wrong things,

and focus on enriching your life

with goodness.

Philippians 4:6,8; Proverbs 23:7; Isaiah 26:3; Psalm 23:6

January 6

Today is a day to turn to your friends

for strength and support.

I’ve said that if two of you agree on earth

about anything that you ask for,

it’ll be done for you by My Father in heaven.

There’s great strength, love, and comfort

to be had with your friends.

Don’t be shy

about asking for help when you need it.

When you’re together with friends in My name,

I’m there in your midst.

I love unity and the fervent pursuit

to see My will done.

You need one another.

As you’re strengthened, helped, and encouraged

by others, you’re doing the same for them.

This is a gift you give and receive, and it’s My will.

Matthew 18:19-20; Ecclesiastes 4:9; Romans 12:10,13

January 7

Creation and goodness are synonymous

with Me, so today focus on that which is good.

It’s altogether too easy

for you to fill your mind

with unpleasant stuff.

When you focus on My good benefits

and all the goodness

I’ve surrounded you with,

you’ll attract more goodness to yourself,

which in turn will become

an impenetrable wall

against negativity and soul-harm.

Your Father in heaven who loves you

didn’t create anything in the earth realm

that’s not good. Every good

and perfect gift comes from God,

and you’re the crowning glory

of everything created.

See and recognize

the goodness around you and in you.

Today, treat yourself

as My crowning glory.

Genesis 1; James 1:17; Psalms 23:6, 103:10

January 8

I want to have the opportunity

to operate in your life

through the words you speak today.

Be extra-aware of the words you speak today

because that tongue of yours is a powerful tool.

It possesses the power of death and life,

so think about what you say.

Consider your words a creative force that can birth

joy and hope, as well as misery.

The things you talk about during the day

can produce life and happiness,

or they can kill and wreck things.

Choose your words,

dear one, choose them carefully,

and let Me speak through you.

Proverbs 18:21; Ephesians 4:15;

2 Timothy 1:13; Psalms 12:6, 19:14

January 9

Realize you have unlimited resources in you.

The more you acknowledge

and recognize the favor

I give you in your life,

the more you’ll be able

to believe what I can do

in the lives of others through you.

Use what you have from Me

to help others and build them up.

Matthew 5:13-16

January 10

My Holy Spirit isn’t restricted

by dreams or desires that you think

are too big to fulfill.

Pay attention

to the enormity of your potential.

My Holy Spirit is working for you,

so knock

and keep on knocking.


No dream of yours is too big.

1 John 4:4; Philemon 1:6; John 16:7-13;

Romans 8:26-27; Matthew 7:7

January 11

I love to answer your prayers.

Your answered prayers

bring glory to Me.

I’ve made you a model

of answered prayer.

From now on be allergic to anything

that tries to diminish My power

to answer prayer.

Stand fast.

Be strong and resolute,

and you’ll know for certain

that I can never fail you.

Live who you are today and serve Me

even if it’s without receiving credit.

I’ll reward you. I see everything.

Matthew 21:22; Hebrews 4:16, 10:23; 1 Corinthians 1:31

January 12

Don’t be afraid of problems.

Don’t shrink from them.

Don’t you know you were created for problems?

No one on earth can handle problems

like you because you’re empowered within

to rise above the snares and barbs

of the world to prevail

in all circumstances.

My Spirit in you is greater

than any problem you’ll ever face.

It’s by My Spirit that you rise up

and take the authority

I’ve given you to overcome and come out on top.

Today, be brave.

Be strong.

Be fabulous for Me.

James 1:12; 1 John 4:4; Zechariah 4:6; Deuteronomy 31:6

January 13

I’m unchanging love.

I’m your love and we’re beautiful together.

See Me for who I am today,

and you’ll see yourself

for who you are. There’s no way

to truly know yourself without looking

into the mirror of heaven,

and seeing your reflection there.

I’ve written you on the palms of My hands,

and your name is on the dotted line

in My Book of Life,

so it’s time to become familiar

with the beautiful aspects

and qualities of yourself

that reflect My aspects and qualities.

I want you to respect

who you are as My child today

because when you do,

you’ll walk in wisdom and integrity

and avoid much heartache.

1 John 4:8; Romans 5:5; Isaiah 49:16

January 14

Healing and victory are yours.

In the mind of the Father

you’re a hero.

You’re a conqueror.

Whoever is born of God

overcomes the world

and its many troubles.

My triumph on the cross

is your triumph.

My victory over death

is your victory.

All that I did when

I was on the earth was for you,

just for you, so you could live

an abundant life now,

dynamic, whole, and undefeated.

Take what’s yours today

and live!

Isaiah 53:5; Romans 8:37; John 10:10

January 15

I’m a God of abundance, and I’ve promised

to bless you in all things.

When you talk on about your lack of strength

or ability, you’re giving credit

to your adversary for blinding you to the truth

of the abundance you possess.

Yes, things can be discouraging. I understand,

but let Me hold you up.

Throw your doubts and worries into the pit

with your adversary, the devil.

I’ll never leave you to figure things out

on your own without direction

and intervention; never.

You always have My love

caressing and watching over you

even when it feels like

you’re a million miles away from Me.

It’s impossible for Me to break a promise.

Believe today, and look inside at

what wonderful faith burns in you.

Matthew 12:37; Mark 13:31; Titus 1:2; 1 Peter 1:7

January 16

Who are you afraid of?

You’re redeemed from every earthly curse.

Shake off your heavy chains today.

You aren’t who you used to be.

The old you is gone, out of the picture.

Forget about it.

Proclaim today that I’m your strength

and your wisdom. Proclaim that I’m

your complete and perfect new life.

In Me you aren’t the person you once were.

I’ve given you a new heart with a new capacity

for deeper love and greater understanding.

Use what I’ve given you today.

Luke 12:7; 2 Corinthians 9:13; Ezekiel 36:26;

1 Thessalonians 5:24; Job 36:11

January 17

Believe My Word

and believe what I have given you today

to be strong in the world.

Get up, take the authority I have given you

and proclaim your healing.

Proclaim what is yours as My child.

Every time you talk about your troubles

you weaken your faith.

Talk about

what I’ve overcome for you.

Talk about the blessings

I’ve blessed you with and the everlasting love

that has forgiven you of every sin.

Talk about how strong you are in Me

and show the world who you are.

Galatians 2:20; Luke 10:19

January 18

Faith is a wonderful gift, dear one,

and when you beg Me for faith

you tend to focus on

what you think you don’t have.

I say exercise what you do have!

Yes, you have faith, and when you

focus on what you think

you don’t have, you increase doubt

about yourself and about Me.

Don’t you see?

You’re praying for what

I’ve already given you!

When I tell you that I know My thoughts

toward you, it means My thoughts

are on you continually.

I know what I’m thinking about at all times!

I know Myself and I know My mind.

You live in My mind.

Allow Me to live in your mind.

1 Corinthians 12:9; Luke 17:5; Jeremiah 29:11; Genesis 22:17

January 19

I’m giving you new insight into things,

but you must remain positive and confident

that the details of your life are working together

for good, and I know what I’m doing.

Things are going to become clearer to you

as you step forward in faith

assured that I’m in control.

Nothing can defeat you when heaven

lives in you.

Think about this.

You can go through anything

and endure anything because inside you

lives the majestic and glorious power

and presence of heaven.

I am heaven.

I am all-in-all,

so bolster yourself up

with a new surge of confidence now.

Colossians 3:10; Romans 1:17, 8:28;

1 John 5:4; Hebrews 13:6; Philippians 1:6

January 20

Fill your words with grace today.

Be gentle, be kind,

for there’s great reward in kindness,

demonstrating the generosity of God.

When you show acts of kindness,

no matter how small,

you’re acting in agreement

with My desires to release blessings

into the world.

You’re called to live

in the blessing you’re blessed with,

so show yourself thoughtful.

Be ever on the lookout to do good

and bring acts and words of kindness

wherever you go.

Proverbs 19:22, 31:26; 2 Corinthians 6:6; Galatians 5:22

January 21

I’m increasing your creativity.

Write down your ideas and your thoughts.

Allow Me to speak to you and show you

new ways of handling problems

and concerns that are too big for you alone.

As you pray and ask for direction and guidance,

I’ll answer you with revelation and understanding

into My Word and into your life situation.

Expect divinely inspired ideas.

Pay attention to them and meditate

on all that I give you

and you’ll see much fruit as a result.

Proverbs 6:22-23, 8:12; Psalms 32:8, 45:1; Matthew 7:20

January 22

It’s time to act on

that which you’ve been putting off.

The time has come to do something

you haven’t wanted to do.

New spiritual gifts and blessings

are waiting for you

as you take the necessary steps

to accomplish the things

you’ve been ignoring

and putting off for later.

It’s your day of break-through,

so be brave and plunge ahead

to get the task done.

Don’t be afraid; I’m with you!

Colossians 3:23-24; 1 Corinthians 14:12, 16:13;

Ephesians 5:9; Proverbs 8:17

January 23

What things in your life

are weighing you down today?

Are your own thoughts about yourself

obstructing My thoughts toward you?

Examine your doubts and your fears

to see if they line up with My purposes

and plans for your life as I’ve made clear

in My Word.

I’ve made you necessary

in the world and I am guiding you

by My hand perfectly.

What you consider a devastating detour

is to Me a simple hiccough along the way.

Never allow your thoughts

to stray into the dark corners of self-doubt.

Be confident today in your calling

and in My complete, undying love for you.

Colossians 1:13; 1 Corinthians 7:20; Psalms 16:11, 37:23;

Jeremiah 29:11; 1 John 4:16-17

January 24

There always seems

to be too much to do, dear one.

More people and more responsibilities

are asking for your time.

You can’t do it all on your own,

so lean on Me rather than

your own strength.

This is the moment

to lean on others to help you.

I’ve not called you to stressful, endless labor.

You’re not an island.

Don’t be ashamed to reach out for help.

I’ll give you others to share the load,

and doing so you’ll see a multiplication

of blessing on all you accomplish.

You’ll create more happiness and lasting fruit

when you include others.

Psalms 20:2, 34:3, 133; Matthew 18:20; Exodus 18:17-23

January 25

I find no fault in you, dear one,

for your sins have been forgiven.

I don’t define your future by your past.

Your future is defined by My will

and My love for you,

not by what’s taken place in the past.

Shame and doubt belong at the foot

of the cross because I want

sunshine and light to shower

upon you.

Bundle up every sin,

mistake, and wrong choice and chuck them

in the garbage bin of forgiven dead stuff.

I never visit there

and neither should you.

What’s finished is finished;

jump into new life today with joy.