When God Calls the Heart at Christmas - Brian Bird - E-Book

When God Calls the Heart at Christmas E-Book

Brian Bird



Celebrate Christmas in Hope Valley Christmas truly is the most wonderful time of the year. Whether it's in the fictional town of Hope Valley in the early 1900s or in our lives today, nothing is more profound than celebrating God's most important gift to the world. When God Calls the Heart at Christmas is about a celebration of faith, family, friends, and the most meaningful Yuletide traditions. Inspired by best-selling author Janette Oke and the Hallmark Channel original TV series When Calls the Heart, these twenty-five devotions not only explore "God-moments" from the series, but also commemorate favorite holiday recipes, stories, and traditions—many of them contributed by the Hearties, the beloved fans of the show.  Journey with us to Hope Valley as we focus on all the reasons for this most blessed season. As shepherds and angels learned on that holy night so long ago, when God calls the heart at Christmas, you can expect a celebration.

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A new Christmas tradition at our home has begun—a cup of tea, a cozy corner, and a daily reading from When God Calls the Heart at Christmas. The short devotions in this book warm my heart. The verses and questions help me pause and reflect on what really matters as we celebrate the most important time of the year. Being a Heartie makes each entry (and the recipes!) feel like a special delight as I connect with other Hearties around the world. I hope this sweet book becomes a new Christmas tradition for you too.

—ROBIN JONES GUNN, author of ninety books, including the novels that inspired the Father Christmas movies on Hallmark Movies & Mystery channel

When God Calls the Heart at Christmas is a homecoming, a healing spot for rest when you need a reprieve from a world that shouts “Run! Worry! Doubt!” It offers a gentler version of the Christmas season by giving us permission to relax, to enjoy each other, and to take quiet time to wonder at the miracle of the Christ child. You will be blessed by this book!

—KAY MOSER, novelist, author of the Aspiring Hearts Series

I am a big fan of Brian Bird and Michelle Cox. I’ve known them for many years and have always looked forward to watching or reading what comes out of their creative minds. Now they join forces in a spectacular way by bringing us into the center of Christmas with stories that will bring joy-filled tears to your eyes, warmth to your heart, and just maybe laughter in your belly!

—BOBBY DOWNES, cofounder of ChristianCinema.com, A Giving Company

When God Calls the Heart at Christmas is a wonderful mix of touching stories, funny tales, yummy recipes, and biblical truth. I laughed and teared up, longed for the Yuletide Season, and even got a little hungry reading this Christmas treasure. It really is like a Christmas present full of goodies and good cheer. Michelle Cox and Brian Bird do it once again! Buy this book as a gift for others, but snag one for yourself too.

—SARAH VAN DIEST, author of God in the Dark: 31 Devotions to Let the Light Back In

I’m a big fan of When Calls the Heart and an even bigger fan of celebrating God. When the two are combined with heartwarming Christmas memories, yummy recipes, and bite-sized messages that stir the soul, I get really excited. Thank you, Michelle Cox and Brian Bird, for the fabulous gift of When God Calls the Heart at Christmas!

—TWILA BELK, writer and speaker, author of The Power to Be: Be Still, Be Grateful, Be Strong, Be Courageous

I believe the thread that unites the Hearties is a love for stories that touch the heart. Brian Bird and Michelle Cox have done it again in When God Calls the Heart at Christmas. They not only have included the familiar stories from the hit television show, but they’ve included precious true stories and recipes from the When Calls the Heart’s fan base: the Hearties. You can’t help but read this one with a smile and maybe a tear or two. This is a Christmas book you’ll love year round!

—CAROL HATCHER, writer, speaker

The holidays do not guarantee happiness in every moment for every person. For some, Christmas particularly lends to discouragement, anxiety, fear, and depression. The characters of Hope Valley understand this all too well—but they also know that God can transform our sadness into celebration. When God Calls the Heart at Christmas creates more than a place to escape. It provides the hurting with a refuge where they can heal.

—ANITA AGERS BROOKS, inspirational life coach, international speaker, and award-winning author of Getting Through What You Can’t Get Over

Whether you’re a fan of Hallmark’s When Calls the Heart TV series or simply can’t get enough Christmas, you’ll devour When God Calls the Heart at Christmas, by Brian Bird and Michelle Cox. This beautifully bound gift book is like a devotional on—well, not steroids—but let’s say Christmas cookies! I love the blend of fictional Hope Valley stories set one hundred years ago with the Christmas thoughts and traditions designed for today. The stories, recipes, Bible content, prayers, and spiritual growth questions are perfect for sitting down with the family or reading alone with a cup of hot cocoa.

—KATHY CARLTON WILLIS, God’s Grin Gal, author, speaker

Imagine yourself opening a beautifully wrapped Christmas present only to find it is filled with other beautifully wrapped presents. As you open them, you realize they contain gifts that inspire you, encourage you, or just plain make you feel good. They touch your heart. I felt this way as I opened When God Calls the Heart at Christmas. Through devotionals, stories, traditions, recipes, and tales from Hope Valley, this book touched my heart and made me feel good. Thank you, Michelle Cox and Brian Bird, for this beautiful present!

—JOY BROWN, author, speaker, and founder of Words of Joy and co-founder of Diversified Ministries

Heartie-warming in every way! When God Calls the Heart at Christmas is the most marvelous blend of everything we all love about When Calls the Heart, with a shining celebration of the Christ of Christmas at the heart of its heart. I’m using this book for a sweet challenge to my own heart this season. Next year too. Hello, new Christmas tradition!

—RHONDA RHEA, TV personality, humor columnist, author of fourteen books, including Messy to Meaningful, Turtles in the Road, and Fix Her Upper

BroadStreet Publishing® Group, LLC

Savage, Minnesota, USA



Heartfelt Devotions from Hope Valley

Copyright © 2018 Brian Bird and Michelle Cox

978-1-4245-5728-8 (hardcover)

978-1-4245-5729-5 (e-book)

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, except for brief quotations in printed reviews, without permission in writing from the publisher.

Unless noted otherwise, all Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, niv® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide. Scripture marked kjv is taken from the King James Version of the Bible. Scripture quotations marked Nkjv are taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked NLT are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188, USA. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked ESV are taken from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version. Copyright © 2000; 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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Images from the When Calls the Heart series: Copyright © 2018 by Crown Media Networks, LLC, and used by permission. Other images by Jordan Blackstone: Copyright © 2018 Jordan Blackstone, and used by permission.

Published in cooperation with the Steve Laube Agency

Cover design by Chris Garborg at garborgdesign.com

Typesetting by Katherine Lloyd at theDESKonline.com

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This book is dedicated to our precious Janette Oke. Thank you for your faithfulness to God’s call on your life. Your “paper missionaries” have literally flown around the world, enriching our lives, touching hearts for God, and giving millions of readers countless hours of enjoyment. Your work has drawn families closer and has been instrumental in bringing our amazing community of Hearties together. We love you more than words can say, and we hope God will continue to bless you abundantly for being such a blessing to all of us.

Thanks be to God for his inexpressible gift!



Foreword by Beverly Lewis

Celebrate Christmas in Hope Valley

1   What is Your Unexpected Storm?

2   The Christmas Present That Never Disappoints

3   Their Pain … In Your Heart

4   Scones of Human Kindness

5   Come Home

6   The Gift That Gives Back Double

7   Time to Stir up Your Friends

8   Gingerbread Amends

9   Love Wrapped in Swaddling Clothes

10 A Gift of Pure Love

11 Music to God’s Ears

12 A Crib Fit for a King

13 When Dreams the Heart

14 A Christmas Do-Over

15 Pray for a Miracle … Then Be the Miracle

16 Never Be Afraid to Go Home

17 When Things Fall Apart at Christmas

18 Choose Hope, Plan Accordingly

19 Keep Watch for the Watchers

20 Christmas in Our Hearts

21 Anticipation

22 Sometimes We Just Need to Look Back

23 Are You the One He Leaves the Ninety-Nine to Find?

24 The Greatest Story Ever Told

25 After Christmas

The Christmas Story


About the Authors


Is there a better place to spend Christmas than in Hope Valley? Those darling, wide-eyed schoolchildren—Cody, Emily, Anna, and all the others—counting the hours until Christmas morning dawns with all its festivities, fun, and joy of family and friends. Elizabeth’s list-making and gift-gathering are at last complete as she and her adoring Jack—with his winning smile—celebrate their love and God’s great love in sending the most precious of all gifts: the Christ child.

To my husband, Dave, and I, Elizabeth, Jack, and the extraordinary cast of When Calls the Heart have become like extended family, finding their way deep into our hearts.

When we began watching these wonderful characters, I immediately found myself connecting with Elizabeth Thatcher during the pilot episode and then into the first season. I tried to imagine what each new season might bring her way, and I was captured by her love of journal writing, school teaching … and Christmas-keeping. I was swept up in her hopes and dreams, cheering her on in every episode. She endeared herself to me by going out of her way for those less fortunate, hurting, or left out, all in the midst of her own homesickness for her family and everything she had loved and left behind for this new calling in Hope Valley. Truly, Elizabeth lives her life as though loving others matters.

At Christmastime we dust off our manners, don’t we? Or do we? Are we actually willing to emulate Abigail Stanton’s forgiving spirit toward Henry Gowen at Christmas … and every day? Or, maybe we could benefit from a “kindness week” like the one Elizabeth assigns her young students. What if we simply befriended someone who seemingly doesn’t belong? And really, why wait till Christmas to embrace the Golden Rule?

Another favorite character of mine is Lee Coulter—so measured and wise with that ever-present twinkle in his eyes. I love his understated humor and his near-fatherly way with Cody. Remember the heartwarming scene where Lee seeks Cody out and takes him under his wing to simply play a round of catch? And Cody’s surprise when Lee gives him the autographed softball! One is a tangible gift, and one is a heart-gift—the gift of making time for a lonely child. You and I know that Lee has a heart of gold, and he never hesitates to spread thoughtfulness around Hope Valley. What if we mimicked those same beautiful qualities every season of the year?

My longtime friend Brian Bird is a man of similar qualities. In fact, I cannot think of a more fitting author for this wonderful devotional because Brian’s vision for stories that lift the spirit and make a difference in our world are so evident in all of his movies and books. We are all incredibly grateful to “Papa Heartie” for his vision for this amazing series.

As for Hope Valley at Christmastime, it’s not only the idyllic and historic setting we’ve come to love—the fresh and glistening snowfall, the jingle of sleigh bells, the aroma of Abigail’s apple cobbler—but it’s also an attitude, an approach to life. For millions of viewers it’s a throwback to the way our grandparents lived with integrity and purpose, embracing the simple gifts of honesty, patience, respect, faith, family, and generosity.

So I welcome you to open your heart and come home to Christmas right here within the delightful pages of this most heartwarming and inspiring book.

—Beverly Lewis, New York Times best-selling author


Christmas truly is the most wonderful time of the year. Whether it’s in the fictional town of Hope Valley in the early 1900s, or in our lives today, there is nothing more profound than celebrating God’s most important gift to the world. If ever there was a time to celebrate, this is it.

That’s what When God Calls the Heart at Christmas is all about—a celebration of faith, food, family, and the most meaningful Yuletide traditions. It’s a big birthday party for God!

We know time is often in short supply at Christmas so we’ve kept the offerings in this book in manageable sizes. First up in each chapter is a devotional to set the tone for your day—and you’ll find God-moments that we discovered in Hope Valley at Christmas. After that, we’ll share a verse, a prayer, and some questions (“The Gift of Your Heart”) to help you discover a deeper relationship with God this Christmas.

Following each devotional is a holiday recipe you and your family can enjoy together—and they’re especially awesome because many have come from the kitchens of Hearties around the world. Let your children help you with these recipes and make some extra sweet memories this Christmas.

Next, you’ll discover Christmas stories and traditions—some funny and some poignant—to make your family celebration even more special. Many of them were also shared by Hearties.

So we hope you’ll journey with us to Hope Valley as we focus on all the reasons for this most blessed season—because as shepherds, angels, and wise men learned on that holy night so long ago—when God calls your heart at Christmas, you can expect a celebration.

By Jordan Blackstone



We usually associate Christmastime with happiness, but for Jack and Elizabeth, the joy was tempered the year he came home unexpectedly. He was overjoyed to be back for a few days with Elizabeth, but knowing he’d have to return to the Northwest Territories before Christmas Day left a cloud over them both.

Abigail had been excited to have Becky coming home for Christmas—their first official Yuletide as a family. She was devastated when the telegram arrived with news that a snowstorm had stranded Becky in Nelson Ridge. Her heart was broken, but worse, how would she tell Cody? He’d been so excited his sister was coming home.

As most of us discover sooner or later, there are unexpected heartaches that come at us rain or shine, sometimes even at Christmas. Maybe it’s a financial situation that makes the gifts under your tree skimpy or even nonexistent. Or perhaps you’ve suffered the loss of a loved one, a broken relationship, or a health problem.

Those times can prove difficult, but they can also be blessings in disguise because they cause us to lean on God in ways we wouldn’t otherwise. And sometimes the same storms that bring challenges can also be surprise godsends. The storm Becky needed to be rescued from was the same storm that allowed Jack to stay home an extra few days. That’s the way God works. When life brings unexpected change, we can expect one thing from Him: He never changes.

Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.


Dear Lord, I don’t like disappointments and difficult circumstances—especially at Christmas. Even though my heart is heavy, remind me of why we celebrate this time each year, of the joy of your amazing gift of ultimate love and redemption for the world. Help this hard time to draw me closer to you. Help me to feel your presence in a special way. Thank you for always being with me and for the comfort you bring. Amen.


How can difficult times actually be blessings?

How should you respond when those difficult moments come into your life?


From the Kitchen of Heartie Marnie Swedberg


Brownie Layer

Your favorite boxed brownie mix, made as directed

1 teaspoon peppermint extract

Middle Layer

2 cups powdered sugar

1/2 cup softened butter

1 tablespoon water

1 teaspoon peppermint extract

3 drops green food coloring


1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips

8 tablespoons butter

1 teaspoon peppermint extract


Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. For the brownie layer, use your favorite boxed brownie mix. Make as directed on the box and add one teaspoon of peppermint extract. Mix well and then pour the mixture into a greased 13×9×2 pan. Bake for 30 minutes or until a toothpick inserted near the center comes out clean.

For the middle layer, mix together the two cups of powdered sugar, the half cup of softened butter, the tablespoon of water, the teaspoon of peppermint extract, and the three drops of green food coloring; blend until smooth. Layer onto the cooled brownies.

For the top layer, melt the cup of semi-sweet chocolate chips, eight tablespoons of butter, and the teaspoon of peppermint extract. Stir until smooth. Spread over the green layer.


From Heartie Dee Dee Baxter Parker (As Told to Michelle Cox)

My beautiful daughter, Brooke, had fought for several years against the cancer that had invaded her body, but it had taken a heavy toll on her. As Christmas Eve night arrived, she was quite weak, propped on pillows on the couch, her head bald from the effects of the chemo and radiation.

Brooke had always loved Christmas, but this year, her husband and I had been so busy caring for her that Christmas decorations had been the last thing on our minds. But as she looked around the room that night, Brooke said softly, “I wish we had a Christmas tree.”