When god writes to you - Detlev Reich - E-Book

When god writes to you E-Book

Detlev Reich

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Everyone desires to be loved unconditionally. But unfortunately, not everyone feels or experiences this. Whereby it is from acceptance and boundless love that real freedom, gratitude as well as love for others arise. What would happen if the Father in heaven would share his love for you in a very personal way? What impact would that have on your life? This book of "Letters from God" surprises with a unique acceptance and new perspectives of God's nature, bringing your relationship with him to a new and very personal level.

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When God writes to you

Daughter Edition

Translation: Marianne Frey

Proofreading: Nancy Frey

Graphic: Simon Aprile - www.imiso.ch

Print: Aalexx Druck - www.aalexx.de

The Bible verses were taken from the following versions:

- New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.®

- New Life Version, Copyright © 1969, 2003 by Barbour Publishing, Inc.

- New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188.

Copyright © 2021 Reich Verlag

All rights reserved. Reproduction, in whole or in part, only with written permission.

ISBN 978-3-907316-15-3 - Hardcover ISBN 978-3-907316-16-0 - eBook

Information: www.detlevreich.com


For almost twenty years I have been writing down my impressions and thoughts I have received during my time with God into small notebooks. In the course of time, this has developed into “Letters from Daddy”, through which God has shown me his love and encountered me. On the other hand, these texts have often challenged me and still do. Because apparently God puts a different emphasis than I do.

I am a person who likes clarity. What is good, what is bad? How do you behave correctly? What should you stop doing when you believe in Jesus Christ?

I often concentrate on the behavior, the deeds and try to do things right. And I think that is how many of us feel.

But what if God loves us first and foremost, no matter what we think, what we do or what we achieve? What if we learn to understand that God loves us indescribably and longs to be close to us? What if we understood and internalized the love of our Father in heaven only a little bit more? I believe it would change our whole being.

What becomes more and more clear to me through the time I spend with God is his indescribable, incomprehensible and unconditional love for us. This love creates an incredible freedom, peace and acceptance.

And the letters in this book, which are a result of the time spent with him, should be a contribution for this to happen.

Detlev Reich

How can you read these letters?

Take your time

I want to encourage you to take time to go through these letters. Take time to reflect on what you have read and to be in conversation with God about it. Maybe you only read one letter a week or one a day. Because I can imagine that some texts will offer you a new perspective of the loving Father in heaven. And the time between reading can help you to reflect on it, deepen or even question what you have read.

But feel free to use these texts in the way that is best for you. You will know or you will find out how.

What speaks to you

When you read these texts, something might touch you, make you happy, irritate or even disturb you. Take time to contemplate on the content of such passages, as it may be that God wants to tell you something through them. Maybe you will become aware of a strength or weakness. It is possible that your image of God will chang somewhat. It can be that your biblical understanding is challenged.

Whatever it is, continue reflecting on this topic. Seek God and ask him what this could mean for you. Search the Bible for answers and do not put the topic aside all too quickly.

Read your Bible

You will always find further Bible passages to the letters. Explore the content of the letters in the Bible. Turn to the Bible passages and ask God what he wants to tell you through them. Search your Bible to find out if God would really write such letters to you.

Answer your questions

At the end you will find questions to lead you further. These should help you to deal with your thoughts thematically. This way you can use these letters in a very practical and personal way.

Write down your thoughts

Make notes about your thoughts, emotions, impressions, etc. I have made the experience that such notes help you to sort your thoughts. It is also valuable to read these thoughts again at a later time.

Tip: Read the letters aloud, because so often spoken sentences sink deeper into the heart.

Letter 1

My dear daughter. I love you and I need you. Because I do not want to live without you. My devotion for you is a sure as the sun rises and sets. My daughter. You are my joy and my everything. I will never give you up and I will never leave you. You were born to bring me joy.

I love you. I love you. I love you. Just as you are. I understand what you do and how you mean it.

You are the daughter I would give anything for. I will never leave you alone nor forsake you. I will never let you go. I hold you tightly in my arms and press you to my heart.

Deep inside me is a longing for you. I entrust you with my life and my heart. I hold nothing back. I give myself to you, my daughter. For you are so precious and valuable and unique to me.

The gift I want to give you is my never-ending love for you. It floods everything and surrounds you with deep, infinite joy and peace. My love will never leave you. It will never stop. It will never hate. It will never be petty. Never, my daughter, will it think anything but good of you. This love carries you and holds you. It leads and guides you. Never will it come to an end.

I look forward to you every day. I kiss you, I embrace you, I hold you tight.

Deep inside me is a gift for you, my daughter. And you have only seen, felt and experienced a touch of it until now. There is more for you. Take my hand and do not look for fulfillment anywhere else.

My daughter, only for you. Only for you I write these lines. Only for you because I know that you are the way you are. That you feel this way, think this way, and act this way. So, go into the day with your heart full of love and with the feeling of freedom.

Lots of love, Daddy

Because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.

Romans 5:5

The Bible, New International Version

Bible verses to go deeper

Zephaniah 3:17 | Matthew 28:20 | 1 Corinthians 13 | Romans 5:5

Questions for the day

Do you feel that God understands you?

How do you feel God’s love for you?

Is knowing that God’s love for you never ends a feeling of freedom?

Do you believe that God loves you so very much?

My thoughts & my answers

Now take some time to reflect on this letter and the questions. Also take the opportunity to write down your thoughts.

Letter 2

My dear daughter. You wonder why some things are not easier and more comfortable. I understand that with all my heart. You know, there are things in life that help you get ahead. And there are things that weaken you, slow you down and hurt you. So many circumstances are not easy to bear nor to deal with. However, you need to know, that I am with you. I know your burdens and want to carry them for you. You must let go and trust, my daughter. Letting go does not mean not taking responsibility anymore. But letting go means not having any fear, burdens, worries, pain over the situation. Give me your burdens! Every day. Lay them before me. I will carry them! I will take care of them. I will help you live a life free of worries. Your taking responsibility means that you are doing your part. But it is my part to carry your burdens and fears.

My daughter, take care of the things that come and go. But do not worry. Trust with your heart, mind and whole body that I will take care of you! Trust this for the big and the small.

If you are unsure about your part, look at me. What do I do in your circumstances? You should become more and more like a child travelling with her father. She trusts and knows that the father has everything under control and in sight. If something happens, he will step in and intervene. On the path he always reveals what the next step is.

My dear daughter, worries do not belong to you. You know that already. Fear is a feeling that restricts and does not lead to freedom. I want to put peace and freedom into your heart. And all this is already there now! For my Holy Spirit lives in you with all his miracles! Hold on to my hand as you dare to take small steps. With me. Leave your fears behind and trust in the peace that was already put in your heart a long time ago.

I love you just as you are and the way you feel. Lots of love.

Your daddy

And where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.

2 Corinthians 3:17

The Bible, New International Version

Bible verses to go deeper

Romans 8:28 | Matthew 11:28-30 | Matthew 6:8 | Matthew 18:3 | 2 Corinthians 3:17

Questions for the day

What things in your life weaken or hurt you?

How can you give your worries to God and let go of them?

How can you become surer of what is the part you can do?

Do you comprehend that God loves you?

My thoughts & my answers

Now take some time to reflect on this letter and the questions. Also take the opportunity to write down your thoughts.

Letter 3

My dear daughter. You are probably wondering why I keep writing you these lines. It is simple: so you can read them and never forget them.

I know you through and through. And I rejoice to see and hear you. When you worry, I speak to you. When you are in need, I am there. When you rejoice and laugh, I wholeheartedly laugh with you.

You know, my daughter, sometimes I am sad and wish for your closeness so much. You are there, but you are not always close to me. Have no fear and do not blame yourself. It is normal for you to be busy and take care of the things that are at hand. Such is life. But my daughter: I pine for you. I love you so much that it hurts. I bear many a burden. And I accept every burden. But the burden of being without you is the heaviest. You know, I want to show you my heart, my dear friend. I want to laugh and cry with you, have fun and deep conversations. No person can ever fathom me, but we can share many things: our love, our feelings, our knowledge, our compassion, our strengths and also our different points of view.

I am your friend, you are God’s friend. You are my daughter. A daughter of God. You are wonderful and unique. A strong woman, a heroine of God, the Most High. And I may know you. I may call you my daughter. I may be near you.

I love you. I already miss you now as you go about your daily life, even though you are close to me. I miss every moment without you. Do not fear! This is no pressure or reproach, but a sign of my love for you.

Share your heart with me. Share your ideas and wishes with me. I do this too. I hold you by my hand, in my heart, in my thoughts. Every day, every hour and minute, every moment. Always. Forever. Infinitely. Are my love and longing for you.

I wish you all the best for your day. Think of me. I await you and I am always close to you. I guide and lead you, I embrace you, I speak to you.

All the best. Daddy

Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him and he will do this

Psalm 37:5

The Bible, New International Version

Bible verses to go deeper

Psalm 34:8 | Psalm 104:23 | Matthew 22:37 | Psalm 37:5 | James 2:23

Questions for the day

What does it feel like knowing someone is looking forward to spending time with you?

What things do you share with God?

How does your thinking change now that you know God rejoices so much in you?

How do you notice that you are loved by God in your everyday life?

My thoughts & my answers

Now take some time to reflect on this letter and the questions. Also take the opportunity to write down your thoughts.

Letter 4

My daughter, whom I love and cherish so much. I am so glad that you are here. Really close to me. Inescapable. Thank you for your love and faithfulness, your attention and also care towards me. I feel blessed by you and enjoy every moment with you. My daughter, I do not want to let you go and I always want to have you with me: this is how much I love you and pine for you. This love of mine surrounds you, gives you security and warmth. This love encloses your desires and longings in life and quiets the storms within you. This love gives you peace and tranquility and cares for you. Everything you desire is in this love. My daughter, my friend! I love you. I strengthen you. I take care of you.

You know, I value your closeness so much that I just cannot get it out of my mind and heart: you are my friend. You are the one I want to entrust everything to. You are close to me. You are faithful to me. You are loving and also full of warmth for me. That changes the day. That changes me. For never am I more delighted than when you are with me. I love you. I need you. I do not despise you, but I protect you. Every day. Every minute. Always. Infinitely. My beloved daughter.

Come to me always. Leave everything that weighs you down and trust your heart. Because you know what my heart’s desire is: fellowship with you. Sending you out into this day with love! Go into it strengthened!

Your Daddy, who is very close to you.

He will take great delight in you; in his love he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing!

Zephaniah 3:17

The Bible, New International Version

Bible verses to go deeper

Isaiah 61:10 | Isaiah 25:4 | Zephaniah 3:17