Who is Fleece Johnson? - Fleece Jerome Johnson - E-Book

Who is Fleece Johnson? E-Book

Fleece Jerome Johnson

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Dive into the inaugural volume of a captivating trilogy. Exploring the protagonist's formative years, this book lays the foundation for the profound journey ahead. Discover the significance of his childhood encounters and unlock the essence of his story.

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Fleece Jerome Johnson

Who is Fleece Johnson? Them Moments

All rights reserved

Copyright © 2024 by Fleece Jerome Johnson and Lejohn Maker

No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

Published by Spines

ISBN: 979-8-89383-250-1

Caution: This book explores themes of a mature nature, including sexual content, violence, and other explicit material. It may not be suitable for all readers. Proceed with caution.


Who is Fleece Johnson? Them Moments - Book One

1. Jesus, Heaven, and the Devil

2. Lies and Accusations

3. Wise or Asshole?

4. Fleece, the Destroyer of the Enemy

5. Hunger Strike to Live

6. Whole Yard Rocking

7. In Debt

8. The New Testament

9. Devil Inside A Person

10. Country Life

11. Special Gift

12. Southwick Housing Projects

13. The Favorite

14. See How You Like That

15. Never Forget

16. Still 10. Then 11

17. Window and Cast-iron Pole

18. More Heart

19. Real Person

20. Age 13

21. Boy Camps and Detention Centers

22. Back to the Projects

23. Them Moments

24. Little Panther

25. Boxing



Fleece Johnson has some compelling life stories. He provides detailed information about his life from childhood until now. Fleece explains how he was treated by his parents, siblings, and others during his childhood, which led to him needing protection but not having anyone or anything to turn to for that protection. He even discusses his conflicted relationship with his father, a conflict that is shown in various places in this book. Additionally, he experienced conflict with his mother, grandmother, and siblings.

Johnson possessed many gifts. Despite committing crimes, he regularly gave his money to the "mamas" in the housing project where he lived. Some of his most violent crimes resulted from Fleece attempting to escape a life that conflicted with his beliefs about himself, piercing him to his very soul.

From a psychological perspective, the formative years are vital. Fleece's family considered him a menace, and he lived up to their ideal of him. Although he longed for things to be different, they were not, so he played the role that had been assigned to him and found a way to develop an identity as "Panther" that gave him an image he could be proud of. This image was stronger than the image of being someone's victim. Throughout all of this trauma, Fleece was able to read the Bible and find God, which gave him the strength and ability to "make it" in life.

In this first book, Fleece provides some snapshots of what happened during his years in prison, but a more detailed account of his life in prison will be in book two. This book begins in present-day 2024 with Fleece providing commentary on a caucus. Then, it delves into some of his spirituality and beliefs. Next, Fleece provides snapshots of how he helped people even while in prison. Finally, it explores his children and the trauma he experienced.

Kimberly Mucker-Johnson



See, there were some people back in Jesus' days. People like to know who they are. Who they were, who they are now. Talk about, man, it was just a multitude. They wanted him dead. They wanted Jesus dead because he was changing their way of life.

They know he's going to prophesy. He did prophesy to just the world. And because he prophesied it, it got to come true. There are all kinds of reasons they want me to die. He's messing with their money. After him, anybody wants to follow him. They open their eyes. They don't see anybody as God and stuff, fake God, fake worship. He's teaching me. But then people, they wanted him dead. And that King, he had a bad dream that night. And one of them bad nightmares, one of them times they were just real. It just seems so real. It's something to it. And he told them people, he said, Look, get in that water, wash his hands in that water, washed his hand. He said I don't want to have anything to do with the killing of this just man. Y’all see to it. They say, his blood be on us and our children. And it was so that throughout all generations, those who persecuted Jesus to crucify him to the death had kids. Their kids had kids. They had kids. Now, they are scattered throughout the world, that society back in, the siblings of the one that put Jesus to death and said his blood be on us and our children. They, through all generations, that curse abides upon him. They show a pattern of behavior. And yeah, you can tell them about it. It's a pattern of behavior just throughout generations, and man, this is what they do, persecute, and believe a lie over the truth in broad daylight. Jesus made a band of them, too. He told me, You are of your father, the devil. He told them. He knows who their father is. I pray for a miracle. I read books that say America was part of this prophecy, that prophecy. I'm going to tell you this much, the whole world is a part of the prophecy, not just America, everybody is a part of the prophecy because it was to pronounce upon the world, prophesied against the world, what's going to come to pass and what's going to bring it about. And it's going to be settled all the way down to the end. And it doesn't matter. We know our opinions right now, who's right, who's wrong. I mean, God doesn't know everything in advance, even though he knows what. Because after he created heaven and earth. He said, he looked out and told the earth out of everything he created you know what he said? It's good.

And heaven is supposed to be good. Everything. So now we're at the point where we are told that God will create a new heaven, a new earth. My point is this: What's wrong with the one already created? Why is there a need for a new one to be created? Now, we know that everybody agrees it should be a new Earth because look at the Earth, how it's going, what's going on inside of it. Any reason around people would agree we need a new one. And for heaven, calling to the churches as well, it's pure up there. But like I said, they fighting up there. It started up there. That's where it started. Up in the haven, the place everybody wanted to go to. It was such a big fight up there. We had stuff. They act like I mean, these are spirits man they're supposed to be more intelligent. I just like telling me I'm like a cow. They help out doing stuff that people do down here. Run their mouth about each other, spreading rumors, gossip, and lies, and keep a lot of stuff going. Don't want to let anything die.

Keep complaining day in, day out. That's what they're saying it happened up in heaven (Revelation 12:7). Read that down it will tell you they are up there fighting. And they got gangs, too, the devil and his angels. You would think up in heaven, they all together as one spirit. They don't fight each other or talk about each other. Do the stuff that they said, the flesh and bones of us is what we do. So they don't want to talk about it in the church. You know what I mean? You're trying to give Harry a bad name? No, I'm not. What I'm trying to do is tell you about Harry. It's written in the Bible. For all eyes have seen, and to know, and to tell, there are problems upon me. That there were his angels fighting against Michael and his angels. That is like saying, that Louisville fought against Kentucky. The Whites fighting the Indians. I'm the head of my people, the Black people. I'm taking them to war against the white people, Chinese. There's no difference from saying, The Crips fighting the Bloods, the devil, and his gang, fighting Michael in his gang. That's it.

How are they going to have angels? They're angels. What? Did they create their angels? They're angels. That is the part that I thought about, too. The devil and his angels. His angels, not God's angels, not heaven's angels, but his angels. And Michael and his angels. Well, I guess angels, they are tired of them. What else could it be? And the fight was over just mouth running. Just running my mouth, man. That's what they said it was over. That small over-deal. Just said, Having all. But they tell off there, they were told to turn the cheek. You tell me that this is in my book, something that is not in any book. People are afraid to talk about heaven. It's true, though. How can you read it and overlook it? To try to paint a real good picture of what? It's so bad up there. God said he got to create a new one. Just like he said, he's going to create it all. And we see how bad it is down there. Imagine what they doing still, throwing up early. Can't imagine how much damage was... I mean, it over what? It's a question, Over what?

Was there a big war in heaven over? Now, we have a law down here that says, You can't take the law into your own hands. If you have a problem, take them to court, call them police, something like that. They are up there fighting. According to the Bible, accusers, accuse my brothers day and night before God. Day and night means 24/7. They don't sleep. They got complaints of angels running their mouths about other angels complaining about us to God. The same God that created Earth, the same God that's going to destroy Earth. He isn't going to destroy Heaven. The same God looked down and said all he created was good, now he's going to destroy it and recreate it. Just like it said judgment should begin in our house of God, I agree. That's where it started. When they were kicked out of heaven, out of all the places you can put them on the moon, sh*t. Put them somewhere, put them on Venus, Mars, and Mercury. Put them on Earth. That's where they came. I guess Earth was probably the only place where they could take form. Our form, walk around just like others, but ain't like us. They have a different God. They God is the devil. They leader. He probably petitioned to come to Earth, though, the devil, because he thought he was not. He was. How is it that people don't realize the smartest person in life can be with Thomas? You don't think about it. In the garden of Eve, Adam and Eve were told this, Of every tree in this garden, every tree is free. You can eat it. Just don't eat that tree in a garden. That tree, your knowledge of good and evil Because on the day you eat of it, you're going to die. So every other tree you can eat of, and guess what? The tree of life was outside. Let me list on the card. He liked that the tree of death. So the devil had him being kicked out of heaven. Thought he was smart. He going to talk to eat on a tree of death. Why does he eat on a tree of life, and live forever? I'm a god now. I can't die. Thought he did something smart. That was so dumb because guess what? You're right. You might. You can't die.

But you can burn forever. God is like, no way possible. You have more power than me. I think heaven, from what I read, I think they got rules, real spiritual rules. You can't go across. Even they can't cross. I've seen times when God was above the devil. To do something to us down here. The devil makes a statement. The only reason they believe in you is because of what you give them. Stop giving them stuff, and they ain't going to believe it. God said, Okay, take it all away from us. We ain’t did nothing. Even though we still hold to who he is and acknowledge what he should have already known him, why were so many chances given to this devil? Why were so many chances given to this devil? To do all this stuff he did down here. His choice of weapon is the same. It's always been the same. A lie. That's his weapon, a lie. He took a lie.



You have a million gay people in the world. Probably more. When you take a man that got a penis, big balls. He convinced him that he was a woman to the point where he believed in his heart, even though the evidence was right there in front of it.

A lie did it. A lie is a form of deception. A lie. You got girls walking around thinking they a men. Wear men close, all this stuff. When they look at their bodies and see the evidence that they are a woman, they believe they a man. Pure deception. A lie did it. A lie cause people to rob me. I have people right now hating each other instead of loving each other. Lies did do this. Got racist saying, You're a nigger, you're a honky. You're a honky. You know how they talk about each other, all these gangs and stuff. A lot of people put gangs together. They were constructed through lies. Their regime on Hitler lies. Was the architecture. It built that regime. It was built off lies. A lie. The devil's main weapon is a lie. He doesn't have to come at you with no gun, fist fighting, all that. He's too proud of me. Sh*t, he was around when we were day created. Probably took part in it. I'm going to say this again. I always wonder why. I mean, what it was that They were accusing them angels were accusing each other of up there that led to a war.

They said day and night. I mean, this is a nonstop accusation, man. What was them angels doing that was so bad that them other angels had run to God? And what did God do about it? Why couldn't that stuff be stopped up there? Tell me what. It was dropped in our lap. When it was cast down, it was cast into the earth. Here we are, we ain't nothing but flesh and bones. Now we're dealing with the spiritual stuff. We've just been created. We didn't have all the technology. Our minds have not even evolved to that level of intelligence yet. People like to say that the minds of the people in the homeland were more intelligent. Come on, man. How do you sell that? They didn't even have a pair of tennis shoes back then. They didn't know anything. All the houses are built of mud. To go for a while, we were riding camels and donkeys and horses. And we got tanks, airplanes, and jets, battleships, destroyers, submarines. We got trains, cars, boats, trucks, they didn’t have sh*t back in. See, the mind back then had not evolved. See, this is what people are missing. People think. When you think about people back then and now, and now, and then, you have to take into the fact that the brain was evolving.