Wind mania - Manfred Brugger - E-Book

Wind mania E-Book

Manfred Brugger

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Is physics being neglected too much in the search for renewable energies? A graduate engineer makes his own considerations and comes to an astonishing conclusion: the use of wind energy causes temperatures to rise unnecessarily and is the reason for both a lack of water and heavy rainfall! Manfred Brugger takes a skeptical look at current developments in energy policy in Germany and sees an all-encompassing "climatism". Is CO2 in the atmosphere really a problem? Can the earth still be saved, and if so, how? Manfred Brugger challenges the mainstream with his alternative approaches and comprehensible calculations on a scientific basis.

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Seitenzahl: 240

Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2024

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"We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them."[110]


From the 15th century to the middle of the 19th century, the northern hemisphere of planet Earth, especially Europe and North America, experienced the Little Ice Age.[2] Temperatures on the Earth's surface were 1 to 2 °C lower than those of the present day and also those of earlier times. In some places, summer even failed. It was a cold period that also brought people wars and revolutions, general misery and especially hunger.[121] These fluctuations in the Earth's climate - like earlier ones - are cyclical in nature and have solar and geophysical causes (note: e.g. solar activity, Earth's orbit, etc.).[1]They are not linked to the existence of mankind on Earth.

The end of the Little Ice Age is dated to around the middle of the 19th century. At its beginning, a - retrospectively analyzed - initially barely noticeable warming of the earth's surface and near-earth atmosphere set in. As a result, the average global surface temperature of the planet has risen by around 1 °C up to the present day. Around the same time, there was a general, colossal economic upswing, the Industrial Revolution. In addition to human ingenuity, the progress in social productive power that it brought about was based above all on unimagined quantities of usable energy based on the fossil resources of coal, oil and gas, i.e. the combustion of these media into carbon dioxide, CO2. From that time to the present, the concentration of CO2 in the Earth's atmosphere has risen from around 280 to around 410 ppm (parts per million). Due to the at times parallel course of the time dependencies of the CO2 content of the atmosphere and a mean surface temperature, the increase in the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere is considered - by the majority - to be the main cause of the climate change that has been taking place for around 150 years. Accordingly, theIntergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has declared climate change to be man-made, i.e. anthropogenic.

The thesis of anthropogenic climate change has become the pillar of a climate doctrine that encompasses almost the entire civilized world. As a result of its development over the course of a few decades, it has initially assumed the character of a leading science and ultimately that of a globally active community of faith, which declares itself to be based solely on the results of science. As such, it has mutated into a major factor in the shaping and development of politics, economics and living conditions in almost all industrialized nations of the world and many countries of the Global South. As a result of this rise, climate science has taken on the unmistakable traits of a quasi-religion. This development has become possible because it predicts the imminent end of humanity, i.e. heat death. In principle, this corresponds to the Last Judgement of the Abrahamic religions. An ultimate fear of the end of the world due to sinful human inability to limit CO2 emissions is invoked. This catastrophe will happen if it is not possible - in concrete terms - to limit the increase in the average global surface temperature to a maximum value defined by the council of leading scientists and politicians, approx. 1.5 to 2 °C. This, in turn, should be achieved by curbing and ultimately stopping the CO2 emissions caused by human existence and economic activity, i.e. by decarbonizing all human activities, especially the provision of energy.

It is generally assumed that climatic events are based on the effect of greenhouse (GH) gases. Infrared (IR) radiation radiated by the sun and reflected from the earth's surface is absorbed by water vapor and some trace gases, the GH gases, and desorbed as radiation. GH gases are considered to be triatomic and polyatomic gas molecules. These are CO2, methane, nitrous oxide, ozone and others, which together represent < 0.1% by volume of the Earth's atmosphere, and -last but not least- water vapor in varying concentrations. Due to their composition and structures, these molecules exhibit valence and deformation vibrations in their spectra, which are excited by certain frequencies of IR radiation[1.]. According to these ideas, the number and size of the resonance frequencies determine the GHG sensitivity of the respective molecule. According to this view, the GH gases and water vapor delay the irradiation as well as the emission of the transmitted energy. It is assumed that the radiation occurs in all spatial directions, i.e. also as back radiation to the earth's surface. This means that the GH gas molecules can absorb and desorb certain energy quanta from the irradiated and re-radiated IR spectrum. The radiation of energy into space takes place exclusively via the trace gases mentioned. It is assumed that there is an even balance in the long-term average input and output of energy to and from the earth. This is defined by the so-called radiation constant, 1.361 kW/m2. However, a balanced equilibrium only applies as long as certain solar and/or planetary parameters do not change. However, changes of this kind have occurred many times in the Earth's history.

In summary, there are several key points that are discussed in detail at a central point in this book:

Is the increase in the Earth's average global surface temperature, known as climate change, actually a result of the action of individual so-called greenhouse gases?

Is the IPCC's basic idea that the backscattering of IR radiation solely by the GHGs, and especially by CO


, is the main driver of the global temperature increase correct




Do the phenomena collectively referred to as climate change really have predominantly anthropogenic causes?

Can the observed very small changes in GH gas concentrations really have climatic consequences that are fateful for the existence of current civilizations?

Do the main components of the atmosphere, namely nitrogen and oxygen, play no role?

What other, i.e. non-anthropogenic, reasons could cause the observable change in the Earth's climate?

Where will humanity get the energy needed for the continued existence of civilization - for example, only from the recognized "renewable" sources?

Against the background described and in relation to the questions formulated and many others, the author draws a scientifically based picture in his book of the currently known helio- and geophysical phenomena and factors, their interactions and feedbacks, the laws that determine them and their influences on climate and weather as well as a possible future of life on earth resulting from them. Of great interest are the expert and meticulous calculations of various energetic variables and their influences on earthly events, including the consideration of economic issues related to climate policy. In doing so, the author makes no secret of his ability and willingness to critically examine climate science principles that are recognized by the majority of the public. He benefits from the fact that, as a technical scientist, he has the necessary knowledge and its application as well as an independent view. He also does not need to take into account any damage to his reputation in a specialist science. He is therefore capable of making an independent judgment.

The author states that the doctrine of anthropogenic climate change, which is based on the GH gas theory and propagated worldwide by the IPCC, is a misconception, as it contradicts the second law of thermodynamics[3] is a fallacy. However, this only applies if the energy of electromagnetic radiation (IR radiation) for its transfer from a comparatively colder medium to a warmer medium (back radiation to the earth) is regarded as energy converted into heat. However, this conclusion would also be consistent with the results of independent calculations of temperature dependencies of the molar heat capacities of atmospheric gases, including nitrogen and oxygen, and their influence on an increase in the mean global surface temperature[4]. Findings of this kind are likely to turn the current economic and thus social development, which is based on a largely postulated anthropogenic nature of climate change that cannot be denied worldwide, on its head. They would result in a reorientation of the "fight against climate change", which would have to focus on limiting its consequences anyway. It would assign the hardly describable, extensive means of many kinds that are used for decarbonization to a reasonable, because anthropogenically realizable, far-reaching goal. The examination of the validity and the elaboration of those statements on the GH theory that are made in this book should be regarded as important suggestions for climate research[5]. They should not be consigned to oblivion, as was the case with the results of the so-called "Oslo experiment"[6] have been forgotten.

Other essential, highly informative descriptions and suggestions are linked to an analysis of both the marine and atmospheric parts of the water cycle and its significance for climate events on Earth. Their interrelationships and interactions with WIND - as part of the book title - are described in detail and comprehensibly. The entire presentation of wind power, which is basically a process for the provision of energy that has been known since the Middle Ages, is supported by multiple and plausible calculations. Planning and utilization of wind power plants to secure the necessary amount of "renewable" energy for the purpose of the so-calledGreen Deal[7] of the European Union [144] are initially and at least for Germany reducedto absurdity.Even in contrast to the technology used for today's wind power plants, the underlying technological principle remains a relic of the past - just compare it with nuclear power plants, NPPs, whose modern variants, for example, even utilize highly radioactive waste for the provision of energy[8] These nuclear technology processes - currently the IV. generation - are indispensable for the future energy supply of mankind [146].

An analysis of wind power, the use of its energy and its significance as well as the advantages and disadvantages for human society are the central theme of the book. In this context, the problem ofGlobal Terrestrial Stillingdeserves some attention. This "shutting down" of the wind over the last few decades is manifested in a weakening of near-surface terrestrial winds. The phenomenon occurs mainly in the mid-latitudes up to about 75 degrees latitude in both hemispheres of the earth. The negative effect has now reached approx. 15 % of the total wind energy considered.

One regionally occurringen-miniature variantofglobal terrestrial stilling isthe noticeably weakening effect of large-scale wind turbine parks for energy supply, which directly slows down the wind. Depending on their size, i.e. the number and height of the turbines, their geometric arrangement and the density of land development, this can lead both to direct negative effects (e.g. wake vortices) and to lasting, catastrophic weather and ultimately climate changes. This becomes clear when atmospheric movements are considered in connection with the atmospheric part of the water cycle. This complex, which has so far been largely omitted from the public discourse on climate change, is presented to the reader in detail with impressive national and international examples. The conclusion is that the devil is being driven out with the Beelzebub with the immense expansion of wind turbines. The negative and restrictive consequences of wind turbine construction, its material requirements and use, which are known everywhere, are hereby not even mentioned.

The problems discussed represent only a fraction of the phenomena dealt with by the author. But they demonstrate the directions and the broad range of his explanations. Finally, they end with an analysis of the German energy transition with the "lifeline" of hydrogen, especially "green" hydrogen. The book describes how the availability of this magical energy source is giving rise to a new German eco-imperialism. Numerous trips by leading German politicians to many countries, especially those in the Global South, serve to realize it.

In a final section, "Energy supply in the future", which refers in particular to the German energy supply, a sad picture is painted. The following comments are therefore appropriate. The exclusive focus on "renewable" energies (in the German, but not in the European understanding) has led to the shutdown of the last three German nuclear power plants on April 15, 2023. It is worth remembering that Germany - even compared to the USA, Russia, China and France - was once a leader in nuclear power technologies. Just think of the THTR-300 pebble bed reactor[9, 147] and the Kalkar fast breeder reactor[132], i.e. the SNR-300 (Fast Sodium Cooled Reactor)[10]. This plant, a technological pioneering achievement, had successfully completed trial operation in the mid-1980s. Nevertheless, it was demolished ("dismantled") at the beginning of the 1990s without being connected to the grid. This initially narrowly economic and long-term incisive energy policy sin happened thanks to years of wrangling on the part of the German political leadership and safety authorities as well as pressure from "green" opponents of nuclear power - a first majorblackmark on the reputation of German energy policy. A leisure park was later built on the site of that once unique and pioneering power plant.

Using the highly radioactive residues from the use of nuclear power that are currently available worldwide according to new technologies that are now known everywhere - except in Germany's political leadership bodies - would completely cover the energy needs of the almost eight billion people living on earth today for around a thousand years. The residues resulting from the operation of nuclear power plants using conventional methods would not have to be buried for a million years in unknown caves in the depths of the earth, which would then unsettle people. This is because the real and very minor residues, not the radioactive valuable substances, have only relatively short half-lives of their radioactive decay. In contrast to the previous nuclear power plant waste of several tens of thousands of years, they only last a few hundred years, which largely defuses the problem of final disposal. Most of the highly radioactive waste that has frightened so many Germans after decades of media indoctrination would therefore simply disappear.

The leader in this modern technology is currently Russia, which has had the first such reactor in continuous operation at the Bjeloyarsk NPP near Yekaterinburg since the end of 2015 [118]. It is the BN-800 reactor [11]. BN stands for "fast neutrons"; 800 denotes the electrical output of the reactor, which is exactly 880 MW. This corresponds to the installed nominal output of 176 wind turbines with 5 MW each. In real, practical operation, however, the achievable output of the wind turbines is usually only around 20 % of the nominal output, which means that 880 wind turbines would be required for the above reactor output. The German energy industry - unfortunately, of course - has nothing comparable to offer. It has chosen a suicidal path into an economic and societal dead end at enormous expense and with hardly imaginable costs and political pressure.

The book "Windmania" is aimed at all those, young and old, who are interested in a generally understandable description of the scientific basis and social consequences of climate change. It is particularly useful for the younger generations, who are being told that they are the "last ones". It should also be read carefully by those in politics and business who are responsible for the well-being of Germany and other countries.

"Four centuries ago, Don Quixote fought against windmill blades.

The Quixotes of this Age reveal themselves as wind turbine maniacs." [M. Bülow].

Dr. rer. nat. habil. Martin Bülow Dierhagen, June 2023 Professor of Physical Chemistry

References to the foreword merkbare-erwaermung-mit-sich-bringen/?print=pdf

There are two basic arguments in favor of the validity of the first law of thermodynamics. The earth with its air envelope can be regarded as a closed system; the upper limit of the air envelope is regarded as the phase boundary. The energy exchange between this system and space is constant and defined by the solar constant.

H. Ullmann

, Der Treibhauseffekt – eine molekulare Analyse, AG Energie und Umwelt - Die Realisten, May 7, 2023

The Influence of IR Absorption and Backscatter Radiation from CO


on Air Temperature during Heating in a Simulated Earth/Atmosphere Experiment (

Th.O. Seim and B.T. Olsen

, The Influence of IR Absorption and Backscatter Radiation from


on Air Temperature during Heating in a Simulated Earth/Atmosphere Experiment, Atmospheric and Climate Sciences, 10, 168-185, 2020

Der europäische Green Deal |

(12) (PDF) Kernenergie in Deutschland. – Notwendigkeit eines Paradigmen-Wechsels (

THTR-300 - HammWiki; Pebble-bed reactor – Wikipedia

Willy Marth

, Meine Erlebnisse an deutschen Kernreaktoren und Wiederaufbereitungsanlagen, Books on Demand, Norderstedt, 2014, ISBN: 978-3-7322-0600-1

WNN, World Nuclear News

, Russia connects BN-800 fast reactor to grid; December 11, 2015

Since 2012, a BN-600 reactor has been used as aburner reactorto "burn" the plutonium from Russian nuclear weapons.


A change in the climatic conditions on our planet over the last20 years- especially in Germany - is obvious, tangible and noticeable for everyone. In addition to the very slow rise in average temperatures, it is currently either the widespread lack of rain or regionally occurring heavy rainfall that is particularly unsettling for people.

“Climate change" is generally and sweepingly blamed as the reason for the increase in temperatures and weather extremes. In the general public debate, climate change is attributed in particular to the increasing amount of the trace gas carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere and is therefore presented as man-made.

The use of fossil energy from oil, gas and coal was and still is the energetic basis for the economic development of our society in the course of industrialization. Even today, around 84 percent of global primary energy consumption is based on fossil fuels. In addition to thermal energy, the use of fossil fuels produces water vapor and carbon dioxide, among other things.

The self-proclaimed world saviours in German, partly European and international politics therefore only see a way out of the supposed climate dilemma if the phase-out of fossil fuels (decarbonization) succeeds as quickly as possible.

German government policy in particular (German Fear!) believes this and is therefore focusing on the "energy and heat transition" based almost exclusively on electrical energy. The massive use of wind energy to generate electricity is being proclaimed as an indispensable pillar for the success of this "turnaround", because wind seems inexhaustible. You can only see it indirectly in the movements of plants or feel it on your skin. When it blows, it is simply there. Energy for free? Not at all, as will be shown later!

When electricity is generated from wind, the kinetic energy of flowing air masses is converted into electrical energy. This withdrawal of energy has a striking effect on the currents and thus the transport of water vapor!

The effects of themassive withdrawal of energyfrom the tropospheric system on the wind, the flow behavior and thus also on the weather and climate directly associated with the wind (the flow of the air masses is slowed down, the water vapor transport is influenced) are neither questioned nor investigated, at best minimized [111, 112].

The following article takes a critical look at precisely this question. The conclusion of this comprehensive research is that the massive intervention in the natural climatic system that has taken place as part of the energy and heat transition through the use of wind energy to generate electricity has increasingly unbalanced this natural system through feedback effects and will unbalance it even more if the expansion proceeds as massively as planned.

From this point of view, a critical and well-founded technology assessment and scientific investigation of wind energy use, or rather the climatic effects of "wind brakes", is more than necessary!

In Germany, freedom of opinion is enshrined as a fundamental right in Article 5-1 of the Basic Law. It states:"Everyone shall have the right freely to express and disseminate his opinions in speech, writing and pictures and to inform himself without hindrance from generally accessible sources. Freedom of the press and freedom of reporting by radio and film are guaranteed. There shall be no censorship"[113].

Freedom of opinion and freedom of information are therefore also considered central characteristics of a vibrant and functioning democracy. Unfortunately, however, it has gone out of fashion in Germany to want or be allowed to take a critical look at something, especially if it differs from the mainstream. This applies in particular to the topics of climate, climate change and carbon dioxide as a "greenhouse gas".

It is therefore clear to me as the author of this book that I am likely to be labeled a "denier" by some. The current term "denier" comes from the new, self-appointed inquisition of the political and media world, in which self-appointed fact-checkers claim the sole "truth" for themselves and thus act as inquisitors, so to speak. You are not called to be a fact-checker, you give yourself this title and thereby "authorize" yourself to be a supposedly knowledgeable and neutral person who is able to separate the wrong from the right. But even fact-checkers cannot be flawless because they usually only refer to other similar content on the same topic and form their judgment from this. Fact-checking should not be confused with investigative journalism [114].

I see this book as an informative contribution based on physical principles, in the hope of initiating an exchange and discussion on this complex topic, because a good climate is also important to me.

Anyone who has read the book will probably come to the realization that there is a lot wrong with the climate debate and that the topic is strongly influenced by ideology and vested interests. And perhaps they will even realize that the deniers, or even better the liars, are sitting on the other side of the table.

To understand the climatic developments of the last 20 years, it is worth taking a broader view. In any case, it is interesting to consider what has changed on our planet in thelast 20 years alone, for example:

According to the Soil Atlas 2015 [87], around 77 hectares (equivalent to the area of 100 soccer pitches) lose their natural function

every day in Germany

due to conversion. Today, these figures are likely to have increased significantly. Worldwide, 24 billion tons of soil are lost every year.

Global forest areas

(approx. 31 % of the Earth's land area) have shrunk by around 100 million hectares: a

decrease of approx. 2.5 %






in the atmosphere rose

from around 370 ppm to 410 ppm [115]:

an increase of


11 %


The world population has increased from 6 to 8 billion people [116]:

an increase of


33 %


Total annual

primary energy consumption

has increased,

almost exclusively in Asia,

from around 400 to 600 exajoules (84.3 % fossil, German share 1.5 %) [117]: around

50 % increase


Global installed

wind energy capacity

has increased from approx. 17.4 GW to 956 GW (as at the end of 2022), which corresponds to a factor of 54.9 [48]:

an increase of


5,490 %


Wind power output is set to increase by a further 50 % by


This corresponds to a factor of 75 and means an

increase of around 7,500 %


It was the following questions in particular that gave me the impetus to take a closer look at this subject:

Two thirds of the earth's surface is water and only one third is land! Why is there sometimes no or hardly any water as rain on the continents or the land (e.g. the once rainy North German Plain) when there should be and is more and more water than water vapor in the troposphere due to the increasing temperatures?

Why are the nations that are massively pushing the use of wind energy [119] the ones that suffer most from weather extremes such as heavy rain and drought, such as China [59, 60], North America [56, 57, 61], Australia [58, 86], Germany [3] and soon also parts of Africa and South America, where the first signs of weather extremes are also already becoming visible.

Why is Germany in particular so badly affected by extreme effects such as temperatures and drought?

How is the atmosphere structured and how are climate and weather related to it?

How is the Earth influenced by the cosmic system?

What scientific studies have been carried out to prove the CO



(greenhouse effect)?

Are there any other possible explanations for the observed temperature anomalies?

What realistic options do people have to actively influence climate change?

This book provides possible answers. Even if the introduction might suggest it, this book is not about denying anything or glossing over the facts.

The uncertainty that the topic of "climate change" has triggered among people is both frightening and alarming. In any case, the "Last Generation" movement is already in an apocalyptic mood.

It speaks of a rapidly escalating climate crisis, talks of a climate emergency and publishes the message that we only have "two to three years left to leave the fossil path of destruction in time" [120].

There is no evidence. The alarming thing is that these are not facts, but allegations that have been put out into the open and about which there can be no doubt. At least that's what they themselves believe, as do their followers. And probably also the self-appointed and otherwise hyperactive fact-checkers because they are suspiciously quiet about the statements of the last generation and don't question anything!

It already seems as if climatism is the new religion that everyone must ultimately submit to and believe in. Although the hypothetical greenhouse effect and its impact are still unproven today, there is no doubt that people believe in it and the transformation of society is being driven forward at full speed in climatological - but not logical - terms. The fear of the end of the world is invoked and carried around like a monstrance.

This book is not about the faith that thinks there is no alternative. It deals with important questions and approaches on the subject of climate, the use of wind energy and the probable effects of energy withdrawal on the weather and related negative climatic developments in the environment that are already recognizable.

The focus is on the questions themselves and the reader is called upon to think for themselves, form their own opinion and make up their own mind.

In Germany alone, the energy and heating transition will costseveral thousand billion euros. Who will take responsibility for this immense expenditure if the hoped-for goal of stabilizing temperatures is not achieved and the opposite occurs, namely an increase in temperatures?

Even today, simple and rough calculations make it possible to predict that the German energy transition may still succeed, but only if we accept massive interventions in nature and the associated negative climatic changes.

ButGerman eco-imperialismwill also have an impact on the climate in third countries, leading to increasing migration pressure. Why shouldn't people move to where the energy generated in their home region is exported?

Unless a miracle happens, the path to decarbonization worldwide, especially the entry into the planned hydrogen economy, will remain a dead end.

All data referred to in this research comes from publicly accessible sources and the sources are named in the bibliography. All sources are saved and available as PDF files from the author, if deleted or no longer available on the Internet.

The structure of the book is divided into several chapters and points, each of which can also be read separately. Important information and content are therefore repeated in places or in the relevant chapter in context.

Some of the integrated graphics are shown in the appendix in page size for better readability.

Introduction and summary

Without the sun's energy, we would not exist! The radiation from this gigantic fusion reactor brings light and heat to Earth as electromagnetic radiation.