1,001 ASVAB Practice Questions For Dummies (+ Free Online Practice) - Rod Powers - E-Book

1,001 ASVAB Practice Questions For Dummies (+ Free Online Practice) E-Book

Rod Powers

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Practice makes perfect--and helps your chances of scoring higher on the ASVAB by answering test questions 1001 ASVAB Practice Questions For Dummies takes you beyond the instruction and guidance offered in ASVAB For Dummies, giving you 1,001 opportunities to practice answering questions on key concepts for all nine ASVAB subtests. Plus, an online component provides you with a collection of additional problems presented in multiple-choice format to further help you test your skills as you go. * Gives you a chance to practice and reinforce your skills * Practice problems with answer explanations that detail every step of every problem Whether you're looking to enter the military or are interested in raising your score to attain a new job, position, or advance in rank, 1,001 ASVAB Practice Questions For Dummies has you covered. Note to readers: 1,001 ASVAB Practice Questions For Dummies, which only includes question to answer, is a great companion to ASVAB For Dummies, 3rd Edition or ASVAB For Dummies Premier PLUS which offers complete instruction on all topics tested on an ASVAB exam.

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1,001 ASVAB Practice Questions For Dummies®

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1,001 ASVAB Practice Questions For Dummies®

Visit www.dummies.com/cheatsheet/1001asvab to view this book's cheat sheet.

Table of Contents


What You’ll Find

Beyond the Book

What you’ll find online

How to register

Where to Go for Additional Help

Part I: The Questions

Chapter 1: Word Knowledge: Testing Your Vocabulary

The Questions You’ll Work On

What to Watch Out For

Chapter 2: Paragraph Comprehension: Understanding and Analyzing Written Concepts

The Questions You’ll Work On

What to Watch Out For

Chapter 3: Mathematics Knowledge: Counting on a Variety of Questions

The Questions You’ll Work On

What to Watch Out For

Chapter 4: Arithmetic Reasoning: Tackling Word Problems

The Questions You’ll Work On

What to Watch Out For

Chapter 5: General Science: Knowing about the World around You

The Questions You’ll Work On

What to Watch Out For

Chapter 6: Auto and Shop Information: Nailing Down Vehicle and Workshop Basics

The Questions You’ll Work On

What to Watch Out For

Chapter 7: Mechanical Comprehension: Focusing on Physics, Mechanics, and Work

The Questions You’ll Work On

What to Watch Out For

Chapter 8: Electronics Information: Amplifying Your Understanding of Electronic Principles

The Questions You’ll Work On

What to Watch Out For

Chapter 9: Assembling Objects: Figuring Out How Things Fit Together

The Questions You’ll Work On

What to Watch Out For

Part II: The Answers

Chapter 10: Answers

About the Author

Cheat Sheet

Connect with Dummies

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If you’re ready to ace the ASVAB, you’ve come to the right place. The ASVAB, otherwise known as the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery, compiles nine subtests into one very long exam. Four of the subtests (the math and language arts ones) determine if you qualify for military service, and each remaining subtest measures your knowledge of certain information the military has deemed important. How you score on the ASVAB determines what military jobs you may be a match for. Most military jobs require a minimum combination score that you must reach to qualify for that specific job. Therefore, studying for and doing well on the ASVAB is vital to enlisting in the military and landing your desired career.

This workbook gives you 1,001 practice questions similar to the types of questions you’ll see on the actual ASVAB. You can start at question 1 and then skip to question 20 or 783 or 999, or you can answer all the questions in order. Or you can concentrate on one or two specific subtests until you feel comfortable with them and then work your way around to the others. Keep in mind that some subtests complement each other, so thoroughly reviewing one subject may set you up for an even better understanding of another. If you feel knowledgeable about math but not English, or vice versa, you may wish to concentrate on those weaker areas until they rise up to an even level.

Overall, completing 1,001 ASVAB practice questions certainly is no small feat, but rest assured (before you’re on night watch duty) you will know the ins and outs of the ASVAB and each subtest with confidence after you complete this workbook.

What You’ll Find

The 1,001 practice ASVAB questions in this book are divided among nine chapters, each one representing an ASVAB subtest. Each chapter simulates a variety of questions you may face on test day according to that specific subject. The questions in each chapter are then broken into subcategories, where similar topics within the subtest are grouped together. Some questions are accompanied by an image or diagram that you need to refer to in order to answer the question correctly.

After you’ve answered the questions for one chapter or subcategory, or even answered just one question, you can flip to Chapter 10 in the back of the book and check your answers. There, you find thorough explanations for each problem, often including detailed processes using formulas or definitions to explain the correct answer. In many cases, studying an answer explanation can help you better understand a difficult subject, so spend as much time as you need reviewing the explanations.

Beyond the Book

This book gives you plenty of ASVAB questions to work on. But maybe you want to track your progress as you tackle the questions, or maybe you’re having trouble with certain types of questions and wish they were all presented in one place where you could methodically make your way through them. You’re in luck. Your book purchase comes with a free one-year subscription to all 1,001 practice questions online. You get on-the-go access any way you want it — from your computer, smartphone, or tablet. Track your progress and view personalized reports that show what you need to study the most. Study what, where, when, and how you want.

What you’ll find online

The online practice that comes free with this book offers the same 1,001 questions and answers that are available here. The beauty of the online questions is that you can customize your online practice to focus on the topic areas that give you the most trouble. So if you need help with Electronics Information or Arithmetic Reasoning, just select those question types online and start practicing. Or if you’re short on time but want to get a mixed bag of a limited number of questions, you can specify the number of questions you want to practice. Whether you practice a few hundred questions in one sitting or a couple dozen, and whether you focus on a few types of questions or practice every type, the online program keeps track of the questions you get right and wrong so you can monitor your progress and spend time studying exactly what you need.

You can access this online tool using a PIN code, as described in the next section. Keep in mind that you can create only one login with your PIN. After the PIN is used, it’s no longer valid and is nontransferable. So you can’t share your PIN with other users after you’ve established your login credentials.

This product also comes with an online Cheat Sheet that helps you up your odds of performing well on the ASVAB. No matter how hard you study for the ASVAB, you'll likely come across a few questions where you don't have a clue. Check out the free Cheat Sheet at www.dummies.com/cheatsheet/1001ASVAB for pointers on setting up a study schedule, advice on boosting your knowledge in weak areas, and ways to memorize information. (No PIN required. You can access this info right now before you've even registered to use the online practice questions.)

How to register

To gain access to the online version of all 1,001 practice questions in this book, all you have to do is register. Just follow these simple steps:

1. Find your PIN code.

• Print book users: If you purchased a hard copy of this book, turn to the inside front cover of this book to find your PIN.

• E-book users: If you purchased this book as an e-book, you can get your PIN by registering your e-book at dummies.com/go/getaccess. Go to this website, find your book and click it, and answer the security question to verify your purchase. Then you'll receive an e-mail with your PIN.

2. Go to http://onlinepractice.dummies.com.

3. Enter your PIN.

4. Follow the instructions to create an account and establish your personal login information.

That’s all there is to it! You can come back to the online program again and again — simply log in with the username and password you choose during your initial login. No need to use the PIN a second time.

If you have trouble with the PIN or can't find it, please contact Wiley Product Technical Support at 800-762-2974 or http://support.wiley.com.

Your registration is good for one year from the day you activate your PIN. After that time frame has passed, you can renew your registration for a fee. The website gives you all the important details about how to do so.

Where to Go for Additional Help

It’s easy to get overwhelmed when trying to study numerous subjects at once. But don’t despair. This book is designed to break everything into less complex categories so you can concentrate on one subject at a time. Practicing in smaller areas within each topic helps you identify your strong points and your weak points.

After you've identified the areas you feel need extra effort, you can start studying on your own and then come back here to answer the questions again to measure your improvement. For example, if your knowledge of engine parts is a little hazy (or nonexistent), try the auto portion of Chapter 6. Check your answers and jot down notes or questions you may have. Then research, say, how pistons work or what is connected to an exhaust. You can look for resources at your local library or online, or ask a friend, coworker, or professor to coach you if he or she seems handy under the hood. You can also check out the For Dummies series for books about many of the topics covered on the ASVAB. Head to www.dummies.com to see the many books and articles that can help you in your studies.

1,001 ASVAB Practice Questions For Dummies gives you just that — 1,001 practice questions and answers in order for you to simulate the real thing. If you need more in-depth study and direction for the ASVAB and Armed Forces Qualification Test (AFQT), you may wish to pick up the following Dummies products:

ASVAB For Dummies: This book coaches you on everything ASVAB, from the number of questions and amount of time you have to complete each section to the specific information asked under each subtest.

ASVAB AFQT For Dummies: This book reviews the core concepts that comprise the AFQT portion of the ASVAB, providing the tools you need to get your best score and become eligible for military enlistment.

ASVAB Practice For Dummies App: This app provides you a portable electronic ASVAB study tool for your iOS, Android, Kindle Fire, or Nook.

Part I

The Questions

Visit www.dummies.com for free access to great Dummies content online.

In this part . . .

If you’re planning on joining the military, you’re going to do a lot of counting (think push-ups, pull-ups, miles, targets, grenades . . . you get the picture) and counting off. You may as well get used to it: One. Two. Three . . .

So it just makes sense to answer 1,001 questions on all sorts of topics when you’re preparing to take the ASVAB. Here are the categories of problems you’ll face:

Language arts (Chapters 1 and 2)

Mathematics (Chapters 3 and 4)

Science (Chapter 5)

Technical skills (Chapters 6, 7, and 8)

Spatial skills (Chapter 9)

Chapter 1

Word Knowledge: Testing Your Vocabulary

The Word Knowledge subtest is one of the most important subtests on the ASVAB. This subtest comprises a significant portion of your Armed Forces Qualification Test (AFQT) score — the score that determines your eligibility for military service. To do well on this subtest, you need to be pretty handy with your lingo — that is, your vocabulary. The purpose of the Word Knowledge subtest is to measure your ability to figure out what most words in the English language mean. When taking this subtest, you may come across words you’ve never seen before, or you may know the words right away (a hopeful scenario). In any event, continually testing (and developing) your word-knowledge skills gives you the best chance for success. Lucky for you, this chapter gives you plenty of practice to help you do just that.

The Questions You’ll Work On

The Word Knowledge questions come in one of three forms:

Definition: This type of question asks you for a straight definition of the word given.

Sentence context: When you see an underlined word in a sentence, your job is to choose the answer closest in meaning to the underlined word.

Antonyms: Choose the answer most opposite in meaning to the word given.

What to Watch Out For

Keep in mind the following points as you work on the Word Knowledge questions in this chapter:

If you see an unfamiliar word, try to figure out the root of the word (the base) to see whether you recognize it.

A prefix or suffix can help you figure out the meaning of an unknown word if you know how the given prefix or suffix changes the meaning.

Some questions ask you to choose the word closest in meaning to the underlined word.

Some sentence questions offer clues to the correct answer choice in their context.

An antonym is a word most opposite in meaning to the given word. Although antonym questions are rare on the Word Knowledge subtest, they show up occasionally, so be on the lookout!


1. Cognizant most nearly means

(A) conscious

(B) ignorant

(C) fearful

(D) snooty

2. Abbreviate most nearly means

(A) supply

(B) enlighten

(C) condense

(D) satisfy

3. Clarity most nearly means

(A) clearness

(B) foggy

(C) appearance

(D) regretful

4. Culminate most nearly means

(A) destroy

(B) complete

(C) fix

(D) accumulate

5. Ardent most nearly means

(A) trustworthy

(B) passionate

(C) diligent

(D) lonely

6. Falter most nearly means

(A) hesitate

(B) encourage

(C) fail

(D) deny

7. Hamper most nearly means

(A) regulate

(B) prevent

(C) prevail

(D) discourage

8. Malicious most nearly means

(A) grave

(B) large

(C) harmful

(D) exhausting

9. Obtrude most nearly means

(A) large

(B) distinct

(C) offensive

(D) intrude

10. Palpable most nearly means

(A) practiced

(B) touchable

(C) collective

(D) harmed

11. Quaff most nearly means

(A) ducks

(B) embarrassment

(C) drink

(D) loud

12. Savory most nearly means

(A) enjoyment

(B) spicy

(C) appreciative

(D) candid

13. Vagary most nearly means

(A) hardship

(B) valiant

(C) fury

(D) change

14. Wean most nearly means

(A) whisper

(B) halt

(C) care

(D) admit

15. Yen most nearly means

(A) hatred

(B) Chinese

(C) desire

(D) calming

16. Diverse most nearly means

(A) diving

(B) various

(C) prejudice

(D) similar

17. Entrust most nearly means

(A) regain

(B) assign

(C) regard

(D) hope

18. Disregard most nearly means

(A) complicate

(B) esteem

(C) respect

(D) ignore

19. Amenable most nearly means

(A) amended

(B) prepared

(C) guided

(D) cooperative

20. Autonomous most nearly means

(A) barred

(B) enslaved

(C) automatic

(D) independent

21. Orate most nearly means

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