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The easy way to prepare for basic training
Each year, thousands of young Americans attempt to enlist in the U.S. Armed Services. A number of factors during a soldier's training could inhibit successful enlistment, including mental toughness and physical fitness levels. Basic Training For Dummies covers the ins and outs of this initial process, preparing you for the challenges you?ll face before you head off for basic training..
You'll get detailed, week-by-week information on what to expect in basic training for each branch of service, such as physical training, discipline, classroom instruction, drill and ceremony, obstacle courses, simulated war games, self-defense, marksmanship, and other milestones.
Whether you join the Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps, or the Coast Guard, Basic Training For Dummies prepares you for the challenge and will help you survive and thrive in boot camp!
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Seitenzahl: 571
Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2011
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Table of Contents
Basic Training For Dummies®
by Rod Powers
Recognized expert in all U.S. Military matters
Basic Training For Dummies®
Published byJohn Wiley & Sons, Inc.111 River St.Hoboken, NJ 07030-5774www.wiley.com
Copyright © 2011 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey
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About the Author
Rod Powers joined the United States Air Force in 1975 intending to become a spy. He was devastated to learn that he should’ve joined the CIA instead because the military doesn’t have that particular enlisted job. Regardless, he fell in love with the military and made it both a passion and a career, retiring with 23 years of service. Rod spent 11 of those years as a First Sergeant, helping to solve the problems of the enlisted corps.
Since his retirement from the military in 1998, Rod has become a world-renowned military careers expert. Through his highly popular U.S. Military Information website on About.com (http://usmilitary.about.com), Rod has advised thousands of troops about all aspects of the U.S. Armed Forces career information.
Rod is the proud father of twin girls, both of whom enjoy successful careers in the United States Air Force. Rod currently resides in Daytona Beach, Florida, with his pet tomato plant, Oscar. Even today, Powers tries to run his life according to long-lived military ideals and standards, but he gets a bit confused about why nobody will obey his orders anymore . . . not even Oscar.
To all the women in my life: Jeanie, Chrissy, Milani, Autumn, Charissa, Joy, Shilynn, Katie, Sue, Barb, Patty, Crystal, Amber, Linda, Camryn, Cindy, Denise, Dana, Hope, Robin, and Sheri. This book is not dedicated to Jackie — she had her chance.
Author’s Acknowledgments
The author wants to thank Autumn McLeod for reading my drafts and making sure my ramblings made some kind of sense. Also, her husband, Jake, for educating me about Coast Guard basic training and for looking over the Coast Guard portions of this book. Many thanks to my outstanding literary agent, Barb Doyen, for putting this project together and helping convince the publisher that there was a valid need for this book. Special thanks to the Army, Navy, and Air Force recruiting services, as well as Thomas J. Cutler of the Air Force, for making sure I covered all the basics of basic training.
Many thanks to Tracy Boggier, my Acquisitions Editor and Kelly Ewing, my sensational Project Editor.
Finally, I send more special thanks to the recruiting commands of the United States Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard, especially the recruiters assigned to the Volusia County Mall, for providing invaluable resource information.
Publisher’s Acknowledgments
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If you’re reading this book, there’s a very good chance that you’ve joined the military and are just waiting for your date to roll around to ship out for military basic training. Maybe you’re wondering what you’re in for, or maybe you plan to be an honor graduate and want to study up on some of the things you’ll need to know to impress your instructors. Perhaps you have a close family member or friend attending military basic training and want to know what they’re going through. In any case, buying this book was a good decision. In Basic Training For Dummies, you can find out exactly what goes on in military basic training, as well as a few tips of what you can do to prepare in advance.
About This Book
Depending on your branch of choice, military basic training is between 6 weeks and 13 weeks long. Although a lot of new information is packed into this short amount of time, you can get a head start on required military knowledge, as well as a heads-up about what to expect during basic training, by reading through the chapters of this book.
Basic Training For Dummies gives you a blow-by-blow look at all five branches of the U.S. Military and their basic training courses, as well as tips and techniques that can help make your basic training experience more rewarding.
My entire purpose in writing this book is to help you get the most out of your initial military training experience. There’s so much to learn in such a short period of time, and a little advanced knowledge will certainly enhance your basic training adventure. As the old axiom says, “Preparation is half the battle.”
Conventions Used in This Book
The following conventions are used throughout the text to help point out important concepts and make the text easier to understand:
All Web addresses appear in monofont.Note: Some Web addresses may extend to two lines of text. If you use one of these addresses, just type the address exactly as you see it, pretending that the line break doesn’t exist.
New terms appear in italic and are closely followed by an easy-to-understand definition.
Bold text highlights important points and the action parts of numbered steps or processes.
In addition, each branch of the military uses terminology specific to it. For example, the Army calls its drill instructors drill sergeants and basic training basic combat training. Throughout this book, I use general terms, rather than the specific ones, whenever I’m talking about multiple branches.
What You’re Not to Read
This book contains a number of sidebars (the shaded gray boxes). These sidebars are full of interesting information about basic training, but you don’t have to read them if you don’t want to — they don’t contain anything you simply must know in order to do your best at military basic training.
You also run across special icons, titled Technical Stuff, from time to time. These sections include concise, detailed information (interesting but nonessential) about the topic at hand, but the info probably can’t help you pass military basic training. You can safely skip these tidbits, if you want.
If you already know which branch of the military’s basic training programs you’re going to attend, you can skip over information about the other services. For example, if you’re going to attend Army basic training, you can safely skip over the section about Navy aircraft and ships. However, military basic training for all branches are very similar, so information about one branch’s system very well could help you with a different branch’s basic training.
Foolish Assumptions
While writing this book, I made a few assumptions about you — namely, who you are and why you picked up this book. I’ve assumed the following:
You may be nervous about attending military basic training and need some information so that you know what you’re getting yourself into.
You’re curious about what goes on in military basic training on a day-to-day basis.
You want to know what you can study in advance to help make your military basic training experience as rewarding as possible.
How This Book Is Organized
There is a method to the madness . . . a reason why this book is organized the way you see it today. I organized this book according to subject matter. Material having to do with preparing for basic training is organized together, what to expect for each branch is grouped in succession, and information about graduating from basic training is in one area.
This book isn’t organized to reflect how various events will occur during basic training, but rather by the significance of the events. You can read about more important events before you read about requirements that are of lesser priority.
I also include two appendixes — one on military justice and one on military history — to help you prepare for basic training.
Part I: The Basics about Basic
If you have no clue about what to expect during military basic training, then this part is for you. I talk about what you can expect in a day at basic training, no matter which branch you’re in. You also get a peek at what happens on the firing range and tips on which basic training jobs you may want to volunteer for (and which ones to avoid at all costs).
Part II: Getting Ready for Basic
Believe it or not, you can do some things in advance to make your basic training experience a little bit easier. In this part, you find out what you need to know about military ranks, military life, and the military law and justice (and hopefully you’ll never have to apply the latter knowledge!). You also find out what you need to do to get in shape for basic training.
Part III: Heading to Basic Training
You can’t just jump on a plane or bus and show up at basic training. If it were that easy, it wouldn’t be the U.S. Military. In this part, you find out what you should bring with you to basic training and what to avoid packing at all costs. You can also read about final in-processing at MEPS and what to expect when you get to your basic training location to begin your new life.
Part IV: Basic Training Life, Branch by Branch
Part IV includes the meat of this book. Here, you discover exactly what to expect in each of the services’ basic training programs, including daily activities, equipment, and how to interact with your classmates and instructors. I dedicate a chapter to each military branch so that I can point out each area’s special nuances.
Part V: Wrapping Up Basic Training
All good things must come to an end, and so it is with military basic training. Turn to this part if you’re interested in graduation events and basic training awards.
Part VI: The Part of Tens
This book is a For Dummies book, so it’s not complete without a Part of Tens. If you want to get right down to it and find out some of the most important information for doing well in military basic training and you like your info presented in easily digestible lists, turn to Part V. This part gives you basic training tips and advice on how to keep that mean instructor off your back.
Icons Used in This Book
Throughout this book, you find icons that help you use the material in this book. Here’s a rundown on what they mean to you:
This icon alerts you to helpful hints regarding basic training. Tips can help you save time and avoid frustration.
This icon reminds you of important information you should memorize (or at least read carefully).
This icon flags information that may prove hazardous to your plans of conquering military basic training. Often, this icon accompanies common mistakes or misconceptions people have or questions about basic training.
This icon points out information that is interesting, enlightening, or in-depth but info that isn’t necessary for you to read. You may or may not find these concepts helpful to you during basic training, but knowing the info may make basic training a little more rewarding.
Where to Go from Here
You don’t have to read this book from cover to cover in order to do well during military basic training. People have different strengths and weaknesses, and the format of this book is designed to be read in the manner that best suits you. You may be a whiz in physical training and choose to skip the fitness sections entirely and use your time in areas you feel you need more information.
If you do choose to skip chapters, I highly recommend you skim through those chapters anyway, taking note of Tip, Warning, and Remember icons, because these morsels of info include important factors about your basic training experience.
I suggest that you begin with Chapters 1 and 2, however. That way you can get a feel for what goes on during military basic training and what you’ll need to know. This plan of attack helps you set up logical and effective goals to maximize your military basic training adventure.
No matter where you start, I wish you luck on your upcoming military journey. I hope you find your time at military basic training as rewarding as I did!
Part I
The Basics about Basic
In this part . . .
In this part, you discover what to expect during an average basic training day, what basic training jobs you should volunteer for (and which ones you should avoid like the plague), as well as the proper way to handle a military weapon without accidentally shooting yourself or others.
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