A Cursed King - Atlas Avery - E-Book

A Cursed King E-Book

Atlas Avery

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Atlas Avery is a talented writer in the realms of fiction and fantasy. With a passion for creating intricate worlds and captivating characters, Atlas weaves tales that transport readers to new and exciting realms. As a master storyteller, Atlas's work is sure to enchant and delight all who delve into their imaginative narratives.

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Atlas Avery

A Cursed King

All rights reserved

Copyright © 2024 by Atlas Avery

No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

Published by Spines

ISBN 979-8-89383-293-8



I. Cassius

II. Cassius

III. Cassius

IV. Cassius

V. Cassius

VI. Clementine

VII. Cassius

VIII. Theodore

IX. Cassius

X. Cassius

XI. Cassius

XII. Cassius

XIII. Cassius

XIV. Cassius

XV. Cassius

XVI. Cassius

XVII. Clementine

XVIII. Theodore

XIX. Last Chapter


This book is dedicated to the lighthouses in my life.

Thank you for being my guiding light and getting to this moment.

“We are not born in lieu of light.

Yet shadows of life's cruelty creep upon us.

Darkness congregates, a specter in our path,

Our inner light battles, rigorously against the woes.

But should that light dwindle or flicker low,

A gentle soul may share their beacon bright.

For we are not ruled by the dark, nor are we its home.”


In the warm embrace of the sun's rays, the coastline unfolded like a painting of paradise. Azure waters danced along the shore, kissed by the sun's golden glow, while pristine white sands stretched out into the distance. Behind this idyllic scene, undulating hills rose and fell, adding to the picturesque backdrop of the oasis.

Despite the serenity of the surroundings, an ominous presence loomed over the horizon. Amongst the bustling activity of the coastal community, crimson tents dotted the hillsides like drops of blood staining the earth. The sight sent a shiver down Cassius's spine, a stark reminder of the imminent threat that approached.

Standing by the window of his palace, Cassius watched the ebb and flow of the waves with a heavy heart. Beyond the safety of his walls, people reveled in the joys of seaside life, their laughter mingling with the sound of the surf. How fortunate they were to remain blissfully unaware.

As a gentle breeze swept through the hall, Cassius felt a sense of unease settle over him. He clenched his teeth, his gaze turning inward as he pondered the impending conflict. "What brings you here?" he murmured to the breeze, his voice tinged with apprehension.

Adelaide emerged from the ethereal embrace of the wind, her presence commanding attention. Her hair cascaded in waves, catching the sunlight in its golden strands, while freckles danced across her cheeks. Her eyes, a vivid turquoise reflecting her affinity with the elements and mastery over them, radiated an unyielding determination, her expression steadfast and resolute.

"Do you not see the crimson tide?" Adelaide's voice cut through the air like a blade, her words a stark reminder of the impending threat that lurked just beyond the tranquil facade of their seaside haven.

Unease crept into his chest at her words, causing him to avert his eyes from Adelaide's piercing gaze and instead focus on the menacing tents that loomed in the distance, casting a shadow over their peaceful existence. "I see them," he snapped, his voice tinged with frustration and concern. As he gazed at the tents, he shook his head, his thick black hair swaying with the movement. Unlike Adelaide, he was not blessed with mastery over the elements; instead, he was cursed with a different kind of power, one that manifested in red eyes. It was this curse that compelled those like him to roam after sunset, shrouding the night in darkness. Some might call him a creature of the night, a moniker he had reluctantly come to accept. Luckily for Cassius, he was born from a strong magic line; he was not bound by the night.

Cassius met Adelaide's gaze with a steady stare, his lips pressing into a firm line as he tilted his head slightly, contemplating her response. With a subtle wave of his hand, he beckoned her closer, the curiosity evident in his voice as he inquired, "Have you employed your unique abilities to gather intelligence?"

A smirk played at the corners of Adelaide's lips, a hint of mischief dancing in her turquoise eyes. "Not yet, but your wish is my command," she replied coyly, her tone laced with a mixture of confidence and playfulness. With a graceful movement, she transformed into a gentle breeze, enveloping Cassius once more in her ethereal embrace before whisking away towards the distant hills.

As Adelaide departed, Cassius couldn't suppress the twinge of disapproval that knotted his brow. He had allowed the witch to occupy his bed far too often, granting her liberties that now seemed to encroach upon his authority. Gritting his teeth with a sense of frustration, Cassius silently cursed his own weakness, knowing that his indulgence had inadvertently emboldened Adelaide to take advantage of their occasional partnership.

Cassius ruled his kingdom with a unique perspective, unlike any other ruler before him. Within the walls of his palace, a diverse array of creatures coexisted: witches practiced their ancient crafts, vampires prowled in the shadows, and a handful of shifters seamlessly blended in among the humans. While many balked at the notion of such diverse beings living together, Cassius saw strength in unity. He believed that the differences among his subjects were not weaknesses but rather sources of resilience that fortified his realm.

Unlike some of his vampire brethren, Cassius had not been born into his cursed existence; rather, it had found him in a fateful twist of fate. A wicked witch, enraged by his defiance, had cast a malevolent curse upon him. When Cassius had ultimately brought about her demise, a portion of her dark magic had unwittingly transferred to him, forever altering his destiny.

Despite the skepticism and resistance from those who couldn't fathom a Vampire King, Cassius stood firm in his resolve to lead. Those who could not reconcile themselves to his rule had departed, unwilling to acknowledge his authority. However, for others who sought refuge and sanctuary from the harsh realities of the world, Cassius's palace became a bastion of safety and security, a beacon of hope amidst the darkness of prejudice and fear.

Cassius strode purposefully through the corridors of his palace, his footsteps echoing against the marble floors as he made his way to the gardens. With a flick of his hand, he shed his formal maroon and gold uniform, opting for a more relaxed attire.

Each flower within the garden had been meticulously chosen and nurtured by Clementine, a witch of considerable power whose expertise lay in herbs for both healing and more nefarious purposes. As Cassius pushed open the doors to the garden conservatory, he found Clementine amidst her verdant domain, a vision of serenity amid the lush foliage. Her long auburn hair cascaded around her like a waterfall of russet silk, framing her delicate features with a natural elegance. Her emerald-green eyes sparkled with a vitality that seemed to mirror the vibrant life thriving around her.

Unlike Adelaide, whose beauty was ethereal and otherworldly, Clementine possessed a more earthly allure. The freckles that danced across her face resembled a constellation of stars scattered across a canvas of porcelain skin, each one a testament to her connection to the land and its bountiful gifts. Cassius couldn't help but marvel at the way her magic seemed to resonate with the very essence of the Earth itself.

A warm smile graced Clementine's lips as she greeted him with a respectful bow, a gesture that spoke volumes of her humble demeanor and unwavering respect for their kingdom. Cassius felt a sense of calm wash over him in her presence, reassured by her steadfast devotion to her duties and her unwavering commitment to their people.

"Lord Cassius," Clementine addressed him with deference, his discomfort with the formalities apparent. He responded with a half-hearted smile. "Clementine," he acknowledged. "I do not mean to alarm you, but if war were to arise, how well-stocked are your supplies?"

With his arms crossed over his chest, he surveyed the gardens before his attention returned to Clementine. A furrow creased her brow as she paused in her work, taking a steadying breath. "I have a variety of potions at the ready, and Theodore and I have been diligently accumulating both toxic arrows and medicinal tablets," she replied, her voice tinged with concern.

This is brilliant, he thought, repressing a smile as he watched her. He truly appreciated this defensive approach.

Noting the tension in her demeanor, Cassius observed the shift and squinted, intrigued by her reaction. "Anticipating a battle?" she questioned, her voice laced with concern while Cassius furrowed his brow in contemplation.

With a shake of his head, he responded, "I do not believe so, but it's always wise to be prepared. We have visitors approaching, and Adelaide is keeping watch. No need to worry, Clementine." Cassius forced a reassuring smile to reassure her, meeting her gaze. "It's all hypothetical for now," he added before heading out.

Theodore was next on Cassius's agenda, for he was his right hand—his general. Cassius proceeded to the armory with a sense of unease weighing heavy on his chest. He fretted for his people, wishing to spare them harm yet understanding that conflict often came with casualties.

"Theodore," Cassius announced as he paced the armory, his footsteps echoing in the cavernous space. Suddenly, a thud broke the silence, prompting Cassius to raise his brows as Theodore stumbled out in disarray.

"Cassius," Theodore greeted, devoid of formalities, a gesture which Cassius appreciated. Theodore stood, not as tall as Cassius, at slightly over six feet, with short blonde hair and clean-shaven, his eyes amber. Theodore possessed magic as well, but he was not an Elemental. A smirk tugged at Cassius's lips before he cleared his throat. "Arthur?" he inquired, noticing the absence of the customary bow.

Theodore's complexion paled at the mention of Arthur's name, prompting Cassius to shake his head in amusement. Soon enough, Arthur emerged from the shadows, offering a respectful bow. Shorter than Theodore, Arthur possessed a tanned complexion and a stocky, warrior-like build. With a striking appearance, Arthur's eyes were green, his facial hair short, and his hair black.

"My King, my apologies," he offered contritely.

"I am sorry to intrude, but I fear we have cause for concern—a battle may be upon us," Cassius explained solemnly. "Adelaide is gathering intelligence, but I believe it prudent for us to be prepared."

"I am sorry to intrude, but I fear we have cause for concern—a battle may be upon us," Cassius explained solemnly. "Adelaide is gathering intelligence, but I believe it prudent for us to be prepared." Cassius proceeded with caution when it came to his people, and he did not hesitate to resort to violence when it was necessary to protect them. Just because his Kingdom accepted all did not mean he was a weak King.

Theodore's demeanor stiffened as he nodded in agreement. "We are always prepared for battle," he affirmed with unwavering confidence. Cassius smirked, feeling deep pride for his trusted advisor. Then, he turned his attention to Arthur, seeking reassurance from the shifters under his command.

"The shifters stand ready to engage in combat, whether in their human or animal form," Arthur confirmed, his voice resolute. Cassius nodded at his words. "Thank you, gentlemen."

As the men braced themselves for the impending conflict, a chill wind swept through the armory, tousling Cassius's hair and carrying with it the unmistakable scent of death. His eyes widened as the odor of decay grew stronger, signaling an ominous presence. A chill pulsed through him, and suddenly, Cassius's eyes began to glow red, his fangs shooting out in preparation for the looming threat.

Adelaide materialized from the wind before them, her appearance weak—ghastly, with her eyes lacking their usual vibrancy. She stumbled forward, prompting Cassius to swiftly catch her as she collapsed. His breath faltered at the sight of her.

"It's not what we think," Adelaide murmured weakly, her voice barely audible. Cassius exchanged a concerned glance with Theodore before issuing a command. "Fetch healing tablets," he growled, his tone urgent.

Theodore vanished into thin air as Cassius cradled Adelaide close, lowering himself to the ground with a look of deep concern etched upon his features. "Please, Adelaide, do not do this," he whispered softly, his voice filled with worry. At Adelaide's feet, Arthur stood poised, his demeanor in stark contrast to Cassius's evident fear. Arthur was ready to assist, his presence silent but comforting. Cassius noticed his appearance soften as he gazed upon them.

Theodore reappeared beside them, swiftly administering a needle to Adelaide's arm. Cassius's brow furrowed in confusion. "What is this?" he questioned Theodore, his gaze probing.

"Clementine suggested it, one of her remedies," Theodore admitted, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

Cassius's panic intensified as he observed Adelaide, his mind racing with questions and fears. This is my fault, he thought, guilt washing over him. He had tasked her with gathering vital intelligence, and now she lay before him, weakened and in need of aid. Just as despair threatened to overwhelm him, a pulse of magic surged from Adelaide, a faint reassurance amidst the chaos.

Collecting himself, Cassius took a deep breath before addressing the others. "I will take her to Clementine," he declared. With Adelaide cradled in his arms, he rose to his feet, Arthur and Theodore hastening to open the doors for him. Together, they hurried through the palace, Cassius pushing forward with urgency until they reached Clementine's chambers.

"Clementine!" Cassius called out as he burst into the gardens, his eyes scanning the surroundings for the witch. She emerged from the doors on the opposite side, beckoning him over with a reassuring smile. "I have prepared a bed for her," she informed him calmly as he approached. Her calm demeanor brought him some peace, but the guilt he felt hung heavy in his heart.

Gently, Cassius eased Adelaide onto the bed; his heart weighed down by concern. "I can sense her magic," he admitted, his voice heavy with worry. Clementine nodded in understanding, her emerald eyes meeting his as she placed her hand on his chest. He felt the surge of her magic, and he did not protest.

Her eyes glowed with soothing energy as she reassured him, "She will be fine, Cassius. Adelaide simply needs rest." Her words carried a quiet confidence, and though she lacked formality, her command of magic instilled trust in Cassius.

Cassius moved a chair, seating himself opposite Adelaide. Gritting his teeth tightly, his eyes remained fixed on her unconscious form. Clementine's gentle voice pierced through his contemplation. "My King, are you certain this is the best use of your time?" she inquired softly.

Cassius nodded firmly. "Cassius," he corrected her. "I asked this of her, so I will stay until she wakes. I am here should she need anything. She is a good friend, and I need her to be alright," he affirmed, his resolve unyielding. Reflecting on Adelaide's enigmatic words, he added, "She said it's not what we think." Confusion clouded his mind, prompting him to express his desire to delve into her thoughts once she regained her strength. Diving into the thoughts of others was a power he rarely used, but he felt compelled to unravel the mystery surrounding Adelaide's warning.

Clementine offered no immediate response, her attention fully absorbed in administering spells and herbs to aid Adelaide's recovery. Cassius watched her work attentively, his thoughts swirling with questions and uncertainties.

Eventually, Clementine paused her work, looking directly at him. "This is not your fault. If Adelaide had not gone, someone else would have. She will be fine, I promise you. She truly just needs rest," she said in a reassuring tone before returning to her work. Cassius pondered her words; there was truth in them. If not Adelaide, someone else would have volunteered. Beyond his brief entanglement with Adelaide, the two had been good friends.

Clementine cleared her throat, breaking the silence in the room. "Do you need to be replenished, my lord?" she inquired respectfully. Cassius glanced at her, a hint of weariness in his eyes. "Cassius, my power holds no weight here. In here, I am powerless, therefore it is Cassius," he reminded her gently, acknowledging the limitations of his abilities within the healing chamber. Cassius' healing abilities came from his blood and spells; he could not heal simply by touch. Clementine nodded in understanding. Cassius realized she was inquiring if he needed blood to sustain himself.

"I would not say no if you're offering," Cassius replied with a faint smile, accepting her offer. Clementine nodded, her movements fluid and purposeful as she summoned a mug into her hand. With practiced efficiency, she retrieved a bag of blood from her cooling area and poured it into the cup. Cassius watched her with gratitude as she handed him the cup, her eyes glowing as she warmed the blood with her magic before offering it to him.

"Thank you, Clementine," Cassius murmured, his voice sincere as he took a sip from the cup. A flash of bright red illuminated his eyes briefly as the blood touched his lips, replenishing his strength and vitality. "What are you working on?" Cassius asked as he watched her work. Clementine looked over at him. "Nothing exciting, actually. I promised Benedict I would replenish the kitchen's needs," she explained. Cassius tilted his head for a moment. It made sense; he just hadn't realized that she was responsible for that as well.

Theodore entered the chamber, and Cassius nodded in acknowledgment as they both turned their attention to Adelaide. A slight wince escaped her lips, prompting Cassius to rise from his seat and move closer to her. He noticed her hand twitch, a small sign of life amidst her unconsciousness. Uncertain whether to touch her, Cassius hesitated momentarily, wary of crossing a boundary between them that had never been breached before. Despite their occasional intimacy, they had always maintained a certain distance.

Cassius decided to place his hand gently atop hers, seeking to offer her comfort and reassurance in her time of need. Clementine observed Adelaide's condition closely, her eyes glinting with a mixture of concern and determination. Sensing Cassius's uncertainty, she offered him guidance.

"Give her time, Cassius. She is healing, she might be recalling what happened, which is causing this. I am not concerned, and you should not be either," Clementine reassured him, her voice calm and steady. Cassius nodded in acknowledgment, silently hoping that Adelaide would soon awaken.

Cassius resumed his seat, his gaze fixed on Adelaide as she rested, Theodore standing watch beside him. The room was enveloped in a tense silence, each occupant awaiting Adelaide's awakening with bated breath. Cassius couldn't shake the feeling of helplessness that gnawed at him. He hated when his people were hurt, coupled with a heavy sense of guilt for sending Adelaide into harm's way. Cassius could admit that Adelaide's tough exterior was why he had been fine with sending her. She was a daughter of warriors; though she did not often fight in battle, she could. Cassius had seen her wield a sword; she was fierce. Adelaide could be ruthless when she combated magic against her fellow witches. She was a force to be reckoned with, rarely having issues because she often caused them for others.

As Adelaide stirred once more, a ripple of anticipation swept through the room. Clementine moved closer to her, her expression one of quiet concern, while Cassius rose from his seat, standing behind Clementine as they awaited Adelaide's response. With a soft voice, Clementine gently inquired, "Adelaide, how are you feeling?"

Adelaide's eyes fluttered open, her gaze sweeping across the room, her facial expression hard to read. "This feels like a funeral," she remarked dryly, her tone tinged with exhaustion. "And I feel like hell," she added, her voice strained. Cassius chuckled softly at her comment.

Moving closer to her, Cassius adopted a gentle and reassuring posture. "Can you tell us what you saw?" he asked, his question laced with concern yet delivered with the utmost care, mindful not to pressure her in her vulnerable state. Cassius's eyes roamed her face, noting her lack of color, though her freckles seemed vibrant, her eyes missing their usual shine. He forced a weak smile; she did not look like the Adelaide he knew.

Adelaide's gaze shifted to Cassius, her expression contemplative as she processed his words. Cassius met her gaze with a soft, reassuring look, his concern evident in his eyes. "They are seeking refuge," Adelaide spoke, her voice weak but resolute. Cassius tilted his head slightly, absorbing her words. "They wish to join us," she added, her tone carrying a hint of urgency.

Cassius grimaced, noting the toll that delivering this information had taken on Adelaide's already weakened state. "What did you do, Adelaide?" he inquired, his voice tinged with concern as he observed her condition. Adelaide mustered a faint smirk, her eyes glinting with a mix of exhaustion and determination. "I pulled their memories to verify their claims. They were slaughtered, their pain is unbearable, and I let the weak feed on me," she explained, her words heavy with the weight of the horrors she had witnessed.

"Did they overfeed?" Cassius snapped, his worry evident, feeling Clementine place a hand on him. Cassius sighed, realizing his tone, and softened slightly.

Cassius frowned, a pang of guilt gnawing at him as he realized the extent of Adelaide's sacrifice. "I did not wish for you to get hurt," he admitted softly, his hand coming to rest atop hers in a gesture of comfort and apology. "You must rest now. We will let you be," he added, his tone gentle yet firm. With a nod and a fleeting smile, Cassius and Theodore exited the chamber, leaving Adelaide to recuperate in peace.

"We wait," Cassius declared firmly as he and Theodore strode through the echoing halls of the palace, their footsteps echoing against the stone walls. "But we wait prepared. I will not allow us to be taken by surprise." Cassius paused, his brow furrowing in frustration. "I do not understand. Was it the magic or the feeding that harmed her? Why did she not come back for help?" He looked at Theodore, knowing they wouldn't have those answers. Cassius was simply frustrated.

"She will be fine, Cassius," Theodore said reassuringly. "Let's prepare for what is to come." They nodded in agreement, understanding the importance of readiness. With that, the two parted ways, each heading to their respective tasks, their determination unwavering.

Cassius reached his chambers and closed the heavy mahogany doors behind him, casting a boundary spell to ensure his solitude. Moving to the window, he surveyed the landscape beyond, the azure sea stretching out before him. Cassius noted the unusual absence of humans congregating on the sandy beaches. With a determined expression, he pushed aside a seemingly ordinary book on his shelf, revealing a hidden staircase leading down into the depths of his palace.

Hurrying down the dark staircase, the chamber was dimly lit through candles. Cassius navigated the labyrinthine halls until he reached a secluded chamber lined with shelves of ancient tomes and grimoires. Spiderwebs hung in some areas; this area was off-limits. Each book held the secrets of old magic, whispered knowledge passed down through generations, some even containing dark magic. Cassius kept it to prevent it from falling into the wrong hands.

Closing his eyes, Cassius extended his hands, summoning protective spells to ward off any unwanted intrusions. He listened intently as the books rustled on their shelves, guided by his unseen hand. When the movement ceased, he opened his eyes to find four books had presented themselves before him.

Gathering the chosen tomes, Cassius returned to his chamber and placed them carefully on his desk. With a determined air, he placed his hands on the ancient texts, closing his eyes to focus his mind.

Searching through the pages of each book, Cassius sought guidance from the ancient magic contained within. After a time, he found what he was looking for, a solution to the looming threat that haunted the horizon.

Opening his eyes, Cassius narrowed his gaze as he peered out the window once more, the sight of the distant tents stirring conflicting emotions within him. With a heavy sigh, he knew that difficult decisions lay ahead, but he was determined to protect his kingdom at any cost.

Cassius dismissed the boundary spell with a wave of his hand, the magical barrier dissolving as he carefully placed the ancient tomes back onto his desk. As the spell faded, he felt a faint tug of magic. It was warm and carried a hint of vanilla, a signal from Clementine. Without hesitation, Cassius harnessed his own magical abilities, teleporting himself to her side in the gardens of the palace.

Walking swiftly to where Clementine tended to her healing area, Cassius' expression betrayed his concern, a knot of worry tightening in his chest. Their eyes met, and Clementine gave him a warm smile before gesturing for him to follow her to a secluded corner.

"She's fine. If I had bad news, I would have come to you. It would be cruel to make you wait," Clementine whispered reassuringly, and Cassius felt some of the tension drain from his body at her words. "But if what she says is true, I have something that may prove useful to you."

Leading him to her medicinal room, Clementine directed his attention to a locked cabinet in the far corner. Cassius raised an eyebrow, curious about its contents. "Should our palace become a refuge for those Adelaide spoke of, this will help lower their inhibitions if you suspect there is cause for concern," she explained, her tone serious.

Cassius examined the herbs and potions she indicated, realizing their potential significance in the uncertain times ahead. He watched as Clementine touched them, noticing the vibrant green of the herbs. Gratitude swelled within him as he looked back at her. This is what we need—prevention.