Amatory Activity At Night: Taboo Erotica - Richard Dempsey - E-Book

Amatory Activity At Night: Taboo Erotica E-Book

Richard Dempsey

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"Please, Tony," she begged. She was almost in tears. "Put it in me."

Without warning Tony violently thrust the length of his cock into her pussy all the way to his balls. Raina emitted a high-pitched moan and threw her legs around the small of his back. Tony lay still for a moment, savoring the feel of his cock in her burning, hot cunt.

"You like big cocks, lady?""Yes. Yes."

"Mine's one of the biggest, ain't it?"

"Yes. It feels wonderful."

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Amatory Activity At Night

Richard Dempsey

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents

Amatory Activity At Night

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 1

Raina was thirty-one years old, ash blonde and sensually beautiful both in face and form. She turned first to the left and then to the right and examined her breasts. They were still high and firm, but she made a mental note to start doing her bust exercises that she'd heard about from a senator's wife at a cocktail party last week.

"Darling, mine used to hang down to here," the senator's wife had gushed. "Now look at them!"

Raina looked at her pointy cones which were encased in a lavender wool dress.

"I'll have to try it, Myrna."

"Not that I'm criticizing you, darling, but with tits like yours you'd better start now before you have to part 'em to piss."

Raina laughed on cue, pressed her cheek to the senator's wife and continued circulating around the party.

Raina sat up in bed, dropped her head between her knees, and began to blow her toes dry. She continued blowing breath up her inner thighs and against the downy triangle of blonde pubic hair which covered her cunt.

"Mmmmmmm. If only I could reach it, I wouldn't ever have to go out."

She glanced irritably at the digital clock. Goddammit, he was going to make her late for her own date. She picked up her white princess telephone and discovered that she had turned it off during the night. She threw on an apricot-colored peignoir, rushed out the door of her bedroom and called to her maid.

"Marie! Marie!"

The young black girl ambled out of the kitchen where she'd been polishing silver in slow motion.

"What is it, Miz Raina?"

"My phone has been off in the bedroom. Has the Congressman called?"

"He ain't called since I been here."

"Well, if he ever does and I'm here, you tell me about it immediately. I don't care if I'm sleeping or whatever."

"Yes, ma'am."

Marie giggled and eased back into the kitchen.

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