Sexual Bliss: Taboo Erotica - Richard Dempsey - E-Book

Sexual Bliss: Taboo Erotica E-Book

Richard Dempsey

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This full length erotic novel is so sexy we can't even tell you the preview…


"I noticed you didn't bother to ask until you were finished having your fun."
"You should have told me before it happened."
"How did I know you were going to rape me?" '
He hesitated. "Is that going to be your story with my father?"
"Don't be silly, honey. I'm not going to tell your father. That would only make him angry. What he doesn't know won't hurt him. Come on, be realistic. When he's at home, I'll let him fuck me till his balls hurt. But when he's not, then it's your turn."
"No." Tad began pulling on his trousers. '"I'm not going to have you cheat on my father, even if it's in the family. Especially if it's in the family."
"Well, at least," she said with a broad grin, "you'll know what you're missing."
"So tell me the whole bit," Tad pursued. "Were you the girl next door or the Avon lady coming by?"
She slipped her slim body into the bikini once more. "Neither. I was your father's secretary for a good many years, so as you can see, we knew each other for some time. It wasn't an overnight thing. Come on in, and I'll fix you a drink."

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Sexual Bliss

Richard Dempsey

Copyright © 2017




Table of Contents



















The night that changed the course of his life began with a hot date with a German actress named Hilda Something-or-other. He took her dancing in some of the West Berlin nightclubs he knew, and the young blonde Fraulein made it clear to him that she wouldn't mind being intimate with him. On the dance floor, she pressed her hips up tight against him and rubbed her thighs against the front of his trousers, where his cock was already outlined in bold relief against the cloth. As they sat at their table and watched the sexy floorshow, Tad moved his hand over her warm thigh. She murmured, nibbled his ear, pressed closer to him, and let her hand drop into his lap.

The maneuver caught him off guard, and he caught his breath. "Mmmmmmm, you really do things to me, baby," he told her.

"I can tell," she said with a knowing smile, and gripped his stiff cock in a firm grip. "What are you planning for this beautiful thing tonight?"

T thought we might go over to my place and do some plain and imagine fucking," he suggested.

"Well, then, what are we waiting for?" she asked.

Releasing him, she stood up. He got up, paid the bill. They went out into the cool evening air. As he drove to his apartment in the United States sector, she snuggled up to him with her head resting on his shoulder. He placed one arm around her and toyed with a large breast

"I like your hands on me," she said.

"I like them there, too. I can't wait to see you naked, Hilda. I'll bet you've got the sweetest, juiciest cunt in the whole world."

She smiled. "I haven't had any complaints."

Once again her hand dropped into his lap and massaged the growing bulge.

"You want me to suck on you?" she asked him.

In the car?" He laughed. "I'd love it, but you'd better wait. I don't want to have an accident"

It was hard waiting-in all senses of the word hard. Tad loved to fuck. He loved doing anything sexually pleasurable with and to a willing girl. But he'd make up for it when he and Hilda got inside his apartment

When they were there and he'd closed the door securely behind them, he asked, "Care for a drink?"

She shook her head. "Not now. Maybe later,, I'm not thirsty. I'm hungry."

As he stood there, she slid slowly to her knees in front of him. Her fingers unzipped him, reached in and eased his stiff cock into the open.

"Wonderful," she said, "it looks good enough to eat."

"He laughed politely. It was probably a line she used over and over again with some guy whose cock she wanted to suck. But that was okay. He used lines sometimes himself when he wanted to get a very fuckable young lady into bed. Besides, her fingers rubbing his male flesh were doing things that made his head spin.

He spread his legs for greater balance and looked down at her blonde head moving closer to his excited crotch. He could feel her hot breath on the tip of his cock for an instant before her pink tongue flicked out and touched him. He shuddered with pleasure, and the blood pounded swiftly through his veins as her soft, red lips parted and her mouth opened to take the head of his cock. The lips closed tightly over the rim and she pulled and sucked, letting her tongue swirl quickly over the very tip.

Tad moaned, reached down, and took two handfuls of her hair to hold her steady. Then he eased forward, pushing his throbbing cock deeper into her mouth.

"Baby, you're wonderful," he said. He knew the value of complimenting a girl he was having sex with. "It feels so good."

Her head bobbed over his thrusting cock, her lips tight about him, her tongue licking the tip and the sides of it until he was so excited he could hardly stand still.

"C'mon," he said hoarsely, "let's fuck!"

He pulled her to her feet, scooped her into his arms, and carried her into his bedroom. Quickly she undressed and lay naked on the bed with her arms and legs in open invitation to him.

It was an invitation he readily accepted. He shucked off his own clothes and lay on the bed beside her. With a squeal of delight she threw her arms around him and they kissed passionately with their tongues working frantically in and out of each other's mouth. Her breasts mashed his naked chest, the nipples turning hard as they grazed his flesh. His own hands were everywhere on her-gripping her soft, rounded ass, spreading her legs, massaging her inner thighs and the hairy crotch. His fingers probed the hot, moist cunt, finding, the clit and rubbing it back and forth. He lowered his lips to suck her nipples, alternating from one to the other.

His mind and body were frenzies of sexual excitement, and yet even then he couldn't help but think of Jill, his girl back in California. One day they had been out in the woods, and impulsively she'd taken off her halter and shorts and pressed up against him, rubbing her cunt against his groin and delighting in his reaction to her body. His hands had automatically gone to her smooth breasts to fondle them, and then ...

A twinge of guilt and shame struck him, but he shook it off. Jill was a long ways away, and she'd told him she didn't expect him to be true to her while he was in the service. After all. a man was only human. He wasn't sure she'd meant it, but at least she'd said it. And she was right. Practically every morning he woke up with a stiff cock, and generally there wasn't a handy cunt or female mouth to shove it into. So the urge built up-and he had to relieve the pressures some way, the way he was doing now with the German girl, Hilda.

Annoyed with these thoughts, he pushed them out of his mind, rolled over on top of the blonde Fraulein and poked his cock between her legs. She spread her thighs all the wider to accommodate him, reached down and took his male flesh in her hands to guide him up inside her. His cock worked into her opening past the folds of her vaginal lips and then sank all the way into her hot, pulsating cunt.

With a squeal, she clamped her arms and legs around him and began rocking to and fro. Tad gritted his teeth and plunged in and out of her with a rapid rhythm.

Which is when the phone began ringing on the nightstand.

Fuck the phone, he thought angrily. Then he smiled. Fucking the phone wouldn't be nearly as much fun as fucking Hilda. She had a beautiful full body and she knew how to use it. She bumped and ground against him and corkscrewed her hips and ass in ways designed to give them both pleasure, while she rubbed her stiff nipples back and forth across his chest in a way that made his skin tingle.

He knew he wouldn't answer the phone just then if he knew it was the President of the United States calling. More-likely it was just a wrong number. If it was anything important, they'd call back. Right now he had more important things on his mind-and under his body.

As he drove it deep into her moist cunt, his cock seemed to grow even more swollen with excitement The girl began squealing and thrusting her body against him. That was good. He liked a noisy piece of ass and some action that showed the girl was enjoying herself. She was having a ball-two of them, to be precise-and a hunk of masculine meat that was doing her a lot of good.

Finally the phone stopped ringing. He thought of taking it off the hook, but he didn't want to interrupt his lovemaking. Not now, for he could feel himself coming, building up gradually toward that peak when he would shoot his wad into the girl. She was already muttering, "Oh, oh, oh," over and over and twitching like she was ready. He plunged faster and more furiously between her legs, knocking the breath from her with each inward thrust.

She had her orgasm, and then he felt it deep within himself. He gasped, gripped her waist in his hands and pushed his stiff, throbbing cock as far into her cunt as it would go, and he held it there, gritting his teeth, letting it come.

It came in a series of fast spurts that took his breath away. He held his body rigid, letting it all drain into her, and only then did he collapse on top of her sweating, limp female body.

The phone rang again.

"Don't answer it," she pleaded.

He sighed. "I'd better see who it is, or hell keep ringing all night."

He withdrew his sticky cock from her, reached over and plucked the phone from its cradle, then lay back on the bed and said in a sleepy voice, "Hello."

"That you, Tad?" a male voice said gruffly.

"Yeah, of course. Who is this?"

"Ben. Ben Gurney."

Ben was one of his buddies back at Intelligence.

"What the hell are you calling me at this time of night for?" Tad said. "Do you know what I'm in the middle of?"

"Some German broad, probably," Ben Gurney said, without surprise. "I apologize for disturbing your piece of ass. I know how much you need it-"

"Okay, okay, are you going to tell me why you called or let it be a mystery?"

He caught a movement and glanced over at the naked blonde, who, with a smile on her pretty face, was twisting her lush body about on the bed so she could place her head on his stomach. Her hands fondled his cock and balls for a moment and then she began kissing his flesh all over the crotch.

"Isn't it a little too soon for seconds?" he asked her softly.

"Not for me," she whispered back. "I'm always hungry."

"Hey," Ben Gurney's voice came over the phone, "are you with me or not?"

"You have," Tad told him, "my practically undivided attention."

"I see," the other man said. "Well, I'll try to be brief. A cable came for you at headquarters. I've been trying to reach you all evening, but apparently you've been out."

"What does it say?"

"I don't know. It says personal on the outside. I thought you might want to know about it. I've got it with me now, if you want to come by. I'll even be a buddy and deliver it to you in person, if you let me have sloppy seconds with your date."

Hilda could hardly be called sloppy. Her tongue was working over his cock, cleaning away the stickiness left there from the fucking. Her tidy little ass was thrust into his face, and idly he moved his hands over it, tracing the crack with an index finger before dipping it between her legs into the wiry pubic hair that was wet and warm.

Tad hated cables and telegrams. The only ones he'd ever received brought bad news. He was tempted to have Ben hold onto the message until morning. Instead, he said, "Open it up and read it to me, will you?" Sure.

Hilda had his cock in her mouth now and was sucking it gently, trying to make it hard again. She also wiggled her ass back and forth so his finger would slide between her legs and rub her cunt Ben seemed to be taking a long time. Tad said, "Are you still there, Ben."

"Yeah, I'm still here." The man's voice was heavy.

"Bad news, Tad. Your mother died."

"What?" Tad felt a cold chill run through his body.

Gurney read the cable. "Your mother passed away after a long illness. I did all that was possible for her. Letter follows. Dad."

For a moment afterward, Tad Marshall just lay there on the bed, not moving, not speaking. Unashamed tears welled in his eyes.

"Is there anything I can do?" Ben wanted to know.

"No. No, thanks, Ben."

He hung up the phone and lay there half paralyzed by the stunning news. His mother dead. Impossible. She'd been so full of life when last he'd seen her. He loved her very much, and the idea that she was no longer alive took a while to sink in.

Hilda sensed something was wrong. She removed her mouth from his cock, pressed it to her cheek lovingly, and stared up at him.

"What's wrong, schatzie?" she asked.

He told her, and she got a pained, sympathetic look on her face and threw her arms around him, hugging and kissing him and telling him how sorry she was. In times past, Tad had managed to forget his sorrows in the body of a beautiful woman. Now, however, his sorrow was too great. He lay quietly in her arms, taking what comfort he could from the warmth and nearness of another human being, trying to gather his strength for what lay ahead.



It took him twelve hours to get to New York from Berlin. He flew a military plane as passenger, but he wished he could have gotten aboard a regular civilian flight. It would be very pleasant watching a trim, young stewardess running up and down the aisle, twitching her ass in his face and asking "him if there was anything she could do for him.

"Sure," he said in his fantasy, "let's go into the lounge and fuck. I want to ram my stiff cock into that lovely, little cunt of yours."

It amused him to think of it, but, of course, if there had been a stewardess present, he wouldn't have said that. He'd be more subtle. He'd try to get into her pants, but he wouldn't be nearly so blatant about the attempt.

Damn, he thought, this army life has made me horny as hell.

He had to wait on the east coast for two days until his orders finally arrived. He called his father's number in California, but was told by the maid that the man was not in.

"I'm his son, Tad," he explained.

"Oh, I didn't know Mr. Marshall had a son," the woman said indifferently.

Something was wrong, terribly wrong. He asked, "Is this John Marshall's home?" He even gave the address this time.

"Yes, it is."

Tad sighed. "Okay, let me speak to James or Shirley Baker, then."

"I'm sorry, sir," the maid said, "there is no one living here by that name."

"But they must be. They were servants there. They practically raised me from an infant."

The maid hesitated. "I suggest you call back later."

"All right," Tad said wearily. "No, wait. Give my father my number. Tell him to call me."

When she hung up, he added, "And go fuck yourself!" He slammed the receiver into its cradle and then grinned wryly at his childishness. It wasn't her fault, whoever she was. The maid, she said. What happened to the Bakers? he wondered. They'd always been like part of the family. Surely his father wouldn't let them go. They'd probably retired, or had an accident, or...

He waited impatiently for his father's call. He wished he had Hilda here with him to pass the time. The memory of her luscious legs wrapping around his body, her breasts rubbing his chest, her glorious German cunt enveloping his stiff cock, made his loins ache.

No call came. He called again, but there was no answer this time. In desperation to learn something of his mother's mysterious death, he went to the library to check back issues of the Los Angeles newspapers. He found nothing, not even a clue to hint that she'd died. By the time his written orders came, he was so involved in the mystery he could hardly think of anything else.

That plane that took him across the country was a commercial airliner, a 747 that had several very fuckable stewardesses. He watched their asses wiggle in the short, tight skirts, and when they bent over to talk to a passenger opposite him, he restrained the urge to put his hand on the nyloned legs and run it all the way up between the legs to the crotch which was almost visible to him.

Tad closed his eyes and tried to think of other things, other more socially acceptable thoughts. He hadn't had a woman for several days now. In Germany he'd been fucking regularly, and he'd gotten used to it. Now he was like an addict going through withdrawal.

"Dammit!" he muttered between clenched teeth. "I don't want withdrawal. I want insertion!"

"Did you say something, sir?" a cute-faced stewardess asked him.

He thought of telling her what was on his mind, then thought better of it and chickened out. He shook his head. He'd sent a telegram to his father and to Jill. He'd asked his father to pick him up at Los Angeles International, but now he wasn't sure the older man would be there. Something strange was happening, and not having an inkling of what it was rankled him.

His mother had been socially prominent, with her name mentioned almost weekly as an officer in some women's club or other. Yet apparently her death had gone unnoticed. Also, his father had left town right after she died, which was certainly peculiar. In addition, their two most trusted servants were no longer there, and strangers answered the phone, if the phone was answered at all.

He shook his head bewildered. There's probably some simple explanation for it all, he told himself. I'm just making a mystery where there isn't any.

But he failed to convince himself.

He thought of how nice it would be to see Jill again-and of how nice it would be to see her slim, naked, utterly female body and to feel it press up against him. They'd spend at least two days fucking to make up for lost time.

Yet inevitably his thoughts returned to his father. Tad had never been close to the elder Marshall, who was always running out of town on big business deals that involved interstate shipping. Frequently he was gone for weeks, and when he returned, he was in a foul mood, with a temper that could not be tampered with. Tad was glad he hadn't inherited his father's unreasoning sternness. Sure, he had a temper, but nothing like his father's, though he was just as stubborn about things. The army service had prevented the two from an argument that would surely have come to blows. John wanted his son to enter the family business, while Tad wanted to pursue a career in engineering.

They had written seldom to each other. Occasionally, Tad would send his father some little gift in an effort to make their long-distance relationship pleasanter. He even purchased a luger for the old man, knowing how much his father loved guns. It wasn't an ordinary luger, but a special one that had an ornate grip and an inscription from one high-ranking German officer to another. It was a collector's item that could be shot accurately, as well as hung up on a wall.

He hadn't sent the weapon. He wanted to present it in person, to see the old man's eyes fight up in pleasure.