Hot Brat Peeps: Taboo Erotica - Richard Dempsey - E-Book

Hot Brat Peeps: Taboo Erotica E-Book

Richard Dempsey

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Warning: This is a VERY taboo, vintage, hard-boiled full length (100+ Pages), post-censorship erotic novel. This is bad stuff. Both bad meaning bad and bad meaning *good*. The story is so crazy, we can't even give a proper description.

So horny young Tracy came out from under the bed and leaped to her feet, stark naked.
"Surprise!" she bubbled happily. "Tracy!" Carol gasped. Tracy's hot blue eyes ran all over her mother's body.
"Mr. Benson is right. You're beautiful when you're horny."
"Ohhhhh, Tracy, I can't talk now!" Tracy giggled as Al fucked all of his prick into her mother's hot pussy. "Isn't he marvelous?" she laughed.
Even as she got fucked, Carol looked over at her lovely naked daughter through glassy eyes and smiled lovingly.
"Do... do you know what I mean..."
"He broke my cherry," Tracy said with an excited laugh.
Just the thought of that made Carol cum wetly on Al's probing, stabbing cock. She peered hotly into his eyes.
"You dirty old man!"
After a good cum, she panted for breath. "You're right, though. He is marvelous," she said to Tracy.
"Let's be nice to him," Tracy said.

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Hot Brat Peeps

Richard Dempsey

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents












Passing an excavation spot, she heard a dog whine and whimper. Tracy liked animals and it bothered her to think a dog might be hurting. So she climbed up the dirt mound and looked down into the hole. Her blue eyes went wide and her jutting young tits rose up in the tightness of her little T-shirt..."Oh, wow!" she breathed.There were two dogs there, a big black one and a smaller white one. The black one was on top of the white one, humping his haunches wildly. It was the white one that was doing all the whimpering.Tracy knew about dogs in heat from a class in school, but she had never actually seen two animals fucking. The reality hit her like a ton of bricks. A strange wave of heat passed through her young body and she shuddered a little as she watched the male dog fucking the whining female.Mesmerized by the fucking animals, Tracy parted her lips and her breathing quickened as she stared. To her amazement, a familiar tickle started up in the middle of her belly, the tickle she thought could happen only when she was playing with herself."Golly," she rasped hotly.Her young eyes burned into the horny scene below. The big black dog seemed to have the white one in captivity. His tongue lolled out of his mouth as he humped furiously with vicious strokes. The female dog whimpered mournfully as the brutal fucking went on and on.Tracy had often wondered what it was like to have a cock in her pussy and now she really wondered. Her virginal curiosity got the best of her and she went down into the dip and sat on the hillside for a closer look. She couldn't see as well as she wanted to but her young imagination was in flames.The tickle deep in her belly grew fingers that reached down into her pussy. Her cunt got so tingly she thought she'd pee. She was short of breath and starry-eyed as she watched the fucking animals.The tickle in her pussy was a temptation she couldn't resist, an itch she had to scratch. With her eyes glued to the dogs, her hand slipped up between her thighs under her short blue skirt. Her slender fingers pulled the crotch of her pink panties to the side, then touched the hotness of her pussy.Her pussy felt different, better, hotter than usual. Her cunt-lips felt soft and velvety and when she inched one finger between them she found her pussy-slit was all wet."Ummm," she hummed softly as two fingers and then three caressed her hot little cunt.The tickle in her belly grew wilder and stronger with her fingers moving like that and she heaved a sigh of pleasure. She had never played with her pussy out of doors before and there was something extra exciting about that. It felt too good to stop.The black dog fucked the brains out of the female, and Tracy was sure that had to hurt a lot. Was his prick too big for the girl dog's pussy? Maybe that's why she was whimpering so loudly. Or was she whimpering with pleasure? Tracy couldn't tell.All she knew for sure was that watching them fuck made her pussy awfully horny, hornier than it had ever been that she could remember. She had never seen anybody fuck before, not even in pictures.Her eyes lit up when the bitch started fucking back at the black dog and panting like a whore. Tracy was panting, too, rubbing her wet cunt faster now. She slipped her other hand down there to help and it felt even better.She ran a finger up and down her juicy cuntcrack and shivered when her fingertips touched her clit. It was stiff! And sensitive! And tingly!"Oh, wow!" she breathed again.Her naughty fingers parted her pussy-lips and a lone finger rubbed her nice feeling clit. She watched the dogs hornily and massaged her clit vigorously as super feelings shot through her. Her clit erected like a big girl's and Tracy felt like a big girl as she toyed with it.The pussy-massage heated her up. Her pretty face flushed and the blush spread over her throat and even warmed her taut young tits. They cried for some attention so Tracy lifted a hand to play with them, too. They weren't big yet. Just perky enough to start attracting boys -- and make grown men nervous.She played with them through the light material of her T-shirt and her little pink nipples spiked. Her mother hadn't bought her a bra yet, so her tits were naked in the shirt. Tracy liked that. It made them so available to her naughty hands.Her erotic attention shifted from the fucking dogs to herself. She moaned softly as one hand aroused her nipples and the other aroused her clit. The tickle in her belly stretched out to excite both her tits and her pussy.Breathing body, she dipped a lone finger into her juicy little cunt-hole and wet it, then smeared the silky fluid over her protruding young clit. The sensation was even better than it had been the day before. Her clit tingled like crazy for her and she gave a sensuous giggle as she massaged it.It happened so suddenly that she almost fell over. Her cunt creamed. She uttered a little cry and thrust both hands into her horny young crotch. One clawed at her pussy while the other frigged her clit. One finger slipped into her juicy little pussy-hole and she twitched on it.Her spasms grew more violent than yesterday's. Her young hips quivered and her cute little ass bounced in the dirt and her pussy humped on her drilling finger. The dogs fucked and Tracy frigged herself. Finally her head fell back and she gasped hotly as she finger-fucked her horny young cunt. Her tits ached and her nipples spiked and her ass twitched hornily and she came like crazy."Oh, ohh, ohhhh!" she moaned, losing her senses. "It feels soooogooooood! Ummmm, I'm so hot! Ew, ewww, ewwww! It's cumming! It's cummmiiinnnggg!"She gasped for breath and jerked violently from head to toe as she got her cookies. She whimpered like the bitch getting fucked, then she laughed erotically as shudders of ecstasy rippled through her.Right in the middle of her wonderful orgasm it came to her that she was not in her room. Her blue eyes shot open and saw the sky, then the fucking animals, then her surroundings. With her finger firmly wedged up her cunt, she gasped and choked."Oh, my God! I gotta stop! Somebody will see me!"But her pussy had full sway of her now. It demanded release. It was a virgin cunt, not used to cumming. It seemed to crave that now and Tracy was helpless to stop it from getting what it wanted. With a long groan, she laid back and finger-fucked her pussy until it stopped jerking and twisting so violently."Oh, wow!" she panted. "Oh, golly! Wow!" When she had her breath back, she pushed herself to her feet. She left the animals fucking and hurried home, a little weak-kneed and breathless. She secretly wished she'd had a camera."I'll never get to see anything like that again!" she told herself.She was wrong. That very night she got to see something far more stimulating. She saw her own mother getting fucked. Tracy had thought that her mother, Carol, was sexless. Weren't all mothers? Even divorced ones? But Tracy learned the facts of life that night.It began innocently enough. After dinner, Carol gave Tracy five dollars and encouraged her to go to the movies. At first Tracy was delighted but as sir pt a sweater and prepared to leave, she began to wonder. Why was her mother being so nervous all of a sudden? How come she, Tracy, could go to a movie on a school night? What was going on?There was only way to find out. She simply didn't go to the movies. With the curiosity for which teens are famous, she stole around to the back of the house and let herself in the kitchen door. She slipped out of her sandals and tiptoed to the hall closet. She hid in there until she heard her mother answer the door.It was a long wait, so Tracy finger-fucked her pussy until she heard the front doorbell ring. Then she scampered to her feet and peeked out. Her mother opened the door and a tall, handsome man came in."Hi, again," he said with a nice grin on his face."Hi," Carol said.To Tracy's complete amazement, they embraced right there at the door, mouth to mouth and crotch to crotch."Is your daughter out?" the man asked. "Of course. Do you think I'd be acting this way if she were here?"The man laughed. "Are you still as horny as you said?""Hornier since I saw you this afternoon.""Good. Because I'm sure horny for you." Tracy couldn't believe her ears, which were already burning. Her eyes stared hard at the couple as they made their way to the sofa. Her breath caught in her throat when the big man lowered Carol to the sofa and ran his hand up between her thighs under her dress."Mmmmm," Carol moaned, opening her legs wide.Tracy ogled as the man's hand wrestled with her mother's tight panties. He yanked them aside and a big finger disappeared into her cunt. Then Tracy saw her mother's hand fumble with the man's zipper and get his cock out. It was the biggest cock Tracy had ever even dreamed of seeing!"Let's get undressed," Carol rasped hotly. Tracy was appalled that her own mother would be the one to suggest such a thing. Was this what she was really like? A horny bitch in heat? No wonder I'm a horny girl!The clothes came off both of them and they embraced again, naked. Tracy stared hotly as they kissed and the man squeezed Carol's hot ass. When they broke the kiss and moved again, Tracy saw the man's prick. It was even bigger now than before!"Give it to me," Carol rasped, spreading herself out on the sofa.Tracy swallowed hard and licked her lips nervously as the man mounted her mother and drilled all of his enormous cock into her waiting, willing cunt.Tracy covered her mouth with her hand to keep from gasping out loud. Her other hand flew to her pussy and she rubbed it frantically as the man's big cock plunged and plunged into Carol's twisting, humping cunt."Ohhh, it's been so long," Carol cried out, happy as a hooker. "Give it to me! Fuck me! Ohhh, fuck me!"The man was obviously just as horny as Carol. He rammed all of his prick into her cunt and fucked her brains put, grunting like an animal."God, what a tight cunt!" he groaned hornily. "Baby, it has been a while for you! Fuck, honey, fuck! Here it comes! Baby, I'm going to shoot a giant load into your pussy!""Yes, yes, yesss!" Carol screeched.Her lovely legs flew into the air in a magnificent V. The man's cock drilled into her cunt. His hairy balls slapped at her curvy ass. He fucked her brutally until Tracy thought her mother was getting killed."Ohhhh!" Carol shrieked, quivering all over."I'm cummmmiiinnnggg!"Tracy could hardly breathe as she watched the guy pump his load of jism into her mother's hungry cunt. She fingerfucked her pussy feverishly as she watched them fuck. It was kind of special, as well as exciting, to see her mother getting fucked like that.Incredibly hot now, Tracy decided that she should be naked, too. She stripped off her clothes and felt better naked. This way she was free to play with her tits and nipples and pussy and clit, all at the same time. She was about to ease the door shut so she could get herself off a good one when her mother did a strange thing.Carol sat next to the man after the fucking and caressed his wet prick. "That was too fast," she said softly, eyes sparkling. "Let's slow down."Slow down, Tracy thought. I thought they were finished.But Carol was just starting. Divorced and fuckless for two years, she was horny out of her mind, ready to do anything for a stiff cock.To Tracy's amazement, Carol dropped to her knees in front of the man and took his prick into her mouth.She's gonna suck it! she thought hotly.The man's cock enlarged immediately and got stiffer by the minute as Carol's hot lips closed around his velvety cockhead. It grew and grew in her expert hands as they stroked and jerked and caressed. Then her mouth slid down on his thick cockshaft and Tracy couldn't believe how much of that enormous prick she could take into her mouth.Carol's fingers stroked his prick and her mouth sucked it harder. The man groaned so loud that Tracy heard it and sent a thrill through her for some unknown reason. As Carol blew the man's cock, Tracy finger-fucked her pussy crazily, panting as quietly as she could.Carol gave a hot moan as she sucked the mighty prick, something she'd been missing for some time. It felt good in her mouth and she sucked it with passion. She knew if she got it big and stiff again, she would get fucked, and that's what she wanted and needed.Tracy could see her mother's hunger. It was obvious in the way she slid her mouth up and down that monstrous hard-on. How could she get her mouth around it, Tracy wondered as she rubbed her clit hard.When the man's prick was enormous, Carol stopped sucking on it and stood up, tall and beautifully naked. She gave a short laugh and Tracy gasped to see her suddenly sit up on the back of the sofa and spread her legs wide."Eat my pussy, Phil," she murmured. "Lick it and suck it and get me horny for your prick.""Oh, wow!" Tracy breathed to herself.The man attacked Carol's cunt with his lips, teeth and tongue. Tracy's eyes bulged in her head as she saw how the man ate pussy. It looked like he was chewing her mother's cunt. And she knew when his tongue was stuck up her pussy by the way Carol shrieked with joy."Ohhhh, nowwww!" Carol wailed hornily. "I'm so hot! Fuck me again, Phil! Ohhhh, fuck meeee!"Tracy's soaked finger drilled in and out of her juicy cunt and she came wetly again as she watched the man fuck her mother on the floor this time. His huge cock drilled unmercifully in and out of Carol's humping pussy. It was a sight Tracy would never forget. It made her wonder what it would be like to have a big cock fucking into her own pussy.This naughty thought turned her on something fierce. She spread her feet apart and pushed her hips forward. Then she drilled all of her finger up into her wet pussy and fucked on it faster and faster."Here it comes!" the man named Phil hollered."Give it to me!" Carol shrieked. "Ohhhh, shoot your load into me! Ummmmm, you don't know how good that feels! Ohhhh, I can feel your prick exploding in me! Give it to me! Fuck me, fuck me, fuckmeeee!""Oh, golly," Tracy panted hotly, and creamed all over her playful fingers. She shook and shuddered with orgasm almost as wildly as her mother did.The couple relaxed after the hot fucking and they kissed a lot. Their hands never stayed still and Tracy wondered about that. How come parents tell girls not to touch themselves when their own hands are going crazy?"I could fuck you all night," Phil said hotly. "No, you can't," Carol laughed. "Tracy will be coming in soon.""Can I see you tomorrow?" he wanted to know."You sure can. Why don't you come early while she's in school? You can fuck me all day.""Are you serious? Will you give it to me tomorrow, just like that?""Just like that," Carol cried like a love smitten schoolgirl. "You don't know how hard it's been to go without for so long. I'd love to fuck you tomorrow, and the next day, too, if you want to. I don't ever want to use that damned vibrator again!"Vibrator? Tracy thought curiously. What vibrator? 

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