The Brat: Taboo Erotica - Richard Dempsey - E-Book

The Brat: Taboo Erotica E-Book

Richard Dempsey

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Warning: This is a VERY taboo, vintage, hard-boiled full length (100+ Pages), post-censorship erotic novel. This is bad stuff. Both bad meaning bad and bad meaning *good*. The story is so crazy, we can't even give a proper description.


He grinned at her in the mirror.She turned, smiling. "I told her to wait downstairs," he said, slipping his bathrobe off. "We'll have to be quite," Amanda said. James shrugged. His prick was still sticking out of his shorts, harder than ever for having been flashed at the babysitter. "I suppose she knows that we fuck," he said, grinning. "Otherwise, we wouldn't need a baby-sitter, would we?""But we aren't going to fuck, darling," she said.Her eyes moved to his prick. The fat slab gave a swollen lurch."I hope she didn't notice that," Amanda said.James did not reply. He couldn't very well tell his wife how absolutely the girl had noticed it when he opened his robe and put it on display -- nor what pleasure she seemed to take in the sight.He stepped closer."Like this? Or on the bed?" Amanda asked.She liked to blow him. She liked to suck on his big rock-hard peckerhead and pull the jism from him and she liked to swallow the lovely stuff. Usually he lay down on the bed and she hovered over him, her head bobbing up and down steadily. But sometimes he would stand up and she would kneel in front of him, like a slave or a cheap whore in a doorway. She had never sucked his cock at her vanity table, however, and the idea appealed to her. 

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The Brat

Richard Dempsey

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents











She was a schoolgirl, of course, and it was just as well that she went to a modern, permissive school that did not have a dress code, because she was in the habit of wearing clothing that emphasized her nubile body. It annoyed her female teachers, but there was nothing they could do about it in this permissive society, except frown at her and -- quite possibly -- feel a bit envious of her youthful and sexy charms. It intrigued her male teachers, who sometimes got hard-ons in class and had to hide behind desks and charts until the condition went away. And it positively delighted her female gym teacher, who was known to have lesbian inclinations.It also excited the boys in her class, disrupting the learning process to an inordinate degree.Today she had excelled herself.She was wearing a cotton tee-shirt that was two sizes too small and left little to the imagination. She wore no bra and the shirt was molded to the thrusting outline of her firm tits and peaked over her stiff nipples. The tee-shirt was tucked into a pair of jeans that had been cut off at an angle high up the thighs. The jeans were as tight as the tee-shirt. They fit her juicy little ass like a coat of paint and, at the crotch, were dragged up into a vee -- as if her cunt was pulling them in by suction. This outfit would have been sexy on anyone -- on a girl built like Belinda, it was stunning.She was tall for her age and most of her height came from her long, smooth, shapely legs. Those legs seemed to stretch forever from the floor to the tiny pussy cover of her shorts, and when she crossed them it was not impossible to peer up the leghole of those shorts and catch a climpse of crotch. She crossed her legs frequently.She was slender, but her tits jutted out firmly proudly. They were not awfully large as, tits, but her slim torso they looked larger than they were and her nipples, perfectly outlined in her shirt, were perpetually stiff. Her ass was a teardrop, flowing out from her waist and cutting sharply in to the backs of her thighs and those shorts were cut off so high that the bottom of her asscheeks tended to be seen.Belinda had blonde hair, which she wore in a tumbled mane, cascading to her shoulders. Her face, framed in that wild golden cascade, was as sexy as her body. She had big, blue eyes that should have looked innocent, but instead looked knowing and sultry beyond her years. Her mouth was wide, the heavy lower lip turned outwards in a pouting Bardot fashion. She could look at a man -- or a lesbian -- in a way that would melt a heart and harden a prick on the spot.And Belinda was no phony.She had already fucked three boys.She hadn't fucked Tommy Harris yet, however, and Tommy had high hopes. He'd felt a few girls up but he had never dipped his wick, and he was hopeful that Belinda would rectify that situation, for he had beard that she was inclined to open her legs.He waited for her outside school.Out came Belinda, her hips swinging a lot more than was necessary for propulsion. She had a sort of swaybacked posture, so that she came at a man with her tits pushed out and her loins tucked in and walked away from a man with her ass thrusting back, as if that heart shaped masterpiece were reluctant to leave his company.Tommy waited by the statue in the middle of the broad walk that led up to the school. The statue was of a local politician of days gone by, but no one, except possibly the history teacher, knew that. Tommy tried to look casual, as if he had just been hanging around. He watched Belinda approach from the corner of his eye.His cock began to tense.He didn't know how to approach her.He wished that he had a cigarette, so that he would appear worldly and that, by offering her a smoke, he would have an excuse to address her.But such things weren't necessary with Belinda.She knew how desirable she was and she knew exactly why Tommy was standing there.Belinda was agreeable.She didn't have a boyfriend at the moment and Tommy was a good-looking young man who, if the bulge in his jeans was not deceptive, had a big prick.She walked straight up to him and smiled."Oh, hello," he said, just as if he hadn't seen her coming. He stuck his hands in his his pockets, just to get them out of the way. But that action tightened his jeans and threw his crotch into prominence."Hi, Tommy," she said.He was taller than she was. Her gaze slid down his torso and stopped, unabashedly, at his groin.Tommy's cock got bigger. Oh boy! thought the lusty fellow."Want me to carry your books?" he asked."Sure."She handed him the books. He fumbled with them. He wasn't sure if he should hold them down low enough to hide his growing hard-on or not.They walked off side by side.The path was wide but Belinda moved close to him, so thr her hip brushed against him with every stride. They made small talk about school. Each time she said something, Belinda turned toward him, twisting from the hips, so that her tits brushed his arm. Tommy began to sweat.His prick was getting bigger and bigger. Belinda did not live far froth the school and Tommy figured that was just as well -- a mile or two of this and his cock would be so large. That he would have to walk bowlegged, his cum-full balls like a saddle between his thighs and his big prick jutting up.He had a vision of adorable Belinda riding his loins as if they were a bronco.They turned onto her street.Tommy summoned his courage and, not looking at her, said, "Say, I was wondering, Belinda -- if you aren't doing anything tonight, maybe we could go to a movie or something?""I'd like that," she said.His heart leaped. His prick leaped.But then she said, "But I can't tonight, Tommy. I promised to baby-sit for the Jenkins family.""Shit," he said.They were at her house. She turned to face him. He was clutching her books tight to his chest, as if refusing to give them up.She said, "Want to sit on the porch for awhile?""Okay," he gulped.They went up the walk and up the steps. The porch was enclosed and shaded. She nodded at the swing and took the books from him. She went in the house. Tommy sat down on the swing, letting his breath out slowly. It looked as if he had a pretty good chance with her, he figured. A guy could never be sure, though. You could never really believe all the things that you heard. The guys all liked to boast and brag, about the girls they'd screwed and all, and maybe Belinda didn't really put out. Still, she sure acted like a girl that gave it away. Christ! He hoped she wasn't a cockteaser!She came back out."My parents aren't home yet," she said, giving him a look that could only be described as suggestive.She sat beside him. The swing shifted under their weight and his cock shifted under the weight of his desire."They both work, huh?" he said."Naw. Only my dad. But my mom goes out a lot, in the afternoons. I'm not sure but -- well, I think maybe my mom has a boyfriend."Tommy gulped.He found it tremendously exciting to hear a girl talk about her mother that way.She said, "When she comes home, she always has that sort of glow -- like she's just been fucked."Tommy almost fainted.Belinda giggled.He said, "How, how can you talk about your mom like that, Belinda?" and then, before he had even thought about it, he said, "I hear that you fuck."He bit his tongue.Christ! He hoped he hadn't offended her!But Belinda grinned."Only with boys I like," she said."Oh, wow!""But I kind of like you, Tommy," she added.Tommy felt as if were dreaming.Belinda frowned then and looked thoughtful.She said, "The trouble with my mom going out like she does, is I never know what time she's going to come home. So we don't dare fool around here, you know? She'd be mad if she caught me screwing -- even though she does."Tommy started to speak but his throat was as tight as his cock and the words stuck. He took a deep breath and tried again, croaking hoarsely, "Maybe I could come keep you company while you baby-sit, huh?""Maybe. I don't know if the Jenkinses would like that, though. I never baby-sat for them before.""Well...""You want me to phone you if it's okay?""Sure," he said.He imagined himself sitting by the telephone, sweating and steaming, his prick like a bar of steel.Belinda moved closer. She rested her golden head against his shoulder. Tommy hesitated, then put his arm around her, drawing her even closer.Her hand was on his thigh, just above the knee.Tommy was numb with expectation. Only his cock and balls seemed to have any feeling in them and it was a moment before he realized that her hand was there.He watched, fascinated, as that delicate little hand moved up his taut thigh.He was hypnotized by that slow, steady progress.She rubbed almost up to his crotch. She paused. Her hand moved back down towards his knee.Tommy sat very still.Belinda giggled impishly and her hand crept back up his leg. He knew that she was teasing him. Maybe she was a cock-teaser, after all. But he sure as hell was not about to make any objections.Then her hand cupped his crotch. Tommy gasped. "Ohhhh!" Belinda squealed. She squeezed gently."It feels big," she said. "Nice and big." Her hand traced up the length of his prick, which was jammed fast in his jeans. It throbbed mightily."I always like to know what I might get," she said, glancing up at him, wide eyed, smiling."If you do that you're gonna make me shoot in my pants," the horny, boy whimpered."Oh? Gee, I wouldn't want to do that, Tommy. Maybe-maybe I ought to take it out, huh?""Yeah! Jeez! Take it out, Belinda!"She paused, as if considering it. If this was what cockteasing was all about, thought Tommy, it wasn't half as bad as it was supposed to be.Then, brightly, she said, "Okay." Tommy sat there like a statue, only his cock moving. It was fully hard now and shifted in the confines of his tight jeans painfully. It seemed to be trying to tear its way out through the denim.Belinda was looking very happy and pleased with herself, even a bit smug, for nothing delighted the lewd little nymphette, more than to excite a boy and to see -- and feel -- the physical results of that excitement.Well, almost nothing. She liked to fuck better.She wished that they could fuck right now, in fact, but it was true that she didn't know when her mother would be home, that had not been just an excuse, and she didn't want her mother to know that she fucked for fear that it might curtail further fucking. It was that simple. She wouldn't have minded at all if her mother or father knew she was not a virgin as long as they did not try to prevent further screwing. In fact, naughty little girl that she was, she thought that it would be thrilling to tell her father, who was a handsome fellow with a big prick, that she had been fucked three times. Wisely, she figured that it would be thrilling for her father, as well. It would undoubtedly cause that big, fatherly cock to get nice and hard.Belinda knew her father had a gigantic cock because she peeked at him whenever she could, when he was changing his clothing or taking a shower and, on one memorable occasion, while he had been fucking her mother.Belinda often thought about her father's cock when she was finger-fucking herseif.She looked forward to finding a boyfriend who had a cock as big as her father's.In fact, she wouldn't have minded fucking her father, truth be known, and fantasized about it frequently.But now she was with Tommy Harris and if his prick didn't feel parentally large, it felt plenty big enough.She began to play with the clasp of his zipper.She drew it down a few inches, then pulled it back up an inch or so, alternating the opening and closing movement but going down a bit lower than she went back up each time. She was teasing him now, but she was not a cockteaser by any stretch of the imagination.She had decided to give Tommy a handjob.Belinda was not selfish.When she gave a boy a hard-on, she figured that the boy deserved an orgasm, even if she did not have one, herself. She liked to make boys come.She wondered if she should blow him.In fact, Belinda had never really given a boy a blow job. She had taken a cock into her mouth once and it had been so wonderful that she just knew it would be a joy to suck on a cock until it creamed and to swallow all that lovely stuff. But that time she had made the boy so hot and herself so horny that she had only sucked on his prick for a minute before they wound up fucking in a frenzy.That was the closest she had come to it.She had often thought about sucking her father's cock, the naughty girl, and she planned to suck some lucky boy off in the near future.But she wasn't sure if it would be proper to give a boy a blow job on a first date.And this wasn't even a date, now.Sadly, she decided that Tommy would have to settle for a handjob now, until they got to know each other better -- like, say, later that evening?She pulled his zipper all the way down. His cock was still jammed outside his fly. Belinda slipped her hand in the opening. She ran her fingertips up and down his iron-hard shaft and dipped down to cup his balls.Tommy began to pant and moan. His hand on her shoulder tightened spasmodically. His eyes rolled wildly from side to side and he clenched his teeth so hard that the long muscles in his jaw began to ache -- but not nearly as much as his long cock muscle was aching.Belinda folded her fist around his shaft and gently pulled his prick out.It stuck out of his fly, straining and flaring. It was a big cock. Belinda thought it was the biggest she had seen, except for her father's. The shaft was long and thick and the knob was a mushroomed-shaped hunk of purple meat the vein that pulsed up the underside of the stalk was thick and dark.It looked tasty, she thought.She wanted to have a look at his balls, as well.Belinda was fond of balls, knowing that they held all that thick jism. That felt so nice when it squirted into her steaming pussy and looked so intriguing when she pumped it out by hand and would, she felt sure, taste so delicious when she finally got around to drinking some of the precious stuff.Removing her hand from his cock, she fumbled with his belt buckle. Tommy was squirming about now and her fingers slipped a few times but then she got his belt open and snapped the band of his jeans.His jeans fell wide open in a wedge.His cock and balls were fully exposed.Belinda gazed at that big prick, not touching him now, enjoying the sight and the expectation. Even untouched, his cock thundered and throbbed, basking in the heat of her gaze. Tommy closed his eyes. The eye in his cockhead flared open. Belinda could see a glint of silvery fluid lurking in that parted cleft.She bent down. Not touching him with her hands, she lightly kissed the tip of his prick. Tommy groaned in wondrous incredulity.But then she raised up again, after that single, fleeting kiss, her lips pursed."Don't think I'm going to blow you," she cautioned the horny youth.Then, grinning, she added, "At least, not until later."She made a kissing motion with her mouth.Tommy almost passed out. Although he'd had every hope that he might be able to screw her, he had never even dreamed that she would suck his cock. He had the idea that only whores did a thing like that. Now the expectation caused his cock to swell bigger and harder and hotter than it had ever been before.Belinda said, "Gee, you have a nice cock, Tommy. And it's so hard. I made it that way, huh?"He nodded, dimly perceiving that it pleased the lewdlet to know she was responsible for his condition."Want me to jerk you off?" she asked."Oh, jeez -- yeah!""I don't mind," she giggled. "I like to jerk boys off. It's fun to watch a prick shoot that stuff out.""Belinda -- do it!" he gasped, afraid that his cock might go off by itself, unjerked.Belinda was an old hand at handjobs. She had been jacking boys off for years before she had her first fuck.She moved away from Tommy and leaned over his lap. Her left hand cupped his balls, tenderly, feeling his full nuts shift around the inside the hairy sac. She could tell that he had a huge load in there and she was eager to empty it.She folded her right hand around the base of his shaft, the heel of her hand tight against his belly.She skimmed up and down lightly at first, just brushing over the tormented flesh of his rod.The cleft flared wide and a drop of fluid oozed out and ran sluggishly down the head.Belinda tightened her grip on his stalk. She moved her fist up and down at the root, frigging him through only an inch or two at the base, with the rest of his long prick looming up from between her thumb and forefinger. She preferred to do it that way so that there was plenty of cock to be seen outside her fist. She moved slowly and steadily, eager to see his cum spurt out, but not in any great hurry, for she enjoyed doing it. The weight and the heat of a prick in her hand thrilled her. She leaned over him, her face close, watching in fascination.Tommy threw his head back, groaning.A few girls had fumbled with his cock in the past and he had come in his pants twice while they did it, but this was the first time he had had a real handjob with his cock bare and the end product a foregone conclusion.If a hand was this good, what would a cunt be like? Or a mouth? he thought in wonder.The thrill was building rapidly.He tried to delay it, to prolong the exquisite sensation of her nimble hand.But then he had a horrible thought.Suppose her mother came home before he came?He could just imagine himself frantically stuffing his hard-on into his jeans, a painful process, and running off at full tilt to get home and finish the job by himself.He stopped trying to delay.He extended his legs along the floor and pushed his loins upwards, fucking through her fist. His face was contorted by passion, his chest heaving with his labored breath. The swing moved gently to the rhythm of the handjob, as if joining in the act, swinging his cock through her caressing hand."Ummm," Belinda sighed. "Come, Tommy. I want to watch you come..."He howled.She felt his balls explode in her left hand.Her right hand pushed down to the very hilt of his cock and as his jism rushed up the stalk she felt the passage through her fist.She stared at his cockhead.His spunk came out hard, under tremendous pressure, the great quicksilver wad rising in a creamy tower that splattered all over her fist and forearm and his throbbing balls.Belinda gasped and pumped again.A second great gout towered up, as thick and as abundant as the first.The eager girl kept pumping, never missing a stroke as she milked out a third and yet a fourth mighty wad from the boy's thundering prick.Tommy slumped, stunned.Belinda kept pumping until she was positive that she had pulled every drop from his balls and that not a drop remained in his cockhead.Then she released him and sat back, smiling, Tommy didn't know what to say. He said, "Thanks."It sounded pretty feeble to him, but Belinda nodded and smiled and said, "That's okay. I like to do it."She was looking down at her hand, which glistened with a film of jism."You sure come a lot," she said. "I'll bet you can really fill a girl's cunt up, huh?""I-I never had a fuck," he confessed. She widened her eyes."You mean -- I'll be the first?" she asked. "I sure hope so," he gasped."Have you ever had a blow job?" He shook his head."Oh, I guess we're gonna have lots of fun together, Tommy," she told him.Tommy felt as if he'd gone to heaven."I'll phone you tonight," said the lewd little girl.She gave him a promiscuous look."Don't jerk yourself off or nothing, okay? Save another big load up for me, Tommy.""I sure will," Tommy croaked.His cock, despite that enormous climax, was still standing rampant, for he was a potent young man who often had to jerk off three times in a row before his lust was satiated. Belinda, noticing that, was pleased. It was going to make baby-sitting a lot less boring than television did.She was contemplating jerking him off again. But then her mother's car pulled into the driveway."Quick! Put it away," she squealed. Tommy grabbed his dick and bent it, grimacing. He stuffed it into his jeans and frantically zippered his fly up.Belinda was staring at her hand, which was coated with congealing jism. She looked puzzled at first but then she started to grin."You want my handkerchief?" Tommy asked, reaching towards his back pocket."No, that's okay," she said.And the naughty girl brought her hand up to her mouth and licked his cum up, watching Tommy as she did so.She licked up every drop of evidence. "Ummm," she said. "It's yummy." Tommy sure hoped that she would phone... 

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