Eager Balling Incest: Taboo Erotica - Richard Dempsey - E-Book

Eager Balling Incest: Taboo Erotica E-Book

Richard Dempsey

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Warning: This is a VERY taboo, vintage, hard-boiled full length (100+ Pages), post-censorship erotic novel. This is bad stuff. Both bad meaning bad and bad meaning *good*. The story is so crazy, we can't even give a proper description.


"Oh, come on, Steve," Gina Hughes said impatiently to her brother. "I told you, we'll be all alone for hours. Now, come on and kiss me like you did earlier.""You know I want to, Sis," Steve responded, his eager eyes traveling over his sister's gorgeous body which was clad only in a sheer summery dress. The young blonde teenager was obviously not wearing any underwear, and the young boy swallowed hard as he felt his cock hardening."So what's the problem, Steve?" Gina asked, deliberately moving closer to her brother and pressing her lush body against his, her stiff nippled tits poking lewdly into his chest, which was unusually broad and muscular for such a young boy."What if someone comes in and catches us?" he said, his eyes on his sister's huge tits. His hands ached to squeeze her tits, to pinch them, but he still hesitated."Oh, for God's sake, will you lighten up? And grow up! Don't be such a baby!" Gina cried in frustration.

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Eager Balling Incest

Richard Dempsey

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents












"You know I want to, Sis," Steve responded, his eager eyes traveling over his sister's gorgeous body which was clad only in a sheer summery dress. The young blonde teenager was obviously not wearing any underwear, and the young boy swallowed hard as he felt his cock hardening."So what's the problem, Steve?" Gina asked, deliberately moving closer to her brother and pressing her lush body against his, her stiff nippled tits poking lewdly into his chest, which was unusually broad and muscular for such a young boy."What if someone comes in and catches us?" he said, his eyes on his sister's huge tits. His hands ached to squeeze her tits, to pinch them, but he still hesitated."Oh, for God's sake, will you lighten up? And grow up! Don't be such a baby!" Gina cried in frustration. Here she was, trying desperately to get her handsome brother to fuck her, and he was holding back. The sexy girl had certainly never had this problem before!"Look, I already told you, Steve... Mom and Dad are out with the Wilsons and won't be home for hours yet. And Sally and Mark went to the movies, a double feature... which should keep them away for several hours, too," she said, referring to their sister and brother."Yeah, you're right. I'm sorry for being such a drip, Sis," Steve said, grinning now, all nervousness gone."Well, now, that's better. Let's get on with it," Gina murmured, glad to see her brother once more become the self-assured boy she had always been attracted to.Steve leaned forward and the teenagers' lips softly met. Gina melted warmly against his masculine chest. Her lips trembled with excitement, and then opened. She let the tip of her tongue teasingly play at the entrance of his mouth.Steve groaned as his own tongue shot out to meet hers, then darted into her mouth, exploring and probing. Now, the tip of Gina's tongue tapped at the roof of his mouth, turning the young boy on more than he had thought possible.He wanted to fuck his sister more than he had ever wanted anything before in his life. He couldn't believe his luck. When she had come to him earlier in the evening and they had kissed each other passionately, he had thought, with a pang of disappointment, that it was just a one shot thing, an impulse on the girl's part, and that nothing would ever come of it.But now, here they were, all alone, and his sister had made it more than plain that she wanted him just as badly as he wanted her. He thought about fucking his big prick into her tight little pussy, and he gulped with excitement. Trying to control the desire shooting through his loins, and the rapid rising of his cock, he pulled her tighter against him and held her in a firm embrace.His tongue shot into her mouth again and Gina moaned as their tongues met and danced lewdly. She knew that her brother could feel the rhythmic rise and fall of her tits against his chest, and she felt a sense of triumph as she knew there would be no turning back for either of them now.At last, she had managed to arouse her brother so powerfully that he would have no choice. He would have to fuck her, just as she wanted so badly.Together, the two horny teenagers drifted down onto the big old couch, lying side by side.Through the light cotton dress she wore, Steve could feel the heat of her turned on body against his hands. She was trembling all over now, and she sighed softly as their lips parted."Fuck me, Steve, fuck me good, I need you soooo bad," she moaned.The young boy nodded eagerly and she lifted her mouth to his again. Their tongues immediately locked together this time and they both groaned into each other's wide open mouths as they turned each other on beyond belief.When they finally parted. Steve's mouth moved to Gina's ear, his tongue and teeth working the delicate lobe of flesh. Gina moaned softly as she felt her pussy drooling with pussy juice. Her hands tightened on his back, pulling him even harder against the yielding softness of her body.His tongue moved down her neck as her moans and groans let him know how much he was thrilling her. She swayed beneath him, mashing her huge tits against his broad chest.His tongue drifted over the soft warm flesh of her throat and then stopped at the high neckline of her dress. Then, his mouth returned to hers and his arms encircled her waist, taking her with him as he rose to a standing position.His fingers found and unclasped the single snap at the back of her sexy dress. He slid the ripper down and he slipped the fabric down over the smooth slopes of her shoulders.Gina let her anus drop as she moved back a half step. The dress fell in a heap around her ankles and she stepped free of it, slipping her shoes off at the same time."Oh, God, Gina, you're so sexy... so beautiful... just stand there for a minute and let me look at you," Steve murmured.As his eyes moved over his sister's slender, big-titted body, his cock rose to its full, stiff, rigid length. He had always thought of Gina as the most beautiful and sexiest girl he had ever seen, and the very idea that he was about to fuck her had the young boy so excited that it was all he could do not to cream on the spot.Her firm tits jutted toward him as her chest rose and fell, and he could actually see her nipples growing stiffer as he stared at them. The hair covering her pussy mound was the same golden shade as the long, thick hair on her head, and his fingers itched, longing to touch it."I love the way you look at me... I always have." Gina said, smiling warmly at her handsome brother.Steve smiled back at his sister as he peeled off his jeans and tee-shirt. Gina breathed harder, letting her eyes drift over his body. Her gaze kept moving to the thick bulge straining from beneath his shorts and her pussy grew wetter and hotter."I want to see you completely naked... like I am," she said thickly."In a minute, but don't you think we should move into the bedroom first?" Steve asked. He knew that he wanted to tease his sister until she was a mass of writhing desire. And, with that in mind, he didn't want to let her see his naked cock right away.Gina nodded, shivering with anticipation. His arm encircled her waist again and he guided her into the bedroom just off the living room -- the bedroom that was used as a guest room by the Hughes family.Lowering his sister down on her back, Steve cased himself down at her side and they embraced again. His mouth covered hers again and the young boy worked his hands slowly from her shoulder to the huge mounds of her tits. His palms glided around her sleek tits."Mmmm, that's good," Gina moaned, squirming next to her brother as his circling hand climbed up the jutting peaks of her tits and his fingers squeezed the long nipples throbbing on top of them."Ohhh, baby, you've got such big, beautiful tits! I've always wanted to touch them!" the boy groaned, his cock jerking impatiently inside the confining shorts."I know... and now's your chance," the young girl responded huskily. "And you can do a lot more than just touch them, Stevie. You can squeeze my tits and lick them and suck them and even bite them. I want you to do all that to my tits, Steve. I've been waiting for this moment for a long time."His sister's lewd words inflamed the boy's desires even more and he quickly moved his mouth down to one of the huge tits. His tongue slowly circled the pulsing nipple, making Gina writhe with excitement and desire.Steve licked, sucked, and nibbled on the girl's sensitive tits, savoring the taste of her hot body and the way her tit flesh pulsed in his mouth. Then, his mouth drifted across her chest and he gave her other tit the same exciting treatment."Ohhh, yesss, Stevie," the young girl moaned as her brother's tongue and lips circled and kissed and sucked while his hands continued to caress her tit mounds.A hot sexual fire raced through Gina's chest and shot down to her crotch while her cunt throbbed wetly. She sighed with pleasure and her hands cradled her brother's checks, feeling them hollow as he sucked her nips harder. Her back arched up from the bed and his mouth opened wider, accepting a mouthful of her juicy tit flesh.As the young girl writhed beside him, her brother slipped one hand down from ha tits and stroked her flat tummy. Then, as she raised her ass from the bed to let him know what she wanted, his hands wove through the silken strands of her pussy fur.She moaned and opened her thighs as his palm cupped her cunt mound. Steve gently stroked the cunt flesh, rubbing and massaging a little harder, turning her on more and more."Unnhh, Stevie," she groaned, opening her legs wider for him a she squeezed and kneaded his fingers into her pussy.Her hips reacted, slowly rising and falling in rhythm with her brother's commanding grasp. She writhed and wriggled as his pussy strokings made her little cunt fill with juice, and she moaned and whimpered under the stimulation of his mouth and hands.Steve slipped his index finger between his sister's bloated cuntlips. He slid it back and forth within the moist flow of her hot cunt juices, teasingly brushing against the extended bud of her clit. Each gliding stroking evoked sharp, sucking sounds from her parted lips as she gasped for breath under the intense sexual sensations that burned through her loins."Ohhh, baby, your little cunt's sooo wet and tight," the young boy groaned.His finger fucked deeper, edging through the inner lips of her pussy and into the moist tunnel of her cunthole. In a slow-motion twisting movement, he swirled his finger around within her pussy walls, rousing both of the horny teenagers more and more.Deliberately turning his sister on, Steve fucked his finger in and out of her splayed cunt in a gently stroking movement while his other fingers continued to knead the aching mound of her pussy."It feels so good!" she gasped.Then, abandoning her tits for the time being, the boy's mouth once more traveled up her neck, possessing her lips. Skillfully, he managed to slip his finger from her hot cunt and work his shorts off over his hips, kicking them off onto the foot of the bed.Gina's body stiffened with sexual excitement as her brother lay on top of her, his hands once more squeezing her huge tits. She whimpered lustfully as she felt the bulging head of her brother's prick nestled against the juicy gash of her cunt."Ohhh, baby," Steve whispered while his hands continued to stroke the girl's tits, "I've been dreaming about this minute for a long time.""Me too, Stevie. I've always wanted you to fuck me!" Gina cried. "And I can't wait to feel you coming inside me! Mmmmmm, just the idea of all that creamy cum shooting up my pussy..."His sister's words inflamed the young boy's senses so that, with no more warning, his hips jerked and slammed forward, fucking the full length of his prick into her pussy."Yesssss, fuck me, Steve, fuck meeee, yes!" Gina shrieked, clutching the young boy, drawing him closer to her.She hugged him close, kissing his lips and his neck and nipping at his muscular shoulders. The tight tunnel of her cunt squeezed down around his cock as her cunt walls explored every single inch of his cockmeat. Again and again, she squeezed and then relaxed the walls of her pussy, as if attempting to suck his cock even deeper inside the heated recesses of her cunt."Aaarghhhh, your little pussy's squeezing me so tight, Sis," Steve grunted.The girl's tiny fuckhole completely embraced her brother's swollen cockshaft from the tip of its blood-engorged meat to the thick base that lewdly throbbed against her twitching clit.Steve grinned down at his sister."Get ready now, baby. You're about to get fucked!" he said thickly.Then, he slowly lifted his hips and drew the length of his hard prick out from the innermost depths of the girl's pussy. She moaned as her tight, moist folds of cunt-flesh clamped around his cockshaft, trying to draw him back inside her.When the boy's cock was once more poised at the entrance to her pussy, he reversed course, slowly fucking back into the depths of her cunt. The fat, desire-swollen head of his prick opened her cunthole to him. The clamping tightness of her velvety cunt folds gave way before the huge mass of prickmeat, molding themselves to the hard contours of his cockahaft.He eased himself down, deliberately teasing his sister with the slowness of his movements. He gently packed her pussy to the brim with his hot, long, hard cock, sinking fully into her belly. She clamped down around his throbbing cock and wiggled her hips, causing shooting sensations of lewd pleasure in the boy's balls."Oh, God, I feel soooo full... sooo beautifully full... my tiny pussy's fuller than it ever has been before. Oh, God, Stevie, you feel so hard and big inside me... so masculine... manly... but gentle... and warm. Oh, Stevie, I just knew that it wouldbe like this with you... sooooo good!" the young girl groaned, half out of her mind with incestuous pleasure."Awwww, baby, you've got the hottest, tightest, juiciest little cunt I've ever had the pleasure of fucking... and I do mean pleasure!" the boy cried.He lowered his face and passionately kissed his sister, their tongues swirling obscenely about each other. Then, he began to fuck faster, swinging his hips up and down in a steadily increasing tempo that left the young girl gasping with delight.He fucked his prick in and out of her cunt, riding her body for every bit of pleasure he could get. Her cunt juices were flowing thickly, completely lubricating his hard cockmeat, coating his fucker in her hot cunt honey.Her cunt folds squeezed his prick as he fucked into her time and time again. Her legs tightened around him, locking in place."Unnhhhh, ohhh, it feels sooo good," she moaned as her hips picked up the sensual rhythm of his plowing fuck-strokes. His hips rose and hers fell back, the muscles of her cunt tightening hard. He thrust down, skewering her on the hard length of his prickshaft, and her hips leaped upward, fully accepting the demanding mass of his cockmeat.Gina grew hotter and hotter as her brother fucked in and out of her clasping cunt. He gripped her tits harder and gazed down at the young blonde.Her eyes were misted over with the look of lust. Her red lips parted and then closed again and warm saliva drooled from the corners of her mouth. Her tits jiggled and pulsed in his hands as their crotches continued to slam together.Steve lowered his head and, once more, he sucked one of her stiff nips into his hungry mouth. Eagerly, his lips and tongue and teeth worked over the delicate tit flesh."Unnhhh, yeses, yeses," Gina hissed. Her hands caressed the sides of his face, pulling him down harder on her tit so that he opened his mouth and took in as much tit flesh as possible. Her hips jerked and bucked as she fucked herself on the cock rigidly impaled inside her. Steve released her nip with a wet "pop" and moved his mouth to her other tit."Ohhh, good." Gina groaned above the wet sounds of her brother's lips and tongue. "Even in my wildest dreams I never thought it could be this wonderful!"Steve grunted in reply. He felt the same way. He had been lusting alter his sexy sister for so long that, somewhere along the way, he had managed to convince himself that the dream was better than the reality could possibly be. But now he knew he had been wrong. Fucking Gina was the most thrilling experience of his life, one he knew he would never forget. And as he continued to fuck his hard prick into her pussy, he could only hope that this forbidden fuck passion would be only the first of many more to follow."More, Steve, harder! Fuck me harder, you horny bastard!" Gina cried.Steve's hips jerked and the full length of his cock fucked into her juicy cunt. He pumped and plowed into the depths of her horny pussy, feeling the rising pressure of his cum."Ohhh, yeah, just like that, Steve. Keep fucking me just like that. I love it!" Gina cried, her hips rising and falling to match his quickening fuck strokes. She thrashed wildly beneath his hard, muscular body, feeling an orgasm only minutes away.He kissed and licked her tits again. Then, he swung to one side, still fucking into her. Wedging one hand between their sweaty bodies, he pushed through the matted strands of her cunt fur, and she groaned in excitement, realizing what he was about to do.His fingertip found its way to the cleft of her pussy. Wiggling downward a bit, he easily found the erect nub of her clit and he stroked it hard. Her body jolted as a fresh blast of lust-filled sensations shot through her."Oh my God!" she cried. "I'm gonna pop!"Suddenly, words were no longer possible for the young girl. Instead, a series of moans and groans and incoherent babblings poured out from her lips as she came. Steve continued to strum her clit, feeling a flood of orgasmic juices wash over his finger.He fondled her clit as his hips lashed back and forth, fucking his prick in and out of her hot pussyhole. She squeezed her cunt muscles, trying to capture his prickmeat inside her as she continued to come.Gina's legs locked tightly around his. Her fingernails bit into his back, clawing at him frenziedly. She moaned and groaned over and over again as hot quakes of orgasmic ecstasy tore into her.And, still, Steve held himself back, wanting his sister to finish experiencing the most exciting orgasm of her life before coming, himself.He continued to fuck his hard cock in and out of the girl's pumping pussyhole. He thrust his cock into her to the hilt, his loaded balls slapping lewdly against her asscrack, filling her little pussy to the brim with hot, hard cockmeat."Oh, God, that was sooo good," Gina purred as her orgasm subsided and she opened her eyes, gazing adoringly up at her brother.Then, and only then, did the boy let himself come. Gina cried out in excitement and held her brother closely against her sweating body as she felt hot gushes of his cum pouring into her cunt from his trembling cock."Ahhh, yass, Stevie, gimme your cum!" she cried, urging him on as his balls shuddered and released their heavy cum-load.She squeezed down on his prick with all her might, making her cunthole even tighter far the young boy, thrilling him even more as he came.And, to her surprise, Gina came again from the sheer thrill of feeling her brother's thick jism filling her cunt."Ohhh, God, I'm coming again! I can't believe it! You fucked me sooo good, Stevie, I'm coming again!" the young girl wailed as the most powerful orgasm of her life struck her loins with full force. 

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