Exquisite Nymph: Adult Erotica - Richard Dempsey - E-Book

Exquisite Nymph: Adult Erotica E-Book

Richard Dempsey

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This full length erotic novel is so sexy we can't even tell you the preview…


Jeff kept his cool as he flicked a glance at his fiancee. Her walnut-brown hair was pulled back and tied in a loose ponytatt, emphasizing the fine bones and flat planes of her delicately sculptured face. His glance swept on down, taking in the impressive bulge of her unrestrained boobs against her shirt which was unbuttoned nearly to the bottom, and the bottom tied in a knot across her sunbrowned stomach a full three inches above the top of her hip-hugging jeans. Her exposed belly-button was below the table top. At twenty, Anna was an excitingly attractive woman of almost classic beauty. He wondered what she would be like at thirty.

"I get a bit pissed off after a while at these studs who think they've all got to pass the test as heavy Latin lovers." He let his eyes wander across the other tables of the sidewalk cafe where they were sitting, then across the street and upward to fix on the spires of the ancient cathedral half a block away.

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Exquisite Nymph

Richard Dempsey

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents

Exquisite Nymph

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 1

"I adore these margaritas," she said. "Really." Opening her lips she ovaled them around her raised finger, and her cheeks drew in as she sucked the salty finger languorously. Her long lashes fell, shadowing her deep brown eyes so she could surreptitiously watch the mari-achi musicians a couple of tables away.

"I'll take beer," Jeff said coolly. He knew damn well what Anna was up to, and he knew it would be but a matter of minutes before the sombreroed musicians were at their table, panting over the slim but voluptuous brunette.

He was wrong. The trio was at their elbows in seconds; they had been watching the sexy gringa all the while they were singing and playing "Cieiito Lindo" for the middle-aged couple of Americanos. There were three of them: violin, guitar, and a tremendous tub-shaped bass guitar. The Mexican musicians were more nearly alike than their instruments. They wore the tight trousers and short brocaded jackets and huge sombreros of charros. All three had little black moustaches and dark melting eyes and protruding stomachs.

Anna drew her finger slowly from her sucking lips, then let her mouth droop open while she tongued her fingertip. The violin player let his breath out explosively, and Anna glanced downward, still from under lowered lashes. Yes, the crotch of his tight black trousers was developing a conspicuous bulge.

"Would you like 'La Paloma,' senorita? Senora?" asked the guitarist in strongly accented English. He eyed the several rings on her fingers. Mierda! It was impossible to tell if these young gringas were married or not.

Jeff didn't budge from his relaxed slump in the splint-and-leather chair, but his bright blue eyes were like ice as he fixed them on the guitarist. He knew very well that these Mexican dudes referred to their cocks as palomas-doves. How fucking poetic! His gaze chilled even more, and the musician's smile evaporated. This blond gringo had a strong set of shoulders, and the short sleeves of his thin denim shirt exposed powerfully muscled arms.

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