Incest's Fun: Taboo Erotica - Richard Dempsey - E-Book

Incest's Fun: Taboo Erotica E-Book

Richard Dempsey

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Warning: This is a VERY taboo, vintage, hard-boiled full length (100+ Pages), post-censorship erotic novel. This is bad stuff. Both bad meaning bad and bad meaning *good*. The story is so crazy, we can't even give a proper description.

It was a beautiful, sunny day at Mirror Lake, the year-round resort run by the Webb family. Business was good, and Dick Webb, the head of the family, should have been feeling as carefree as the cool breeze which wafted through the small general store he ran for the tourists. But Dick had a problem. His brother, Mike, had sent Dick's niece, Sherry, to spend the summer with Dick and his family. He had been enthusiastic about the idea at first. After all, he had always been fond of his little niece. And she would be good company for his daughter, Ginger, and his son, Lance -- both young teenagers just like Sherry. But it had been over a year since Dick had last seen Sherry, and he was shocked to find that she had turned into a sexy, raving beauty. Very, very sexy. She stood across the counter from him now, asking him if she could work there for him during the summer. Dick was shocked by his reaction. She was making him hornier than hell! He tried to fight his sexy feelings for his niece, telling himself it was wrong to feel that way about someone who was, after all, just a little girl -- a kid. And his own niece! And, too, he was responsible for her during the summer. His brother trusted him to look after her. He groaned softly, thinking about the long, hot summer ahead of him during which he would have to avoid her as much as possible. For just one look at her gorgeous, sexy body was enough to bring his aching cock to its full, erect ten inches.

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Incest's Fun

Richard Dempsey

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents












But Dick had a problem. His brother, Mike, had sent Dick's niece, Sherry, to spend the summer with Dick and his family. He had been enthusiastic about the idea at first. After all, he had always been fond of his little niece. And she would be good company for his daughter, Ginger, and his son, Lance -- both young teenagers just like Sherry.But it had been over a year since Dick had last seen Sherry, and he was shocked to find that she had turned into a sexy, raving beauty. Very, very sexy. She stood across the counter from him now, asking him if she could work there for him during the summer.Dick was shocked by his reaction. She was making him hornier than hell! He tried to fight his sexy feelings for his niece, telling himself it was wrong to feel that way about someone who was, after all, just a little girl -- a kid. And his own niece! And, too, he was responsible for her during the summer. His brother trusted him to look after her. He groaned softly, thinking about the long, hot summer ahead of him during which he would have to avoid her as much as possible. For just one look at her gorgeous, sexy body was enough to bring his aching cock to its full, erect ten inches."Don't you have an opening for me, Uncle Dick?" Sherry asked, her surprisingly large, ripe tits straining against her flimsy tee-shirt.Christ! Dick thought as he tried to look away. Don't these girls ever wear bras nowadays?"Please, Uncle Dick!" Sherry cried, placing her small, soft hand on his as she leaned across the counter toward him. "I'll just go crazy if I have to spend the whole summer here in this boring place with nothing to do! And I need the extra money, too.""This place isn't so boring, Sherry. And there's Ginger and Lance.""Oh, I know. And I like my cousins. I really do. But the whole summer? God, I'll go nuts! Don't forget, I'm used to New York where there's always plenty to do!""I don't know, Sherry. I don't think it would be such a good idea for you to work here with me," Dick said, swallowing hard, wondering what his wife, Carol, would think about the hot, forbidden thoughts now raging through his tortured brain."Why not?" she asked innocently, sticking a piece of bubble-gum between her full, pouting lips.Dick glanced away from her large tits which seemed to be reaching out toward him, and his gaze fell on her sexy, firm ass, barely covered by her skimpy shorts. She had long, golden legs, and for just a second, he wondered what they would feel like wrapped around his back with his huge, hard cock plunging into her pussy."Why not?" Sherry repeated impatiently, as she came around the counter to stand next to her uncle.Dick swallowed hard again, trying to calm down. But his huge, hard cock was now straining fiercely at his pants. It was impossible, he thought, to resist getting the biggest hard-on of his life while looking at his sexy little niece.He wondered if she realized what the hell she was doing to him."Well, honey," he said, finding himself actually backing away from her. "I can't explain it. I don't think it would be a good idea."Sherry frowned at her uncle, flying to figure him out. She knew he could use the help, and she needed the job. So what was the big problem? He sure is acting weird, she thought.Sherry stared at her uncle. She had never really noticed before just how ruggedly handsome he was. He was only in his late thirties, and he was in excellent physical shape. He was lean and powerfully muscled.Funny, she thought, but I never really looked at him like he was a man before. Just my uncle. But now... she wet her lips and idly wondered what it would be like to fuck her Uncle Dick.Sherry smiled, thinking it would probably be pretty good. She had not been cherry for over a year. Fucking was the thing she loved best in the whole world. Sucking was next. She loved cock. Any cock. And right now, she was thinking that her uncle might have a nice big, juicy cock just for her. Maybe he wanted to fuck her too. Maybe that was why he was acting so funny because he wanted to fuck her!That sexy, forbidden thought made Sherry's little cunt ripple and tingle with excitement. She looked at her uncle's crotch and, to her surprise and pleasure, saw that he had a big hard-on. So, that was it! That's why he had been acting so strange! He was really turned on by her. That was why he didn't think it would be a good idea for the two of them to work together every day, side by side.But, hell, she thought as she walked closer to him, that just makes things all the more exciting! Maybe this won't be such a long, boring summer after all."Why, Uncle Dick -- your namesake looks all nice and hard," Sherry cooed, as she reached out and stroked his bulging crotch. "Mmmm, nice, Uncle Dick, real nice."Dick jumped back from her touch as though electrocuted. He couldn't believe his little niece had done that, or how it affected him. Her hot hand on his ever-hardening prick sent lances of red-hot flame right to his balls. He moaned and put a hand up as though to ward her off."No, no, Sherry! That's wrong! You can't do that!" he protested.Sherry laughed. "Sure I can, Uncle Dick. I already did. And you loved it, I can tell."She pointed to his crotch where his rigid prick was twitching and jerking as though struggling to escape his pants."Sherry! You're acting like you've really been around. Have you ever... I mean..."Dick wanted to find out if his niece was still cherry, and his cock was growing steadily hotter and harder with the lewd thought that he might get to fuck her and that she wanted him to."I'm not cherry, if that's what you want to know, Uncle Dick. Daddy took care of that over a year ago, and I'm glad he did!" she said, watching her uncle's face for his reaction."Your father?" Dick gasped. "You mean my brother, Mike, fucked you?""Sure thing, Uncle Dick. And I loved it! We fuck a lot. But I fuck other guys, too, which is okay with Daddy as long as he doesn't know about it. He gets kinda jealous.""My God, Sherry! I can't believe this!"Dick leaned weakly against the counter, suddenly realizing why her words were hitting him so hard. It wasn't so much that his brother had fucked his own kid, though that was bad enough! But, what she had just told him had brought his own obscene fantasies rushing to the front of his brain where he could no longer push them down.For months now, he had been fighting an urge to fuck his beautiful daughter, Ginger. She was so lovely. So innocent. And so sexy in a totally naive way. He was sure she was still cherry, and he dreamed about what it would be like to pop her cherry, to introduce her to fucking, to ram his huge, hard ten-inch prick right up her little cherry cunt!And now, here was Sherry, his niece just a year older than Ginger, and she was offering him her body to fuck! God, he thought with a groan, maybe it would be like fucking my own kid.He turned and reached out to her, and she fell into his arms. "Ooooooh, Uncle Dick, are you gonna fuck me?" she asked breathlessly. "And if I fuck real good, will you give me the job?"Dick laughed. So that was it. She may have been hot for his cock but to her, it was mainly a business deal. She would let him fuck her if he gave her the job she wanted.Well, why not? He asked himself. Hell, I'm no saint. She's ripe for a fucking and wants me to do it. And, niece or not, why shouldn't I?He looked at Sherry's smooth, supple body and grabbed hold of her huge, firm tits, squeezing them almost painfully in his hands, as he moaned lowly in lewd passion for his little niece.He figured he could ram his urgently pounding prick savagely into her cunt, not having to worry about hurting her since his stud of a brother had taken care of her cherry long ago. And he could pretend it was his sexy, little daughter, Ginger, he was fucking. Maybe he would eat Sherry's pussy too. How he would love to taste his little daughter's juicy cunt!Sherry smiled up at her uncle as he continued to fondle her tits, his hands now groping underneath her shirt. With one impatient movement, he pulled it off over her head, tearing it as he did so. She sighed happily and began to stroke his bulging crotch, loving the way his large, meaty hands were pinching and bruising her delicate tit-flesh. Her nipples were standing at rigid attention now, and she closed her eyes and sagged against him, feeling his prick pressing against her thigh.She had absolutely no doubt now that she would get what she wanted -- a good, savage fucking from her uncle. She was really hot and horny for him, too. And then he would give her the job too! She knew he would. Sort of like killing two birds with one stone, she thought happily.Sherry watched her uncle's flushed face and saw the way the vein pounded in his forehead, as though he would have a stroke if he didn't get his rocks off soon. She pulled back from him, and holding his face between her soft hands, she pressed her mouth against his.His lips instantly parted, and their tongues meshed together. He groaned in delight and lust as he tasted his niece's sweet saliva as it flowed into his mouth."Come on, Uncle Dick," Sherry murmured huskily, realizing that as badly as she knew her uncle wanted to fuck her, she would have to take matters into her own hands.Taking him by the hand like a small child, Sherry led him over to the front door of the store. "Go ahead, Uncle Dick, put the closed sign up in the window and lock the door. Business is pretty slow, anyway.""God, Sherry, I don't..." Uncle Dick trailed off uncertainly, his gaze falling on his niece's huge, naked tits. For the first time, he realized how lucky he was that no one had come into the store and seen him fondling her huge tits. What a chance they had taken! But his throbbing cock didn't care about that. All his prick wanted was to stuff itself up his little niece's sexy pussy!"Oh, come on, Uncle Dick what's the big deal? You want to fuck me, and I want to fuck you, right? So, close up the store, and I'll wait for you in your office."Sherry turned and walked into the small room off the main store which Dick used for an office.Breathing hard with excitement, Dick quickly locked up the store and walked into his office. As he did, the door was suddenly closed behind him, and turning around, he saw Sherry, completely naked, grinning at him."Hurry, Uncle Dick! I can't wait for you to fuck me! Take your clothes off!"When he hesitated, shocked and excited beyond words, she sighed impatiently, and walking over to him, she began to unbutton his shirt. When his shirt was completely undone, she unzipped his fly and released his huge, throbbing ten-inches of raw cock-meat."Oooooh, Uncle Dick!" she squealed excitedly. "Your cock's big and so hard! I love it!" She ran her hands up and down his twitching prick.Dick moaned, and pushing her away, he began to tear off his shirt and pants. "Let me take my clothes off, Sherry. I can do it faster."Sherry watched, grinning as her uncle undressed for her. His gaze was locked on her pussy, and realizing this, she began to run her hands lightly over her blonde pussy fur, just for his benefit."Damned little sexy cunt!" he exclaimed between clenched teeth.Sherry laughed. "I knew it! Now, sit down in your desk chair, Uncle Dick." She pushed him gently down onto the chair.As soon as he was seated, she climbed up on his lap, and blinking her wide green eyes up at him innocently, she began to wriggle her firm asscheeks into his pounding hard-on. Then she put her arms around his neck and pressed her firm body against his."I love you, Uncle Dick," she said, sounding for all the world like a little girl.But the way she was grinding her ass lewdly into his gigantic cock certainly wasn't like anything a little girl would do."You sure know your way around a cock, honey," Dick murmured, rubbing her huge, hard tits."Thanks, Uncle Dick. It's all because of Daddy. He taught me plenty!"Dick's hard prick gave a savage jerk at her words, and she felt it. She suddenly looked at him."SO that's what you really want, Uncle Dick!" she exclaimed triumphantly.Dick was hoping against hope that his niece hadn't really guessed what was on his mind. But her next words convinced him that she had.Sherry giggled. "You're hot for your own kid, aren't you?""What do you mean, Sherry? Don't talk like that!" Dick tried to sound stem, but he knew he hadn't succeeded."Drop the act, Uncle Dick! You don't have to pretend with me! I know that you really want to fuck your little girl!" She continued to make lewd fucking motions with her juicy little ass."No, Sherry, w..." Dick moaned, still squeezing his niece's giant tits."Come on, Uncle Dick! Admit it! Don't forget that my own father's the one who popped my cherry for me. And I loved it. You should do your daughter a favor, and fuck the holy shit out of her!"She moved her hands to his bursting cock, rubbing it, squeezing it, feeling his pre-cum moistening her fingers.Dick violently pinched Sherry's tits. "Shut up, Sherry! I won't have you talking such filth about an innocent little girl! She'd be shocked to know what you're saying!""Don't be so sure, Uncle Dick," Sherry said, rubbing her bruised tits. "That's what my daddy used to think. Rut, just like me, Ginger's probably dreaming about fucking you just as much as you are about ramming your cock up her pussy!"Dick reached out and slapped Sherry hard across the face. Twice. Very hard."Owwwww!" she cried, bringing her hand up to her stinging flesh. "That hurt! But that's okay! I like it! Daddy does that sometimes, and I always love it!""Just don't talk about my daughter anymore like that, Sherry," he growled, feeling his cock jerk again at the mere thought of fucking Ginger.Sherry felt it, too, but this time she didn't say anything. "Okay, Uncle Dick. Whatever you say. Can I please suck you off now?"Dick gasped. Never before had such a young, beautiful, sexy girl asked him if she could go down on his big, throbbing cock."God, yessssss, Sherry! Dick! Suck me off!" he hissed, hardly recognizing his own voice, ragged with lust.Sherry quickly climbed off her uncle's lap, and for a couple of seconds, she stood before him stark naked, her tawny flesh glistening, her curly nest of cunt-hairs shining with her fuck juices. Smiling at her uncle, she cupped her large, firm tits in her hands and rotated them, licking her lips.He groaned again, thinking that if she didn't hurry up and suck his cock, he might rape her on the spot. Rape! What a laugh, he thought. No way you could rape such a sexy little piece. She was begging to be fucked."Please!" He begged. "Suck my cock, Sherry!" Sherry nodded happily and dropped to her knees between his hairy, muscular thighs. She seized his throbbing cockmeat in her tight fist and guided her lips onto it, moaning deep in her throat.It was the best blowjob of Dick's life -- a work of art. Sherry used her teeth to gently rake across the surface of his long, thick prick, making him gasp with lust. She flicked her wet tongue across his cock-knob, jerking his cock in her fist all the while to milk it of his jism, nibbling, sucking, kissing and caressing his cock-meat with every skillful move of her sexy mouth."Oh shit, Sherry! Ohhhhhh!" Dick moaned, dazed under her lashing, licking tongue.Now she was using her fiery lips and tongue like a mitt on his pulsating prick, bobbing and weaving her head to roll his cock around in her mouth. He held her head in a tight grip, lunging forward with his hips fucking her mouth with his cock.Sherry's father had taught her well. And from the second that her handsome daddy had first shot off in her sucking mouth, she had been hooked on cock for life.As Sherry continued to suck and lick Dick's cock, he stroked and squeezed her gigantic tits, pretending it was his daughter whose mouth was wrapped around his bursting prick.As Sherry sucked his throbbing prick, she massaged his aching balls, taking more and more of his massive cock into her hot, wet mouth, feeling his large cock-head strike her tonsils. She took a deep breath and swallowed hard. She fought against the gagging reflex the way her daddy had taught her to a long time ago."Oh, yeah, baby, that's it! Suck your uncle's prick! Suck my cock good, Sherry!" Dick cried, feeling as though he would pop any second now.When the gagging sensation passed, Sherry sucked the entire ten inches of her uncle's cock down her throat. She was deep-throating her uncle's prick now and doing it very skillfully."Oh, yessssss, honey!" Dick screamed, his veins bulging out of the side of his neck. He couldn't believe how good his innocent-looking little niece was at sucking cock.Sherry sucked expertly, tightening and loosening her throat muscles around her uncle's prick. His huge ten-inch cock was rock-hard and stiff as a board.Dick felt his prick twitching and jerking down his niece's hot, sucking throat, and be knew he was about to come. "Suck my cock, baby! Suck meeee!" he yelled hoarsely.He thrust his hips up towards her sucking mouth as she pulled in her checks hard, increasing the throat suction on his big cock. The sucking sounds of cock being sucked filled the room turning them both on all the more.Sherry's pussy was in the middle of a series of shuddering orgasms which made her entire body vibrate with their force. Buckets and buckets of hot, thick pussycream poured from her cunthole and ran in rivers down her firm thighs.Sherry was sucking her uncle's cock so hard, and it was buried so far down her throat, her nose was buried in his bed of curly prick hairs. She could feel his cock-knob against her throat and her tonsils. She moaned obscenely over and over as she licked and sucked the full thick length of his gigantic prick. All the time, her pussy was quaking with never-ending climaxes, making her moan with pleasure as she sucked her uncle's prick.Sherry closed her fist around the base of his cock and sucked so hard, she thought she would pass out."Ohhhhh, Sherry, baby, don't stop sucking! I'm gonna come! Oh shit, commmiiing!" Dick cried as his cock swelled even more, and a gusher of hot, white jism burst from the tip of his pulsating cock-knob.Rhythmically, wad after wad of the thick gooey cum squirted from his burning prick into his niece's throat and down into her belly. She tried to swallow every drop of his cum, but it was impossible. There was just too much of his jizz, and it bubbled obscenely around her mouth, splashing down onto her huge, throbbing tits.As Sherry slid her ripe lips back and forth furiously on Dick's cock, he wondered if she had ever fucked another girl. Suddenly, the obscene image of his niece and his daughter fucking each other popped into his mind, intensifying his orgasm as he continued to shoot his cum into Sherry's sucking mouth.He held tightly onto Sherry's head as alternating images of Ginger fucking Sherry, and him fucking Ginger flashed through his mind, and his cum continued to shoot in fierce torrents into Sherry's throat.Finally he stopped coming, and Sherry withdrew her lips. She held his prick in her fist and darted her hot, pink tongue out to scoop up the few drops of jism left on his cock."Ooooh, your cock's still nice and hard," Sherry murmured as she stood up."Yeah, baby, the better to fuck you with!" Dick cried, hardly able to restrain himself from cramming his hard cock right up her wet pussy."Oh goody, I want to fuck you too! But first, I have to ask you a question, Uncle Dick!""Sure, baby. What is it?" Dick asked, fingering the young girl's nipples, rolling them over between his fingers."DO I get the job?" she asked wistfully.Dick laughed and shook his head. "Yes, Sherry. You very definitely get the job!"

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