American Big Trucks - Cristina Berna - E-Book

American Big Trucks E-Book

Cristina Berna

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The big truck is a dominant feature in our modern society. Alexander Winston sold his first horseless semi-truck 1899 and in 1913 Maine was the first state to limit the wight of trucks on its roads, to 18,000 pounds and that becane a norm. There are abt 4.06 million semi-trucks operating in the USA. The payload is abt 42,000 and 48,000 on the usual semi-trailer, meaning the trailer fleet can move abt 170,520 million pounds around. Add to this all the special big trucks. 8.4 million people are employed in the trucking industry, 3.54 million are truck drivers, excluding the self-employed (2022). Follow the big trucks and their loads in pictures and short comments. We honor this great industry on 4th of July and Labor Day and hope you will enjoy our selection of photos.

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"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

Table of Contents


Alabama (AL) Maxwell Airforce Base

Alaska (AK)

Arizona (AZ) I-40

Arkansas (AR) West Memphis

California (CA) Bakersfield

Colorado (CO) Brighton

Connecticut (CT)

Delaware (DE) Newark

District of Columbia (DC) Capitol

Florida (FL) South Sumpter County I-75

Georgia (GA) Valdosta

Hawaii (HI) Waimea

Idaho (ID)

Illinois (IL) Chicago

Indiana (IN) Indianapolis

IOWA (IA) State Road 80

Kansas (KS)

Kentucky (KY)

Louisiana (LA) I-12

Maine (ME)

Maryland (MD) Baltimore

Massachusetts (MA) Boston

Michigan (MI)

Minnesota (MN)

Mississippi (MS) I-20 Vicksburg Bridge

Missouri (MO) Cuba

Montana (MT) Two Medicine

Nebraska (NE) Eustis

Nevada (NV) Beatty

New Hampshire (NH)

New Jersey (NJ) Route 46

New Mexico (NM) Holloman Air Force Base

New York NY) Rochester

North Carolina (NC) Durham

North Dakota (ND) Watford City

Northern Mariana Islands (MP) Guam

Ohio (OH)

Oklahoma (OK) Tulsa

Oregon (OR) Toothrock Tunnel

Pennsylvania (PA) Somerset

Puerto Rico (PR) San Sebastián

Rhode Island (RI) North Kingstown to Narrangasett

South Carolina (SC) I-95 Hardeeville

South Dakota (SD) Ellsworth Airforce Base

Tennessee (TN) Memphis

Texas (TX) Galveston

Trust Territories (TT) Marshall Islands

Utah (UT)

Vermont (VT) Mount Snow

Virgin Islands (VI) California

Virginia (VA) Emporia

Washington (WA) Seattle

West Virginia (WV) Jefferson County

Wisconsin (WI) Milwaukee

Wyoming (WY) Gilette


The big truck is a dominant feature in our modern society.