Napoleon Military Campaigns in Art Workbook - Cristina Berna - E-Book

Napoleon Military Campaigns in Art Workbook E-Book

Cristina Berna

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This workbook invites readers to do their own short art analysis, historical analysis and write it down as notes on the blank pages next to the artwork. It can also be used in a group or classroom setting. The workbook can be great fun when used for training in the English language - in classroom discussion. You can add your answers or add your own questions in the blank space. Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) continues to fascinate even today, more than 200 years after his death. His legacy is shown in beautiful paintings. He was an unrivalled general, although he did make occasional mistakes both on the tactical and the strategic level -the most significant was his attack on Russia, which annihilated most of his Grande Armée and led to his downfall. Napoleon institutionalized plunder and destruction in a way mostly only known by more primitive invaders. Both he and his generals and soldiers stole incredible amounts of cultural property and wantonly destroyed much more Napoleon did leave some durable institutions on which modern France is built up, including the Napoleonic Code, the judicial system, the central bank and the country's financial organization, military academies, and a centralized university. We hope the readers will enjoy our selection and the activity. We hope it will contribute to a better understanding of Napoleon, his time and of art itself.

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Table of Contents


No 1

No 2

No 3

No 4

No 5

No 6

No 7

No 8

No 9

No 10

No 11

No 12

No 13

No 14

No 15

No 16

No 17

No 18

No 19

No 20

No 21

No 22

No 23

No 24

No 25

No 26

No 27

No 28

No 29

No 30

No 31

No 32

No 33

No 34

No 35

No 36

No 37

No 38

No 39

No 40

No 41

No 42

No 43

No 44

No 45

No 46

No 47

No 48

No 49

No 50

No 51

No 52

No 53

Photo Crédits

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Napoleon Bonaparte (1769–1821) continues to fascinate even today, more than 200 years after his death. His legacy is shown in beautiful paintings.

He was an unrivalled general, although he did make occasional mistakes both on the tactical and the strategic level – the most significant was his attack on Russia, which annihilated most of his Grande Armée and led to his downfall.

Napoleon institutionalized plunder and destruction in a way mostly only known by more primitive invaders. Both he and his generals and soliders stole incredible amounts of cultural property and wantonly destroyed much more

Napoleon did leave some durable institutions on which modern France is built up, including the Napoleonic Code, the judicial system, the central bank and the country's financial organization, military academies, and a centralized university.

This workbook invites readers to do their own short art analysis, historical analysis and write it down as notes on the blank pages next to the artwork. It can also be used in a group or classroom setting. It can be great fun when used for training in the English language convesation in a group setting. You can add your answers or add your own questions in the blank space.

We hope the readers will enjoy our selection and the activity. We hope it will contribute to a better understanding of Napoleon, his time and of art itself.

Cristina & Eric

No 1

Édouard Detaille (1848– 1912): Bonaparte au siège de Toulon, 1793 - Bonaparte at the siege of Toulon, 1793, c. 1655-1660, painting, oil on canvas, Musée de l'Armée, at Les Invalides, Paris. The start of Napoleon´s military career.

What does this painting show?

What are the historical facts?

What do you think Édouard Detaille is trying to tell you? What do you think his feelings were when he made the painting?

What are your technical comments on this artwork? The history of the painting?

No 2 Louis-François, Baron Lejeune (1775–1848): Napoleon giving his instructions before the Battle of Lodi 10 May 1796. C. 1804. Painting, oil on canvas, height: 1.85 m, width. 2.40 m, National Museum of the Château de Versailles et de Trianon

What does this painting show?

What are the historical facts?

What do you think Louis-François, Baron Lejeune is trying to tell you? What do you think his feelings were when he made the painting?

What are your technical comments on this artwork? The history of the painting?

No 3 Siege of Mantua 4 June 1796 – 2 Feb 1797

Victor Adam (1801–1866): La bataille de Castiglione 5 Aug 1796 – 1836, painting, oil on canvas, height: 162 cm (63.7 in); width: 258 cm (101.5 in). Historical description of the image: August 5, 1796, approximately 10 a.m. Battle of Castiglione. Under Napoleon's leadership, Marmont deploys the artillery on the conquered Monte Medolano, while on the plain below the central attack of Augereau's division begins

What does this painting show?

What are the historical facts? Why was Napoleon in Italy?

What do you think Victor Adam is trying to tell you? What do you think his feelings were when he made the painting?