Napoleon Military Campaigns In Art - Cristina Berna - E-Book

Napoleon Military Campaigns In Art E-Book

Cristina Berna

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Note: this title has a separate workbook. Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) continues to fascinate even today, more than 200 years after his death. His legacy is shown in beautiful paintings. He was an unrivalled general, although he did make occasional mistakes both on the tactical and the strategic level - the most significant was his attack on Russia, which annihilated most of his Grande Armée and led to his downfall. Napoleon institutionalized plunder and destruction in a way mostly only known by more primitive invaders. Both he and his generals and soldiers stole incredible amounts of cultural property and wantonly destroyed much more Napoleon did leave some durable institutions on which modern France is built upon, including the Napoleonic Code, the judicial system, the central bank and the country's financial organization, military academies, and a centralized university. We hope the reades will enjoy our seletion of artwork.

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Table of Contents


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Napoleon Bonaparte (1769–1821) continues to fascinate even today, more than 200 years after his death. His legacy is shown in beautiful paintings.

He was an unrivalled general, although he did make occasional mistakes both on the tactical and the strategic level – the most significant was his attack on Russia, which annihilated most of his Grande Armée and led to his downfall.

Napoleon institutionalized plunder and destruction in a way mostly only known by more primitive invaders. Both he and his generals and soldiers stole incredible amounts of cultural property and wantonly destroyed much more.

Napoleon did leave some durable institutions on which modern France is built upon, including the Napoleonic Code, the judicial system, the central bank and the country's financial organization, military academies, and a centralized university.

We hope the reades will enjoy our seletion of artwork.

Cristina & Eric

No 1

Édouard Detaille (1848– 1912): Bonaparte au siège de Toulon, 1793 - Bonaparte at the siege of Toulon, 1793. C. 1655-1660, painting, oil on canvas, Musée de l'Armée, at Les Invalides, Paris. The start of Napoleon´s military career.

No 2

Louis-François, Baron Lejeune (1775–1848): Napoleon giving his instructions before the Battle of Lodi 10 May 1796. C. 1804, painting, oil on canvas, height: 1.85 m, width. 2.40 m, National Museum of the Château de Versailles et de Trianon.