American Halloween Costumes - Cristina Berna - E-Book

American Halloween Costumes E-Book

Cristina Berna

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Halloween is a celebration that has now spread to much of the World. It usually takes place on the Eve of 31 October, the next day is the Christian feast All Saint´s Day with remembering the dead. The name comes from Old English All Hallows Eve. The tradition was brought by Scottish and Irish immigrants to America and many believe it is really an old pagan Celtic tradition that was caried over into Christianity. One of the traditions of Halloween is dressing up in costumes, for partying or for trick or treat, another Halloween tradition of children going round the neighborhood demanding sweats. We celebrate this happy event and hope you will enjoy our selection of photos and hope they will inspire you.

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"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."


Halloween is a joyous celebration that has now spread to much of the World.

It usually takes place on the Eve of 31 October, the next day is the Christian feast All Saint´s Day with remembering the dead. The name comes from Old English “All Hallows Eve”.

The tradition was brought by Scottish and Irish immigrants to America and many believe it is really an old pagan Celtic tradition, the Samhain (End of Summer) which celebrated the end of the harvest and was carried over into Christianity.

One of the traditions of Halloween is dressing up in costumes, for partying or for trick-or-treat, another Halloween tradition of children going round the neighbourhood demanding sweets.

We celebrate this happy event and hope you will enjoy our selection of photos and hope they will inspire you.

Cristina & Eric

A great outfit, combining aprofessionally painted face and a hat overflowering with parrots and the rain forest suggested with the veil. . Oct 31, 2014 - Halloween in New York center.

Halloween parties are usually divided between events for children and events for adults. Here, children are dressed up in fancy costumes by their parents to participate in an after-school event. Oct 31, 2012 - Halloween in Mountain Brook Alabama

The witch costume is the most traditional. Some people consider it boring and too repetitive. Fantasy and originality is most valued. Recall the story with the fallen angel who enjoyed disabling the mobile phone work for an hour in London around 10 o´clock?(Terry Pratchett). Oct 31, 2014 – Halloween 2014 New York Center.

It is easier with professional and dedicated help. The Day of the Dead (El Día de los Muertos