American Police Action - Cristina Berna - E-Book

American Police Action E-Book

Cristina Berna

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Law enforcement is as old as human society and the giving of laws itself. In ancient China, Babylon and Egypt there were special law enforcement bodies. Law enforcement is a part of the political process. Not all laws are fair, not all politicians are honest and the job can be risky. Police is usually very visible in our society, carrying out the important role of law enforcement and loved by children. The role of the police is to enforce the law, to ensure the safety, health, and possessions of citizens, and to prevent crime and civil disorder. We honor all good police on this 4th of July 2023 and hope you will enjoy our selection of photos.

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Seitenzahl: 13

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"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."


Police is usually very visible in our society, carrying out the important role of law enforcement and loved by children.

The role of the police is to enforce the law, to ensure the safety, health, and possessions of citizens, and to prevent crime and civil disorder.

Law enforcement is as old as human society and the giving of laws itself. In ancient China, Babylon and Egypt there were special law enforcement bodies.

Law enforcement is a part of the political process. Not all laws are fair, not all politicians are honest and the job can be risky.

We honor all good police on this 4th of July 2023 and hope you will enjoy our selection of photos.

Cristina & Eric

Alabama (AL) Mobile

Jul 15, 2014 - The U.S. Marshals Service conducted a multi-agency violent crime reduction initiative called Operation Triple Beam to take dangerous offenders of the streets of Mobile.

Alaska (AK) Elmendorf-Richardsom Base

Nov 6, 2018 - Anchorage Police recruits participate in an Emergency Vehicle Operations Course (EVOC) to prepare every recruit for real-life scenarios they might encounter on the job

Arizona (AZ) Flagstaf

Aug 7, 2011 - Police arrest peaceful protesters in downtown Flagstaff on Sunday who protested of the destruction and desecration of the San Francisco Peaks by Arizona Snowbowl.

Arkansas (AR) Texarkana