American Police Cars 2 - Cristina Berna - E-Book

American Police Cars 2 E-Book

Cristina Berna

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Police cars are usually very visible in our society, advertising the important role of police and loved by children. The first police car in America was an electric wagon used by the Akron Police Department in Akron, Ohio in 1899. The car was built by city mechanical engineer Frank Loomis and could reach 16 mph (26 km/h) and travel 30 mi (48 km) before needing to be reacharged. Law enforcement vehicles make the police mobile and some of the cars can reach150 mph (almost 250 km/h). Only the fastest supercars can outrun these highway patrols! We honor all good police on this 4th of July 2023 and hope you will enjoy our selection of photos.

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Seitenzahl: 13

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"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

Table of Contents


Alabama (AL) Douglas

Alaska (AK) Juneau

Arizona (AZ) Tucson

Arkansas (AR) West Memphis

California (CA) Santa Monica

Colorado (CO)

Connecticut (CT)

Delaware (DE) Bethany Beach

District of Columbia (DC) Washington

Florida (FL) Osceola

Georgia (GA) Athens

Hawaii (HI) Honolulu Police

Idaho (ID) Hagerman

Illinois (IL) Chicago

Indiana (IN) Covington

IOWA (IA) Sioux City

Kansas (KS)

Kentucky (KY) Ludlow

Louisiana (LA)

Maine (ME) Bar Harbor

Maryland (MD) Annapolis

Massachusetts (MA) Boston

Michigan (MI) Dimondale

Minnesota (MN) Lake County

Mississippi (MS) Brookhaven

Missouri (MO) St. Louis

Montana (MT) Miles City

Nebraska (NE) Lincoln Police Department

Nevada (NV) Las Vegas

New Hampshire (NH)

New Jersey (NJ) Livingston

New Mexico (NM) Alburquerque

New York (NY) Central Park

North Carolina (NC) Asheville

North Dakota (ND)

Northern Mariana Islands Saipan

Ohio (OH) Marion

Oklahoma (OK) Oklahoma City

Oregon (OR)

Pennsylvania (PA) Philadelphia

Puerto Rico (PR) San Juan

Rhode Island (RI)

South Carolina (SC) North Charleston

South Dakota (SD) Rosebud Sioux Tribe

Tennessee (TN) Memphis

Texas (TX)

Trust Territories (TT) Guam

Utah (UT) Summit County

Vermont (VT) Burlington Airport

Virgin Islands (VI)

Virginia (VA)

Washington (WA) Seattle

West Virginia (WV) Brooke County

Wisconsin (WI) Milwaukee

Wyoming (WY) Gilette

4 th of July cake

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