American Vintage Trains - Cristina Berna - E-Book

American Vintage Trains E-Book

Cristina Berna

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The history of American railroad began with the founding of the first passenger and freight line of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad in 1827 away from rivers, canals and stagecoaches. The style of transportation also changed in the cities from horse and buggy to the first street tramway with the New York and Harlem line of 1832, coining the American term still used today, street railway.

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"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."



Alabama (AL) Montgomery

Alaska (AK) Anchorage

Arizona (AZ) Phoenix

Arkansas (AR) Randolph County

California (CA) San Francisco

Colorado (CO) Lakewood, Denver

Connecticut (CT) Trolley Museum

Delaware (DE) Delaware River

District of Columbia (DC)

Florida (FL) Orlando

Georgia (GA)

Hawaii (HI) Oahu

Idaho (ID) Fernwood

Illinois (IL) Rockford

Indiana (IN) Indianapolis

IOWA (IA) Mount Pleasant

Kansas (KS) Wichata

Kentucky (KY) Louisville & Nashville Railroad

Louisiana (LA) Bossier City

Maine (ME) North Maine Woods

Maryland (MD) Cumberland Narrows

Massachusetts (MA) Boston

Michigan (MI) Ann Arbor

Minnesota (MN) Minneapolis Station

Mississippi (MS) Sumral

Missouri (MO) St Louis

Montana (MT) Shelby

Nebraska (NE) Wahoo

Nevada (NV) Between Durango and Silverton

New Hampshire (NH) Manchester

New Jersey (NJ) Crossing I-280

New Mexico (NM) Springer

New York NY) Chemung

North Carolina (NC)

North Dakota (ND) Grand Forks

Northern Mariana Islands (MP)

Ohio (OH) Cincinnati

Oklahoma (OK) Oklahoma City

Oregon (OR) Rouge River north of Grants Pass

Pennsylvania (PA) Philadelphia

Puerto Rico (PR) Candado, Santurce

Rhode Island (RI) Springer (NY)

South Carolina (SC) Winnsboro

South Dakota (SD) Aberdeen

Tennessee (TN)

Texas (TX) Forth Worth

Trust Territories (TT) Marshall Islands

Utah (UT) Salt Lake City

Vermont (VT) Randolph

Virgin Islands (VI) St Thomas

Virginia (VA) Norfolk

Washington (WA) Racoma

West Virginia (WV) Jefferson County

Wisconsin (WI) Milwaukee

Wyoming (WY) Granger
