Aura E-Book

Joseph P Hradisky Jr

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This book is part of the forever saga where, through a mishap at birth, the hero Joseph Westmore discovers he now remembers everything he had ever did since the beginning of creation. He realizes who he is and what he is capable of. Something which has been denied all of humanity since Adam, and Eve, were allowed to leave the garden of eden. Part of the discovery is his super powers based on the intensity, color, of his aura. Something which as well he should not have been able to know much less have the ability to use. Throughout all the stories he is joined by the love of all his lives since they met somewhere around a hundred lifetimes ago. Without knowing it, at first, she was the one he would always be searching for to be with. Their love is one of the few which trancends all. Now, with this new found knowledge he has been given the choice to save all of humanity against a joint force of angels and demons among other enemies who are out to destroy all that God has created. One thing is for sure he never wanted the role of being a hero. He just wanted to live peacefully with his beloved Teresa.

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A Forever Saga Novel

I dedicate, as always, this book to my best friend and love of my life who passed away at too early of an age. I will always love her, miss her, and need her. I wish everyone had the love we shared, I think the world would be a much better place if they did. Teresa A Hradisky 1967 to 2021 BookRix GmbH & Co. KG81371 Munich


A Forever Saga Novel



By Joseph P Hradisky Jr


I dedicate, as always, this book to my best friend and love of my life who passed away at too early of an age. I will always love her, miss her, and need her. I wish everyone had the love we shared, I think the world would be a much better place if they did.


Teresa A Hradisky 1967 to 2021



This is a work of fiction


This book is the property of Joseph P Hradisky Jr – all rights reserved.



Joseph Westmore





      The sound of his voice was still echoing through the otherwise silent house. Even through the basement as well as the upstairs. Both hands were strongly gripping the sweat-soaked bed sheets despite how cold the room was. Long moments passed before he came back to reality, something he continued to wish did not occur. Joseph Westmore looked around the dark room gathering in, again, the grim reality of what his life was like since Teresa had passed away.


      What got him the most was, after 33 years of marriage, he could not hear her breathing. Nor could he feel the presence of her which always filled the house making it a home. Now it was just a house again. No sound, showing she was near, could be heard. They could be in the same room, not saying a word, and there would be more noise than what filled the house now. More often, than not, all he could hear was a deafening silence. An echo of what was. A pain filled silence where it felt as if the house, itself, missed her as much as he did. Others may not think this would be true, but he certainly did.


      Slowly he could feel his hands letting go of the sheets as the intense adrenaline rush began to fade away. He also knew there would be no point in going back to sleep. No matter how long he would try to lay quietly, yearning for sleep to take away the pain, it would not come. For now other memories would start to invade his thoughts. The newer one being more painful than the rest. Sometimes making him overly angry for the demand it had put on him. He was not the hero type, nor did he ever want to be. The problem was fate had other plans for him.



And so it begins



      “No, you can’t”


      “I can and you know it.”


      “We are not going to revisit this discussion again.” Teresa Westmore looked lovingly at her husband of 36 years. “I don’t have the time, or the patience, to do so. What I need is for you to promise you will not stop what is about to happen.”


      Joseph Westmore looked down at Teresa for several seconds before he tried to respond. “I’m not sure…”


      “I know but you will.” Teresa took hold of his hand. “You have to, I know what awaits me is very important.”


      Joseph looked away from her to stare angrily out the window of the hospital room. He had made sure she had the room all to herself. This took a lot of persuading as well as money, but he didn’t care. For what he did money was meaningless. As he looked beyond what was in front of him Joseph could feel the ice coldness of her hand touching his. He could hear the annoying drone of the medical equipment, the over clean antiseptic smell of the hospital violating his nose, Teresa’s heartbeat, all the voices of other patients as well as the hospital workers, he could also hear the wings of the two as they approached the room. One would be allowed to enter while the other would not be. As of yet he couldn’t decide which was which or if any would. He still had the power to stop this madness.


      “Hey?” The simple word brought him back to her. She was so pale, almost whiter then the sheets covering her frail body. “You can’t.”


      “Yet I can.”




      He didn’t like it when she used his name in such a tone. In the past it might have had a bigger effect on him but not now. Not today. She was dying from some unknown disease which had taken months to bring them to this point. “You know I can.” He said again as he leaned down to kiss her wonderful lips.


      Teresa smiled after their lips parted. It never failed, she thought, whenever he felt like it he would kiss her. It was one of the things she loved so much about him. It didn’t matter where they were or who could see them. Nor was it showing off in any way. He once told her he liked the way her fun lips sent jolts of fire, and electricity, through the connection. Slowly she looked at the way he was dressed. Shorts, short sleeve shirt, and crocks with smiley faces on them. He never was big on appearances despite the many times she had tried to change it. Carefully, with as much effort she could afford, she gripped his hand as hard as she could to really get his attention.


      “I know but you are going to promise me you will not do anything. It is my time to go.” For a moment she just stared at Joseph. It never ceased to amaze her of how beautiful he was or how much he loved her. “Right now there is only one reason why you are here. The two guides are fast approaching, one I need to go with while the other you are going to keep away from me.”


      Joseph ignored how hard her words hit him. There would be time later when he would be able to let his emotions loose for a moment, or two, just not now. “And which one will it be?”


      “I will tell you silly.” Joseph could hear the laughter in her voice almost letting tears flow past the dam in his eyes. “So, are you going to promise me or not?”


      Joseph leaned down to kiss her again. A thought drifted through his head for a moment. There would never be too many times he wanted to kiss her. He was about to speak when she did.


      “You know the doctor said you could catch what I have if you keep kissing me.” Teresa said with a smirky smile on her sweet lips.


      This made Joseph laugh for a moment. “Honestly, the only thing I have ever caught from you was your love.”


      “So you say.” Her smile turned into a frown for a moment. “You still haven’t answered me.”


      Joseph got the impression she had just stomped her foot in annoyance for him not answering her the way she wanted him to. And so it begins, he sighed, before answering her. “I promise I will not do anything to stop what is about to happen.”


      “Thank you,” Teresa said as a smile returned to her face. “Now kiss me.”