Fear - Joseph P Hradisky Jr - E-Book

Fear E-Book

Joseph P Hradisky Jr

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There is an ongoing war between heaven and hell with humans in between. Sometimes it spills over into the realm of humans where the whole universe is in danger of going extinct.

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Joseph P Hradisky Jr


Book two of the Roger Armstrong Mysteries

This is dedicated to all those who serve and protect. To those who run toward the fires and not away. To all the Nurses, and Doctors, who risk their lives to save others. Thank you for being there, you are the real heroes. BookRix GmbH & Co. KG80331 Munich


Book Two of the Roger Armstrong Mysteries



By Joseph P Hradisky Jr



This is dedicated to all those who serve and protect.


To those who run toward the fires and not away.


To all the Nurses, and Doctors, who risk their lives to save others.


Thank you for being there, you are the real heroes.



This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental.


Though the characters are fictional some of the places are not.


Thank you for reading my book and I hope you stay safe, and healthy, through this trying time.


Remember the words of truth: There is no greater fear than fear itself.



Roger pulled onto the shoulder of the road before stopping the car. They had reached their destination. For a moment he looked at the old stone wall, stairway, and cemetery before getting out of the car. He had been here a few times over the years. A very old church with much of the inside made of stone as well. Each time he entered the building he could feel the age of the building seep into his bones. It was a safe place.


      “Where are we?” Christine asked as she got out of the car.


      “Valhalla.” Was Roger’s short answer.


      “No, really?” Christine looked around the place. Everything spoke to her of old, yet she could feel an exuberance of life emanating as well. “It’s old.”


      “You have no idea.” Roger said as he went up the stone stairs to the entrance door. Carefully he touched the door in a certain spot. The result was the door swinging slowly open. Without a word he went in.


      Almost a minute passed before the others followed him. Bryan looked at the inside, as soon as his eyes adjusted, to see much of nothing. “I thought you said you were taking us to a safe place?”


      Pastor John Simms walked slowly to the front where the podium waited. He could barely breathe for what he was seeing. This place was a treasure of time, safety. “He did.” John said in awe. “How did you know of such a place?”


      “Like I said I have been here a few times. Once it was to attend a wedding. The moment I walked in I knew the peace, tranquility, of safety. When I sat in a pew this message seeped into me like meeting an old friend who you have not seen in several years.” Roger joined John at the front.


      John turned to his friend. “Did you learn this through some kind of research?”


      Roger shook his head no. “It told me.”


      With the solemnest in his voice John knew there was no denying the truth. “Then this will be our home till we figure out this problem.”


      “Not quite.” Roger headed for the door. “I will show you where we are actually living.”


      A few minutes later they were pulling up to a large building. The sign at the top of the driveway read Fontainebleau Inn. As the car came to a stop Christine asked. “Where is this place?”


      “Alpine, New York in Schuyler County.” Roger got out of the car to head to the building. As he got near a young man came out to meet him. “Joseph.”


      Roger shook Joseph’s hand. “Glad to see you again, Roger.”


      “How are the other guests?”


      “Better now that you did whatever you did. There hasn’t been any issues since. All your rooms are ready.”