Lidia Johnstan and Daren Rheynolds - Joseph P Hradisky Jr - E-Book

Lidia Johnstan and Daren Rheynolds E-Book

Joseph P Hradisky Jr

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The power of love is stronger than all the negativity of a black hole.   This is book 2 in a series of books based on the idea fate has a way of bringing those together as it was intended. Even the way, or false fronts, of the frail human body cannot stop or disuade what the heart wants most - love.

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Joseph P Hradisky Jr

Lidia Johnstan and Daren Rheynolds

The Power of Love Book 2

This book is dedicated to my wonderful wife, Terri, and for all those who believe true love is not only possible but will always happenBookRix GmbH & Co. KG80331 Munich

Lidia Johnstan and Daren Rheynolds

The Power of Love Book 2



The power of love is stronger than all the negativity of a black hole





By Joseph P Hradisky Jr


 This book is dedicated to my wonderful wife, Terri, and for all those who believe true love is not only possible but will always happen



The characters in this book are fictitious, they do not represent any person living or dead.



The name of the places are real.



This is the property of Joseph P Hradisky Jr, all rights reserved.

The Café


Daren Rheynolds was walking into his favorite café when he came to a sudden stop. So sudden the person behind almost ran him over. Without paying any more attention he moved out of the doorway. Not once did he see where he was going. He had eyes only for the woman who was at the end of the order line. Long auburn tresses fell to just below her shoulders. She was wearing a two piece work outfit. The top was a blue blazer like material over a white blouse. Her skirt, fairly long for the weather and decade, was brown, almost bronze. Daren was sure he had seen her somewhere before but at the moment had no clue. That is until she turned to look at him.




Lidia Johnstan waited patiently in the order line. If she had known it was going to be this busy she might not have stopped to get her usual coffee for work. But, as she passed by the café, something made her go in. As she went through the door, saw the line, she knew she was going to be late. Taking her cell out she sent a text to her partner to tell her she would be late. Then she waited.


A few minutes went by when she heard a commotion at the front door. At first she paid it little attention. Then, feeling strange, she turned to look. Just inside the door stood a short man. Well, maybe not that short. Possibly five-seven. White hair, black eyebrows, hazel eyes, and was dressed in a t-shirt with swim shorts on. And he was staring at her. Any other man would have made her uneasy. Even to the point where she would ask him what he was staring at. Yet, for some odd reason, his stare did not bother her. In fact it felt almost as if she were the most beautiful person this man had ever seen. Lidia knew it was an impossible thought for the way she knew she looked. Her beauty had been lost a little over a year ago when she had both breasts removed. When the operation was over, and her fiancé knew she would be alright, he left her. Ben Right told her, without her breasts, she was no longer beautiful for him. He said he was going to find someone who was and left. Since then all the men she had dated, when they found out about her lack of breasts, did the same thing. The last one had been so bad he told her she was the ugliest woman he had ever met. That was after he had taken her home and were getting naked for sex. Lidia had not dated since. Almost six months now.


So here was a man staring at her like no man had ever stared at her. Then, to her surprise, she could feel herself blushing. It was a very strange feeling after so many months. So Lidia did nothing, said nothing, but enjoyed the moment while it lasted. The day had started out strange and it certainly was getting stranger.




As she turned he caught a glimmer of a dream he had since he was very young. When he could fully see her face the dream slammed home into his brain. For several minutes he allowed the dream to play through his mind. By the time he came back to the present he was positive it was her. The face was, as well as whatever skin was exposed, lightly tanned. Crystal blue eyes shone around a gentle, aquiline, nose. She had a strong chin, straight shoulders, and confidence radiated from her. Daren knew he should not be staring at her, but he just couldn’t help it. Then, for a micro second, he saw something else in her eyes. Sadness. But not directed toward him but to herself. He didn’t understand why until he caught a faint hint in the outline of her chest. God, he thought, I hope she is not embarrassed about how small her breasts are.


Daren was not like most men. In fact he seldom hung out with other men. There were dozen of reasons why but the really big one was for the way they treated women. Especially ones who did not have the big breasts they always talked about. An issue which had gotten him into more than a few fights.


Now the greatest challenge of his life stood before him. It was one thing to have dreamed what he would do when they finally met. But the reality was he had no clue as to what he was going to do. Finally, with a small rumble of hunger from his stomach, he joined her in the order line.




When Lidia saw him move toward her her heart skipped several beats. It was one thing, for him to be far away at the door, but now he was getting closer. As he came to a stop to wait to order she could sense something about him. For a moment he looked like a very large, solid, rock. His confidence, assuredness, and what seemed to be full control of whatever he did gave her the impression. The other reason was the idea he had not once looked away from her eyes. Unlike other men he had not looked her over. Not once. He just kept looking at her face.


“Lidia.” Lidia said. She was shocked to hear herself speak. Not once had she thought about saying anything to him. And yet she did.


“Daren.” He answered. “It is nice to meet you Lidia.”