Just Stories - Part 1 - Joseph P Hradisky Jr - E-Book

Just Stories - Part 1 E-Book

Joseph P Hradisky Jr

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This is a series of stories from my life. It seemed that whoever I told these stories to they said I should write it down and get it published. Since I have gotten a lot of other pressing issues out of the way I decided it was time. I have no idea where this will lead so, to be on the safe side, I listed the book as part of a series. Should be interesting how this plays out. I hope you enjoy the stories.

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Joseph P Hradisky Jr

Just Stories - Part 1

The Just Me Series

I Dedicate this book to my wonderful family. During this trying period we have come closer together than ever. I pray everyone stays healthy and safe. BookRix GmbH & Co. KG81371 Munich

Just Stories - Part 1

The Just Me Series



By Joseph P Hradisky Jr



I Dedicate this book to my wonderful family. During this trying period we have come closer together than ever.



I pray everyone stays healthy and safe.



This is a work of non-fiction. The names of the people have been changed to protect them.



The places are real.



Thank you for reading my book.



At a very young age there was a lot I learned without knowing what I was learning. Like the idea of how friends, as well as enemies, manipulated you into what they wanted but wasn’t necessarily best for you. This went on until the first time I read the bible cover to cover. It was the best book I have ever read. Nor was it the only time, I have read the bible at least six times. There was a lot of good, as well as bad, from having done this. One good was the understanding of how I was being manipulated. All that ended shortly after the first reading. I started making enemies because I would not follow them blindly. I began to question everything. Somehow, someway, while reading the bible I was told this was what I should do. Question everything, everyone, regardless of any trouble it would get me in. And it got me into a lot of trouble.


      During the early years I also discovered how badly fear can affect people. A blind, mind numbing, fear that would cause people to do horrible things. My first encounter was in the second grade. In class we were asked to draw a picture of anything we wanted. We would then show the class to explain why we drew it. I decided to draw a picture of a windmill after a storm. The reason for this was twofold: I loved windmills and over the weekend there had been a big storm circling Cayuga Lake. So naturally the two became my picture.