Just Stories - Part 3 - Joseph P Hradisky Jr - E-Book

Just Stories - Part 3 E-Book

Joseph P Hradisky Jr

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This is a series of stories from my life. It seemed that whoever I told these stories to they said I should write it down and get it published. Since I have gotten a lot of other pressing issues out of the way I decided it was time. I have no idea where this will lead so, to be on the safe side, I listed the book as part of a series. Should be interesting how this plays out.   I hope you enjoy the stories.

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Joseph P Hradisky Jr

Just Stories - Part 3

The Just Me Series

I Dedicate this book to my wonderful family. During this trying period we have come closer together than ever. I pray everyone stays healthy and safe. BookRix GmbH & Co. KG81371 Munich

Just Stories - Part 3

The Just Me Series



By Joseph P Hradisky Jr.



I Dedicate this book to my wonderful family. During this trying period we have come closer together than ever.



I pray everyone stays healthy and safe.



This is a work of non-fiction. The names of the people have been changed to protect them.



The places are real.



Thank you for reading my book.



During the flood of 1972 not a lot of people had nothing good to say about what happened. All the ones I knew, who didn’t like the time period, were adults. Me, I was only 12 years old and I can’t think of a thing that I hated. Even the loss of my garden wasn’t that big of a deal. The water only finished off what the local ant colony had started. Three times, before the water started rising, they had cut down my best part of the garden, watermelon. This is what I wanted, watermelon, more than anything else in the garden.


And that was the worst part of the whole year. Among the many of the interesting, fun, adventures during the flood happened at the very beginning. The crick was steadily rising but it had not gotten near flood stage yet, but it also wasn’t far away either. The nice part, so far, was the crick was far enough away to have no direct impact on our house. The lake, on the other hand, was an entirely different story. As the waters, Of Cayuga Lake, rose it began to flow up through the ground. It is one of the bad parts of living so close to the lake.


Part of the problem with knowing if the lake waters were rising was because of the constant rain about every other day. Then, one day after a few days of no rain, I could tell the water was still rising. This could only mean the lake was rising. My first thought was why the people, who controlled the water outflow of the lake, were allowing this to happen. They knew every spring the water needed to be released as quickly as possible because of the runoff from the snow. It made no sense at all, until decades later when I was a bit more intelligent, that there was way too much water to do this.