Hazel Wright and Jeremy Jones - Joseph P Hradisky Jr - E-Book

Hazel Wright and Jeremy Jones E-Book

Joseph P Hradisky Jr

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The power of love is stronger than all the negativity of a black hole. This starts a series of books based on the idea fate has a way of bringing those together as it was intended. Even the way, or false fronts, of the frail human body cannot stop or disuade what the heart wants most - love.

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Joseph P Hradisky Jr

Hazel Wright and Jeremy Jones

The Power of Love Book 1

This book is dedicated to my wonderful wife, Terri, and for all those who believe true love is not only possible but will always happenBookRix GmbH & Co. KG80331 Munich

Hazel Wright and Jeremy Jones

Hazel Wright and Jeremy Jones






The Power of Love Book 1



The power of love is stronger than all the negativity of a black hole





By Joseph P Hradisky Jr


 This book is dedicated to my wonderful wife, Terri, and for all those who believe true love is not only possible but will always happen



The characters in this book are fictitious, they do not represent any person living or dead.



The name of the places are real.



This is the property of Joseph P Hradisky Jr, all rights reserved.

The Accident


It was as though he was in a nightmare. He could see what was happening. He knew he had to do something. Yet, as hard as he tried, everything seemed to go in slow motion. There was no sound. He knew there should have been. Jeremy Jones wanted to scream his frustration. He didn’t. He knew this would be a waste of time, and breath, which was needed for other things more important. Like getting to the car. Something pushed him in this direction. A gut feeling. He never ignored his gut.


Slowly the accident unfolded. It started with a slow driver in the north bound lane. A man, in a Chevy truck, impatient for going 40 miles per hour when the speed limit was 55 mph. The truck driver made an attempt to pass not realizing, or caring, the on coming traffic was way too close. Jeremy was three cars back, but he had been passed by the truck already. The man was an idiot. He could see the oncoming car was too close. By the way the south bound car was moving he knew the driver was not worried about anything. The long line, of cars, made it clear to most people no one would be passing. The driver in that car had no clue as to how wrong they were.


What bothered Jeremy, the most, was why he felt so compelled to get to the car. It wasn’t as if he knew who the driver was. He was still too far away to see the car, much less the driver, clear enough to know that. But his whole body screamed urgency to get there.