I Am The Darkness - Joseph P Hradisky Jr - E-Book

I Am The Darkness E-Book

Joseph P Hradisky Jr

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This is book one of the 'Into The Night' series featuring Roger Armstrong. Roger is an ex-Air Force Security and ex-personal security guard before going into private investigation. This was mainly due to a personal encounter which almost cost him his life. Ultimately the killer was a demon who Roger found he not only could see but hurt. Several investigations later Roger was beginning to be known among the demons as a human not to mess with. He was also starting to realize more of his powers and abilities. During this time he teams up with some old friends he went to school with.

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Joseph P Hradisky Jr

I Am The Darkness

Into The Night Series

I dedicate this book to my wonderful family and the joy they bring me each day. I also dedicate this to all the front line people who risked so much to save so many. Thank you. BookRix GmbH & Co. KG80331 Munich

I am the darkness

A Roger Armstrong Mystery



By Joseph P Hradisky Jr.



I dedicate this book to my wonderful family and the joy they bring me each day.



I also dedicate this to all the frontline people who risked so much to save so many. Thank you.



This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to persons living, or dead, is purely coincidental. Some of the places, in the story, are real. I hope you enjoy figuring out which ones.




Thank you for reading my book as well as all the great writers out there. Writing is about sharing who we are, it is not about the money.



Dayrl Jones was taking his normal walk through Adams park. It was a little past midnight, a strange time for a walk but then there was no one around to bother him. He already had a reputation as a bad ass, so no one messed with him either. What was bothering Dayrl the most was the idea, for being the middle of July, it was rather cold. With it getting colder the farther he walked into the park. All he had on was a pair of dark blue cotton shorts and a t-shirt. The forecast said it would be fine to wear this tonight. It was clear, now, someone had gotten the weather report wrong. Nothing less than usual.


Dayrl also had the feeling someone was following him. This was the first time in a long time he felt this. Early on he had this happen till he killed an attacker in the most brutal way imaginable. The police tried to arrest him for this but, since there were no cameras in the park at that time, they couldn’t prove there was only one attacker. Dayrl also had bruises to show he was defending himself.


      Looking into the night sky he could see fast moving clouds were hiding the full moon which should have been making the park looking almost like day. As fast as the clouds were moving there was no wind blowing close to the ground. Dayrl stopped for a moment to look around. He thought he had heard a noise, but it was gone. What he did see was his own breath. What the hell, he thought, is going on here? Then it took several minutes for him to see what was right in front of him. A nearby tree had leaves looking as though they were freezing. Suddenly falling off the branches.


      Quickly, after deciding it was a better idea, he turned around to leave the park. A great idea until it wasn’t. Shortly he found this might not have been a good idea after all. The farther he walked, toward the park exit, the colder it was getting. Soon he was getting near one, of the many, fountains in the park. What he saw made him come to a sudden stop. The fountain was nothing more than a chunk of ice. A sculpture no person could hope to accomplish. Then came the popping as nearby streetlights blew from the sudden drop in temperature. As the darkness grew so did the drop in temperature.


      Now a wind began to blow as distant lights created an abundance of shadows everywhere Dayrl looked. He tried to start walking again but found he could not move. As if something were holding him to the spot where he was standing. While fighting to move he began to notice the growing amount of shadows. Though he was finding it hard to think he felt some, of the shadows, were moving on their own. Slowly his mind was shutting down from the intense cold, he could barely see out his eyes. It wasn’t much longer before he couldn’t see anything at all, soon after this he lost consciousness.


                  ***   ***   *   ***   ***


      “Here, as I promised.” A shadow threw the soul of Dayrl Jones to the ground in front of a demon. “I don’t care what you do with it as long as you leave me as quickly as possible.”


      It wasn’t hard to hear the disgust in the shadow’s voice. Nor would anyone be left doubting it was done on purpose. The demon picked up Dayrl’s soul, which was still unaware of what was happening to it. “What’s in it for you if you are giving up a valuable object like this?”


      Silence fell heavily over the park for a moment before the shadow spoke. “Let’s just say I want the one who is coming after that soul.”


      The demon didn’t like the answer but made no comment before disappearing. The shadow didn’t like dealing with demons but sometimes there aren’t many choices. Like, now. In order to achieve the success of his plan he would have to do things he normally would not do. After one last calling card the shadow left.