Baby & Dog - Nadja Kalinowski - E-Book

Baby & Dog E-Book

Nadja Kalinowski



Did you get the happy news that you are expecting a baby? Congratulations, this is the start of an exciting time. So far your dog has gotten your undivided attention and you - worry how it will work out with the baby, - are a little unsure what to look out for or - just want to prepare as best you can? Very good, because there are already some exercises that you should do with your dog during pregnancy! For a relaxed life with baby & dog.

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Table of Contents

About me

Training example (true story)


self assessment

Multi- dog household

Consider precautions

Recommendation number 1: Fixed resting place

Recommendation number 2: Bed/ sofa not freely accessible

Recommendation number 3: Child gate


What is important for dog training?

Rest & Sleep

Rituals & Boundaries

What does leadership mean?

10 suggestions for your home

Training before the baby comes

Baby- dog reunion

Coming home with the baby

Take care

What to do if you can`t meet your dogs needs?

Influences from outside

Puppy & Baby


Inside child & dog:

Child- Dog- Rules:



About me

Welcome! I'm so glad you found this book. My name is Nadja Kalinowski ( and I would like to introduce myself:

My path as a professional dog psychologist began in 2013. At that time my male dog Milo was 3 years old and my female dog Lefi was 1 years old. Both dogs are completely different and have challenged me in different areas.

Milo tends to be a loner and very self-confident in many situations. If he is barked at by other dogs on the leash, it does not interest him at all. As a terrier, he wants to be challenged and needs clear rules and structure.

His individual distance, which is the personal distance that he needs to have from strange dogs in order to feel comfortable, is very high. If this is not respected, it may be that he demands distance from the other dog which he will communicate. However, this also causes stress for him.

Over time I learned to understand Milo and his behavior. I can now relieve him of the stress that it is causing him and control the situations for him. In addition, it is nice to see how his trust in me has grown more and more as a result.

Lefi was a hyperactive bundle of energy in her early years. She could not stay alone or walk relaxed on a leash. Her initial panic and fear of dogs didn't make going for walks any easier.

At that time we lived in the middle of Hamburg, Germany with constantly new attractions in front of the door. That was an additional challenge for the training. With a lot of patience and commitment, we were able to successfully work on her issues.

Despite her issues, Lefi's lovely and sweet nature has already helped many children to overcome their fear of dogs. She teaches how to deal with dogs and imparts knowledge in a playful way in kindergarten classrooms and schools.

Through my own experiences with my dogs, I know how my clients feel and how hard the road can be at times.

My dogs have taught me so much. I am grateful for the valuable lessons, especially on the topics of trust and leadership. My learning never stops. I can learn something new from every dog I get to work with.

I now pass on my accumulated knowledge in the field of dog psychology to my customers in the form of online-, home sessions or workshops.

More info:

Training example (true story)

The phone rang, I got a frantic call and headed straight for an emergency training. At the front door I was greeted by a barking Jack Russell Terrier. The woman had a crying newborn in her arms and it was clear to see that the couple were at the end of their wits.

We began with the session and I first started by observing. The dog didn't rest during my stay, he was extremely tense the entire time. The child's screams obviously put him in a hunting mode again and again. He could only be kept away from the baby with a leash.

The parents told me that the day before the baby and dog first met, the dog stood over the baby and stared at her. The situation was very serious and unfortunately my prognosis was not good.

We immediately started setting up rules and developing a concrete training plan. Giving up was not (yet) an option for the couple. Baby and dog weren't allowed to get together for the foreseeable future. I left the couple with a bad feeling.

After a week I came back and was pleasantly surprised. The father kept to all agreements and trained diligently. He slept with the dog in the living room and the woman slept in the bedroom with the baby.

The dog was no longer recognizable. Under my supervision, we reunited baby and dog, with the dog being relaxed this time. There were clear rules that gave the dog the necessary rest.

The dog politely approached the baby this time and picked up the scent. He no longer fell into his hunting behavior when the baby was screaming and was now controllable in all situations. A huge weight fell of my shoulders. I would not have thought such an extreme change in behavior was possible in such a short time, but the owners surpassed themselves.

My work was done and I wished the little family well. They were relieved and overjoyed. Months later, positive news reached me with photos of the relaxed baby & dog.

However, the situation could have turned out very differently.

„Hello Nadja, we wanted to thank you because you helped us so much at the beginning of the year and sent you Christmas greetings. Pepe and the little one get along really well. The dog is very sweet and careful and everything is fine. They play daily by her bringing him things. Warm greetings“

The sooner you start training your dog and preparing him for the changes, the easier it will be for you to adjust once the baby arrives.

This saves you and your dog a lot of stress. Unfortunately, there is no guarantee that it will actually work properly, but this way you don't have to blame yourself later for not having done enough.

If there is a serious danger, persistent stress or excessive demands due to the additional workload, the “worst case” must be considered.

Since I get such requests, including short-term emergency training, more often now, I decided to create a baby & dog program and write it down here.

This program contains all the necessary preparations before the baby arrives, with exercises for the dog and instructions for the first time together.