Banks and Their Customers / A practical guide for all who keep banking accounts from / the customers' point of view - Henry White Warren - E-Book

Banks and Their Customers / A practical guide for all who keep banking accounts from / the customers' point of view E-Book

Henry White Warren

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“Contains a vast amount of useful information intelligently discussed. To educate the public on a technical subject calls for more than ordinary knowledge. It needs what Mr. Warren undoubtedly possesses, and that is a sound, practical understanding, and a thorough common-sense way of setting forth his knowledge in simple form. This our author succeeds admirably in doing.”

The author in a short chapter tells us how and why the joint-stock bank came to dwell among us. Then he plunges into his subject—the Guide for the Customer. The chapter on the cheque and its various crossings is admirable. 

He who keeps his account in credit is told much that he ought to know; the depositor is shown how to check his interest; the borrower how to negotiate a loan or advance; and everybody is told the manner in which he may easily check the charges debited in his pass-book. Speaking for my own bank, I do not care who makes use of this clearly-put information. Let our clients obtain the book by all means. We shall then be spared the trouble of answering a host of stupid questions during the busiest parts of the year.

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Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2019

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