BASIC INCOME AS A HUMAN RIGHT - IF, then do it right! - Alexander Zirkelbach - E-Book

BASIC INCOME AS A HUMAN RIGHT - IF, then do it right! E-Book

Alexander Zirkelbach



For me, basic income should be implemented as a human right. Human rights must be an integral part of a holistic system that also includes the environment we depend on to survive. There are no shades or opinions in the definition of human rights. All people, regardless of location, origin or appearance, deserve basic human rights - food, water, shelter, adequate education, health care and access to resources and services - to realise their highest potential. These rights must be enshrined in the social system. An Unconditional Basic Income would guarantee these human rights for the first time. In my book, I describe for the first time a sustainable path that could lead from a national basic income financed through taxes to a continental introduction paid out through money creation. Furthermore, I take this wonderful idea of an unconditional basic income to its logical conclusion and for the first time bring a comprehensive monetary system reform into the discussion. In order to one day also make possible the basis for a worldwide implementation. From my point of view, money has to serve people and not the other way round. Moreover, it is time to overcome the primitive and inherently limited tax system and to enable a real democracy of the monetary system and society.

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I dedicate this book to all those who find themselves in precarious situations and to all those who have had it far too good so far. The gap between rich and poor in the current situation is widening too much and faster and faster for me as a human being to have a good feeling about it.

Nobody, absolutely nobody, has an advantage in this situation. Everything and everyone depends too much on the others.

We are all one and should pull together as social, peaceful and intelligent beings - for the good of all of us.

In this book I describe a path that can lead us all to enormous prosperity and bring us peace and a wonderful paradise on earth. All it takes is the courage to take the first step.

Let us walk together part of the way to a common good-oriented economic system, with the unconditional basic income as the first, important step. We can make the world a better place because we are human beings.

Together towards basic income!

Alexander Zirkelbach



IF, then do it right!

© 2022 Alexander Zirkelbach

Typesetting by tredition, created with the tredition Text Designer

ISBN Softcover: 978-3-347-73777-8

ISBN Hardback: 978-3-347-73778-5

ISBN E-Book: 978-3-347-73779-2

Printing and distribution on behalf ofof the author:

tredition GmbH, Halenreie 40-44, 22359 Hamburg, Germany

The work, including its parts, is protected by copyright. The author is responsible for the contents. Any exploitation is prohibited without his approval. Publication and distribution are carried out on behalf of of the author, to be reached at: tredition GmbH, department "Imprint service", Halenreie 40-44, 22359 Hamburg, Germany.

Table of contents

How it all began.

Why a basic income?

Basic Income Manifesto

Basic income - Yes, but how?


The fears

But then no one goes to work anymore!

It's not fundable!

But then inflation would rise sharply!

The basic income model UBI+

The “UBI Austria” model

Financing in the first phase

The Basic Income Law

An unfair economic system

The monetary system

The neutral monetary system

The charter of a humane monetary order

Chapter I - The creation of money

Chapter II - Price Stability

Chapter III - Maximum Price Edicts

The account for the good of all

Some thoughts …

The call!

Bonum commune

My blog


How it all began.

My story begins in Tyrol on a mountain farm with my father. These are the earliest and at the same time best memories of my young life. To this day, the smell of the threshing floor is deeply anchored in my consciousness and whenever I think back to what was probably the best time of my childhood, I smell fresh hay, the tractor, wood and nature.

My father comes from an old family of mountain farmers and, as the youngest son, took over his parents' farm, because nobody else wanted to have it at the time.

He is a tough guy and at the same time a very good-natured person who, apart from my mother, probably only got to know work in his life.

And so he worked his whole life on this farm and never had a single day of vacation, as after separating from my mother, he found no other purpose in life than taking care of the farm and its animals.

Due to the separation, I lived and grew up with my mother (single parent) and my two siblings in the district of Favoriten in Vienna, Austria, in a small 38 square metre apartment. The conditions at that time were characterised by great poverty, and so I learned early on what being poor means. These times were very challenging for me, and had a particularly strong impact on me. In these times I missed my father very much.

The separation was very difficult for me and many years later I still thought about the possibility of living with my father again. But the challenges of life, the great distance and the fact, that my mother prevented any contact, meant that my father was no longer available for many years.

I first got to visit my father again when I was doing my apprenticeship. I spent my holidays with him and helped with the farm. But I had been only seven and a half years old when I moved to Vienna with my mother and siblings and had grown up there, and so I could no longer identify with life on the farm.

Deep down in my heart I never forgot my father and always tried to keep in touch with him. Even when I emigrated to Brazil in 1999, I kept talking to him on the phone and - like my mother - sent him lots of photos of my new life and my children and kept in touch with all the people who were important in my life. As a teenager, I once swore to myself that one day I would help end global poverty for good. In Brazil, I could see even greater poverty than I had experienced myself. This made me angry and sad at the same time, and strengthened my resolve to eradicate poverty.

It just can't be people’s intention to continue this deeply inhumane condition.

At that time, my interest in my own species - humans - grew, and I tried to understand it and to analyse its nature. And so I set out to learn more about people, much more than is taught in school.

After many years of observation and countless small trials and tests, I recognised three essential characteristics of people.

“Human beings are born social, peaceful and intelligent beings. ”

Without social care, we humans could not survive, therefore we are social creatures. Humans are peaceful by birth, which can be seen very well in babies and toddlers, as they share everything with everyone. Incidentally, this principle of sharing is the original principle of human beings and is still upheld and lived in all cultures around the world within the smallest social unit - the family. Due to our highly developed brain and the associated abilities to think, speak and change our environment in a targeted manner, we human beings are, already at birth and despite all our weaknesses, the most highly developed life form on earth. Undoubtedly, we are intelligent creatures.

Of course, these properties can change depending on circumstances and environment, as we are shaped by them throughout our lives in one way or another. We are subject to influences by the system in which we live, and every person, even siblings, who basically share the same experiences and adventures, form individual characters, since each of us experiences and interprets things differently.

And that is what is actually fantastic about people: their individuality, which can produce different results even under identical conditions.

This confirms that, because of their individuality, people are not predictable, no matter in which area of their lives.

Here we can already make a very first connection to the unconditional basic income and ask the question:

“Can an unconditional basic income actually be tested?”

I've always found that you can't test a unconditional basic income because every test comes with criteria for success or failure. An unconditional basic income, however, is not about achieving a certain behaviour or fulfilling certain expectations.

Instead, the unconditional basic income is about giving people freedom.

Some people either do not want to accept this or even have very different goals than implementing an indeed unconditional basic income in the spirit of the Human Rights.

And so, a lot of valuable time is being wasted in various regions of the world with testing a basic income, perhaps with the intention to water down the idea as much as possible and to gather arguments for a different design, which probably would no longer have much to do with the original intention.

Early on, I recognised the intention to break with unconditionality, and so I set to work in order to enable a future implementation of a basic income in accordance with human rights, as I am of the opinion that it should have the right form from its inception.

And so the first model for an international, unconditional basic income named UBI+ (unconditional basic income plus) was created, in which I, for the first time, thought the idea through to the end and presented people with a sustainable form of implementation in order to finally break out of the profit-oriented economy.

This model could, thanks to its UBI formula, be applied in any country worldwide.

Before I start talking about the unique concept behind the UBI+ model, I would like to explain some important details in order to enable my readers a better understanding of the whole topic.

So following, I would like to answer the question “Why implement a basic income?”, in a way which is in accordance with my convictions.

Why a basic income?

That is a legitimate question which deserves an answer, as discussions surrounding it are often very emotional, especially when it comes to the unconditional form of a basic income.

Let us go back in time, to a more or less lawless era when people had hardly any rights and everyone was literally on their own.