Brass Quintet or Ensemble (set of parts) "The Stars and Stripes Forever" - John Philip Sousa - E-Book

Brass Quintet or Ensemble (set of parts) "The Stars and Stripes Forever" E-Book

John Philip Sousa

10,99 €

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"The Stars and Stripes Forever" by John Philip Sousa - Brass Quintet Arrangement:
Celebrate American patriotism with "The Stars and Stripes Forever" by John Philip Sousa, brought to life in this intermediate-level Brass Quintet arrangement.
This arrangement, thoughtfully crafted for quintets, offers a vibrant and engaging rendition of Sousa's timeless classic.

Set of Parts (9): This comprehensive set of parts ensures a harmonious performance:

  • 2 Bb Trumpets
  • Horn in F
  • Trombone
  • Tuba
Optional parts are included to accommodate various instrumentations:
  • Eb Horn
  • Bb Tenor Horn (III T.C.)
  • Bb Trombone (IV T.C.)
  • Eb Tuba (T.C.)
Score available in series.

Multilingual Score Cards:
Enhance your performance experience with our included multilingual score cards, available in English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Korean, Japanese, and Chinese. These score cards provide valuable cultural and historical insights into the world of "The Stars and Stripes Forever" allowing you to connect with the music on a deeper level.

This arrangement allows your Brass Quintet to showcase their musical prowess while honoring the rich musical heritage of the United States. Stand proud and perform this iconic piece with gusto!

- partitions pour quintette de cuivres, Noten für Blechbläserquintett, spartiti per quintetto di ottoni, partituras para quinteto de metales, partituras para quinteto de metais, noder til messingkvintet, noter for messingkvintett, noter för mässingskvintett -

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