Chinese Fate Prediction by Birth Hour, Lunar Date & Lunar Month - Arne Walter Ziems - E-Book

Chinese Fate Prediction by Birth Hour, Lunar Date & Lunar Month E-Book

Arne Walter Ziems

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This book provides two methods lesser known in the West to aquire a general Fate reading based on the traditional Chinese Lunar Calendar, plus a method for forecasting ones fate by using the Birth Hour based on the 12 daily Hours of the Chinese Zodiac.

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Compiled by: Arne Walter Ziems, June 2024


This book is part of the series “Translation of Chinese Classics”

Vol. I


„The Duke of Zhou´s Book of Dreams“

Vol. II


„The Dun Huang Source Book of Dreams“

Vol. III


„Neun Sterne des Drachen“. Ein Feng Shui Klassiker der Landschafts-gestaltschule.”

Vol. IV


“Des Gelben Kaisers Klassiker der Stätten”

Vol. V


“The Earth Mother Classic”

Vol. VI


“Chinese Fate Prediction by Birth Hour, Lunar Date & Lunar Month”

Chinese Fate prediction by birth hour, lunar date & lunar month

Fate prediction by Chinese birth hour


Rat year

Ox year

Tiger year

Rabbit year

Dragon year

Snake year

Horse year

Goat year

Monkey year

Rooster year

Dog year

Pig year

Fate prediction by Chinese lunar birth date


Rat year

Ox year

Tiger year

Rabbit year

Dragon year

Snake year

Horse year

Goat year

Monkey year

Rooster year

Dog year

Pig year

Fate prediction by Chinese lunar birth month


Rat year

Ox year

Tiger year

Rabbit year

Dragon year

Snake year

Horse year

Goat year

Monkey year

Rooster year

Dog year

Pig year

Appendix 1

Chinese lunar calendar 1912-2060

Rat year

Rat hour, Zi: 23:00-01:00

A Rat person who is born at the hour of the Rat is likely to live a happy and easy life. Although they have limited means of support from their parents, and their relationships with their next kin may be lacking, they are likely to receive help from benefactors helping them to set up a good career. These people are strong-willed, tenacious, considerate, skilled and smart.

Ox hour, Chou: 01:00-03:00

A Rat person born at the hour of the Ox is likely to encounter many happy events throughout his or her life. The career of males is likely to succeed well and they also may have a beautiful wife. Female Rat persons are likely to enjoy a comfortable life and can get wealthy.

Tiger hour, Yin: 03:00-05:00

A Rat person born at the hour of the Tiger tends to be clever and bright, multi-purposed and of good taste and manners. They can enjoy a happy and comfortable life. Females share all these traits, however they tend to spend too much money which makes it harder for them to succeed.

Rabbit hour, Mao: 05:00-07:00

A Rat person born at the hour of the Rabbit is blessed with a magnificent, fortunate and peaceful life. Their ancestral heritage is solid. They are likely to enjoy wealth as well as getting help from their family as well as from benefactors. They are bold and brave and capable of shrewd discernment. With all these traits success and victory become their lifelong companions.

Dragon hour, Chen: 07:00-09:00

A Rat person born at the hour of the Dragon lacks ancestral foundation or root. They seldom have the support of their next kin. Although they are aspiring and have talent, their life is a mix of ups and downs which makes it hard to achieve steady success in their career.

Snake hour, Si: 09:00-11:00

A Rat person born at the hour of the Snake is likely to face a life of many disappointments and a mediocre career. It is hard for them to get the help of benefactors and although they are usually of a good nature and character, they tend to draw the resentment of others onto them. They may have more than one sexual partner at a given time, which invites trouble.

Horse hour, Wu: 11:00-13:00

A Rat person born at the hour of the Horse suffers a clash of their birth hour with their birth year. They are prone of being quick tempered and impatient and find it hard to build up good connections with others. They encounter wild upswings and downturns in life, when their life is good they tend to be elated; when not so good, crushed and downtrodden. They often have stern or strict parents, they often get into fights and disputes with others, this proves to become a danger for themselves.

Goat hour, Wei: 13:00-15:00

A Rat person born at the hour of the Goat is likely to go through major fluctuations of his or her life. Their ancestral foundation is not thick, their relationship with their parents could be better and they tend to get rather little support from others. But they have ambition, do not easily give up and are tenacious, so they actually can have success in a fast way with what they want to accomplish. The huge fluctuations in their life result from knowing how to have success, but not knowing how to keep it.

Monkey hour, Shen: 15:00-17:00

A Rat person born at the hour of the Monkey is likely to lead a fortunate life. It is easy for them to receive favours from benefactors and friends, usually leading to a good career. This birth hour helps them to have good relationships with their parents as well as with superiors. They are ethical people. The inevitable ups and downs in their life usually do not endanger or harm their basic existence, they are able to overcome most difficulties.

Rooster hour, You: 17:00-19:00

A Rat person born at the hour of the Rooster is blessed with a long lifespan. They are being well sheltered by their parents and return their favour. On the other hand their relationship with their brothers and sisters can be quite mediocre. They easily receive help from others in their career and are of a mellow, pleasant and ethical mindset.

Dog hour, Xu: 19:00-21:00

A Rat person born at the hour of the Dog encounters hardships and lots of ups and downs in life. They rarely inherit a fortune from their parents and the health of them may be not good. They can manage their fate by helping their parents and making efforts for a more stable career.

Pig hour, Hai: 21:00-23:00

A Rat person born at the hour of the Pig usually faces bad health and meets with many disappointments in their life. They usually are in good terms with their parents, but do not go along well with their brothers and sisters. Their luck for benefactors is bad, which makes it difficult for them to achieve a good career, however their livelihood nonetheless is secured. These people should take heed of rheumatism.

Ox year

Rat hour, Zi: 23:00-01:00

An Ox person born at the hour of the Rat usually marries early in their life. They tend to have many children and are blessed with a good family life. They can expect success in their career around mid age. On the flip-side their health tends to be not as good and they rarely reach a very old age.

Ox hour, Chou: 01:00-03:00

An Ox person born at the hour of the Ox is likely to be well educated, blessed with literary talent and also a good level of intelligence. However, they have difficulty putting their vast knowledge into practical effect and they usually lack benefactors and the help of others, which leads to an average life.

Tiger hour, Yin: 03:00-05:00

An Ox person born at the hour of the Tiger can be described as a loner. Their lack of social skills is what prevents them from having success and achievements, which they usually blame on others or the circumstances. However, they have the luck to turn bad situations into good ones and more often than not they find help from benefactors.

Rabbit hour, Mao: 05:00-07:00

An Ox person born at the hour of the Rabbit often faces the loss of their parents early on. They usually also encounter many ups and downs in their life. They tend to lack people helping them which includes their relatives. However once they start learning from their failures, they can rely on and use their unbreakable spirit to conquer their destiny and make it to their own will.

Dragon hour, Chen: 07:00-09:00

An Ox person born at the hour of the Dragon usually is out of luck with their relationships with the other sex and tend to suffer a poor or a failing marriage. For these people it would be most helpful that they find a marriage partner with a matching astrological chart. Their main door should face East direction. They usually cannot retain a lot of money, however their life tends to be comfortable instead.

Snake hour, Si: 09:00-11:00

An Ox person born at the hour of the Snake tends to enjoy a successful career as well as a comfortable life. They need to learn to live with the jealousy to their success which others tend to generate, which means that they need to prepare and deal with the backstabbing of others. As this backstabbing usually will be unfounded, they rarely get harmed by it. Developing a humble mindset and nurturing a friendly and polite approach to their peers will help them a lot.

Horse hour, Wu: 11:00-13:00

An Ox person born at the hour of the Horse tends to suffer from bad luck in love and marriage. Males tend to be playboys or womanizers, while females tend to have extramarital affairs, making it hard for both of them to have success in marriage.

Goat hour, Wei: 13:00-15:00

An Ox person born at the hour of the Goat usually faces a lot of ups and downs in life. However, they usually are blessed with their marriage and as long as they make the best use of the opportunities opening up to them and also are working hard, they will be able to turn their life into a success.

Monkey hour, Shen: 15:00-17:00

An Ox person born at the hour of the Monkey is blessed with the luck of turning bad into good. They have good luck in their careers and will always get help from benefactors. Whether being in a governmental position or being in business, they tend to experience a lot of successes. At a riper age they tend to enjoy good fortune and a happy family. These people get all the good stuff in life.

Rooster hour, You: 17:00-19:00

An Ox person born at the hour of the Rooster should think twice before making any big decision or venturing on a great endeavour. Once they rush in to a decision, they are likely to fail or lose money. It is hard for them to pile up a lot of wealth and they tend to encounter many vicissitudes in life. These are ambitious people and their ambition keeps them going. They should avoid ladders or heights because they are prone to falling down, also they should beware of dogs biting them.

Dog hour, Xu: 19:00-21:00

An Ox person born at the hour of the Dog is persistent and of a high spirit. They find it very easy to get the help of benefactors, enabling them to earn good money. Their life tends to be smooth and they tend to achieve big things far from home. Tending to be a bit headstrong, they may get into meaningless quarrels with others, so they may train themselves to be more considerate with what they think, say and do.

Pig hour, Hai: 21:00-23:00

An Ox person born at the hour of the Pig tends to leave their home early. They tend to have special skills enabling them to achieve success in the areas of those skills. They tend to have weak bonds with their family, but that does not bother them much.

Tiger year

Rat hour, Zi: 23:00-01:00

A Tiger person born at the hour of the Rat tends to wish for a lot in life, but usually does not get much help from friends and family. Their aspirations therefore usually do not realise well, also partially because of their rather mediocre talents. However, once they use their willpower, they can make their way to success.

Ox hour, Chou: 01:00-03:00

A Tiger person born at the hour of the Ox tends to be optimistic, sociable and kind hearted. They easily receive help from others and are blessed with the luck of turning bad things into good ones. Being gifted with intelligence and an open mind, they easily find the good aspects of any situation. They tend to enjoy a life without too many problems, only thing they should take good care of would be their health.

Tiger hour, Yin: 03:00-05:00

A Tiger person born at the hour of the Tiger is usually smart, has an agile mind and an above average memory capacity. They can become an outstanding expert in an intellectual field. To achieve such success, they need to build it upon their own efforts from early on.

Rabbit hour, Mao: 05:00-07:00

A Tiger person born at the hour of the Rabbit never needs to worry about a lack of attention from or luck with the opposite sex. They tend to display a lot of charm and are quite uninhibited. Beauties flock around them all their life. They are well educated and gifted, but tend to not make much use of that other than for kindling their many love affairs.

Dragon hour, Chen: 07:00-09:00

A Tiger person born at the hour of the Dragon rarely gets support from friends, family or benefactors. They tend to strive a lot yet often achieve little. They tend to run into several accidents, however none of them is severe. On the other hand they are blessed with agility, intelligence and know a lot, also their health tends to be good. Once they leave their home-town, they can have great success.

Snake hour, Si: 09:00-11:00

A Tiger person born at the hour of the Snake is likely to face many ups and downs in life and many problems. Their link with their family is weak, however they are likely to find a good marriage partner. For all their lack, they are prone to depression. Widening their horizon by educating themselves and mingling with society would help them.

Horse hour, Wu: 11:00-13:00

A Tiger person born at the hour of the Horse tends to be modest, straight, bold and gifted. They can have good fortune in official positions. They love their parents and as well their marriage partners. Most likely they will achieve glory and earn a good reputation.

Goat hour, Wei: 13:00-15:00

A Tiger person born at the hour of the Goat tends to live an agreeable life and gets a lot of help from benefactors and friends. They can turn bad luck into good luck. However their bonds to their kin are rather weak, so they need to lean on their own efforts to overcome the problems they face, until eventually they get help from others.

Monkey hour, Shen: 15:00-17:00

A Tiger person born at the hour of the Monkey is better off when they depart from their home and go abroad, either with the army or as a business person. They are faithful, genuine and of a humane character. Also they are unafraid of dangers as well as diligent, so they are likely to get promoted often. Their bravery may lead to injury, however this will only add to their reputation.

Rooster hour, You: 17:00-19:00

A Tiger person born at the hour of the Rooster is intelligent, able, alert and possesses an outstanding memory capacity. They have literary talent, drawing fame to them. If they are also born in a good month, they might well greatly serve their nation. Their health could be better, but they always receive help from benefactors.

Dog hour, Xu: 19:00-21:00

A Tiger person born at the hour of the Dog is born with a shallow ancestral link, therefore they might face a difficult upbringing. Their luck changes for the better in their mid-life. They tend to take things not too seriously and are smart, agile and well spoken, thus earning the respect of many people. Once they choose to become more thorough, they can earn even more esteem from the people around them.

Pig hour, Hai: 21:00-23:00

A Tiger person born at the hour of the Pig tends to face many adversities in life. They cannot expect too much help from others and have to rely on their own independent efforts and work through their difficulties on their own. However they are quite talented and once they work on having better social connections and start listening to the advice of others, their circumstances will improve.

Rabbit year

Rat hour, Zi: 23:00-01:00

A Rabbit person born at the hour of the Rat is flowery and falls in love easily. Marriage does not mean much to them, so they may divorce easily. Their love affairs and the resulting problems are of no big concern for them. Once they give the matter of marriage more importance and curb their romantic urges, they can have a successful marriage.

Ox hour, Chou: 01:00-03:00

A Rabbit person born at the hour of the Ox tends to be decent, goal driven, open minded, diligent, gifted, just and intelligent. They enjoy the support of their relatives and gain many friends. They tend to study hard in youth, enabling them to climb up the ladder of success. They tend to accomplish what they strive for, gain a good reputation and enjoy good fortune. In their old age, they usually enjoy a peaceful life.

Tiger hour, Yin: 03:00-05:00

A Rabbit person born at the hour of the Tiger is gifted, hardworking and straight. They have to build their fortune upon their own efforts, because there are few people to help them. They experience a mix of luck and hardly can amass a lot of money. They respect their friends and are decent people. They may suffer from emotional instabilities, but rarely blame or attack others. They usually leave their home early on, usually have an unstable mid-age, but can live an agreeable life in their old age.

Rabbit hour, Mao: 05:00-07:00

A Rabbit person born at the hour of the Rabbit is talented in the martial areas, they make good officers. Being smart, brave, well educated and able they can master many exploits and dangers. They tend to become famous and gain a good reputation. They have to take heed of being injured in dangerous environments.

Dragon hour, Chen: 07:00-09:00

A Rabbit person born at the hour of the Dragon usually is able, intelligent and aspiring, however they may not always meet with the success they strive for. The reason for that is that they do not care too much for making any well designed plans, but rather recklessly rush into action. They start learning from their many mistakes only from about mid-age onwards. Once they become a little wiser, success usually follows.

Snake hour, Si: 09:00-11:00

A Rabbit person born at the hour of the Snake is of a kind being, but emotionally unstable. They are prone to hurt others with their words, but usually do not intend to do so. They have no great catastrophes happening in their life, but have to earn their living depending on themselves, for they have little benefactor luck. Success and stability usually only arrives around mid-age for them. At the end of their career life they usually have success, but they then need to take care not to become the victim of evil people.

Horse hour, Wu: 11:00-13:00

A Rabbit person born at the hour of the Horse gets little support from their family, but gets help from benefactors, enabling them to have a successful career. They are blessed with turning bad luck into good luck. They are good looking and gifted. Males tend to have a beautiful wife, while the husband of females is a capable man. Their marriage usually is a good one.

Goat hour, Wei: 13:00-15:00

A Rabbit person born at the hour of the Goat is very smart and gifted. They can succeed both in the martial domain or in the civil domain and have a successful career. They receive a lot of help from their parents, but will have to face the animosity of evil people. To resolve this, they need to make use of their connections with their true friends.

Monkey hour, Shen: 15:00-17:00

A Rabbit person born at the hour of the Monkey is faced with lots of vicissitudes in their life. Their parents are prone to be divorced and they rarely get help from their siblings. They have the gift of turning bad luck into good luck and nothing majorly bad will happen to them. They will succeed with honour in the end, because they treat failures as precious chances to learn and do it better the next time.

Rooster hour, You: 17:00-19:00